As I was in Northampton visiting Louise, we both treated ourselves to a blow dry at a hairdressers, as having long hair can take up far too much time to wash, dry and style, when we could be having quality chummy time instead (plus, there’s nothing better than pamper sessions with your best mate).
I would normally just get my hair curled or styled down as I am very boring with my hair, but for a change, I asked for something a bit more “out there”. I have eyed a few episodes of The X Factor USA and spotted Demi Lovato’s love for plaits/braids and wanted to see if I could pull it off with my little pea head. I actually think this style is so cute, and great for a nice day/night out. You could say it’s a little bridal but I think the messy bun deters from that a bit. I wish I could replicate this at home, but alas, I can only do standard and fishtail braids. French plaits have never been my “thing”. I’ve tried on so many occasions to try and do them, but I fail miserably every time. I’m now considering studying “HOW TO” braid tutorials on YouTube.
For Makeup, now it’s Autumn and the nights are drawing in quicker and the leaves are turning brown and crispy, I thought it apt to change up my makeup up a bit (maybe I was feeling a bit daring this day). I treated myself to a new lipstick from the YSL counter, I picked up this dark berry colour in “Rouge Pur Couture 205”. For my eyes I used a “By Terry Ombre BlackStar Colour-Fix Cream Eye Shadow in Brown Perfection*” which is a lovely Taupe, Shimmer Brown. I then blended it out on it’s own with my Mac 217 brush & Voila. My new love and eye staple was born. Now I just need the rest of the colours…(Mischievous giggle).
Are you changing up your makeup bag this autumn?
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Loving your autumnal makeup that lipstick looks soo nice x
You look so pretty Zoe! Love your hair too!xx
Love this look!! That lipstick is amazing!
Hair and make up looks stunning as always!
Your hair is so nice! Love this look :)
The first picture is so pretty! And If I didn't know then I'd have to think for a bit to realize it's you on the last one. But that's in a good sense! I absolutely adore dark lips for Fall and I don't even care some people say it makes me look like a vampire and my boyfriend just says "not my color" :D I still love the combo of dark purple lips and my bright red hair (:
Love your hair styles and videos! Hope you start to blog more!
I'm so bad at braids too! That's why I went for a fringe instead.
x Elina
Love your hair and lipstick in this!
YSL has always felt like autumn to me.
I love your hair and make-up :) The lipstick is especially pretty! x
Rachael | ♥
Gorgeous look, Zoe! I'm so boring with my hair as well- half the time I struggle just trying to get the tangles out of it. This look is inspiring, though and although I'm sure I couldn't do this myself, it makes me feel like trying a little something different with my hair (if even just a standard braid…fish tail braids make my fingers hurt, haha) xx
These pictures are taken soo well I love them! I wish I could do that with my hair but I'm not very good at french plaits either :( This lipstick color is gorgeous lovely look! :)
Sofia x
I like your hair zoe :) But I don't feel just because the season's changing you have to change your make up. I'm really into bright colors for myself. Dark make up suit you but i prefer your bright red lipstick! You still look pretty either way I think !
WHY ARE YOU SO PRETTY! ♥ I love your hair like this, suits you! And loving the lip colour too. xo
Holly |
This is gorgeous! Love that hair style
Em –
you look so beautiful!
letsmakeitup has amazing braid tutorials, shes so good and explains it really well, you should try some of her tutorials, they look reallly hard but she makes them look so good! beautiful by the way!
you look amazing Zoe!!x
this is stunning! looks so good with your ombre as well X
you're so beautiful :) x
did you remember to give louise the book we made for baby glitter? Love the look :)
your hair is so beautiful, i love this hairstyle :-) makeup also looks gorgeous x
You look beautiful Zoe and this hairstyle is so lovely, I'd love to be able to do this to my hair :)
Charlotte x
This is so beautiful! I love that look <3
Both your hair and make up look absolutely gorgeous!! Could you maybe do a little tutorial on the make up at some point? :)
Lots of love,
Becky xx
I love this style, although I think this is something for when it's november, like the really dark days… no offense, love it anyway on you :) Love you ♥
Wow I love your hair so much ! Gorgerous pictures x
Your hair looks amazing! I have such a full head of hair though so I'd probably struggle to keep my head up if I had this hairstyle haha.
As much as I love Autumn, I still prefer typical Summer make-up. So no dark lips for me! :)
love your hair and lipstick :) looks gorgeous!
xx Vivi
Love your hair like this and your make up!x
You look so beautiful! The hair and the makeup are both absolutely gorgeous :)
Tayla x
It looks lovely Zoe! Your highlights really brings out the braid.
Essence of Jess
Your hair looks amazing I love the makeup too xx
wow you look so amazing !:)
I very very like watch your film on YT and read your blog, u a to me authority,and I Think that you are so pretty !:)
Keep kisses :)
This hairstyle is beautiful with ombre hair, only wish I had the time, patience and skills to do this to my own hair!
Omg I love your hair and makeup!
So pretty!!
I've been loving Demi Lovato's hair on The X Factor lately too. This looks SO good on you!
I love you zoe! You're so pretty xx
This hairstyle is amazing! Dark lipstick suits you so much, I wish wore it more often!
I love the contrast of the dark and light hair in that braided updo! And that dark lip color suits the look as well, definitely going to experiment with deeper reds and plums for the fall time =P
Zoe, you look stunning!! I love the make up and the hair is amazing!!
Zoe you look amazing as always. Whatever you do with your hair or face you always look super cool. Wish you all the best because you deserve it! Stay happy :)
Your hair looks great Zoe, the ombre really makes it!x
This is soo pretty, I'd love to know how to do this!!
This hairstyle is gorgeous!! I'm really tempted to try this with my hair as mines quite long too. And I have told myself that I am going to step out of my comfort zone a bit this autumn and try wearing darker lipsticks :)
Amazing ! It's so pretty !
I love this look! The lipstick is so pretty and I definitely have to get that jumper.
it can take a VERY long while to learn how to braid well, but it certainly is possible – this hair definitely looks AMAZING, so it would definitely be worth it <3
Love it! Both the hair and makeup are gorgeous!
your eyes looks so so pretty!
I really wish you could give me a make over.
*keep on dreaming :( *
That make up looks really un-like you but not in a bad way! It's gorgeous that I wouldn't wear that dark a lip colour in real life I guess. But with the light and the dark eye/dark lip combo, the pictures look so beautiful!
Wow, those pictures are so pretty! Loving this make-up style btw xx
Saw this on instagram the other day and i love it..i wish i could do something like that :/ i also love the lipstick :) kisses from germany xo
So gorgeous!
Liza | Glambeautys | YouTube
You look fabulous!!! =D
Please, check out my blog
Thanks! xx
THAT is literally peerrrfffectttt!! //FANCYTHEE
Love this look. The hairstyle is amazing.
pretty zoe I like it like that
Beautifull zoeeee, ilove youu💕 you are simply amazing. It would mean the world if i could meet you.
Oh Zoe stop being so beatiful, please? ;). This hairstyle looks so beautiful it reminds me of Taylor Swift a bit actually and that dark lippie is lush, lush, lush. I adore autumn/winter make up and hair and even with pale skin I love rocking deep berry reds :) xoxo
I love this hairstyle! So pretty! ♥ Very lovely post
I am definitely trying to change my make up depending on the season. I am currently loving matte dark brown eye shadow and dark red lips
That is soo pretty!! xxxxxx
such a gorgeous hairstyle, you look nice with your hair up :) the makeup is gorgeous too. x
You look beautiful! I always search on youtube "how to" braids tutorials, I have tried a few ones but I couldn't do it haha. Love the makeup, I think it's perfect for autumn, now I miss this season but i'm enjoying spring!
U look awesome Zoe :))
This is so pretty Zoe! I know what you mean about french braids not being "your thing" – i can do standard or fishtail braids, but I really can't do french braids at all! I don't know what it is, they're just don't work… haha, anyway! That lipstick is gorgeous, may have to make an investment;)
Typical Teen Times!
Such a gorgeous look. I always think its hard to pull off a 'up do', they often look like not much effort has gone into it. I adore this look – weekend hair inspiration for sure!
Belle x
Mascara & Maltesers
This hairstyle is amazing, wish I could do my hair like that on my own! ;-)
x Sofie
beautiful make-up and hair:)
That hair style really suits you!
And the make up is so autumnal! :)
So pretty!! look the lips! xxx
Your hair looks amazing!!! Love your lipstick too :)
so pretty, zoe ♥
So pretty Zoe! I've been eyeing up that lipstick for a while and it looks great on you! :)
awww so cute and different!
wow, i love the hair x
What hair dressers did you get this styled at ? It looks amazing xx
Such a nice nice look! xx
You look beautiful!
You look so lovely!! I love your hair this way, it looks so amazing on you!!
I get serious hair envy when I look at you! haha
Kallie @ But First, Coffee
Beautiful! The lip colour is stunning and the hair is so unique, love it! :) xx
It's beautiful Zoella! :) It's darker than usual bit for autumn it's perfect ;)
Margot (from
I love it <3
love your hair!!!!!
This is such a pretty look and works so well on your hair! :)
Saadiya x
Gorgeous hairstyles! Braids really suit you!
such a lovely long hair!
such a great look, both hair & make up compliment each other very well! the YSL lipstick is just beautiful (must add it to the wish list) xx
harlean rose
Love the look, it is so so pretty on you! x
Lovely look! I try to do my hair all fancy like this but fail miserably also! Perhaps I will try this look out tomorrow!
I love your hair and makeup so much!! You are so pretty. Your videos and blogs always make me smile :) xx
I agree! Dark colours really suit her!
I absolutely love the lip colour. It's something different from what you usually wear :)
absolutely love the look, wish i could try out the hair on myself!x
You're absolutely beautiful! You have also inspired me to write my own blog<3
Aaah I love that lipstick color so much, and your hair looks so pretty like that!
You look gorgeous Zoe <33
Love the YSL lipstick!
Hair's looking fantastic Zoe – as are you! :)
the different colours in your hair look amazing styled like this!
you have such lovely hair zoe please check out my channel new to the blogging industry xoxox
Wow this hairstyle really suits you looks very effortless but classy! Hopefully I'll br able to re create it :)
-Sarah x
Amazing like always, I do think you bright colours are a bit more beautiful. But anyway great look!<3
the dark eye & lip are stunning. but, i guess i can't expect anything else from you!
I love the hair! It's so pretty§ And could you do a tutorial of your makeup this is so nice and perfect! :) xx
This is such a gorgeous look on you!
Natalie xx
What a faboulous look. I love the hair and I'm glad you decided to experiament a bit more because I think you just found something amazing
The braids are absolutely lovely! What a beautiful look :)
What a gorgeous look, you look stunning Zoe!
Loving the braiding… You are right about it being near bridal (I worked on a wedding recently and created a similar style to this) but you are right, the texture in the bun balances it out to being fun and smart/casual. In months to come I am hoping to add tutorials to my youtube channel on how to do certain styles… I am currently doing tutorial evenings once a month in the salon I work in and they are really popular!
The make up is stunning…its made me really want to try this season's darker shades :) xxx
This is gorgeous! Wish I could do this with my hair!!
Emily xxx
love your hair!! you look so pretty as usual <3
Please can you go check out me and my bestfriends new blog? We started it a few weeks ago and really want to take it somewhere and get better and better over the weeks, months and hopefully years! Thanks xxxxx
So pretty!!
I've coloured my hair ombre this fall, bought some fall nail polishes and lipsticks because you're a true inspiration and I love your looks :)
So pretty!!
So pretty!!
Love this! It looks lovely :)
I love plaits for fall :) As it's very windy where I'm from they're extremely convenient! Gorgeous makeup, I'll have to invest in a few darker colors I think
Sydney xx
your hair looks so gorgeous, love it
I love this hair style!!
You're so gorgeous!
I live near Northampton, one day I hope to stumble upon you and Louise!
Ah so pretty! Your hair looks amaaaazing x
You look so entirely different! This is a gorgeous makeup look and hair do.
I wonder how tiny you are in real life but your long hair suits you so well, and this braid is so flattering.
I hope you manage to figure out the braid!
Sej || What Would Grace Kelly Say
omg!that hairstyle and makeup are the best I have ever seen you with!they suit you perfectly!
Love your makeup! So pretty.Raspberrykiss xo
So pretty! I love braided hair styles. :)
Your hair is gorgeous like that! xx
Messy yet chic. Love :)
If you don't like to do French braid I think you should watch Jenn's video (the hair part, around 3:00) – it's super easy and looks great every time! I've also been wearing it with a bun, and it has soon become my favourite style for the lazy days ;) Anyway, here's the link:
This is gorgeous, I only ever have the confidence to wear my hair down :(
Love the makeup too :) very Autumnal!
OMGGG! Love your hair!
International Giveaway!
That looks so good on you Zoe!!! i love your hair
Adore the hair…This autumn I'm wanting to try a dark berry colour more daring than I have been before. x
I MADE A DEAR TYLER VIDEO! Take a look if you'd like (:
Zoe you should check out CuteGirlsHairstyles! It's basically a youtube channel which teaches you how to do loads of awesome things with your hair. Thanks to them I finally learnt how to french braid :D Good luck x
I love the hair! I recently wrote a blog post "All About Hair" for anyone interested x x
Love your hair, the ombre looks amazing!
Free Blog Header | Dreamy
Demi Lovato's hair is a great inspiration! That woman is beyond gorgeous and she seems to change her look ever other day, but at least she pulls it off well!
That color is gorgeous from YSL. I own a light, poodle pink called, 'Lingerie Pink' and it's very pretty, but not for autumn or winter – I need to go shopping!
I've really started to love berry colours on the lips :) so pretty :3
wow you look so amazing and autumnal. you look beautiful zoe! x
I love the lip colour on you and the hairstyle is gorgeous.
xo Ashley
Love the new lippy!
SO beautiful!! stunning!! I love this post!
Dark colours really suit you! Lovely balance with your hair and skin tone :) I know you say that you're hair's hard to handle sometimes but I do love it so much.
This is a lovely makeup! I've been meaning to experiment with some darker colors for autumn.
Can you do a makeup tutorial on this look please????!!!
I love everything about this look! And these pictures are absolutely gorgeous. It's fun to do something with your hair every now and then – I'm a bit bipolar when it comes to my hair so every time I go to the hairdressers I get something different.
wow, soooooo beautiful! ombre hair on you is just gorgeous. and i love the dark lip too. i basically love everything about this!!
happy autumn<3
I love these colors on you! And, like always, your hair is amazing. I went shopping the other day, and…I picked up an orange lipstick. Your love for orange is contagious! XD
Please check out my blog if you get a chance!! :) It would mean the world to me
Thank you!! :)
Zoe you look amazing! I love this hairstyle!
French braid is not my thing too. But practice make perfect :)
Anna Czarina
Makes me want to go to beauty school just to learn how to do things like that to my hair, so so pretty.
god, you are gorgeous girl ! love you xx
Your hair and makeup is gorgeous! I love it
this look is on point :)
Your hair looks amazing zoe!
x leah symonne x
The ombre I have to say gives it a pretty look! :)
Jes | Naturally Jes
Pretty you <3
I really like how you got the inspiration from Demi. Your ombre coloured hair really complements this look zoe! I will definitely try something like this ! The pictures are great, you look beautiful!
You look so pretty!
Love the hairstyle! You look adorable!
Your hair looks stunning :) I wish I could recreate this look but my curly hair is quite temperamental and hardly ever looks how I want it too!
I absolutely LOVE the look! It suits you so much! :) I may attempt the hairstyle but I've got a feeling I'll fail miserably!
Maddy xxx
Gorgeous look Zoe! Loving this look on your :)
These photos are so beautiful! Loving this look on you x
Dark colours really suit you! I'm changing up my makeup look a bit for summer (there is a southern hemisphere…as many forget!) with more brights for lips and cheeks :)
I love this look, you look stunning, Zoe! The braided updo looks gorgeous on you. And I really love the colour of your lips.
Sofie x
Your hair looks amazing! I love it so much. I'm hoping to get some darker colours for my makeup this autumn and be a bit daring – scary!
I love the braid at the front, however I can never get mine to look like that :(
Ahh, your hair is so pretty!!
Scent of Fashion
Your hair always looks amazing!;0
x x x
Love the look and your hair! You look gorgeous! <3
You look absolutely adorable and I feel like diving into fall now but it's still hot at my end! :/ Anyways, love the spiced up hairdo! :) x
Jasmine Catches Butterflies ʚϊɞ
Amazing :)
Wow – this hairstyle is beautiful!
I'm growing my hair longer at the moment so I can try more messy up do's like soon.
Love the blog – as always!
Your hair is looking so unbelievable good, as always ;) I almost want to kidnap your hair, lol :D Have a nice day Zoella :-)
This hairstyle looks great on you. Love your hair, it's so long!
Love this look ! :-)
Great makeup and hairdo!
Kisses from
Today I show you my personal view of the Eugenio Loarce's fashion show during the last Valencia Fashion Week!.
Update your wardrobe with my 2 WINNERS Giveaway
I absolutely love this!
I'm obsessed with the dark lips for fall as well!
Yay for fall!
You look stunning Zoe! I love that hair style! x
If you want to know how to do styles like that visit this mums blog "cute girls hairstyles" it's fantastic! and easy to follow
Your hair is so perfect.
the dark lipstick and eyeshadow really suit you!! :)
This hairystyle is so lovely! You look absolutely gorgeous, and I love the darker lipstick.
The dark lipstick looks amazing on you!
Wow, you are so beautiful! This hairstyle is just amazing. I would love to try it out for myself but I don't think it would turn out that great… Anyway, great blogpost and you look gorgeous in your autumnal make up! Very inspiring,
Julia xx
Love it! As well is so pretty on you!! :) please check out my blog ?:)
ahhhh, so beautiful Zoe!! The hairstyle is incredible. The makeup is w o w.
Love you Zoe xxx
I loooove the look of this look, both hair and makeup – kind of like vampy chic! :) Gorgeous! xoxo
Emily ⎜
I agree, the lipstick is ah-mazing!!!
Love, xx
I LOVE the dark color on you. I've been wearing dark lip colors, too. Even if they can get a little gothy, I like that look on everyone and I wish more people would join in!
love it! you are the best blogger Zoe!
i love all your videos on youtube.. ummm this is actually my first time commenting on some sort of internet thing…. i love your hair and makeup that you do helped me get through my anxiety .when my anxiety started getting worse i watched your video that you did , then after i watched that video i started watching all your other videos and all your friends videos and i started feeling better because your faces were so happy and it made me happy. just to make sure u know ive watched everyone of your vlogs and i watch it everytime you post a video up.the lipstick and the eye shadow suit you very well and i like how you did your hair in this blog are amazing at what you do , i cant even tell you how much i love you and if you ever read this and i think you wont because there is Millons of others writing a comment right now but can you tell Louise that i love her and her daughter Darcy to. you and Louise are so funny when you guys are together like when you and Louise was advertising that bottle of water and you decide to pretend like your gonna lick it that was funny .but its more funny when the whole gang is together because they do ridiculous things ,especially Caspar ….but Tanya burr and Jim Chapman are so adorable and tanya looks so sweet because she is always polite ….you and Alfie deyes seem so awesome together hope you guys are having fun and not letting comments on videos get in the way..
brittney perry (britbrat99 on blogspot)and(britbrat6999 on youtube)
P.S. i love Zoella,sprinklofglitr,thatcherjoe,jimchapman,tanyaburr,jacksgap,finn harries,funforlouis,pointlessblog,dicasp,marcusbutler,dailygrace,tyleroakley,joeygraceffa,troyesivan,fleurdeforce,and last but not least the rest of the gang that are usually with you.
So edgy and beautiful!
This is such a lovely look on you, The darker colours really suit you!! I tried a darker lip before on me but didn't look quite right on my, shame as I really like the dark lip trend.
This hair is absolutely gorgeous with your ombre, love it!
emaerie | blogspot
Awh, so pretty! That hairstyle really suits you Zoe!
Sliczne zdjecia!!!
I absolutely love this love! It seems like every look suits you Zoe.
Lots of love, Sophie Jane
It looks so lovely xxx
I'm going out on a date tonight, I should never have watch this blog post because NOW I WANT THE SAME but I'll never be able to do it on my own ! :(
You look flawless Zoe ! <3
you look absolutely amazing Zoe i love this hairdo on you and the new makeup is perfection
Now I'm trying to figure out exactly what's going on with that hairstyle … don't give up on french braids, btw! I only learned how to do them this year myself – youtube tutorials did really help. And this look is great on you :)
Beautiful hairstyle! <3 (:
The hair looks so great! As you said, the messiness makes it wearable for any occasions.
Love the dark lippy too! x
Aww Zoe this is such a pretty look, I think ombre hair really suits you, wish I could pull it off. And I just love your eye makeup, it looks lovely.
Love your hair like this,it looks so autumnal and pretty! Vampy red lip is very appropriate for october too! xx
velvet ghost| fashion blog ♥
love it! you look absolutely beautyful. this updo is amazing… i want you hair :)
Wow the makeup and your hair looks stunning!
Looks stunning, awesome hair makeup!
I nominated your lovely blog for the Versatile Blogger award!
Check it out here :
x x
Your hair is sooooo beautiful! I love it! I also like the lipstick, but I wouldn't be daring enough to wear it.
love the hair it's lovely!
you look beautiful :) i'm trying to be more brave with lipcolours, i have a reeeally pretty lipstick from catrice and it is a dark berry colour. maybe i will wear it more often this autumn/winter :)
You look so beautiful it looks gorgeous, loving the darker shade lipstick xoxox :) !!
The whole look is perfect ! The dark lips suits you so well and the hairstyle really flatters your ombré ✌ ♥
Gorgeous hair style and love your dark lips!
Greetings from London,
The dark lipstick suits you very well! And I absolutely love the hair
love x
cool makeup! really love the braid :D
cheer, michelle
This is so gorgeous, looks amazing!
It looks absolutely amazing! Especially since you have ombre hair, the knot is blonder and that gives a funky effect! I would love to do your hair, it is so pretty haha
xo Melane
Anxiety | Depression | Panic Attacks
I wish I could do this with my hair, looks mega pretty!
Wow you look great!!!
New post on my blog>>
It seriously suits you Zoe, love it! And your makeup is fab as always!
– Leanne x
I love your hair so so much! You're amazing! xx
This is so pretty!!!! I need to purchase an autumn lipstick! x
Your make up is just wow! When i saw you I was like 'will she play a dark character or something?' it's amazing!
You're absolutely stunning Zoe! This autumn I'm going for nude colours and also different shades od brown and purple :)
Gorgeous look Zoe – that dark lipstick looks amazing on you!
Eve & Faye x
Sugar Spun Sisters – A blog about cosmetics, clothes & coeliac disease
Really love the hairdo and makeup! Deffo gonna try it myself ^o^
2 Girls and a Blog
Thank you so much for this post! I saw your little post on instagram of this hair style and I fell in love with it and really wanted to do if for my mum's wedding that's coming up next month but it would have been super difficult to have someone style my hair with just that one instagram photo!
So again, thank you and I can't wait to see if this look suits me as much as it suits you!
Really pretty hair and makeup look!
Love that hairstyle, you look super cute!
Gorgeous! <3
Love this look, and it really suits you :) it also looks great as with the ombre it shows the details of it more :)
Emily xx
I have a new post up on my blog and would love it if you could check it out
Loving this look, both hair and make up suit you really well! Great to see something different and a bit more daring :) xx
That looks very pretty. I have always adored updos, they are just so comfy and easy to work around in, and no hair blowing in your face either. I really did a double take with that make-up you know, that is one daring move. but you pulled it off, really really well :) -Aish x
She is so pretty it is unbelievable xox
This looks amazing, especially with the dip dye!
It can't be another beauty blog
That dark lip goes so well with your hair :) and the hair style's amazing! Again, complimented by your ombre style
Please come and visit me at my blog?
What a beautiful look!
Zoe, you're so beautiful <3
Aaah this style is so pretty! Love any sort of braiding hehe Love the lipstick too :) x
The Girl In The Tartan Scarf
I absolutely love this entire look :)
I wish I knew how to do that to my hair! Braids are tricky. But I love love love this look – makeup, hair, everything together looks so nice.
I can't pull off dark lipsticks, but oh my god do they look good on you! And the hair is absolutely gorgeous, very fitting for the autumn :)
Beautiful look! I'm in love! And you remind me quite a bit of Natalie Dormer in the last photo :)
The look totally suites you Zoella PS: Love your blogs
I really love this hairstyle <3
I love everything about this look! you should try and recreate something like this for a YouTube video I'm sure everyone would love to see it :)
DaisyAndMints x
You look stunning, Zoe! :) x
I hope you had a lovely time! I'm slightly in love with your lipstick and your hair is gorgeous.
Katie x
I love braids and I love this look!!
xxx Axelle Maximilian from
You look lovely Zoe, this hair style suites you so much! <3
that's such a nice hairstyle :) I think I might have to try this one day soon! lovely post :)
Sam xxx
I love this look! The makeup is beautiful and the hair goes perfectly with it. Totally in love :)
Emily ⎜
love this hairstyle!!
This makeup look is amazing! I'm not sure I'd be brave enough to wear a dark lip colour like that though :( Your hair is stunning too! I really wish I could do that, it's gorgeous :)
Amy |
Love the look it's so beautiful
Wow I want that hairstyle!
In my mind, I can stop growing my hair when it looks like yours. Still got a long way to go :(
Megan x | MeganRoisinn
This hair style is stunning! Love your makeup too!
This is absolutely amazing!
I also wanted to say that today I've read your blog from the very beginning and I have to say that I absolutely love it! I've been following your from 2011 I think and I always liked it a lot. I like your blog now even more that what you did at the beginning so I'm always very happy to see a new post or a new video from You :))
You're so gorgeous!x
this is so pretty! I'm hoping it gets colder soon so I can start using darker lipsticks, maybe I'll try the makeup you mentioned!
Beautiful dark lips!
Hey Zoe!! I love your blog and all your youtube videos, they always seem to be so perfect, why are you so perfect? :o Your such an inspiring person to many teenage girls like me, what inspired you to start a blog and doing youtube videos? and have you got any tips for newbies like me?
From Caitlyn ♥
Loooooove that hair, why oh why can't I do that?!
Belle et Beaut | UK Beauty and Lifestyle
Such a beautiful look :) The darker makeup really suits you :)
I love this hair look !! & your lipstick :) xx
I love your hair, it looks so pretty! Can you please do a tutorial?
Kimberley x
This looks so gorgeous!!! Your makeup is beautiful!! You look fab!
I'm not sure where to write this but I just wanted to say that I've been reading your blog for a while now & following you on YouTube & you've inspired me to finally create my own blog =) and I just wanted to say thank you. You're beautiful & inspiring and I'm so pleased that you share so much with the world =) x
Absolutely love loooove the make up x
Beautiful pics Zoey =)
This hairstyle looks SO lovely with ombre hair. perfect.
Purple lipstick is perfect for this season! Love the hair :)
Hello, I've nominated you for "The Sunshine Award" because reading your blog always brightens my day!
{ see more here }
Jamie :)
your hair looks absolutely adorbs! especially with the blonde x
Skinny Jeans ♥
Hello I love the hair and makeup too! I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on the eye makeup that you did.
You are bootiful and I love your blog.
From Megan
I love this messy updo! So much detail, but it doesn't look like you tried too hard. Perfect!
It's all so pretty!! I'm loving the lipstick :)
And I totally know what you mean, I sometimes think that the braid thing…you either have it or you don't lol my younger sister does my braids :P
Love the fact that the 'ombre' has given the bun that little bit of WOW FACTOR!! Great look!!:)
Jack :) –
Zoe! Beautiful hair :) Where can i get a "just say yes" shirt?! It's lovely! xox
Your hair is so gorgeous! And so are you!!
Hugs and Kisses
Hello, I'm Charis and I love your blog and YouTube video's so I put a link to your blog from my blog if that is ok?
Youre ombre hair is perfect for that bun!
You look stunning Zoe. Hair=Gorgeous Make-up=Beautiful
I love dark make up for fall :) xxx
been looking for a dark berry lip stick for so long!! this one is perfect i agree :)
I wish I had your hair *.* You are perfect!
Hi Zoe :D
I ´ve already seen your hairstyle on Instagramm, and I think it is adorable! I love autumn so so much, and this hairstyle is just so perfect!
I love you and your blog so much!!
XOXO Sophia
What an absolutely beautiful look :) The hair is so intricate and adorable.
the hair is gorgeous and the make up really shouts autumn :)
Love this look on you! Such a fab hairstyle!
You look amazing Zoe!
Megan xxx
Thumbelina Lillie | UK Beauty Blog
Love this look: both hair and makeup! ♥
I love this look! Your so pretty Zoe ! And your hairs gorgeous
I love that lip colour it goes with your ombre hair!
And the plaits look gorgeous!
Please come visit me at my blog if you get a chance?
Adore ur make-up and hairstyle
Your hair looks absolutely stunning like this! What is that lip colour it looks amazing on you! xx
Hann |
You look amazing as usual! I really like the lipstick colour, it's perfect for autumn! And your hair looks gorgeous! I wish I could have long hair like you so I could do all that amazing braids and stuff…
Love you always!!!
My hairs super long as well. Trying to do something with it is a nightmare and that hairstyle is gorgeous!
Love the hair and makeup! I usually just swap my lipsticks about if I'm feeling adventurous but the rest pretty much stays the same.
I loveee your hairstyle and make up!! it's amazing!
this is such an interesting post! great hair
check my latest post if you want too:)
NEW POST -> Tr3nDyGiRL Fashion Blog
Hey guys. I would appreciate it if you checked out my blog! I write about my day and the occasional shopping that I bought. It would really make my day if you got in contact and we could start talking and help build each other's blog! :)
Jazz xx
Zoe, this is absolutely gorgeous, you must of had such a lovely time with Louise.
I am so jealous of your hair, mine just hangs dead on my shoulders, I have tried to make my hair look as amazing as yours but I don't think it is possible ;)
And I haven't changed my make-up this autumn, basically because I don't ever know what to do, maybe I should shake it up a little, but alas, I am skint.
Can't wait until your next blog
The hairstyle & the make-up are both perfect! Can I look like you yet?
Great hairstyle!!!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
I love your ombre hair, Zoe the bun detail really stands out on lighter hair. Like the vampy dark lipstick with it too.
wow that's really pretty!!
I love the hair! I wish I could do that myself :) x
Gorgeous, perfect for autumn/winter!
Omg if only I could learn how to do that hairstyle it is amazing! As for the makeup :O You just look so beautiful.
I have been watching your blog (if watching is the right word), and have decided READING I have been reading your blog, and I have decided that I want to set up my own blog, mine of course will never be as successful as yours because you are truly inspirational but I will persevere! If anyone wants to check is out them this is the web address:
I would love it so much if anyone just gave it a glance or a look, there are only 1 or 2 posts at the moment as I set it up yesterday but many more are to come!
Thankyou for reading this if you did
And I love you Zoella ♥
Sorry if people think I am spamming or being annoying, that was not the intention
Wow! I don't love this look, I am absolutely in love with it! Looks amazing on you, Zoe! The hair is perfect and the lips and eyes are gorgeous. I might change up my makeup bag this autumn, just to be a little more inspired by you. (:
I love the look its very autumn and suits you perfectly! where is your coat from? its gorgeous! xx
Please check out my channel I am new to blogging and am trying to get lots of new followers <333
You look stunning with darker eyeshadows and your hairstyle is really nice!
I was wondering if you could check my new blog and tell me your opinion :) Nikami | Beauty and Lifestyle Blog
Gorgeous make up! Berry colours really suit you Zoe! :)
Looks absolutely lovely and great effect with your dipdye! Please follow my blog back The Cupid Bow or on Bloglovin'
Twitter and Instagram: @thecupidbow
Carly x
Love everything about you!
Maria Pol |
it looks amazing defenitly going to try it!!
I want to go dark brown for A/W as i currently have ombred hair too. This hairstyle looks amazing on you
you are so pretty!
love the makeup and the hairstyle and i'm not changing my make p in the fall because I barely wear makeup :)
You inspired me to make my own blog :)
this hairstyle is so beautiful zoe, it really suits you! i shall be attempting it very soon :) x
Love the braid and the bun!! And the dark colors really suit you!
You kinda inspired me to start my own blog.
You look absolutely gorgeous! And your hair turned out beautifully. Isn't it nice when trying something different pays off? I love how you pull off dark colors–can't wait to see some more of your looks this fall/winter!
Lovely Notions
I love your hair, doesn't matter how hard I try mine just wont grow! I wish I had enough money to pay someone everyday to style my hair because I'm just so lazy with it :P
Katie xx |
So so pretty! You have the prettiest hair ever :)
Amazing hair style! xx
This look is simply beautiful! I may just have to try this out myself!
Dainty A x
i love your blog so much Zoe and you have really inspired me to start my own blog! This hairstyle really suits you!
Would love it if you have any time to check out my blog
I am SO in love with this hair and make-up look! Great post!
You are so beautiful Zoe! I hope I grow up looking as beautiful as you xx:)
You have inspired me soooo much, as for a looong time I used to always be late or miss so many days of school, because of my anxiety and panic attacks:( I hated my face and iit took over my life at that point. I still deal with anxiety but I feel that it has lowered quite a lot:)
I love watching your videos! They make me happy on bad days !
I love this look! Your makeup looks great and your hair is gorgeous. I absolutely love braids and messy buns so this is the best of both worlds! I have really been wanting to get some darker shades of lipstick and eyeshadow lately as well for the fall/winter season. I'll have to go soon, you've inspired me!
It's a Bug's Life
love the messy hair
Nice, love your hair!
your hair looks so cute! x
Love braids!:X It looks great on you, Zoe!:*
I adore the makeup:) x
Beautiful look! Very autumnal. For Fall you should try the Chanel Rouge Moiré nail polish number 595. It's like Christmas in a small pot of wonderful festiveness! X
LOVE the hair and makeup, my blog is torlasworld <3
Okay, the makeup is a bit too dark for my taste but the hair's done lovely!! *Q*
Liebst, ina
Petite Saigon
Absolutely love this look, perfect for fall.
Love your hair Zoey!
AA Perception
Zoe, this hairstyle is so pretty, and it looks fantastic on you! xoxox
Like your hair!
I follow you! Follow me back?
I love this look! So pretty Zoe :)
i love your hair. this looks really fine.
Pretty hair my lovely! Amazing makeup
Elisa – My Fantabulous World
love the whole entire colour scheme it looks stunning
Hi Zoella!!! Greetings from LA!!!
I love your Blog its so inspiring!!!
& you look so pretty with your hair like this!
I just started a blog and I love looking at yours for inspiration.
Please come check it out!!
Wish I could manage to do my hair like that, I'm utterly hopeless. Alas, I can enjoy what you've created!
yr hair and makeup looks so pretty x
love the hair! great look in general though. I have been changing up my makeup routine for the colder season as well. xx. gigi.
Love the hair and the autumn lip! beautiful!
Absolutely LOVE the lip colour and the hair is super cute also , will definitely be trying a berry lip this Autumn after seeing how great it looks , thank you for posting such awesome blog posts!
Hi Zoe!
I'm from Spain and I've been watching your videos since summer and I love them like I love your blog :)
Definitely, I'll try to put more lipsticks and wear fancy clothes this autumn.
Ps: sorry for my bad english! >_<
This look wonderful! I really wish I had longer hair so I could have something like this done!
a cool morning to read and read and very useful, thank you
obat leukosit
obat kanker payudara
These plaited hairstyles look so lovely ..x
you look stunning! Hair and makeup are both gorgeous xx
Wow, I love the eye makeup, it looks very alluring! the hair is amazing too x You're gorgeous (:
I like the bun! :-)
So Pretty ! you hair look beautiful !
You look very beautiful
Love love LOVE the makeup you're wearing with this look Zoe. Dark but very seasonal for the autumn season. Reminds me of a basic halloween vampire look without all the blood and what not, I think it might just be me that thinks this haha.
Check out my blog, I'm venturing into the whole blogging thing so it would be great if you could check my blog out
Ahhhh this hair style is fab, love it xx
Beautiful Hair up ! Love it !
I love this look on you so much – the lipstick suits you perfectly and the hairstyle is just WOW.
Love you Zoe xxx
Love it!!
Really pretty hairstyle, it looks lovely xo
AMAZING hair! Love it!
xx from Vienna
So so pretty! Love the blonde bun, can't wait to get ombre hair now!
Love that lipstick! So pretty!
this is a supercute updo! I'm adding more autumnal rosy lip colours but otherwise trying to hold onto summer! | UK Beauty Blog
I absolutely LOVE this hair-do! ♥ And the lipstick, I actually bought a very similar one today, because it's just so fall-ish, so yeah, I am deffinitely changing up my make-up essentials in fall!
Love, Petush
Hi Zoe,
I love, love, love this look.. U look gorgeous! ]
I love the hair and the make-up! It looks just right for an autumnal day :) I'll keep an eye out for the YSL lipstick – I've been looking for a dark one like that.
Gorgeous as always Zoe!
I love how the color of the bun contrasts with the plaits! So pretty.
It looks amazing :-)
it looks so cute, I wish I could do braids!
Your photos are stunning ;0; I really love that hairstyle too, really nice updos paired with nice and comfy clothes is so beautiful to me <3
You look beautiful Zoe :) xxx
So many wonderful choices via As well Experienced! They will really do produce an awesome colour scheme, nearly every time period.
I love this look so much! it suits you so much :)
beth –
Your hair looks amazing! xx
could you do a how to on the hair plz
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Marketing executive
Best Buy Beauty Supply
your lipstick is so great !
You are the cutest..
Nice briads too
Your so stunning. I love the lipstick and your hair looks gorgeous!
Fashion forever – Dull never
I'm so glad to see you posted another blog post, I love reading your blogs along with a few others on slow afternoons at work and I was starting to wonder when you were going to post something new. This hair and makeup looks great on you btw.
I don't think it looks bridey at all! Super cute!
So pretty! :)
I love this hairstyle! It looks really nice because you have ombre hair!
Zoe you hair looks ammmazzing ! In the winter I love to wear slightly darker colors and obhiously when it comes near christmas I gotta wear my red Lipstick ! :)xx
Great ideas! Please follow my new beauty blog
I absolutely love this style on you Zoe! The hair and the makeup. Although I can do french braids there's no way I'd be able to style my own hair like this either. Maybe next time you go film it at the hairdressers? Lovely post :)
Debra Bros Blog
Love the hair. I too am rather lazy with my hair and its always a fun treat to have someone do something fun with it. The vampy makeup looks great and I've actually been looking to add a similar dark shade.
Wow!!!!!!!!!! hair style is awesome and this hair style you are looking gorgeous. Your fashion beauty lifestyle blog is very useful for me and other users. Thanks for sharing these information.
Love your blog!!
That is so cute Zoe! I love your hair, eyeshadow and lipstick <3
Super chic look
check my blog if you want too:)
Love your hair, it looks amazing!! Just love it!
Zoe you are stunning! The style is lovely :)
Kylie Shaw ||
zoe you are too stunning! the makeup is phenomenal as well. great post :) xxx
Kylie Shaw |
Great Post!
I am so jealous! you are so perfect. That lipstick color looks gorgeous on you.
This looks so pretty and really suits you!!
Claudia xx
Beauty and the Chic
Love this look! you look beautiful, nice hair!
That hairstyle looks amazing, and I love the dark lipstick for an autumnal look!
Super fryzura :)
I think the hairstyle really suits you! And that lipstick is AMAZING. xxx
I think you look beautiful! Really Zoe your channel is the only random one that I actually follow and always watch, I've so much fun watching your videos :).
Keep it that way,
Anyway, the hairstyle is beautiful and I looooved your eyeshadows! Very dark lipsticks suits on you but aren't good for me at all haha.
Greetings from Mexico! :)
I love it! :) Always a challenge trying to think of some new hairstyles everyday! I've tried braided updo´s myself and they never really work out.. Oh well! Practice makes perfect! :)
Why does everyone say 'I agree' just so they're (sort of) top comment?
I love that hairstyle :D It's too bad that I'm the worst at hairstyling. I think that my skills extend to a ponytail. Don't laugh, it's a pretty damn cool ponytail… I love your hair and your blog :)
This looks so good with your ombre! x
Amazing! I think I'll might pull off something similar for my senior prom. Perfect!:)xx
Wow zoe, you can literally make anything look amazing on you xxxx
love it! xx
The micro bead hair extension will then be compressed with pliers to close the circle.
Las vegas bridal makeup
I was inspired my you to start my own blog. It's been up since may and I don't think anyone has actually read it- any tips would be appreciated!
this looks so fab with your ombre hair :)
You look fabulous Ms. Zoella! ^^
aw zoe your stunning<3
Makale güzel olmuş arkadışım Digi Tv Başarılar Diler..
your hair look so good and im loveing your make up to , i think i defiantly need to add more stuff to my make up bag this fall , i need some more dark colors im my make up bag :)
great hairstyle :)
check out our blog too :)
Wow! The hairstyle is really nice – have to try it out soon!
I really love your videos and blogposts!
Tatjana ( )
I can't french braid on myself either haha! I can dutch braid which is something similar :) I would love to learn how to do this!
This makeup looks so nice on Zoe!! Will definitely be trying this out myself!
Your hair looks incredible! I really want to dye mine soon :)
hello my name is cristyna i am spanish, i got bye.
I love your blog and your YouTube account! Love a Norwegian subscriber ♥
Ooooh this hairlook looks amazing on you! And I wanted to let you know that I included you in my favorite bloggers post on my blog. You can see it here if you want
New teenage lifestyle blogger alert! xx
Please check out my blog, Tell your friends!!!
From what I can see, your jumper looks so pretty!xx
I love everything about zoella especially her ombré hair, please check out my blog I'd be honered
ombre hair looks so great in a bun!!
I love the braided updo! The ombre looks amazing with this hairstyle. It looks so pretty and I love your seasonal posts :)
Zoe, you look stunning! I love your hair, and the make up is beautiful. Playing with dark shades it's always a great lesson, as it can turn completely horrible, but you own it, girl! Love love love it! xx
omg you look incredible with dark lips you should wear them more often!
Can you guys check out my blog <3
This hairstyle is gorgeous! I'd love to try and re-create it! And your makeup as well…totally autumn! x kisses from Canada
Love this! So pretty!
I really enjoyed reading this blog post! :) Your hair and make up look so lovely and I can't wait to try and give this a go myself :)
This is such a pretty look on you zoe, especially with the ombre!
hey, i am new to blogging and i would like it if you could visit it & leave a comment or even share it?
thank you
sophia x
Great look, must try this sometime.
Think the pics are fab, you have really got the autumn look going on with both make up and hair. Cant wait to see the next pics.
New to blogging so please check us at
Hi, I have a similar blog to Zoe's and I would really love it if you could check it out, thanks so much <3
seriously stunning as usual zoe!
xo Sarah
you look lovely! I love the lipstick!!!!
You look gorgeous! i love the whole look. xx
Love, xx
loving the up do! it looks especially good with all the different tones in your hair and I agree the darker makeup gives more of a warm, autumnal feeling. Autumn is definitely my favorite season for hair, makeup, and fashion. Love to see you trying new things as it inspires others!
xoxo~ Kay
This hair-do is perfect for when you want to look casual cute! Also great for those windy days when your hair is flying all over the place!
For more on fashion/music/lifestyle check out my blog at:
Love the look!
please check out my blog? i'd love it if you did! i've recently done a blogpost on ribbon hairstyles and autumnal outfits! :)
This hair style is beautiful! It looks extra nice with Zoe's hair ombre.
I love this post Zoe. I wish I could wear my hair like that
I really love all of the darker shades coming out this autumn, it sucks that I'm stuck in the hot Australian summer and not the nice American autumn. Oh well, at least I can post about water sports and the beach :\
Wonderful hair!!!! =)
Oh you're such a beautiful girl. I hope you and Louise had a fantastic time, I think it's great to get time free to hang out with best friends. It's the best! I love to do something with braids on my own hair, but my hair is too thin to really do something like this. :(
Hi! I'd like to invite u to my blog about vegan lifestyle, living with eating disorders, my daily diary, fashion, beauty, reviews and much more :) English articles soon! If you'll like it just leave a coment. Andie xxx
so nice hair sweety!!! gorgeous look and also make up! ;)
if you have pleasure please come to see my new post…it’s VERY important for me this one….i hope u will like it is :
Deffinately buying your lipstick, looks amazing! :) xx
Oh wawies, love it! You have a great head of hair, girl! Jealous…
Love your hair like this! You look absolutely stunning!
so beautiful! xx
Love this hairstyle! So wish I could master braiding my locks!
Elizabeth x
I'm loving darker Lipsticks this season! Getting the Vampy – Autumnal ratio is proving rather difficult, though!
I also wish my hair was thick enough to do this little up do of your's!
Great read as always :)
Your hair looks absolutely lush, as well as your make up! Love the duo and the autumn season! ♥
You look amazing Zoe! :)
Verve Hues
Hey guys love your blog post!
As I took the effort to comment on yours beautiful blog could you come and visit mine…..I am new and have only one post, but I have big plans in the future and I am making a new blog post on Halloween very soon so follow me for update , so if you love Halloween pop over because hey every on has to start somewhere and you were the on who told me to always say 'yes'.….
Hey guys love your blog post!
As I took the effort to comment on yours beautiful blog could you come and visit mine…..I am new and have only one post, but I have big plans in the future and I am making a new blog post on Halloween very soon so follow me for update , so if you love Halloween pop over because hey every on has to start somewhere….
that lipstick looks stunning on you! x
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I love both your hair and makeup! x
Anna –
really cute, i tried to do it myself but failed lol
You look gorgeous. Beautiful hair and make up!
I love your hair so much! No one can pull off the ombré better than Zoe! I love the lipstick too :)
OMG !! I LOVE your hair!! I wish I had it!! <3
I love your blog! Check out mine? X
So pretty!! You have great hair!
I just made a beauty blog and it would be sooo much appreciated if you could check it out!
Your make up looks amazing, I love darker shades for the autumn, and the hair is beautiful!
That is so lovely! You look so cute while looking put together! :D
Stephanie Dong Fashion +
This hair is amazing and your beautiful
I am in LOVE with that hair! Please make the tutorial :)
Also, just wanted to say how much your blog has inspired me. I am extremely shy and suffer from social anxiety with frequent panic attacks but reading your posts has really inspired me to get out there and create my own blog. I've only posted once but will hopefully become more confident and start properly blogging. Please check my blog out – it's not much yet but will hopefully get better ;)
i wish my hair was long enough to do this! looks great- gorgeous lipstick as well!
Becci x
Love the braided look! My hair is fine, so it may not look exactly the same, but I'm going to try. Thanks for the inspiration!
Love it! Looks gorgeous :)
Looks nice although I don't think I would ever try this xxx
Please please check out my blog and leave a comment xxx
I really like the hairstyles and you look flawless
i can't really believe i have only JUST come across this amazing blog of yours. i am a convert!
Please follow me?:D I'd love it if you did or even if you just looked at my blog:)
You have been such an inspiration! You look amazing and its comforting to know that even people like you that appears flawless and so amazing goes through life hurdles like the rest of us does too. Thanks for letting us know that we are not alone! :D <3
Wow, I love this! SO beautiful and it suits you really well. I think I may have to take a trip out to the shops and find myself that lipstick :)
You look absolutely stunning!
you look pretty :)
why do you just suit every colour lipstick on the planet ?? xxxxxx anyways you look gorgeous xx!
Absolutely love this hair. Wish I could do it :(
I really love how blond hair ends make this pleat more unusual and pretty! I have ombre as well, but didn't look after it properly and my blond hair went ginger with time.
Also really like the lip colour! I use any colour any time, never try to suit the time of the year as my make up pretty much depends on my mood. Which is probably wrong.
Thank you for posting this pictures, they are very lovely.
love this look, you was blessed with beautiful hair. id actually love to try this look out its a shame i've got really curly hair. your beautiful x
Wow, Zoe, you are sooo beutiful! I think you are most gorgeous girl who i know! xoxo
This is so cute Zoe! Wanna have this hairstyle myself :P
Love this hairstyle on you zoe.
I love your hair Zoe!!!
I've just started a new blog so I would love it if I could gain a few followers and maybe even start talking to someone and become internet best friends like Zoe and Louise?! You don't have to though because I assure you that they aren't very interesting at the moment!
Gorgeous as always!
That hairstyle looks so nice on you! I soo want to try and attempt this but my hairstyle skills are pretty shocking -_- At least it was a successful visit unlike last time you & louise went!haha
I loveeeee that hairstyle you should definatly try recreate it yourself whenever you have some time as you probably wont go get it done whenever you feel like it. Also i love the photos theyre lovely
Love Ally xx
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I love zoellas hair it's so amazing ,ombre really suits her! I love her blog can't wait to see more posts !
such a beautiful hairstlye, loving the lips also!
I love your hair in this blog post. Would you be able to recreate it yourself and make a video about it? I would really appreciated it if you did as I'm always looking for new hairstyles but never have a clue where to start.
Also who dyes your hair? As I'm thinking about changing mine but I want to use a recommend product/ hair stylist.
Girl Vs Uni
Zoe, you're really inspiring and you have actually inspired me to follow your footsteps by starting a blog and joining BlogLovin, getting some equipment: Tripod, Mac, Camera. I decided when I'm old enough to have a proper YouTube account I'm going to chat about things, show people my make up and do random things with my friends. I want it to be my own though, so I will make it that. Wish me luck :)
I love the hair and makeup! I wish I could do that look at home!
Labels and Love by Resa
Please check out my blog :) x
I love your hair! It looks amazing with ombre, and I'm so jealous at the length! Do you have any tips/tricks on how to grow your hair and keep it healthy looking? Thanks!
Love the hairstyle – gorgeous
i love this look
Wow you look so great!!
i love the look Zoe, please check out my blog
You are so beautiful you are my idol, you are the inspiration for my blog!! I love that hair style i tried it and got so many compliments and that make up you have on just suits you so much!! xxxx
Luv your blog brittany xx
SAMEE luv the lipstick and also the hair
Zoe you are such a beautiful and inspirational girl, I literally watch your youtube videos religiously and you inspired me to start my own blog: . Everyone I am new so I would really appreciate you checking out my blog. Thank you! x
your hair looks amazing here! the lipstick color really suits you too
I can't even describe how much I enjoy reading your blog posts, you're amazing and an inspiration, please don't ever stop this<3
you look so pretty with your hair and makeup like that :) xoxo
love Emily
Please could anyone be kind enough to check out my blog and maybe follow me? I just wanna reach 10 followers by christmas :)
Simply beautiful :)
Love your blog Zoe! Also well done at Teen Awards you deserve this because you give up so much time to entertain us! I'd love you to check out my blog and it might be interesting for you. You are my idol and you give me so much inspiration to do things and to be myself more. I can't express how much i love you and your blog and your videos (which are basically you) It would mean the world to me if you checked out my blog because I'm in my first year of A-Levels and i'm wanting to be in fashion and you have a great eye for it and know a lot about it I thought you'd be a great person to ask. link is again, I love you so so so much x
I love the dark lipstick look on people in the fall and looks just absolutely gorgeous on you!
Such a gorgeous makeup and hair duo! That lip colour looks beyond amazing on you, nice to see you rocking something a little different than your usual red :)
i loooove the hair so much ! <3
I love that look Zoe! I will try to wear a darker lipcolor too. check out my blog:
I love how dark and vampish this look is and how yet you still manage to keep such a sense of luminosity and freshness to you're face! Beautiful x
Jasmine x (
Love your hair it looks so pretty :)
Love it, please guys check out my blog:
Zoe! You are truly an inspiration to me and I love this look on your hair. It makes me miss my locks and regret my 13 inch cut of my hair a couple months back.
I just started a lifestyle blog if you could check it out if your're interested <3
It would be lovely if you could check out my blog, inspired by Zoella. I have just posted my October Favourites and you can peek at that here:
Thanks if you even looked at this ♥
Love you Zoe
I love every part of Zoe's blogs!
Please check out mine –
Your hair looks amazing! You look really beautiful, It's always fun to just relax and do something fun with your friend. I live in Indonesia and going to the spa is very cheep so mum and I every school holidays do something fun together. You should come visit I think you would like it. Hope your well!
absolutely love your blog zoe, youre amazing!
sophia //
if anyone could check my blog out id love it thanks xx
im so jealous of zoe, shes gorgeous! absolutely love this look!
sophia gabrielle, xx
You are soooo beautiful Zoe! You are just soooo pretty with any makeup/hair/outfit look! I love your hair sooo much and it looks gorgeous in this hairdo! Arghhh you are just aarrgghh sooooo beautiful! I love every single one of your videos and will watch every one of them in the future, I love you Zoe! :') xxx
That is so pretty! I love your makeup too, it goes perfectly with your hair and reflects this time of year :)
Alice x
Hi Zoe,
I really looove the Make-Up you can totally pull that dark lipstick of, I wish I'd be that cool haha :)
Because you inspired me to start my own Blog I would be so honored if you could maybe check it out, its:
I like to blog about fashion and I also post a bit about beauty and Make-Up – I think you maybe like it ;)
Lots of Love, Pauline Xxx
love this! definitely going to try this look for autumn
Loveee this!! Soooo cute x
check out my blog?
Your hairstyle look amazing. i follow it.
Best Regards
wet look leggings
Hey Zoe!
This hair style looks so amazing! I've got quite long hair as well but because I've trimmed the deck hair it's impossible to get a decent braid. But let's be honest, I don't even have the time to braid my hair in the morning. Haha, I just let it down. And your make-up looks stunning!
We try to make similar stuff on our blog, but we haven't gotten much on it YET. I, personally, am more on the baking site, and my friend does more fashion and make-up related things. Like I said, our blog is in the making and we give our best! If you could just hop by and take a quick look, it'll mean the world to us.
Thank youuuu xx
Love your Blog!
Really cool look :)
IF you got Time I would be really pleased if some of you visit my blog :)
love your hair it looks so nice and shiny
You absolute beauty:)
I love that you didn't do the typical blow-out and tried something oh-so-cute and new! Very beautiful.
With Love From Hollywood,
Fashion Addict LA
Recent DIY: DIY Lucite Perfume Clutch
Recent post: Not all black and white
Your hair is so nice! xx
Your hair is so nice! xx
Hello my name is Lauren, im 16 and im from Canada! it would be an understatement to say youre my favorite blogger/ Youtuber, you're my inspiration and my role model :) I have read every single post on here and I absolutely adore your help, advice, and posts. I see all the amazing opportunities you get to interact with people from the youtube community and beauty community, and I someday hope to have similar adventures :) That is why I am starting my own beauty/ life blog, and my own youtube channel :) I someday wish to be able to reach out to people and help them, not just with makeup or clothes, but also to be a more confident, happy overall human being :) I want to make a difference in the world one blog post at a time, and one vlog at a time. If you have a moment and if you see this comment, id love for you to take a look at my blog :D
( heres the link if you want to take a lookie :) this was my first post that I have ever done, so it may be a little rocky at first, but im willing to put the work in to get better! )
Lauren xx
PS ill always look forward to your posts and videos, no matter how old you or I get :)
Gorgeous hair!
Wow, I love the messy yet completely gorgeous look of the bun! It goes so well with the ombre hair. And I think I just fell in love with the lipstick…
Kathybell –
Your hair and make-up look amazing! Your such a nice writer! Love
Great! Looks amazing <3
I'm a new follower!
Follow each other?
I'm a beginning fashion blogger :)
I love the hair and make up! :)
you are so Pretty! x
So much love for the lipstick.
Your hair looks perf and your make up is stuning xx
Please visit and follow my blog!
Hi Zoe! Love this post!
Please could anyone visit and follow my blog!
Wow, gorgeous hair! A messy but cute look, perfect for Autumn! Well done Zoe! xxx
i love this look so much, your hair reminds me of a fairy tail so beautiful. your stunning zoe.
Leah |
LOVE LOVE LOVE the eye makeup! arghhhhhhhh
B x
Hi Zoe! I just wanted to say how much I admire your friendship with Louise. I can only wish for a friendship like yours! I have a large group of friends at school but only a one or two can make me feel as happy as you seem when you are with Louise, but you get this feeling whenever you see each other! I love how you cherish each moment together You must feel so lucky!
Also, that make up! Pretty darn cute! I love the outfit you've chosen to compliment the hair colour and style. Very autumnal! Haha!
Sana x
I love how your hair is brown but your bun is blonde, beautiful!! :)
Yeeeees, beautiful! Love the atmosphere!!!
i love the hair style
click here
Really love the colour of your lipstick. Such dark colours Are Perfect for autumn or winter! :) <3
W o w perfection :)
no followers :( waa try to keep you entertaineddd ah x weekly posts :)
Excellent makeup and i love your hairstyle which suits you well..
you look pretty too..
buy instagram followers
pleaz can u make a video doing everyday autumn and winter makeup??? pleaaaaaaaaaz
by the way u're so beautifull i'm from egypt and i love u so much :* :*
The make up looks great, almost better than the hair! I love how the tones are all so autumnal, great work! If you want to imitate this look quickly, then try dip-dye extensions from SimplyHair
love you post
I'll have to try this out! love the lip colour!
Over here it's spring so I may have to wait until the season catches up!
wow this hairstyle is perfect!
♥Super here with you!
Would you like to observe? ♥ ☑
♥Follow me – let me know – and I'll let you observe! :) ♥
So pretty!
Love this hairstyle I could wear it all day everyday
You inspired me to take the plunge and start up my own blog! I will be in the UK at the end of the year and it would make my trip that much more amazing if I happened to bump into you one day! haha <3 Thank you for being an inspiration to us all Zoe <3
For anyone who is interested in makeup please check out my blog :) I've only made one proper post but I would love to get some feedback (positive or negative) xx
I love this look on you Zoe! You're so gorgeous. Great post!
xoxo Zoe
looks great on you! absolutely love your ombre x
do you think you could do a tutorial on this? x
Sophia xx
Hair is so beautiful you need to do a YouTube tutorial on it x
love your hair and make up in this zoe! you're beautiful! xx
Your hair looks really great here Zoe !! In love with it !!
Oh wauw, you are just so unbelievable beautiful! and this hairstyle is absolutly amazing.
Btw. Can i ask some of you which watch this is? (Zoella's watch)
Love the hair!
I love your hair in this! So pretty and the colors look amazing together. Meh I wish I had brown hair. Blonde hair is quite difficult to ombrey with. I am glad i am not the only one who finds plaits difficult I can only do them if i do not look ( which is odd i know) as soon as I do it the mirror it goes wrong!
The lipstick in this is perfect, definitely need to invest in something similar! :) xxx
love the make up and the hair !! gorgeous
This is just beautiful ! The hair looks cute and messy and i just love this makeup look!
zoella , i love this post it is just amazing . I love your style and i get your definetly my style inspiration.
Love your Hair ! youre so pretty!
That's an awesome look. I love the lipstick!
LUV IT u r the best zoe xxxxxxxx
Wow that looks great with the different colours of her hair! :)
Hi there!! I just started my blog and it would mean a lot to me if you could check it out and get in touch with me! :3
BEAUTIFUL :) hair and makeup…I love it! <3 :)
i love this post pleas check out my blog ive only just started
Such a beautiful look on you Zoe! I love your hair sooo much. I wish I could pull off the ombre look. I'm thinking of just letting my natural hair grow out and rocking some "trailer park roots" for awhile. To let my hair rest from all of the coloring. And then if I let it grow out long enough, it will look like an ombre! LOL. Anyways, I am 38 years old (So old enough to be your mum) but I just absolutely love you, your blog, and your YT channel. You and Louise both are the cutest little things I've ever seen. It was your friendship and fun videos you all do that made me and my 21 yr old niece start our own channel. We were going to dress up as you and Louise for Halloween on our channel but did not want people to take it the wrong way and think that we were making fun of you or something. It is just because we;re huge fans and just adore you girlies! Anyways keep up the great work and stay true to who you are! Your a breath of fresh air in this sad world. And we just love u for it!!! <3 Julie
I love this! I may use it for my formal coming up actually!
I think I may use this for my formal do! Thanks :) Love it!
Also, if anyone would be interested, check out my blog :) Just started!
Beautiful hairdo and lipstick!
Your hair looks amazing!!
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wow Zoella you look so amazing. You always look that :D
you are the most beautiful girl on the world *.* haha really i think so :D
kisses ;)
With love, Elisa
My Fantabulous World
please check out my blog ive only just started out its
This looks so pretty! Your gorgeous as always!
Hey! Your blog is amazing and since we just started ours we were hoping you could check it out! Thanks!
I love this look. After I saw you post this I had one of my friend's who has her own salon try it out on me. It turned out different but it's still a beautiful look! The up do with your dark lips is perfection! Love you and your blog Zoe!
xoxo- Heather
Zoe, i love your hair and your make-up look is wow its beautiful but, on that note you always look really pretty :) x
I love the hair Zoe i might try that also me and my friend Sophie wanted to say we love your YouTube channel :)
I love your hair Zoe i might try that myself also i love your YouTube channel :)
Your hair is beautiful zoella
I love this hairstyle on you! It's making me miss my long, ombre hair that I had up until a few weeks ago! Gorgeous look, as always! I might need to go pick up that lippy for myself!
As usual, so pretty. Love the look! Wish I had long enough hair to try it. (: Post more soon please. <3
That is stunning!
I really like this Hair Style..Your hair style looks very unique.
You are so beautiful Zoe! I love watching your Videos and reading your Blog cause you always brighten up my day! Thanks for doing that! You're perfect! :)) x
You look absolutely beautiful in the bottom pic. So vampy and classic x
love the hairstyle!
You are the best <3
I really liked the look! It's so unique!
Zoe! You need to checkout Ollie May!! You would LOVE the clothes!!
Love this look! Looks great on you :)
Imogen – A Rendezvous with You
Such a lovely hair! Mine is curly, so I'm not sure it would look as good as yours. Here's almost summer, so I'm trying to let my hair as free as possible. :D
Have a wonderful weekend!
This is so nice! Tried it so many times but failed miserably! haha,
does anyone now how to get your pictures to fit the size of your blog perfectly like here?
Ive just set up my first blog! please take a look – it would be a great help thanks. New theme coming soon too!
The lipstick in this look is so so beautiful!
This is a brilliant look for autumn. I love the lip colour.
Love the hairstyle it suits you well.
You have 666 comments, I just have to save you! :P
Gorgeous hair Zoe! I think I can do that (I shall try)
This is all so beautiful! I was like wow her hair looks gorgeous, and her makeup, and her clothing! So obviously I can't just pick one thing! But your hair looks absolutely fambulagical… I made up a word to describe it. and your smokey eyes are lovely as is your lipstick! Also I love the color of your top and how it somewhat matches your ombre hair!
Gorgeous Zoe. You look radiant. x
Dear Zoe I love your blog and I decided to start one of my own. I would love to add badges like instagram or blogliving but I've no idea how that works. woul you mind to explain how I can add those links to my blog?
Great hair!!!!
Kisses from Milano
Paolo :)
New post
Your hair looks amazing, it really suits you x
Oh, your hair is so pretty like that!
Your makeup is stunning here!:)
Hey Zoella! You are an amazing blogger:)
I love your lipstick! Where did you get it? :)
Hello :) maybe we could follow each other on Bloglovin and/or GFC, Facebook?
Please leave me a comment on my blog and follow by blog!
You can also like my Facebook page.
I will follow you back! :)
Korean Fashion
Love your hair,its amazing :)
~Sarah xo
Hi, would really appreciate it if anyone would check out my blog:
Zoe looks gorgeous in everything she wears :')
I love her hairstyle, it's so stylish, and the makeup…the lipstick is just perfect!
I'm in love with fall fashion.
hi zoe I loveeeee you! but did you edit this picture bc it's so gorgeous ! <3
This look is gorgeous! I love the hairstyle! I'm always looking for different up do's for work and this is perfect! Gorgeous lipstick also!
Karina xoxo
Loving your hair and make-up! ill have to try out this look sometime!
lots of love Emi XXX
p.s. if you get chance please check out my new blog: thanks xxx
I love you and your style <3 :D
Wow you have so much hair! :O
Zoe!! I wrote a blog post and I know you'll love the shop I'm talking about in it. They do flower crowns and jewellery that I know you'll love from seeing what you like! Here's the blog post and I seriously recommend you check them out because they're amazing and their prices are so good! Also love this look, you need to wear it so much more often, especially the lipstick, I think I need it. x
Thank you for a great tip as always Zoella <3
I love your blog and youtube! you are beautiful! Check my blog out? only just started :)
I miss you! You've not blogged for a month :-(
The lipstick color looks absolutely gorgeous on you! As does the hair, I'm loving your autmnal look!
hey dear.. very nice blog.. please follow back.. am following thks
Hi :) I'm a huge fan of you Zoe, especially of your blog and therefore it would mean sooo much to me if you'd get a sneak peek at my blog :) xx Have a nice day :)
I love that hairstyle! Very cute!
This hairdress is absolutely gorgeous ! i simply love it !!!
Loving the lip colour! So jealous for the length of your hair!! :D xx
Becca <3
please follow my blog http://www.cupcakecashmerecasuals.blogspot ♥ just started out and would love for you guys to check it out …
Your hair is so gorgeous!!! It really suits it especially because it's ombred! I love your dark lipstick, I'm experimenting with darker colors as well.
I like your hair and make-up :)
Very nice, thanks
your hair looks amazing in this !
can some of you guys please check out my blog which I have recently made? x
Wow ! I love your hair and lipstick :)
Am I the only one who would die to have your hair! I love ombré hair but I'm too afraid to take the risk and my hair isn't as half as long as that.
this is sooo pretty ! xx
Me encantan los "despeinados".
The outfits of my dreams
This is lovely! I think I'll try it out later on!
Your blog is such an inspiration:) hair is amazing!
xx Susanna
Nice post and pics…
pleaseeee follow my blog .. im new at blogging and would really appreciate support cupcakescashmerecasuals.blogspot ♥
I love your hair!
Personally, I'm horrible at braiding. Meaning I can't even make a standard braid without making it look weird. So don't feel bad for not being able to make french braids! :)
Lots of love! xx
I love her hair so much I was I had the skill to do that please post more blogposts like this
your hair is gorgeous, making me miss experimenting like that with my long mane! dig the make up too, you look stunning in darker colors darlin'.
♡ ♡
Beautiful hairstyle <33
Healthy Samples
Very nice, thanks
Loving it Zoe!! wish you posted more though!!
Via –
I really love this hair <3 you look so pretty!!!
i love your blog ! You are gorgeous :)
beautiful! i love the hairstyle
Love this look, so pretty for long hair :D
You look gorgeous like always!!! :)
u look stunning :D
please check out my new blog ur my inspiration :D
love your hair! absolutely gorge!
with an elegant but rough around the edges twist ;)
very nice hairdo and make up !
I absolutely love your blog! its just perfect, your style of writing is so nice to read and you are an inspiration! I've just started my own blog and would love you to take a look at mine!
laura xo
Loving the hair color mix!
<3 – Morgan | Cantik Malaysian Hair
ahh I love her!! I want to be her!!! Beauty!
love the dark lip!
You are SO beautiful! I love all the hairstyle and makeup! specially your lipstick :)
i love your hair so much omg! you're so gorgeous <3
Beautiful hairstyle, I like it how the colors match and the contrast they make in your bun!
Roseybelle <3
so so cute u look amazing :D
check out my blog!
Love the lipstick. You look gorgeous as always, I would love a make up tutorial on a look like this! :)
Much love ^.^
I love your hairstyles
So pretty hairstyle, so girly, I looove it! XO
Ich suche noch Partner für meinen Blog. Ihr könnt ja einfach mal reinschauen:
Cute! ^^
Absolutely love this post Zoe, the hair and makeup is gorgeous, absolutely spot on!!
If anyone get's a minute, please check out my beauty and advice blog and email me at with requests. Thanks!
Charlotte x
Wow I really want hair like yours Zoe, you're super pretty making me very jealous.
Love the lipstick, I've been using that shade for so long now its definitely the best without a doubt!!
Kitty D –
nice hair style i like it a lot!!!
I love it! I wish I could do that with my hair! Does anyone know a dupe for the lipstick, ysl is a bit out of my price range, <3
I Love the hairstyle and make up!
looks amazing <3
Your look is amazing! I love the lip color. I just bought a similar color but I'm not daring enough to wear it yet.
Elisa – My Fantabulous World
Love the hairstyle it looks so vintage and cute!! :)
Love the lipstick & the hair !! I love this look ! :)xx
Marie :
love this look so much! please take a look at my art blog!
Love it! x
Love it chick !!
Zoella you look amazing, can i have your hair? haha x
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i love the hairstyle, it looks amazing ! :)
I love this look – gorgeous as always!
AJ x
I'm in love with your hair :) You look super cute!!
Pastel Bokeh
Hair is gorgeous! and the lipstick looks great on you. Great post. Thanks
So pretty I love the lipstick
you're the most beautiful girl i have ever seen! Lovee you xoxo
You know the topshop Infared lipstick? Well Rimmel's come out with a serious contender, which is called 'In love with ginger' I think it's number 660, its such a lovely colour, and to those who love topshops Infared, this is another lovely orangey red to play with
January x
I'm absolutely sure that these gorgeous pictures of your hair is the only thing holding me back from chopping off all of mine!
zoe thanks for inspiring me to start my own blog:)
This is such a gorgeous look! This hairstyle works so well with your ombre hair! Make up compliments it perfectly!
Thanks, a very good information. I ask for more.
Thanks, a very good information. I ask for more.
loving this look, the hair with the lipstick is just perfect ! xxxx please check out my new blog guys ? ! xx much love
Girls/makeup users – Take this survey about makeup companies to help shape the future of brands. It will help our research so much!
Girls/makeup users – Take this survey about makeup companies to help shape the future of brands. It will help our research so much!
Love this post Zoe, and that hairstyle is to die for! I love the messy bun at the back as if it wasn't there or it was a neater version I agree the style would be quite bridal! That lipstick suits you beautifully and is a lovely colour, however, I'm blonde and have fairly light skin so I think it would be too dark for me!
Dark lip colours really suit you! I love the hair style you have done and your ombré hair just adds to it! :)
Your hair looks amazing, I'm so jealous! If anyone has the time to check out my blog I would really apriciate it, heres the link x dandeliondee I am just starting blogging so need all the help I can get, sorry if this comment annoyed you ^_^
Lipstick <3
Love the lipstick & great photography :)
Hi Zoe :)
I know you probably hate this but I'm 13 and I have big ambitions to be like you <3
I have a blog and I've just done a post on body image and I would absolutely love it if you could check it out ^_^
Thank-you!!! Poppie xxxxxxxxxxxx
Your hair is beautiful!;)
You definitely do pull off the "Demi look" Zoe, it looks amazing on you! x
I love this look! I wish you would blog more often!
I likeyour very interesting.if you want tofollowmyarticles, you can addmein your list.Kisses
You should do a blog/video on gift ideas for friends/boyfriends/girlfriends :)
lovely hair style!if you like we can follow each other, cam to visit me TACCO 12 IN CUCINA THIS IS MY PAGE ON FACEBOOK
KISS jeasmine
Hey, I just discovered your blog and your HTML techniques helped me very much. Thank you for being this helpful and you have an amazing blog. :)
Please post again :)
check out my blog!
lovely autumnal make up colours, Im loving dark colours at the moment!
so gorgeous! love the dark vampy lip ♥
Pleeease do another blogspot :) xx
Love your blog, love your hair, love your makeup! Everything is amaziiiiing!!
Zoe! I featured you on my blog on my top 5 blogs worth following! Hope you can check it out!
Thats a really cool hairstyle! Do a tutorial on it please! Btw, do check out my blog!
I'm helping teens with problems. So please follow me:)
Zoe divando, pra variar, rçs. Liiiiiiinda. Confiram meu blog (too)
This is just perfect for Autumn/Winter ..<3
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I have been meaning to write something like this on my site and you have given me an idea. Cheers.
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You look beautiful Zoe! :)
Wonderful hairstyle *.*
Poland loves you ♥
Stunning, you look so pretty, the hair and makeup! :) Ilysm <3
love this!!!
HOW have i only just come across your blog!!!
love it!
would love you to have a look at my lifestyle blog :)
Mollie xoxo
You should post about all the lips sticks you have! I want to get more high quality ox blood colored lips sticks and yours always turn out perfect! <3
loving your hair!
Very cute hairstyle! Love the braids in it!
Amazing hair and makeup, Zoe! :)
love your hair! I could never do my hair like yours. Makeup looks great too. :)
What camera do you use? :) Please answer!
I love this autumnal hairstyle :) I think the blonde dip dye goes really well with it. I'd love to dip dye my hair like this!
Please take a look at my fashion blog I have just started and would really appreciate any followers or views!! x x x x x x
This is so pretty! I aspire to be like you! Please look at my blog: xo hey guys please check out my blog! i'm new to thiss
I love your hairstyle and makeup! Super cute hair and very pretty make up :) I've been subscribed to you on YouTube for years and I only just found your blog today aahhh! I joined first thing!
-Sophie xo
So, so pretty! Wish I could do my own hair like this :o)
fantastic as always Zoe!
please check out my latest blog post: x x
omg zoeeee I love you so much! ^^ I wish you're more active on your blog though D: I love that shade of lipstick loads btw! xx
Ree ♡
That hair style really suits you :)
Wish you would upload on the blog more often! Love it!
This is motivated me to get you tubing hair styles love all the braids think it's such a great look. Beautiful xx
Omg, you're so beautiful, I love it! xx
your hairstyle is so lovely!
Hey zoe!
I really like this look but maybe colour of lipstick is not the perfect one. You should use a red one
I learned how to braid on youtube when I was about 12. Now I can practically do french braids in my sleep.
The style looks really great with your ombre! :)
loving style
Oh, it is soooo pretty :) Love it ♥
She's beautiful as ever. Anything suits her <3
Nice post:)
Would you like to follow each other? Leave a comment after your follow, I will follow you back asap:)
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Gorgeous! Need to try this out before it gets too cold!
PG |
Loving the look xx
That lipstick looks amazing on you!
-Rinko xx
Congrats on 3 million subscribers on YouTube Zoe!!
Ugh you are so gorgeous its not fair! And your blog is absolutely amazing it must of taken you so long to do! I have been doing mine for about 2 hours and it looks terrible! Oh and l love your makeup in this too! :) xx
Awesome and Congratulations! amazing style as always :)
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I love the hairstyle! So pretty ^^
I love zoella so much she is one of my idols, this autumn look is soo pretty and i love what you have done with your hair, btw im loving your vlogmas videos and i want your advent calendar its AWESOME!! (wish i was you aha)
check out my blog, coming soon!
Lovely! I wish I could do stuff like that with my own hair. Love the contrast between the dark and lighter ends.
Shel x
Love this post Zoe! Keep up the good work!
-Cara x
Youre just sooo beautiful! This look suits you perfectly, i am so jealous! 😍😍😘💗
i totally love it ! love the dark lips :) xx
I keep thinking of bleaching the ends of my hair like you have, but I'm always afraid of damaging it.
Thought you might be interested in this report on the social media activities of 3 very different fashion brands:
It's part of a project I'm doing for my master's degree :) Would be wonderful if you had a look at it!
Awesome hairstyle and make-up. You have a very nice blog. Keep it up!
Love how you can really work the darker, more dramatic makeup with out looking too harsh! Love the hair!
Great post ! thank you for sharing this style .. i really like what you do ^^
best makeup for oily skin.
Zoe! I love your blog and vlogs!
Your hair is FABULOUS!
I liked the way that you added a bit of a back story before you got right into the topic. It's good to know i'm not the only one that can only to the standards and a fishtail braid..
Hi Zoe,
I love your blog and especially this post. I think it would be amazing if you did more posts like this, it was very helpful and inspirational.
Thank You
I am so glad I stumbled upon this! Your hair color looks really lovely as well as your make up!
Love the hair and the lipstick colour its beautiful! please check my blog out!
Love you Zoe! ♥ I know this might seem veeeery annoying but Ive just made a blog and your name is mentioned in my first post so if you would like to check it out the URL is
Sorry if this sounds annoying once again!♥
Hi Zoe, I love your blog!
I drew your portrait and posted it on my blog, I hope you have a look if you have time, it took me a long time ;) If you go to the art section you can see my drawing :) Thanks!
Natasha –
Your hair is amazing! So is the makeup you're so beautiful!
love this so much!
ps: yo look absolutely gorgeous :)
this look is amazing on you!
you are such an inspiration zoe!
This looks amazing Zoe!
Follow my Instagram- sophiedavies97
you are so beautiful and I absolutely love that hairstyle, the lipstick colour also looks really good!
So pretty ! You should do another hairstyles video
I really love this hairstyle, but I can't braid either (facepalm). One day I will learn, but right now I just go fingers and thumbs.
I love your blog so much zoe and now you've hit 3 million subscribers on youtube it's amazing!
I completely agree with all of you- Zoe, you look amazing!
Zoe, you look amazing!
You look so amazing Zoe! xoxox
I love that hair <3
I wish I could have someone to do my hair and make up everyday! It looks great! Nadia xx
I really love your hair. I'm obsessed with braids lately, but the only decent thing I manage to do is a fishtail.
I love this so much, i always try to do braided styles with my hair and fail miserably!
Hi Zoella and beauty community!
I wish my hair would look that great in a messy bun with braids. Unfortunately my hair is straight and lacks volume or sticks right out when I braid it. I really like the vampy lips though!
I love your blog, Zoe! It can really brighten up a day :)
xx Melissa
amazing hair do! love it! such a big inspiration ;)) xx
I love this look!!! You look amazing ! I did a very short blogpost about plait crowns, that could be an easier alturnative to this. <3
Love your content.
Love this hairstyle looks so pretty!
You are absolutely gorgeous! Can't really relate to this look as it's summer here in Australia haha but I still love it none the less! Love you!
your hair is gorgeous!!
You can't beat Dark Vampy lips for Autumn/Winter! So pretty!
Simply stunning! I love this look x x
Love this look, i wrote a really short blogpost about a plait crown that's a easier alternative to this hair style <3
I love this look so much! xxx
I love your hairstyle so much! It's really pretty!
Amber, xo.
So beautiful.
hi how are you all
wao admin nice site i like .
how to Longer Pony Tail in 2 Minutes tutorial
Best girl hairstyle fashion too
I loooove your hair here :)
Amy x
I there I was just wondering if, as co-zoe-fans, you guys would take a look at my blog (inspired by… guess who!?!?) It's
I am so inlove with Ombre Hair! Love the look completely! Please check out my clip-in hair extensions website. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
love your lipstick, i think i will treat myself to it! xx
I looooove the hair! It's so beautiful, I wish mine was long enough to do this!
xx Elissa
such pretty hairdos!!! loveit.
alternative clothing, beauty and the world.
This hair is so beautiful and so is this makeup. This is the kindof look I would like for my prom. Could you maybe show us how you did the makeup? xx
hi how are you all
great admin nice site i like .
Nice Fashion admin
how to Longer Pony Tail in 2 Minutes tutorial
Best girl hairstyle fashion video tutorials
hi how are you all
wao admin nice site i like .
Nice Fashion admin
how to Longer Pony Tail in 2 Minutes tutorial
Best girl hairstyle fashion too
hi how are you all
wao admin nice site i like .
Nice Fashion admin
how to Longer Pony Tail in 2 Minutes tutorial
hey zoe xxx please check me out ive just started using this
hair loooks amazing like this zoe! love it x
The dark lipstick looks amazing on you! x
I'm so in love with this hairdo, it looks great on you! <3
Your hair looks quite lovely! <3 It suits you perfectly! :)
Love this messy but cute look ! And Zoe you really suit that lip colour … gorgeous
Holly |
Hope you do get back into blogging again Zoe, absolutely love posts like this especially. You look totally gorgeous! xx
I love your blog Zoella! I wish you'd post more xoxoxoxox
i love your hair zoe! omg it's amazing :))
Zoe these hair-dos are so beautiful and look amazing with your ombre hair. Love it, I'm definitely going to try these out!