Hello Readers, It’s 2014 and my first post is on the 21st January. FAIL. Most of you will know, that myself and my blog like to take breaks every once in a while. A while then slowly turns into a long time, and I become a little nervous to blog again. “Why?”, Might you ask. Well, besides the fact i’ve been blogging now for almost 5 years (in February), so you would think i’m used to it, I still seem to put a lot of pressure on myself when it comes to blog content. I feel like I can’t return to my blog with a beauty review, or a simple post, in case you are all disappointed as you’ve been waiting so long. I need to learn not to worry about it, and just write about what I want to write about, despite there being a lot of you to keep happy these days. *pretends nobody is reading* 

Instead of writing a blog post about all the things I was happy to do in 2013, I did a video. Some of you may have seen it, but i’ll leave it below in case you haven’t. In short, 2013 was probably the best year of my life so far. 

2014 came around SO quickly, I almost wasn’t ready for it. I feel like I have to have plans and expectations all set out for the whole year, but I don’t. Life is spontaneous sometimes and that is what a diary is for after all. One thing that I decided I was going to do this year, is to move out. Moving out is no stranger to most people at 23, as they may have lived with partners, or may have been to uni. However, I’ve not done either of those things. I always thought i’d be one of those people that needs family around me most of the time and the comfort of a home. I think this was mostly due to my anxiety. I even assumed that when the time came to move out, I would move 2 minutes down the road so I was never far from “home” or the place i’ve lived my whole life. I went to a primary school that had a grand total of about 60 pupils, it was small and comforting. My secondary school life was my first experience of a bigger school (of normal size, but to me…of colossal size). Again, it took me a good while to feel comfortable there, even though the town was only small and the school wasn’t the biggest in the county. I remember that my best friend and I would talk about how we would move to a house in our village when we were older, and that we’d always be there, and we’d get married in the local church and have babies and send them to the same school we went to. Once you start to see more of the world, and make friends with people in Northampton, Norwich, Brighton and everywhere else across the globe, you come to realise that you’ll only ever be a drive or a plane ride away from someone who you care about, and you will make those journeys when you want and when you can. Last year, I grew as a person (not in height, but in confidence). The travelling made me realise that distance isn’t such an issue, and being somewhere that is a bit out of your comfort zone, can actually be an amazing experience. 

If you follow my vlogging videos, you’ll know I spent a lot of time in Brighton last year, and I grew to love it…A LOT. Most of you will know I have this thing about being near the sea, and how calming I find it. I feel like that whenever I visit Brighton. There are amazing shops, cute cafe’s, delicious restaurants, entertainment & easy public transport (something that living in the countryside i’ve never had). I didn’t think i’d love it so much that i’d want to live there, a whole 3 hours from home. BUT, I’m biting the bullet and i’m doing it. Me, Percy & Pippin on a Brighton adventure by the sea. 

At the moment I am packing things into boxes. I thought I’d have a lot of stuff to take with me, turns out I just own way too many clothes. If any of you have been wondering why i’m a bit MIA so far this year, it’s because i’m having to do lot’s of adult things and packing as i’m moving next week. (argh!)

Here’s to an exciting adventure in 2014 for Zoella. 

*raises no glass as I haven’t bought any yet*

If you live in Brighton, or visit regularly, do leave below any cute places you love to visit, nice restaurants & tips and tricks of living in Brighton. Or even if you’ve moved and you have any advice to give me, I’d be HUGELY grateful.

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  1. Good luck moving to Brighton! The smell, sounds and sights of the sea will keep you calm and happy! Have fun! :D
    Elephant stories and more

  2. Zoe I can't believe it! Ahhh Brighton! Woohoo. Also thanks for posting, love you and your blog. Good luck with moving house! X

  3. Hey Zoe! I don't live in Brighton but absolutely love it there! Highly recommend a night out at Pride Cabaret and a meal at Bill's, I did a series of posts about it on my blog back in December 2013, link here if you want some ideas http://miscriant.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/brunch-at-bills.html. Good luck with the move!
    Becs xx

  4. Omg I wish I lived in Brighton to meet you Zoe hopefully you go to Northampton soon♥

  5. Brighton will love to have you! Hope everything goes well with your move x

  6. So happy for you! Good luck with the move :)

  7. Aww that's so cute. Brighton is amazing, when we go we visit the marina

  8. Ohh good luck with the move! I've never been to Brighton, but all the pictures I've seen look so nice!

    Don't stress with moving, you'll be fine, but one thing I will leave you – write what is in each box, and not just a word – a word with bullet points! It's a nightmare trying to unpack and not knowing where anything is, haha :)


  9. Good luck in your new home! May it bring you lots of happiness and exciting adventures ahead! X


  10. So exciting zoe, congrats on this huge milestone. Great things to come I predict lovely! Love from australia xx

  11. This is such a lovely comeback post, Zoe. I wish you all the best of luck for your future endeavours and hope the moving process is not a drag. All the best.


  12. Good luck with Brighton, it's such a cute place. There is a great American diner by the sea front; definitely go there because the food is amazing and the whole atmosphere is incredible, its like being in 50's America! :) xxx

  13. Good luck, Zoe! I remember my first night in my own place. I wanted my mom to spend the night but she refused and said I needed the experience. Haven't looked back since. You will love the freedom of it. Alfie coming too?!

  14. Caca♥

    YAY! Once you're done moving abd packing and decorating and all those stuff, PLEASE DO A HOUSE TOUR♥ LOVE YOUUUUU :D

  15. Oh wow Zoe!!! How very exciting! And I'm so glad you've written a blog again, I love to read them :). I moved out of my parents house when I was nineteen and I can really recommend you to unpack EVERYTHING the minute you arrive at your own house and make at least one room immediately cozy and homy so that if you feel a bit frightened you still have a place to feel at home. Also, have someone stay over with you the first night so you don't have to get used to the new sounds by yourself, but I don't think that would be a problem ;)…

    All the best!! xxx

  16. congrats on moving to brighton <3. it's my favorite city ever. you should definitely go play laserzone with some friends. it's so funny. :)

  17. Sounds like a lovely place zoe ! Hope you're happy their ! Give a kiss to Percy and Pippin for me please :)

  18. Make sure when you are packing you label the boxes. I made that mistake last year when I moved and come April I am moving again and still have half my stuff in boxes because nothing got labeled. And make sure not to have boxes with just random stuff in it. I hated it and it was so hard to find stuff after I moved! Moving away is scary but so fun! I am doing that next year with my husband and I am really excited! Good luck with moving!

  19. Good luck moving to Brighton! Moving to the sea is always good! I love the sea! Going to visit Brighton this summer during my trip to London. So I'm hoping that when June comes around you'll have great tips of things to do in Brighton ;)


  20. Aww so happy to see a blogpost by you again! And don't worry, you could've written about pooping and I would still be sitting here with tears in my eyes as I got emotional seeing you post this haha<3
    Good luck on packing and moving out and good luck on the whole year, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be amazing for both you and all your lovely viewers and readers hihi (I just indirectly called myself lovely wow such a dork)
    xoxo Maddie


  21. A lovely post Zoe, so glad to hear you moving and confident about it. It will be the hardest yet best experience of you life.
    I hope you have the cutest place to make your home and remember celetape is now your new best friend when packing ;') xxx

  22. Ah! That's so exciting Zoe! I remember when I first moved away from home when I went to uni. So exciting but scary. Best thing I ever did though. Freedom and independence is bliss :) Some tips on moving away? When I moved into my student house…first thing I did was make my bed (you'd be surprised about a difference bedding makes to a room) and I made a cake to make the place smell homely :) GOOD LUCK on your next chapter in your life! It is so inspiring to hear how you are beating your anxiety (being a slightly anxious person myself). Michaela xxx

  23. Lisa H

    All the best with your move Zoe :) x

  24. I moved to Brighton in September for Uni and I love it here. One of the places you have to go is the Northern Lights. It's a cute little pub by the seafront and it's covered in fairy lights and has lovely staff. Even if you don't drink (which I don't too often) I still recommend it. :3
    Hope to see you in Brighton soon. <3 And good luck with your move!

  25. I was so nervous moving away to uni and at first I really felt uncomfortable not having family around; but now, over 2 years on, I love living away from home as it makes going back to see my family that much more special, whilst being able to live my life the way I want to with my own space and decisions. It's just exciting!! Enjoy the adventure, that's what life is x

  26. Rebecca

    No matter what you blog about, I always like reading it, even if we have different tastes! I think it just gives a different perspective because some things are harder to say, but easier to write. But yeah, I KNOW THAT FEEL, I can't imagine myself moving out (until I'm married). I hope you, Percy and Pippin (they're so cute omg) grow to love Brighton even more! I'm chucking that I'm my bucket list because it looks so fun there!

    Rebecca | thedailyprophette.blogspot.com

  27. Congrats on moving out! I moved away from home when I was 18 because there was no university in the town I lived in and it was so hard at first being away from my family! But I promise you'll get used to it and you'll have your friends around to support you. I think it's important for us young ladies to be independent and learn how to live on our own :) Well done Zoe!


  28. Jessica

    Good luck! Can't wait to see how you decorate it, please do a video/post :) xxx

  29. ooh sounds like a big adventure! i've always wanted to go to Brighton, so good luck to you!! x

    A Little Treat

  30. Good Luck Zoe! I love you so much! I hope you have a great 2014! xxx Tara

  31. So amazing! I want to move out too, but it just doesn't feel the right moment. Too much going on. I'm soooo happy for you, Zoe!!! Have a great adventure!

  32. ZOE, I WAS LITERALLY SURPRISED THE MINUTE I SAW THAT HEADER. But I am truly happy for you. Good luck and all the best in your adventures in Brighton. How I wish I could live in such a cosy and beautiful place like Brighton too. Love you Zoe <3

  33. All the best for your move Zoe :'D Hope you settle in well!

  34. So exiting!!! I`m going to Brighton this summer with a huge gang of people( my corps actually!), so look out for us around the end of June. Hope to spot you :) Lots of love xxx

  35. Aww, Zoe this is so exciting! Good luck in your new adventures! :) xx

  36. don't put your clothes in wheel suitcases put your heavy stuff in them instead of in boxes

  37. oh emma

    brighton is also one of my favourite places in the world. maybe theres a little magic or something in the water there that makes everyone want to go back! good luck love :) emma x

  38. Good luck Zoe! I know you are a tough girl, and Brighton seems so nice , I hope the best for you! You go girl! :)
    I can't wait to see more your videos and vlogs, also blogs!

  39. Good luck :) I've moved house 6 times and as long as you have everything organised you'll be fine 💕 also you might want to make sure you label all your boxes carefully so you don't end up opening all your boxes looking for one thing :) I would also say try and unpack everything in one room so you have at least one room that's cosy and homely xxx

  40. Oh Zoe, is recognize so much in you. Aniexy to move, or see places, I'm so proud of you to see you grow this much. I probaly going on vacantion to Brighton so, if you know some good places let us know okay! I hope you'll have a lot of fun!

  41. Congratulations! Such an exciting adventure that you about to embark on. I wish you all the best of luck with the move, Brighton seems like such a lovely place.

  42. Woah that's a big step, and one you should be proud of. I'm in my 4th year living in Brighton and although I find it tough sometimes (all my friends left last year) I still love the place itself. The Spanish restaurant in the lanes opposite The Font, is an amazing family run authentic tapas bar with the nicest menu especially for a chilled out lunch. Also The Beach House Cafe, behind the childrens beach play area (west pier side) is so cute and does the nicest hot chocolates and treats. The Level is a great place in the summer when the beach gets packed and the store Velvet, in Hove IS A MUST for all little things to make your new house homely. You'll love it. Have an amazing adventure Zoella.

    Leah-Rose xox

  43. Wishing you all the luck in the world Zoe! Brighton is lucky to have you :) xxx

  44. Congrats, my dear =)
    I hope you have a good time in Brighton…Sadly I had no chance to visit Brighton yet but I can understand your
    love for the sea because I'm living directly at the north sea (hehe)

    Good luck for the future!

  45. CeCe T

    Hi Zoe I know moving can be challenging so my advice is to take it slow and bring the little things from you old house, such as pictures mugs?! And just remember take it easy and visit home once in a while, this is a huge step and we will be tight here to supports you and your chummies

  46. This was such an eye opening blog!! You really don't have to plan every little detail of what you want out of life. Just do it naturally and it will all fall into place. Good luck on your move and I am so sure wherever you go or do in 2014 will be quite an adventure. Might I add that ALL of your viewers/subscribers will stay right by their web enjoying every little thing you have to talk about whether it is beauty related or just plain nonsense! I know I will!!!
    Thanks for sharing with us! :)

  47. Lisa H

    GO ZOE :D

    I've just moved away from my parent's house in Italy (yes,that's right,expect me at Itatubecon!) to go study at uni in Belgium and yes, it hasn't been easy. I'm only 17 and I obviously miss my old life and my family there a lot.
    So in case you'll ever come to question yourself or your choices in the next few weeks, those moments will come but in the end you will probably look back at this as one of the best decisions of your life :). I hope you'll soon get to know many people there (but, as we all know, you wont be too lonely living close to Alfie) and feel right at home. Can we expect a tour video soon? :D Knowing you your place will be amazing!

    Wishing you and your adorable guinea pigs the very best <3

  48. Grace

    Packing tip – pack heavy things like books and candles into suitcases, so you can wheel them instead of having to carry them in boxes (so much easier)! Good luck with the move, I'm sure it will be a great experience for you. Moving out really helped me grow as a person. xx

  49. Good luck Zoe! I can imagine you talking while reading this blog post! Haha

    Sending you love all the way here in the Philippines! <3

  50. I've been watching your vlogs and I also think that Brighton is a really nice place.I can't tell exactly though because I've never been there but good luck on moving there and also really excited to see your new home sweet home! :) xxx

  51. hood luck and a lot of fun in you new place!
    (: Anna

  52. This is a very exciting step and what a special place to be branching out on your own two feet – Brighton is a beautiful place which, as a vegetarian, I particularly feel at home in! Terre a Terre, although a vegetarian restaurant, is a really fabulous place to eat out if you fancied something different (http://www.terreaterre.co.uk). When it comes to packing, when we moved house not long ago, we found it easiest to box things according to how you will unpack them, ie if you know the things you want in your living room, kitchen etc, keep them all together as it makes unpacking at the other end much easier! And labels will become your new friend. :)

    Good luck!


  53. Erin


    I'm excited for you! I'm turning 22 in 2 minutes and I'm planning on moving towards the end of the year. It's daunting as I'll be moving a 12 hour drive away but luckily it's only a one hour plane trip from where I live now.

    Good luck with it all – can't wait to see your adventures in your new place!

    erin, beingerin.com

  54. Amazing news! Good luck in Brighton, it's a beautiful city although I don't live there! I've visited it two times and loved it! Big love to you and to Percy and Pippin of course!


  55. Wahhhhh how exciting!!! Congratulations on actually doing it. I have a lot of friends who speak a lot about moving away but never actually do. I am moving to Winchester in September, also 3 hours away from where I live and I am so excited. Very best of luck to you :)


    Bit of a Freak | a UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  56. Aby

    It looks like 2014 is full of changes (in my personal life there have been some changes – job related).
    Good luck with the new adventure, hope things will settle quick and you will have time and inspiration to write more blog post and film new and interesting videos!
    To new places and new beginnings! (Cheers with juice :-)
    Aby :*

  57. Congratulations Zoe! It sounds like such an exciting new experience for you, I love Brighton so much as well! A place that I know you will love without fail is the American Diner along the sea front called "JB's American Diner" , it's a dream, you can get any milkshake known to man, even a *lets hear it*…… a LUCKY CHARMS milkshake! As soon as you said in your blog to recommend places to eat, this instantly came to mind and reminded me of you! Goodluck with the move! You have truly inspired me in my life! I can't thank you enough! -Jayde xxx

  58. Good job Zoe! Happy for you, hope you are going to have a lot of happy moments in your new house.

    Will you do a home tour please? :)


  59. wow, that's amazing :) congratulations!

  60. Aimée

    That's so exciting! Brighton is a beautiful city, I live in London but I've spent a lot of time there over the years. I hope the move isn't too stressful, and you enjoy decorating your new place! :) Aimée Xx


  61. sac-bae

    I've never been a confident person but reading your blog and watching your videos has made me realize that I'm fine with who I am. Lots of love all the way from Finland! <3 Love you Zoe!

  62. I have heard, that Brighton is the place to find husbands!

  63. I just wanted to say I absolutely adore your blog & youtube channel. When I read your posts and watch your videos, I see so much relevance to my own life. I often feel the same as you and I have a feeling that we’ve been struggling with the same problems. All my life I've been living in a small country called Latvia that I'm proud to call my home. However, this fall I have to start studying in a university. I've always been quite a good student and have always had top grades and some achievements. So as the UK can offer a better studying possibilities than my own country, I applied to several universities there and already got accepted in one of them, but I'm not so sure about my choice anymore. The problem is that I have the same anxiety problem as you. I don't really know if I'll be okay in another country all by myself and about 4 hours away by plane from my family and friends. However, it's my dream to study in the UK. I just feel like the anxiety is the only thing that's stopping me right now and I'm afraid of letting this chance pass me by just because of it. I guess I’m probably going to end up studying in a worse uni in my own country because I won’t be able to leave. I just wanted to say that your blog really inspires me and I'm so glad that someone else has gone through the same stage I'm going through right now.

  64. Yaaaaay! I hope you're happy as a clam in your new home.

  65. Noush

    What a great news ! Brighton is so beautiful. I wish you the best :)

  66. is she moving with Alfie?? I do not understand anything :/

  67. Joelle

    I LOVE Brighton! It's my fave place outside of London and Surrey. If you have time, take a day trip in the Summer to Lewes, it's such a cute village :)

  68. So she's moving to Alfie's house then? ;) im so pround of you Zoe and wish you a good luck

  69. Rachel

    Aw good luck Zoe, it's not an easy step moving out of home if you're happy there and you don't have a particular reason to move. I'm sure you'll love it!
    I was away at university for 5 years, have been back at home for a bit and I'm now moving to a new place again to start a job…so I'm in the same boat :)
    Wee Bit of Rachel

  70. ahh this is so exciting zoe :) brighton is lovely, can't wait to see what you do with your new home (fawns everywhere!) x

  71. Rachel

    Oh, and I don't feel very qualified to give advice but one thing I would say is try not to visit home for a few weeks once you've moved – I think it makes it harder to properly settle in!

  72. Im literally packing my life into boxes for about the 5th time! Moving from the UK to Malaysia, then Malaysia to the Netherlands, then to Indonesia, then back to the Netherlands, and now back to Malaysia and Indonesia once more! Its crazy stressful but at least you are close to home, it could be worse!

  73. Wishing you lots of luck with your move Zoe, and lots of happiness! So glad to see a post from you, I think everyone has missed you!
    Take care, Beauty by Alicee xxx

  74. Good luck Zoe, I hope you have an amazing time there! :) xo

  75. We'll done Zoe :) I'm sure you will love Brighton and your new home! Keep us updated tho :)
    Good luck xxxx

  76. zoella, I'm so happy for you! :) And I think you should be so proud for moving out of your parents house. I recently did the same. I thought it would be no big issue, but for me it was. Every weekend I went to my parents house, and I cried everytime I went back to my own house. I didn't even know why exactly, but you have to get used to so many things. I don't want to scare you, but I will give you a tip; just accept the fact you get homesick every once in a while. It's okay! Dont fight it! Try to accept it! :) I hope you get a lovely home, and I wish you the best over there! Much love, Bianca

  77. Awesome news :) As a Brightonian born and bred I obviously am bias! I'd recommend going to Shabitat (opposite Lewes Road bus garage) I literally furnished my whole flat for under £150 in very pinterest'y reclaimed pieces. They are a sort of charity too so it'll make you feel especially 'Brighton' going there.

    You must also try and go to the Sunday market down the marina (in the carpark) for some absolute gems! If you get down there early you get the best picks.


  78. Congratulations Zoe!!! I wish all the best for you on your move and living on your own! You've worked so hard to get to where you are now :) xxx

  79. The only thing I want to say about moving away from your family is that it isn't easy in the start, you'll miss them a lot and so on. I go to school, so I can't visit them when I want to. But after a time, it gets easier. So whatever happens, remember that it gets easier.

    I really hope that you'll be happy in Brighton and love it there!

  80. Zoë

    Good Luck Zoe! I'm Brighton born and bred and you are going to love living here :)

  81. I want to move to Brighton when i have the money and a tad older. I love the place i have visited so many times from when i was really young, Its like a home away from home! Visit choccywoccydoodah if you haven't already and the cafe its like Heaven!!!
    Enjoy you new home! :)


  82. Ooh exciting moving time! Please do a video on this – or show us your new place in Brighton when you've settled in! But yay – hope your move goes smoothly and everything goes according to what you've had planned :)

  83. Angi

    I've lived on my own since I was 16 and it can be quite daunting when you first realize you are responsible for everything. But the freedom that comes with it is priceless. My top tip would be to always remember to buy loo roll! You definitely don't want to be caught short at 3am haha x

  84. If you're poor (like me) the British equivalent of the Dollar Store is the best. They actually have lovely glasses and cozy mugs :) (I wouldn't decorate my house with it, but for the simple things like dishes they actually have nice ones!)

  85. amazing!!!!

    i just did my first ever vlog!

    definitely a knack to it!


    Mollie xoxo

  86. Yayyy best of luck Zoe!! That is an exciting step forward! I have seen others post this too, but PLEASE do a house tour!! That would be amazing! Best of luck moving & we can't wait to see what the year has in store for you!

    Maggie D. xx


  87. you need to do a house tour! :)

  88. Go to JB's diner! It's amazing! x

  89. Laura.

    I'm going to Brighton this summer for study english, I hope I'll see u! :D
    L xx

  90. vasare

    Thats awesome, I've never been to Brighton but would love to visit it some day, Im sure you will have a great time, Though packing is not the most enjoyable activity.. I've moved many times and even to a different country and the feeling to be far a way from home can be difficult sometimes but on the other hand new adventures and experiences that that comes along the way is a real life experience. Enjoy!


  91. I love Brighton. I'd love to move either there or Bristol one day.

    Check out the best supplements for healthy, clear skin on my brand new site: http://www.sophschoices.co.uk

    Sophie x

  92. i'm so nervous for you zoe! however, this is a huge step for you and i'm so proud! i hope you enjoy living in brighton, you bloody deserve it!!<3

  93. I hope you will show us soon your new "home" and you'll feel good there. Come back soon video. Kiss from Belgium


  95. I'm so excited for you Sweet Zoe! It's a big step, I'm so proud of you.

  96. sidney

    Oh Zoe, I am so proud of you! You have come so far since I first started watching you, you have transformed from this shy, beautiful girl into a proud and independent woman, and I am so proud that you're not letting your anxiety defeat you. I'm from Australia but I really would love to visit Brighton, I love the little beach and the beach houses and the nature of the place.
    All the best! Don't forget cutlery or towels – it is always the important things we forget!


  97. I'm so excited for you Zoe! x

  98. I am so happy you have blogged! I started my own blog back in 2013 and it has grown so much in a short space of time and I have you to think as your tips and everything blogging related have really helped so thank you!

    In regards to moving out just make sure to take what you need and also a few homely things with you as well. I'm sure you already know this but when I moved out to go uni I took a rug from my room along with a few cushions and pillows and it just eased the process of settling in to a new place! I hope you have a fantastic moving experience and here's to a new chapter in your life! *raises glass and says 'To Zoella*

    fleurdanielle.blogspot.co.uk :) xx

  99. Cat

    I lived in Brighton for five years, it's one of my favourite places in the whole world! Make sure you go for a walk in the rockery, near Preston Park, the amazing kids playground in Hove park, visit choccywokydooda cafe for the most amazing cake of your life, dance at Casablanca and chill out at fortunes of war pub on the seafront. Those are my top picks! x

  100. Lilyb

    i'm so happy for you Zoe! Good Luck! :D Love from Italy <3

  101. i lovee you zoe !! x pleaseee remeber

  102. Hey Zoella, loved this post! I can't wait for the day when I move out into my OWN place. However I did move out for university. I would say just make sure you bring items with you or buy items that will make your new place feel like home. You'll be just fine!

    Feel free to check out my blog: http://www.lifestyleandbeauty93.blogspot.co.uk I would be so grateful! >.<

  103. Best of luck Zoe!

    Brighton is amazing, I was there once due to an English course and loved it.

  104. Seppy

    Congrats darling! An amazing and big step in life! I moved out when I was 22 and it was great, but definitely missed home, so be prepared for that!

    I'm not from the UK – but is Brighton close to your parents' home?

    And are you moving into a flat or a home?? How exciting!! Good luck with the packing because that's a pain! BUT a great opportunity to get rid of stuff and start with a clean slate!!!


  105. Aww, all the best on your adventure Zoe :) I'm sure, Percy, Pippin and yourself will have a whale of a time :) <3

  106. FedeRS

    I'm happy for you Zoe. I live in a small city as well but i'm planning my future abroad. You're a model for me everyday more :)

  107. I can't tell you how jealous I am, I love Brighton so much! Make sure you go to JB's Diner and have the Lucky Charms milkshake, it's soso amazing!!



  108. Hi Zoe. I live near Brighton and spend a lot of time there. I would love it if I bumped into you one day when I am out in the city. After spending some time in Brighton you probably know of all the touristy places. Although there's a lot of quirky shops in the lanes my favourite is Duke's Lane, where I can admire the lovely shops which I can't afford to buy anything in. Me and my boyfriend love to get fish and chips and eat them on the beach in the summer. There's a cute little french patisserie near the train station that sells lovely macarons, and an artisan ice cream shop I would recommend called Gelato Gusto on Church Street. Also my favourite restaurant is Donatello's, which is near the entrance to lanes. Hope you enjoy your time in Brighton!
    Beany Jane

  109. I Moving out is stressful!! I get the keys to my new house next week and there is so much to organise!! And have already moved once before to a different city. Make sure you take stuff that you only need. Don't take books that you've read 50 times, or that ugly doll that has been sitting in your cupboard for your whole life. Donate some clothes to charity, throw them out, or give/sell them to friends. Take memories with you like photo albums, sentimental things. I started to organise bits and bobs like souvenirs into photo albums so they don't get lost, so much easier to look through as well. Make lists of what you have to take, and what you're not taking.

  110. I moved 2& 1/2 hours away from home at 16, i moved from skegness to leicester, the only person i knew where i was going was my bf, completely new start for me. I was extreamly introvert, to the point where sitting in the same rooms as someone i didnt know would knot my stomach & bring me out in sweats. But i was ready for the change. For the first year, i HATED it, i was at college and had no friends, no one to talk to, just my bf & he had a full time job to do & friends. Every time id see my parents, when it was time to leave id be roaring my eyes out. I met them once in lincoln for some christmas shopping and i got so upset when it was time to.part ways that they had to take me home & get my bf to pick me up the next day. After a year i got a job, i started to gain confidence & as a result of that, a few friends. My friends back home all started to notice the change too. It got easier to leave my parents house & all my family & my dog. You will miss every one back home terribly at first & it probably wont change for a long time & you might feel regrets. I am 21 now and i have made one very special friend and im still with the bf. Things arent always easy & it will be hard when you see the things that your missing. I have 12 neices/ nephews in skegness and it breaks my heart how much ive missed of them growing up. Good luck, and dont forget anything !

  111. Brighton is so lovely! We look forward to blogs and blogs about Brighton and lots of room and house tours. Go wild decorating!

  112. That must be exciting, good look ;) I'm going to Brighton in June, maybe I'll meet you ^^


  113. Ahh, Brighton seems so lovely. I've always thought that if I were to ever move to England for some reason, I'd probably try to find a place in Brighton. Good luck with all that moving business!

  114. Hannah

    Brighton is a great place, and not too far from London.
    Good to see you blogging again :)
    Hannah | twoforjoy | xo

  115. Oh and good luck Zoe! I am sure you will love Brighton, it looks amazing! Moving and having independence is so rewarding and so worth it in the end, you will enjoy yourself so much when you settle into your new surroundings. :) xx

  116. I live in Brighton and it's bloody fantastic, the shopping is great and there's so much to do, let's be besties ^.^ <3

  117. Hey Zoe! This was lovely to read, I giggled a little bit about you not having any glasses :3 I moved about 3 hours away from where I grew up when I was about 16, the advice I would give you is that it's okay to feel overwhelmed by it all and time will fix that. They say that moving house is the second most stressful thing you can do in your life after divorce! So just put aside time to do relaxing things in between the madness. :) xo

  118. Noooo Zoe, Wiltshire needs you! -I joke :) I think I saw your dad and his Sugg van thatching in my village today. Enjoy your new adventure in Brighton :)
    Http:// runninghamsterbeauty.blogspot.co.uk

  119. Aw Zoe, we come to your blog because we love hearing your awesome, positive thoughts! Not because we expect anything (though you're a very talented b/vlogger so you can rest assured you'll never post anything substandard – at least not in my opinion :)) When I moved from home to university I became very anxious, my apartment felt a little like a hotel, but in time everything comes together & you're right, all your loved ones are only a short trip away! Remember there are always phones, trains, emails & even twitter when you're feeling a little lost without your family by your side! I'm so glad 2013 was such a great year for you confidence-wise. I feel like not only me, but many of my friends and family also grew quite a lot last year. I'm so excited for 2014 & the challenges and opportunities this year will bring, and so excited you're back on Blogger! Xo

  120. It's good to see a post on here! It's been so long that I'm sure anything you post will make people happy since most of your fans are also readers of your blog.

    I didn't think you would move out this soon! I'm 23 also and have been wanting to move out of my parents' since last year, but I still feel like I need to save up a ton of money. I gave myself a deadline- i must be out of the house by summer!

    Good luck on your venture into adulthood! Also, I hope you visit Chicago soon because I missed you last time!

  121. Good luck to you Zoe! Absolutely adore Percy and Pippin (I used to have two guinea pigs myself, Maple and Syrup and miss them so much!) and I hope they've settled in with you well :) I moved from England to New Zealand when I was younger, so I totally understand how you feel about moving away! No matter how far you go, it's still significant in the big and little ways! Nevertheless, I'm sure you'll do amazingly! Personally, I've kept a small diary with me that's small enough to fit in my bag along with my sketch pad! I absolutely suck at sketching (but I love it so whatever haha) but basically I just write a little happy note in on each day. My day could have been absolutely horrid and people had been rude etc, but I just find the little thing that made me smile/laugh and write about it! Then if I just sit by myself in a cafe and feel a little glum, I flick through the diary and remember the good times :)

    If not, there's always chocolate ;)

    Anyway, good luck Zoe! I'm sure you'll be fine! A little hello to both Percy and Pippin!

    (Ps. don't forget to drink some water today!) #happinessproject2014

  122. Brighton is miles away from where her parents are but its a straight forward journey probably 3 hour drive x

  123. Good for you Zoe! I am so proud of the progress you have made and the great person you have become. Let's hope this is a great experience for you and I wish you all the best. I live in Australia so I don't think I can give you any tips on Brighton but what I can tell you is that I think you are taking a step in the right direction. I will always be supportive of you and your choices. Happy 2014 zo xo

  124. Pack VERY organized, if you don't its a nightmare to unpack, and to make it easier and less stressful play music while your packing it makes it go by much faster :)

  125. Does this mean your Gleam Address will be changing? I have some jewellery I am sending to you from my collection :)

  126. Iv

    Good luck! I love Brighton and hope to be there again!

  127. Congrats on the big life step Zoe, you'll love it & you'll soon see how easy change is to adapt to once it's happening :)

    I moved into my own place with my boyfriend this year after 5 years, and I couldn't be happier.

    Love it & good luck

    Mel x

  128. Good luck Zoe! :D I'm sure you will take Brighton by storm and make it "home" :)

  129. I'm so happy for you Zoe! :) Good luck and enjoy everything! :)

  130. I live in Brighton with my boyfriend as well! If you like milkshakes you must go to JBs American Diner right on the seafront. They do the most amazing milkshakes with fresh ingredients and ice cream! :D Also try Blackbird's tearooms x

  131. You are SOOOOO lucky and Brighton is so beautiful. Good luck with all the moving x

  132. Oh wow, what exciting news! I've never been to Brighton, but from the pictures it looks like a really pretty place. Definitely on my list to go there one day!

    Moving out is always a little bit frightening, but once you've spend a few nights in your new home, it gets better. I moved out for Uni about two years ago and it feels so good to have my own place. I wouldn't wanna miss it. And you get the change the meet a whole lot of new people. All in all a great experience.

    Wish you the best of luck!

  133. Cassy

    I am also 23 and I started 2014 the same way you are, by moving out. It's a scary experience full of all kinds of new things to be anxious about. But one thing I have learned is to focus on all the new and exciting things that will come your way now that you have moved out. Think about how fun it'll be to decorate, to go shopping for cute things for your home and to learn about the area that you live in. Moving out is incredibly liberating, it is when you finally get to put the finishing touches on becoming a 'real' adult. GOOD LUCK!

  134. I seriously love reading your blogposts – mainly because I hear it exactly how you would say it!! Good luck Zoe!

  135. oh my gosh zoe! i cant believe you are moving so quickly in the new year! i thought you would of moved a couple months later haha..but this is so exciting!! i cant wait to see a future "house tour" maybeeee? ;) <3<3 good luck with everything!!

  136. Congratulations! I've been to Brighton once, and my favourite place was the beautiful bandstand on the beach. I took a lot of pictures there, it was lovely! I hope to see some photos of you there sometime! :)

  137. Happy trip and life in Brighton. Good luck, lov ya

  138. Juliet

    Zoe, I wish you the best! I hope you have such a lovely and not too stressing moving, and remember to take this new experience as something positive and don't get too nervous.
    Enjoy! <3

  139. izzycw

    Congrats on your decision, Zoe!
    The only clue I can give you about moving out: Do not go back home during the first two months or even longer. I moved from England to the UK to work as an au pair and am now back in Germany but at an other place than my parents and did never go to see them before at least three months were over. It wasn't easy but you will be very busy and I've seen people around me visiting home every weekend (or every months, speaking of other au pairs) and they never felt comfortable and were always homesick. Be strong and spend a lot of time discovering your new home apart from the places you already know! It's a lot of fun to just hop of the bus (or tram or whatsoever) and walk somewhere you've never been before – that's how you find the most amazing places! (But take a map with you ..)
    Good luck in Brighton xxx

  140. Good Luck Zoe !! x

  141. Elle

    I'm a moving pro basically but i honestly feel like there's no secret to it. Organize your boxes well (keep what you want to be together in the same box and label your boxes with their general contents or where they're supposed to go i.e. closet, bathroom, kitchen, clothes, makeup, etc) and label the fragiles!!!! Once you get there, know you will miss your parents and your brother and your old house and habits. Don't dwell on it too much. Go out and discover Brighton and make a new day-to-day and you'll soon grow accustomed to it and miss your old life less and less. As you said, the ones you love are only a car/train/plane ride away and the world is quite big! we should have fun discovering it all.

    Enjoy your new adventure! I'm glad you posted again (:

  142. Aah I always hoped I'd bump into you because you literally live up the road from me! Now I never will haha:(

  143. Brighton is beautiful! SO jealous of you! Have fun! :)

  144. Gongrats and good luck Zoe! Don't worry about the anxiety, I suffer from it too and I have been living happily an hour away from my parent for two years. It took me like a week or two to get used to everything and not to feel anxious but now this feels like home and my safe place. In fact, the thought of living with my parents again gives me anxiety, hah :D

  145. Yay! I live in brighton! Hopefully I'll bump into you one day:D there's a really cute tapas resturant in the north lanes! They have such lovely food! There is also a little cafe in seven dials which is just up from town! <3<3

  146. Hey Zoe ! I totally understand what you said about moving far from home. I'm only 18 and 6 months ago I had to move for my studies (I'm french) in an hour from home (It's not that far, but it's not like I could see my family everyday). So I spent all summer being afraid of moving and not see my mom everyday, talk to her face to face, eating what she cooked, and spending time with my friends. Moreover I'm not an independant person ! I always need a friend beside me, someone who I can confess to, laugh with and simply someone who's just here with me. Being alone in the unknown is very terrifing. But I made it (I was forced to) and until now I spent the best 6 years of my life. Living alone doesn't scare me anymore (it's even plaisant !) and you always make new friends. I mean real ones. Soooooo now that I told you my little story, I just want to wish you the best, and be happy in your new life :)


  147. wow, big step sister!:) I´m 25 and I was moving at the same age as you are…and I absolutley know how you feel…especially because of your anxiety the last years…etc….I never went to Brighton but saw some places in your videos and it looked sooo cute! you will love it there. are you moving by your own or is someone living with you? if you are on your own it will be so relaxing I think:) that´s good for you! you can do whatever you want hihi. I live with a good friend of mine and sometimes it´s very annoying but most of the time I am happy that I don´t live on my own..but I think this is mostly due to my anxierty I think. There are not so many advices I can give you..but one thing is very important….organize and style your home how you want to and how you feel comfortable!! that´s the most important thing:)
    love xx

  148. Ahhh I'm so glad you're moving to Brighton! I live there and it's so amazing I don't want to leave (I'm here for uni). You should definitely go to the Twisted Lemon for drinks. They do the most amazing cocktails (virgin too I think) its like a secret little bar because the opening is the size of a doorway, but its lovely and half price during the weekdays. There's a gorgeous little tea shop called the Naked Tea Rooms in the Laines and they do soooo many kinds of tea its crazy and you get awesome teapots and stuff, they have this couch room where you sit on this really long sofa on the floor that goes all the way around a little room, its very cute and cosy!

    I work at Millie's cookies in Churchill square so definitely come and say Hi if you ever want a few cookies :)
    Hopefully I will see you around lovely! Good Luck!
    Rosie xx

  149. awwh… I'm so happy for you Zoe! I wish you every success in your new place, you come so far in the past year and watching and reading about you for the past 3 years makes me feel like I really know you, so know how much you have grown! I can't wait to see what the future holds for you, I'm sure it will be fantastic! xx

  150. There's a cafe along from Hove Lagoon called Carats cafe and in summer its so nice to go down and sit on the beach, its in southwick but along the seaafront so easy to get to!

  151. Zoey,

    What a nice change…

    I moved out when I was 17.
    I was born and raised in Brazil but wanted to learn English, and I realized that that wouldn't happen from home.

    So I packed my bags and moved.

    Now, after all my adventures, mistakes, smiles, tears, fights, meeting new people, college. After all of this, it has been one of the best decisions of my life.
    It has been where I learned who I am and given me the opportunity to not make excuses…. (it's easy to do so under our parents wings)

    As my dad says: We make plans, God laughs..
    And on that note. I hope you can allow yourself to sneak out of busy life of agendas and be spontaneous.

    Have fun girl….I'm sure your new home will be lovely and cozy!

    Best wishes…

  152. Congratulations Zoe! Moving out is a big step for anybody! I'm in my final year of uni and have started to get really homesick this year for some reason, and the thought of moving away from home once I've finished my exams is horrible as I've already spent so much time away from my family. It's so great that you've found a place that you love so much (: x


  153. Congratulations Zoe! I live very near to Brighton so am there all the time. This is a random one but in the North Laines there is this little sweet shop called Caramella, which is one of my favourite places to go! Good Luck xx

  154. Ahh thats great, I live in Brighton, i've lived in Brighton my whole life so I hope I know at least something to say hehe. A fab restaurant is Piccolos, it's cheap and the pizzas are AMAZING, having pizzas take away is only 3 pound it's fab.Their is always some sort of quite quirky event happening every so often, But I hope you love it here :) xxx

  155. It will be such an amazing experience! Moving out is an adventure! Good luck! I hope you will be happy there and won't get homesick :)

  156. Congratulations on your move Zoe. It takes a lot of courage and especially when you deal with anxiety. Never been to Brighton nor do I live near it (obviously since I'm from NI) but have heard nothing but lovely things about it. Hope you, Percy and Pippin have great fun :)

    Rachael x
    All The Little Things x | Rachael McClenaghan

  157. Im thinking/hoping to move to Brighton in the next couple of months. I love it there too, its very arty farty and quirky, I love that! I don't know anyone so it'll be bloomin' scary, and 3 hours from my mumzie! If anyone is reading this and fancies a new friend (Cant believe im typing this, CRINGE) to show me round B town then please contact me! Best of luck Zoe!!! X

  158. leanne.

    So happy for you Zoe, It is a huge change but I hope it works out for you :) Good luck with it all and you should definitely do a house tour (or flat wherever you're moving to) once you start decorating and everything! That would be amazing :) x

  159. Congrats! such a big step, I lived in brighton for some years before moving back to london, i love the ChoccyWoccyDooDah Cafe, me and my bestfriend went there for sandwiches almost every week, maybe thats just us being excited because there's a TV show about something in our town! haha, wish you all the best X

  160. so Alfie isnt the reason?……… but fare play to you Zoe hope it all goes well for you xx

  161. Wow good luck Zoe! Hope you're really happy there :)

    Tiny Alis

  162. Hey Zoe! I visited Brighton once and went to a great brazilian restaurant (I'm brazilian and any opportunity I had to eat my country's food I'd get it). The restaurant is called Preto, they have typical brazilian food in great quality. It's quite near the pier and I completely recommend it (: Hope you get a chance to go there and enjoy as much as I did

  163. I've been to Brighton last summer for one month and I really felt in love with it!
    My home was in Hove, but I spent lot of time in Brighton and I think it's an amazing place to live for young people! You'll really enjoy this experience…
    You have to go to "Kings and Queens" pub on tuesday evening, it's karaoke night and it's so funny!

    Btw, good luck for everything Zoe, and see you in april in Italy!
    Bye Bye :)

  164. OHHH I'm so proud of you! Don't worry about a thing, in the end everything is always alright, even when we thought something is about to turn into disaster! I'm waiting for pictures and videos from BRIGHTON! <3

  165. ELZ w

    Ah good luck with moving Zoe! Brighton is just a wonderful place, visit all the time as my Dad lives there! Hope it all goes well! I love your blog,and was so excited to see that you'd posted as I'm always checking! It would be really amazing if you could check out my blog as you're a massive inspiration! http://elzelliew.blogspot.co.uk/ xxxx

  166. Bez

    The first thing you need to do when you arrive is switch on the fridge and then make the bed so you can rest whenever you need to.

    You won't actually feel like you've moved out until it hits around the three week mark, then you'll cry a lot and want to go home. Don't! These feelings will pass and they pass quicker if you march right on through them. :-) it will be wonderful!!

  167. Hi zoe :)
    my name is hanna , i´m from austria and i watch your videos now for like 2 years or something :)
    me and my best friend madlen are going on a trip to the beautiful Great Britain .
    we are really looking forward to it.
    i have been to engalnd 2 times now and i really enjoyed my time there ..
    the second time i was there i also went to brighton and is really one of the nicest city i have ever bin to :)

    we also want to visit brigthon during our england journey :)
    it would be amazing to meet you there.

    maybe we bump into you on the beach or somewhere else .

    x Hanna
    Greets from Vienna.

    p.s. you should come to vienna one day, it is a lovely city and you can discover a lot …
    i´f you are going to vienna some day , please let me know.

  168. one thing i learned from living (in a different country) at uni, is that the first year is DEFINITELY the hardest. so prepare to be quite homesick, although this kind of move is very different to uni, but still. it'll get better and you will defo feel more settled in :)

  169. I forgot to add this. If you can afford it and have time I would recommend hiring a moving company. I did and it was sooo much easier to deal with. They came in and picked up all my items, heavy, boxes, tvs, my tred-mill and took it all on their trucks. They followed me to my new place and unloaded. They normally charge hourly rates. But the Uk might be different. Remember to do research before hiring a company, if you plan on it. Some places require liability insurance, make sure they have it! Goodluck.

  170. Anne

    I'm moving out this year too, although I'll have to wait till summer.
    I'm really excited because I'm going to live near lots of my friends and I've wanted to have my own place for a long time.
    I can't wait to see what your house looks like, I think you'll be great at decorating it. House tour?
    As for tips, the only one I can give you is if you want to change something to the house, like break down a wall or get a new kitchen, or even paint the walls, don't wait too long. When my family and I moved the first thing they wanted to do was to gat a new kitchen, now, 7 years later, we still have the old one (:
    Oh, and I seriously love everything you write, if it's a review, lifestyle post or an ootd, they are all very fun to read.
    Good luck with moving!
    Love you, bye!


  171. I feel you. I might have to learn how to live independently soon as well – and in a whole other country! It's good that you've been accustomed to the place before moving there. Good luck Zoe xx

  172. Good luck with the move. Brighton is an amazing place. You should deffo check out Marwood Cafe if you haven't already. :D

  173. I've moved to Brighton in september for university, I was so nervous, but it is honestly the best decision I have ever made! It is an amazing place to live and you will love it here! I thought I'd be homesick all the time, but I wasn't and I'm still not! It's lovely to visit home as time away makes your time at home even better. As you said, family and friends are only a journey away! Good luck with the move, I hope it all goes well! :)


  174. Hi Zoe and everyone else who's reading! My boyfriends family live in Brighton and we regularly go out shopping in the lanes – there are some very nice jewellers in the little cobbled streets and such unusual random antique shops that you'll love. The streets as you must have seen are filled with all kinds Of people and all kinds of amazing artwork / graffiti . I am hoping to move out (buying – exciting) my house with my boyfriend this year. Maybe once you are settled you can share with us some moving out and getting your own place tips because so far I've found it very scary and daunting . I have been getting very stressed about it because I feel I am ready but still don't feel like I'm "grown up" but I guess this is the thing that makes you level up into proper adulthood if you know what I mean. If anyone else has any tips or helpful ideas for buying/renting your first house please do let me know I would really appreciate the help.

    I will also be keeping up my new blog I've started with all my progress and life changes. I'd love for you to come enjoy my journey with me and vice versa for anyone else – I'm on the hunt for blogs to follow!

    I'm at
    I'll be very happy to follow you back and hopefully have a chat and get to know one another :)
    And most of all good luck Zoe , I'm sure you won't need it though :)
    All my love
    Jamie xox

  175. Ellie

    Congratulations Zoe, this is really exciting. I hope the move goes smoothly, you're going to have such an amazing time :)


  176. Congratulations! The first time moving away from home is scary but exciting. I'm not going to lie, it's a bit difficult at first but hang in there! As far as moving goes, I have moved places, for one reason or another, every year for the past 6-7 years. To say I am sick of it is an understatement BUT I have learned a lot. Use this time to clean out your closet. If you don't want to pack it, donate it, toss it, whatever. Make sure to have some experienced help moving it. My mom is a godsend. Until you live on your own, you never know things like how you like your kitchen set up. My mom came in and unpacked my kitchen for me and it was such a help. Now that I have lived on my own for a while I have more of an opinion on where I like things but at first, I had no clue. Also, moving is a lot more expensive than I ever expected. If you can inherit or borrow things to fill your home, do so now, worry about buying new things/ items more your style later when you know better what you need, want, and aren't paying a million bills/down payments at one time.

    You can do this. Congrats again.

  177. #Zosia#

    I am big fan of your vblogs! :)

  178. Sej

    Brighton sounds like an awesome place to live! I hope you get on well and like it as much as everyone else does.

    Good on your for taking the chance and branching out. What you said about making in friends in so many different cities and understanding distance isn't the end of anything is so true and a lovely thought.

    Sej || What Would Grace Kelly Say?


  179. so happy to see A new blog post from you!
    I'm now 23 and think it;s the right time for me to move out xx good luck :)


  180. I wish you a lot of luck! :-)


  181. Good luck Zoe I am moving next week to !! And I will live 1 hour away from you now!!

  182. Kudzai

    Ah wow, that's amazing Zoe! Good luck with moving and I can't wait to follow you on your journey over in Brighton :) xoxo


  183. Omg I live near Brighton!xxxxxxxx I love you Zoe I wish I could meet you xxx 😀😀😍😍😍😘😘😘

  184. I think the current status of my life is exactly how you described your life few years ago. I can't even imagine moving out of my parents house, even though I am only 19. I wish you the best of luck with this move and congrats on being able to take a giant step into adulthood!

    xo, Sarah Holt

  185. Omg I live near Brighton!xxxxxxxx I love you Zoe I wish I could meet you xxx 😀😀😍😍😍😘😘😘

  186. Awhhh Zoe! you shouldnt worry about these things, I really understand how you feel must be so hard to please thousands of people But youre doing a great job! you should post the blog content that you enjoy and love, thats how youve become so sucessful in the first place. dont let any negative comments get you down. you have everything going for you and when that happens just think how far you've come and how well youve done.

    I love your videos, you're defiantly my favorite youtube and I agree and can relate to how you dont fit into a category but thats what makes you unique I enjoy the mixture of different videos and im sure a lot of others do to.

    Keep that chin up and good look moving.

    would mean a lot if you checked my blog- fashion related.

  187. Well I´ve only been to Brighton twice but I LOVED it! And I know for sure that I want to live there!! I may only be 14 but I´ve always dreamed of living by the sea and in England.. But at the moment I live in Germany… between some cows and fields… Oh, I hate the country side:D
    What I loved about Brighton where the little cute lanes, the pier and the sea<3 I really loved the little shop, where you could buy records. Somehow that shop made me want to have a record player:D You should buy one… they´re great!:D
    But I probably get far to excited now! I hope you have a gorgeous time! I love you xxx

  188. Really enjoy your blog!!

    Good luck with the move and enjoy your new found independence, its an exciting experience!



  189. Even though I moved out to go to university I still class my parents home as home! I wouldn't say that I have moved out because I still have a room there and visit a lot! The thought of moving my stuff completely out scares me! But saying that having my own flat excites me as well :) decorating it myself and having my own personal space that I have picked not my flatmates :P I'm so excited for you, they will be such a great adventure :) hope the packing isn't to stressful!

    Katie xx | Katies World

  190. ahhh i live in brighton!! hope to see you

  191. Wow such a big yet memorable step! It had to happen some time I suppose;)
    Good luck and all the best

  192. Ookaze

    Good luck with the new home and town, Zoe! I'll probably move out from home for the first time this year as well to study abroad, so I'm not only changing my home but also the country, eek! Hopefully, that is. I'm already super excited and scared at the same time, but actually I can't wait to see if everything turns out like I want it to :)


  193. Omg! wow Zoe! That is amazing! I feel so happy and excited for you Pippin and Percy! It's like you have your own little family! Hope you have some amazing times in Brighton and enjoy the sea! You'll only live along the coast from me now! Being by the sea is great and I love it too! Good luck with moving as I know it can be stressful but it'll be worth it! Love you loads! Xx

  194. Also, the best thing about moving is buying new things of your own! My favorite part is buying kitchen items :)

  195. Good luck, I know this must be so scary for you with anxiety ect, im so very proud. I love visiting Brighton as family live there! If I ever saw you I would die (literally)<3 much love

  196. I love Brighton, I hope you'll be happy there! :) If you've got loads of clothes you should sell them online like DollyBowBow (Kate) does :)) Good luck Zoe! x

  197. I love my family, but my hole life i've dreamt of living abroad, maybe because I'm not really into my country (Brazil), i'm only 15 and this year i'm planing to live in Canada for 5 months, and i'm so happy. Anyway, Good luck there zoe, i search about it and it is the cutest place ever.. hope you be happy there.

  198. Tania

    Wow this must be so exciting for you!! One of my best friends moved to Brighton a few years ago & I've been to visit, it is a rather lovely place with quirky little shops! I'm hoping to move out at the end of this year (I'm 24- 25 in October) so I've had the bug for a while! I live on the little old Isle of Wight which I know you like to visit! I won't be venturing as far as you as I do love this place, despite the lack of shops!! I'm very excited though! … ah essay ha! Well good luck with your move! Looking forward to updates about it! :)

  199. Good luck Zoe, I'd love to move to Brighton!


  200. Yay! I'm so happy for you! I hope you, Pippin and Percy settle in well! x


  201. I always feel overwhelmed when moving. I'll get so worried about packing everything that all I want to do is nap…and then I nap instead.

    Good luck with it! And congratulations on moving! It sounds exciting.


  202. Very exciting to move out for the first time. I love Brighton, I have family that live there and around there. My cousin has a B and B called the White house that is just beautiful. i have no specific places to go but it is a place I would love to live, so I hope you enjoy it

  203. When I saw you wrote a blogpost again and made a small jump of happiness :) Don't worry about the content, write about what you love! I will always love the post, since you are just an amazing human being! Hope this year will bring you so much joy and will be even better than last year! You deserve it Zoe!

    xo Mélane
    Selfhelp | Inspiration | Motivation

  204. I feel so excited for you! I remember when I moved out at 16 and it was super crazy and scary all at the same time, but it is so exciting and I think it helps you find yourself even more as you become reliant on yourself. My advice would be is you will get homesick at points and miss being at home but, there are so many experience that will be far greater and being in a new(ish) area will be so much fun! Good luck with everything and he move :)! xxx

  205. Hi Zoella! Just a quick tip for your GUINEA PIGS (Dont think that its for you xD) Uhm, just bear in mind that when you move guinea pigs, expecially when its 3 BLOODY HOURS AWAY that it is SUPER SUPER stressful for your guinea pigs, now, Please dont take public transport to you house (Why would you do that, why am i mentioning it?!). Anyway here are the tips:
    -Make your guinea pigs as comfortable as you can in the car journey, like, put them in one of those boxes you would usually put a small dog or a cat in, and line it with towels or fleece. Put some veg in there, dont overfeed them with treats though, and get an extra towel/fleece lining just incase it gets too dirty with wee and poo ;)
    -Try not to listen to music in your car (I know it will be hard for you, as you love singing to music). This is because this can put even more stress on them.
    -Definately try to put them back in their same cage once you are home, as this cage for this is of course "home sweet home"
    -Try not to hustle around with boxes ALL the time, uhm, try not to make TOO much noise, some is ok.
    -Try not to open the window, because of course, all of the traffic noise will stress them out.
    -Be quite flexible, however, this is usually needed if your guinea pigs tend to fight.
    -Don't let them get cold, because it will be freezing for them, especially if you are loading the car, and you are getting the other boxes, your guinea pigs are priority. Its super important, because they are warm, if you are warm when you are wearing a thin long-sleeved top.
    Good luck, and lots of hugs from me and my guinea pigs, Oskar and Woody xxx

  206. I don't live in Brighton, but I live in Worthing and they're not very far apart. I love Brighton so much, it's amazing! Maybe I'll get to meet you one day (:

  207. Thats an amazing decision! I can't wait to be in my own place that I can decorate how I like. I would love to see what you will end up doing with it ? x


  208. Where and what uni in Belgium are you studying at? :)

  209. Ahhh! So exciting that you'll be down here. Brighton is an amazing place, I'm here at uni. Some tips are;
    – go visit Marwood's Cafe in the lanes if you haven't already, they really do have life changing cake
    – the Mesmerists is an amazing night for jazz and cocktails
    – check out Pompokos near the Mash Tun for their katsu chicken curry, beats Wagamamas by a mile. Just be prepared to be squished. Very squished.
    – hills will become your worst enemy if you're ever walking, beware of the rivers that form down them when it rains
    – winters here are so, so very cold but also beautiful

    Other than that, enjoy! Brighton is my favourite place ever and (near enough) everyone is so open minded and friendly. If you ever need more tips, give me a shout. Good luck! xxx


  210. Good luck with your move, Zoe! Sounds so exciting! I was wondering why you haven't posted lately..such a great comeback post though :)

    Larissa | http://adornedmuffin.blogspot.com/

  211. Ahhh Zoe! I love brighton, last time i was down there i went to the blackbird tearooms! They are in the lanes and it is really cute and so vintage!! all the girls wear red lipstick and any way i think you'd love it. Have fun there- im very jealous of you! :) xxx

  212. Hi Zoe and everyone else who's reading! My boyfriends family live in Brighton and we regularly go out shopping in the lanes – there are some very nice jewellers in the little cobbled streets and such unusual random antique shops that you'll love. The streets as you must have seen are filled with all kinds Of people and all kinds of amazing artwork / graffiti . I am hoping to move out (buying – exciting) my house with my boyfriend this year. Maybe once you are settled you can share with us some moving out and getting your own place tips because so far I've found it very scary and daunting . I have been getting very stressed about it because I feel I am ready but still don't feel like I'm "grown up" but I guess this is the thing that makes you level up into proper adulthood if you know what I mean. If anyone else has any tips or helpful ideas for buying/renting your first house please do let me know I would really appreciate the help.

    I will also be keeping up my new blog I've started with all my progress and life changes. I'd love for you to come enjoy my journey with me and vice versa for anyone else – I'm on the hunt for blogs to follow!

    I'm at
    I'll be very happy to follow you back and hopefully have a chat and get to know one another :)

    All my love
    Jamie xox

  213. Good luck in Brighton Zoe, I'm sure it'll be amazing. I visited there for the first time in October and I fell completely in love with the place. It's safe to say I'm a little jealous!
    Enjoy it xx

  214. I'm beyond proud of you right now. I suffer aniexty myself and watching you last year was so inspiring. Hope moving doesn't stress you out and you enjoy your new adventure. :) http://www.katesperks.blogspot.ie

  215. So happy for you Zoe (: I know exactly how you feel about moving away from your family, in fact, moving to University in September is going to be the same for me!
    I hope you love Brighton – it sounds beautiful :3
    Jem xxx

  216. Hi Zoe,
    I don't live in Brighton but I do live very near it. (Shoreham – by – sea). Anyway there is a lovely cafe in Shoreham that you HAVE to go to. It is only a couple of minutes from the station and they have the best cooked breakfasts, cakes and so many different types of tea and coffee… when I say many types I mean like a whole menu/book of them! The cafe is called Teddies and I really hope you go.
    Good luck with the move xx

    p.s one thing you must do in Brighton at Christmas time is to go ice skating at the royal pavilion at night. It is so beautiful

  217. Moving will be a true experience for you. I have moved a lot and just last year lived on my own for a year. It is incredibly liberating and you get to do whatever you want when you want to do. It may get lonely sometimes but take those moments to really learn about yourself and just think about life. You feel more adventurous and wont be afraid to do things on your own as much. As far as advice goes, all i can say is make that space your own. It was the most exciting part for me. Decorating however I wanted and doing different DIY projects to decorate my house was probably my favorite part of the whole experience. It was a feeling I will never forget. But most of all don't worry. Organize schedules for your bills (IMPORTANT) and just enjoy your new home! I'm so proud and happy for you Zoe! You're an amazing person and even though we are the same age, I really do look up to you. Good luck with everything and just remember to have fun! Much love always! :)

  218. So happy for u..I hope u enjoy ur new home,..if u ever feel u miss home..just call and always o back..bet your dad would have lots to tell u

  219. Sarah V

    What an amazing experience! I hope to be moving out somewhere next year :)
    I wish you all the best in the new city and can't wait to see you're adventures!

    good luck!

  220. So hsppy for you zoe! As im only young and still live with my parents, I do not understand what you are experiencing right now. However Im sure its magical! I do hope you share this amazing journey with your viewers/readers lole myself, im sure it will be wonderful!


  221. Good luck with the move! I have family in Brighton so I often visit there; it's a lovely place.


  222. I live in Brighton and it is the best place to live. Your never far from over people and people are very friendly. The Churchill square shopping centre is amazing for shopping. They have a huge Primark on the over side of the road. THE BEST thing to do in the summer is to see the Childrens Parade. Children in primary schools in Brighton all get given a theme are told to make costumes and a float. It's really nice to see all the kids dressed up and plus its a nice day out all together. I hope you enjoy living in Brighton :D

  223. Emma

    I'm so happy for you Zoe! It's amazing to have seen you blossom in confidence and take a step out of your comfort zone. I'm sure you'll love Brighton – not to mention, you'll always be able to drop by Felix and Marzia's flat if you get lonely! ;)

    Much love,
    Emma | Reverie Lane

  224. Hey Zoe! I just wanted to wish you luck on your big move! I know how you feel. I moved from A town about and hour outside Belfast (NI) to Dundee in Scotland last year for uni and it was scary! My only advice is to keep yourself busy and not sit around feeling sorry for yourself cause you miss home a bit. Get involved in everything! Again best of luck! It'll all work out, much love Holly xx

  225. So happy for you. Independence is difficult at times, but I'm sure it'll be so wonderful and rewarding! Plus it means no one is their to tell you off if you're wandering round in your underwear! Good luck, it's so lovely to see you back on the blog! x


  226. Hello! I see that you all enjoy Zoe's blog and her as a person and I just wanted to tell you that she is my inspiration too. Can you guys, please help me out by checking out my blog and maybe sharing it on your social media sites? I am a brand new blogger and I have a lot of creative ideas, i promise you that even though i have small amount of articles now, they will increase and I'll try to keep my viewers interested if i somehow manage to gather audience! Thank you in advance for you time 💜 Here's the link : http://fashionandallthingsbeautiful.blogspot.com/

  227. I come to your blog to read your thoughts no matter what they are! :) And Congratulations on the move, I cant wait for all the videos and blogs from your new home! Good Luck with the packing :)

  228. I recently moved to Brighton too as a student and am having the BEST time! There are so many lovely places to visit and things to do. Make sure you go in snoopers paradise in the lanes its the best shop ever! Riki tiks bar in north lane do amazing cocktails, 2 for 1 on a thursday I think! Good luck Zoe :) xxxx

  229. hope brighton is perfect for you zoe xxx

  230. Wow thats soo exiting ! Hope all goes well xx brighton seems like a lovely place x close to alfie felix and marzia! Will be fantastic im sure! Plus decorating will be fun i should imagine!
    Love from florence xx

  231. wow that was sudden hope you get moved okay :) xx

  232. Moving is so stressful! I have moved three times this past year, and many more times before that. I'm becoming something of an expert. Make sure you have one box that has the essentials –toothbrush, toothpaste, hair care, pajamas, blanket, pillow, extra set of moving clothes, hair care, skin care, etc– kept separately and on top of everything so its easier to get to. At least that way you'll have everything you need the first night at your fingertips without having to dig through all your boxes right away. It makes the first night easier and doesn't make you have to stress about getting everything out and put away before you have time to organize everything.

  233. Good luck and ope you have the time of your life there!! :) xx

  234. Congratulations Zoe. I hope Brighton gives you everything you want. From moving myself I would say take a few mugs, a kettle and tea bags separately from your boxes. I guarantee there will be someone that wants tea when you least expect it/ least convenient time. Good luck Zoe this is really exciting!!! xxx

  235. Oh Zoe, this is so exciting and it'll be a big change but I'm sure you will handle it gracefully and I wish you the absolute best in your move:) Maybe a blog post about the new place will come soon?
    Much love,

  236. Best of luck! I'm 18 & moving out of uni with my friends in the summer. Technically I left home at 17 since I moved into uni, but being in my own place with friends will be exciting. Best of luck! :D

    x leah symonne x


  237. I used to live in Brighton and loved it its a really lovely place, so excited for you. A great restaurant I always love to go to when I visit with my friends and family is Days, its a Chinese buffet and the food is super tasty especially the desserts which are amazing and there's so many choices, so if you have not been yet you definitely should check it out. wish you the best on your move,hopefully nothing bad happens :) xx

  238. Brighton is such a wonderful place to be! We've got such a lovely little supportive network of bloggers too, you'll have to join us for our next coffee and/or cocktails when you're here! I moved here a few years ago from the deepest darkest countryside, it was a huge change but I love it so much, it's the little things like a 24 hour bus service or getting epic italian food delivered in the middle of the night on a week day. The best bit is that wherever you explore, you'll find yet another fantastic little shop/restaurant/cafe that is entirely quirky and amazing. Good luck with the move!
    Carrie xx


  239. Martha

    yay, so happy for you zoe! well done :3 good luck as well! :) xx

  240. Good luck Zoe ! <3

  241. omg!!! i'm so exited for you!!!!xxxx

  242. Aww this is so cool that you are moving in your own house :)

  243. although i still live at home my brother lives in a different country so i know what its like to be away from family, and you will be fine! especially with skype and all that jazz:)
    Lizzy | elizabethsophiee x

  244. Amelie

    Hey:) I'm from germany and visited Brighton in 2012 with my school. I think it's such a great town and i even liked it more than London at least to go shopping, because it wasn't that crowed like London. Hope you enjoy it and that you're happy with your decision!:) Good luck.:)

  245. Good luck!! I remember when my friends used to say we'd live together someday and how amazing it would be, now I'm scared to think in a couple of years I'll be moving away from my family! But as you said, distance is not such an issue.


  246. I was in the same position as you a few years ago and although it was a huge change I LOVE living on my own and having that freedom. I still go visit my parents and talk to them often, but it is nice to have my own space.

    My advice is to make sure you have a friend stay with you for a night or two! That first night in your own place can be a little scary and I wish I'd had someone stay over. The rest will fall into place as you settle in. Good luck!

  247. aww that's cute and brave of you and i guess you will be nearer to Alfie then as well :) xxx

  248. i am so happy for you zoe <3 i live about an hour away from brighton and when i go there i guess i jst go to all the normal places, so i dont really have any goo places to tell you here to go haha! but the lanes and the pier are definatly my favourite. hope you have great 2014 good luck!!xx


  249. Poppie

    Wow, thats a huge step, that you are doing, but I am really happy for you, that you will do it :)
    Especially, because you said in one of your videos last year, it was one of the last christmas vlogs, I think, you told us something about moving out in 2014, but I had never expectet, that this time will come so soon. Anyway, I moved out when I was 19. I lived with a good friend of mine for one and a half year, after that I moved into my own flat. It's totally different to living at home with your parents, but its so great. You will love it. And it's normal to be a bit nervous and maybe a bit scared to. You have to grow into that, too and I am sure, you will very fast. Good luck! Hoping to see some pics of your new home and the home of your guinea pigs :)

  250. Ah thats sounds like such an exciting adventure Zoe!! Good luck <333

  251. Mattie

    Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and proud that you're doing this! I'm from Brighton and if you're looking for a takeaway hot drink (there isn't too much room in the shop) Coffee @ 33, a little way down the hill under the bridge from the station is great – the guys that run it are so sweet and it's nice to support and independent local place! They also make A* brownies. To Be Worn Again and Born Retro in the lanes are great vintage shops and Marrocco's (actually just into hove) is a sweet Italian restaurant/ice cream bar just off the beach! There are tons of great pubs and music venues, and Cote does AMAZING steaks. I hope you enjoy living in the city, it's so beautiful and a lovely place to live! xox


  252. Mattie

    *an independent

  253. Wow good luck that's amazing! I'm about a year older than you and I'm quite the same feel comfortable at home with friends and family and always assumed id move away somewhere close to home, but have been thinking about moving to a different area, this has given me a little bit more motivation to do it!

  254. I wish you all the luck in the world with your big move to Brighton! A really beautiful place, I really want to go there someday :)

  255. Welcome back Zoe! And best of luck with moving, hope it all goes smoothly – I'm sure you'll be fine :)
    Joiee // Mr Joiee

  256. Congrats on taking the plunge and moving! Me and my partner are moving in a few weeks too, we've done it before but it's still nerve-wracking!

    I love Brighton too, it's a wonderful place. I definitely recommend the Gourmet Burger Kitchen down the Laines (especially if you've never had a GBK before!), as well as the Vintage Postcard Co., an amazing gift shop tucked away in the North Laines :) x

  257. Aww Zoe I loved this, I know you'll have an amazing time in Brighton, the sun follows you everywhere you go :) Have fun moving, and don't stress too much, you always have time to do, buy and make. Please don't forget that we are here for you, for advice, help, comfort and support. I hope you enjoy your Brighton adventure and I know that Percy and Pippin will because you are their mummy and anywhere you go is home for them. Best Wishes, Katie xx

  258. Hope the move goes well! ♥

  259. I do not live in Brighton, however visit there allot as my uncle lives there, and although it seems the obvious answer to give, i believe that just visiting Brighton pier, and the beach surrounding it, is lovely and relaxing! And another advantage to it is that there are many beautiful and nice shops along side the beach, and the ice cream shops are just perfection xx i wish you good luck!!! xxxxx

  260. Deenie

    Good luck Zoe! Brighton is such a lovely place and it sounds like you love it a lot, have fun packing and have a lovely time there :)

  261. Welcome back Zoe! Great post :) Wishing you the best of luck with your move to Brighton – hope it all goes smoothly for ya!


  262. Good luck moving into Brighton Zoe! I agree, Brighton is such a lovely place to live in :)

  263. Maddy

    Good luck, this sounds like an amazing opportunity for you! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD

  264. Congratulations on the big move Zoe! How exciting! I actually live at home, but I have moved away to University before and I think my best tip is WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN THAT YOU USE. In between now and moving away, if you use something, write it down. I know that sounds silly, but it makes sure that you buy things that you use! Eg if you eat a lot of cheese, make sure you write cheese grater down, or an iron and ironing board, a bedside lamp, extra sheets (these are all things I completely forgot and had to rush out to buy haha!). So hopefully this method will stop you from forgetting anything you use a lot, then you can buy extra things along the way :) Hope you have a wonderful time, I'd love to visit Brighton sometime in the future!
    Charlotte xxxxx

  265. I moved 17 hours away from home for college in 2011 and now in 2013 I am back home but it was a major adjustment for me. I also have anxiety like you do and it was hard for me in the beginning because when I would have panic attacks I used to just want to be home laying in my parent's room watching tv to get my mind off of the attack but I had to learn ways of dealing by myself. I never believed I would be able to live on my own that far from my family because I always thought I would live in Maryland in close distance to my family my whole life. Going to school all the way in Florida was an adventure I was so glad I got the guts to just jump in and do it.

    My next big jump moving from home will hopefully be England actually. I have been looking into many jobs, I went to school for Show Production and Touring and the UK has been a dream of mine since I was 5 years old hahaha. Such a weird dream for a child haha. But having family friends living in Kent should be a bonus if I need a quick get away.

    If you have any tips for me on the price of living and all that jazz that comes with living out there it would be greatly appreciated.

    Have an amazing journey to Brighton. Your videos and posts, especially about anxiety are such a huge help for me.

    Stay amazing!



  266. Congrats Zoe! May your new adventures in Brighton bring you nothing but happiness and calm moods. Can't wait to read/watch all about your amazing journey as an *adult*. :)

  267. Good for you, Zoella! I can't wait to see a video of your new place. I am sure you will decorate it just lovely :)

  268. Congrats Zoe!!! May your new adventures in Brighton bring you nothing but happiness and calm moods. Can't wait to read/watch all about it! Once you've settled in tell US what's your favorite thing so far about living in Brighton!

    Much love xx

  269. Sofie

    I am so glad you made a new blog post after all this time! :) I hope you can find more confidence and time to write more posts. I really enjoy rading them!
    I am so happy you're moving to Brighton. It's my dream city to live. I think it's going to be a real adventure to live on your own and also so much fun! :p I hope you're gonna be happy there.

    Love Sofie

  270. hey zoe :)

    i doubt that you'll see this but if you do, i just want to say how i proud i am of you for moving out, and so far away from your family, as i know you have struggled with anxiety and this is such a big step! my friend started suffering from panic attacks recently, so i got her to watch your video about them, and that has inspired her to not let panicking controll her life, and for that i can't thank you enough!

    now, as for brighton, i go to college there and have grown up going to the beach there on family outings. it's a great place, and i can honestly say you will have so much fun :) if you haven't found it already, once place you have to go to is a little place called Angel Food in the lanes. They make the most amazing, cute, and delicious cupcakes, i feel you would appreciate them…

    good luck on your adventure! :D xxx

  271. Sophie

    I live really near Brighton!! Please do meet ups so I can come and see you!:) If you haven't already been, the Royal Pavilion Ice Rink is a really good place to go! Good luck! xxx

  272. Ah so exciting you are moving to Brighton! i have lived here all my life and love it couldn't imagine living anywhere else! Erm a few nice places to go are:
    casa don carlos which is a spanish tapas place in the lanes which is my favourite restaurant if you like that type of food!
    Thai street cafe is near Casa Don Carlos and is also lovely food and such good quality for what you get!
    Las iguanas is amazing! the best nachos ever!
    Theres also a lovely hairdressers called pops and james if you keep going along western road past waitrose just got my hair done there and absolutely love it!

    Hope that helped a little bit with a few things!
    Hopefully see you around now you are gonna live here! Been watching you for years and amazing you will now live in the same place as me!
    Chloe Edwards xxxx

  273. Sophie

    I live really near Brighton!! Please do meet ups so I can come and see you!:) If you haven't already been, the Royal Pavilion Ice Rink is a really good place to go! Good luck! xxx

  274. Anais D

    Good luck with your new home! 3 hours is nothing compared to other families :) I hope you find a cute place!

    From Making Things Alive

  275. Oh yay!! Congrats Zoe for taking this huge step in your life. I wish you the best of luck and I can't wait to come along on this adventure with you :) Also I love the "not in height, but in confidence" part, it made me giggle!
    Love you Zoe!!

  276. Good luck, Zoe, Pippin & Percy! <3

  277. Good luck Zoe! My best bit of advice, is pack your phone charger, and baby wipes in your handbag. Also, put the heating on as soon as you start moving stuff in, otherwise be prepared to be freezing!

    If i think of anything else, I'll comment again on this :)

    Lotsa Love!

    LouieLouie xo

  278. I hope your gonna have a great time there. Good luck. I love you <3

  279. Aw, I love Brighton! Hope you settle in well :)

  280. Amelia

    Yaaay! You'll be near me! I adore Brighton, it's amazing. You have the city right there, London less than an hour away and countryside 5 minutes down the road.
    Definitely go for a walk on the South Downs :)

    Amelia Rose | Beauty Blogger

  281. OMFG!!! Im so HAPPY!!! I live 10 minutes away from Brighton and visit there alot. I highly recommend you g to Brighton Stadium and watch a football match coz I go and have a season ticket and its amazing! Also all the shops are great as you probably know!! Now I have more of a chance of meeting you :D Love you Zoella<3 xxxx

  282. Good luck with the move Zoe! I live close to Brighton in a town called Worthing (a place you could visit) and I commuted to Brighton everyday for college so I am very familiar with it. You should check out Lewes if you haven't already, I've only been there once but it is a lovely town . xx

  283. Katie

    Good luck with the move to Brighton Zoe :) I have only been there once, but I loved it!
    Such a scary experience moving out away from your family, but I guess it's one of those things that has to come. I had the same anxiety about moving away to University. It was hard at first but you grow so independent.



  284. OMG Im going to Brighton in may :)
    I'm going to look for you!! ;)
    Good luck :) xxx

  285. Good luck with the move, Zoella! Moving away is always an exciting point in life, sometimes the unknown is a bit disconcerting but it is always worth it in the end – I've lived in three different countries and wouldn't change a thing! Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures in Brighton!


  286. Anything that makes you happy Zoe, makes us happy as your viewers. I'm so happy for you and wish you only the best in 2014! :)

  287. I would definitely recommend going to choccywoccydoodaa (think that's how it's spelt haha)- I've only been to Brighton once but it was at the top of my list and I am hoping of going again this year!

  288. Good luck Zoe, hope the move goes smoothly, have a separate box clearly labeled for kettle, cups and tea bags so when you get there its easy to find for a nice culpa to destress x

  289. i cant believe you are moving here!! I might actually meet you one day :))))) there is this really sweet coffee shop in hove called drurys which i think you would love because it is in a small street in a neighbourhood – they also sell the BEST milkshakes with every flavour :) i just told my friends and they just sent me snapchats of jumping around their room – hope i see you xxxxxxxx

  290. I'm sooo happy for you Zoe! You are my true inspiration and you'll always be! Good Luck in Brighton and I know that in 2014, you're going to achieve bigger and better thing because you deserve it Zoe!! Lots of love!! ☺️😘

  291. oh my days pompokoks is amazing

  292. I was born in Brighton and have lived here my entire life (19 years) and I was convinced that I'd move away as soon as I was old enough but now, having grown up and appreciated it as a city without the child's point of view and there being 'nothing to do', I've realised how beautiful it is and how much I take for granted where I live. So happy you've chosen to move here, you really will love it. There is so much culture and history and lovely architecture here too and I am still forever finding new places I've never been to before. I will hopefully moving out too, but just too a flat still in Brighton so I can be a bit more independent and dare I say 'grow up' eek. Hopefully I will bump into you at some point in the near future! Wish you all the luck and happiness!
    Ps. Sorry for the babbling!! Xxx


  293. Heyyyyy, here's to brave bunnies jumping in with both feet!!

    Congratulations on your upcoming adventure!!!! How exciting! I'm feeling your excitement//nerves too, as I'm also moving in a few weeks time!! Go us!!!

    I can't wait to see some posts in the future about your next chapter!! Good luck sweetie xx

    Faded Windmills

  294. Have fun moving! I hope you don't miss home or Joe too much!

  295. goodluck on your move. you made Brighton sound like an amazing place (which prolly is) that makes me wanna visit and see it myself. hope the move goes smoothly :)

  296. Tash

    If you haven't been there already, Bills (the restaurant)! It's quite a big chain now but the Brighton one is still my favourite, it's brilliant :) I might go to Sussex uni next year, perhaps I'll run into one of you Brighton youtubers!

    http://wanderlustandbabble.blogspot.com xx

  297. Good luck to you, Pippin and Percy on your big move. Brighton looks lovely and it's good that you're not moving somewhere where you have no one that you know (I'm planning to move from my home Scotland to somewhere in the South of England after I've finished education so that will be scary) I hope you have a good time in Brighton.

    http://caryseg.blogspot.co.uk (I'm fairly new to the blogging world and I'm looking for tips)

  298. zoe brighton is a lovely place to move i dont live there but i have visted and i love it one of my best friends wants to move .i think it a lovely idea and so brave to move that far awayfrom home !! i just like to say its my first time to comment as im soo nervous for some reason ? i thnk your amazing and i love every singlew video you do and i think i may wrote my own blog as i love reading yours soo much just hope you notice me xxxxxxx ps good luck xx

  299. Rephrasing that sentence: 'I will hopefully be moving out soon too, but just to a flat still in Brighton…'

  300. Sounds amazing!! My best friend is at uni in Brighton and it is the most perfect place :-) Good luck!


  301. Hope it all goes well Zoe! xxx

  302. How exciting for you to be moving out! I've moved 6 times in the last 4 years so I kind of have the process down. It makes a huge difference if you pack light, every time I pack up I take a huge pile of clothes and house goods etc that I won't be needing and donate it. I also find that if you know of stores already where you can pick up basics, don't worry about them until after you move in! It makes things a lot easier! Good luck on the process it can be very tiring :)
    Also I can't wait to see how you decorate!


  303. I'm living away from home around 6 years and it never gets easier… good luck though! xx

  304. Good luck Zoella! I hope you have lots of fun and enjoy this new chapter in your life! :)

  305. Zoe, good luck moving to Brighton. As I live in Brazil and I've never been to Brighton I have no tips to give you but I wish that, after you moved in, you could give us some (restaurants, stores, etc.) About moving in, I have some kind of experience as my brother moved a couple of years ago and the most important thing you should do is keep in touch whenever you miss your family and friends. And be prepared because sometimes everything is going to be hard, I mean, you will miss your mother's food, your bedroom and even the smell of the city you used to live in! So, again, good luck and I wish you have a lovely time and awesome adventures in Brighton!

  306. Wish you good luck for your move to brighton :) I also will move this year but don't know where jet :)

    Have a nice day Sabine

  307. Yay! im really happy for you, your already achieving one of the things you set out to achieve this year, i've never moved house in my life so i think that it will be really daunting when the time comes for me to fly the nest. it makes me realise that i cant be dependant on my parents my whole life, i hope you have a great time in Brighton. it looks really nice from all of the vlogs i have seen it in, hope i can go there sometime. Good luck Zoe, i hope you have a safe and a great move xx

  308. What about Joe? Is he moving too? I wish you good luck for a 'new live'. :) Gooo Zoe! ♥

  309. good luck with moving! brighton is such an amazing place and i'm so jealous of how much closer to the laines you're going to be than me haha

    love Katy @ THE RAWRDROBE

  310. So happy for you! Good luck! :)

  311. I live in brighton! I am 13 and I love it so much 😊 I'm so familiar with it and it's just love it and doesn't get boring at all! I know you have been a lot of times so know the main tourist attractions but the lanes are just adorable and restaurants I love are wagamama ( yes I know it's a chain but still :)) hove tandoori is great, ginger pig, pom pokos

  312. Zoe,
    This year I moved to Brighton to go to university and suffering from anxiety myself, after a tough relationship and a few other setbacks I managed to settle in just fine with the help of two friends already living here. I would say it takes a few weeks to calm down and to stop panicking. And I've learnt how much I took for granted living with my parents, even simple tasks like remembering to take food out of the freezer for dinner is still proving to be quite tricky! But in all honesty, as much as I love home and go back whenever I can – Brighton is amazing and so calming and I feel so safe as its aways buzzing and full of people. plus learning to be self sufficient made me and my family very proud! Prepare yourself for high winds and colder weather living by the sea though! Good luck, if I can do it I'm sure you can too! Also a tip – buy a yearly bus pass, you save on so much money and parking is an absolute mare here!

    Laura xxx

  313. I don't know if you'll read all of these but I'm from a small Island called Malta, and this summer I moved to work in London (alone) for a while, and it was the scariest thing ever, so I completely understand how you're feeling about moving away from a very comfortable and small town.

    I visited Brighton twice and fell in love with the colourful bunting and fairy lights in the lanes. There was a great cup cake place in the lanes but I cannot remember the name, but also a great noodle place right behind the pavilion (down the road from HSBC bank), I highly recommend it (:

    Goodluck on your new adventure!

  314. Good luck Zoe, you deserve all the happiness that life can give you, live your dreams, love you lots xxxx

  315. Sofie

    Wow Zoe, how wonderful! This all sounds so exciting. It definitely is a big step. I wish you all the best and I hope this new place will feel like home very soon!

    Sofie x
    Little green Sofie

  316. I LIVE SO NEAR BRIGHTON. I'm so excited, hopefully we can meet. I would definitely recommend shopping in the vintage lanes, but you probably already know that. Tips for moving? When packing make sure you label all your boxes and put all similar things together. It's effort but it makes it so much easier when unpacking. Also make up one or two boxes full of all the stuff you'll need first and label it so you know where to find things.
    love you xxx

  317. Rachel

    good luck, i'm so happy you've grown as a person! moving to uni was a massive change for me, and you learn to grow and explore new places. :)

    Rachel x
    Style Soup

  318. I live in Brighton and never ever get bored here, almost every week i find a new cute cafe or vintage shop, you need to explore the laines to find all these quirky places. My favourite place to eat is mange tout in the laines down from the station, ITS SO CUTE. Also ethel's kitchen in Hove is really nice, its more of a breakfast cafe but its all vintage and pretty so definitely go there! Im sure you've been into snoopers paradise already on your visits but if not its a gooden for finding vintage bargains. Another pretty shop is the lavender rooms in the north laines, it sells cute trinkets and things to decorate with, it seems very much your style :-)
    I wish you the best of luck with moving, I'm pretty sure you'll love it here! Hopefully i'll bump into you as I'm shopping 99% of the time, i think we have that in common haha!

    Lots of love
    Amie – amietyrer.blogspot.com xxx

  319. i think it amazing zoe i just like to say i love your videos and i think your amazing this is my first time to commenas i get so nervous.i hope you read it, everytime i read your blog i just want to make one but im soooo nervous xx good luck with moving xxx

  320. Hi Zoe! You absolutely have to go to Wai Kika Moo Kau, it is the cutest little cafe in the north laines and the owners are so so lovely there! Good luck with everything xxxx

  321. Litsa

    How exciting that you're moving! I didn't move out until I was 27 because I wanted to save money and because of anxiety to be on my own, similar to you. You're lucky you have the ability to move out at 23. Also, you'll have Alfie and his family in Brighton, which will provide comfort and support. Good luck with the move!

    P.S. – Sorry to ask, but please check out my blog everyone who reads this note. I'm working really hard on it and would love the support. Thanks! :)


  322. Chloe

    im so excited you are moving to Brighton :D you will love it here! Good luck xxx

  323. i love brighton! im sure it will suit you perfectly

  324. I recently moved to a different city (not on my own just yet, but with my family) and really the best advice I can give you about that is try to minimize what you are bringing with you. I personally found it incredibly difficult to part with certain items as I grow very attached to little items for no reason. But the more you have to move, longer and harder it is. As well as you'll need to find places to put everything! I don't know if you've found a place already (I assume you have) but it can be tough to fit everything from your previous house into your new place. Even if it's just decorative things.

    So to sum it up, don't be afraid to get rid of things that you never use or don't actually like. It will make your move a LOT easier and you can enjoy it a lot more if you don't have a whole bunch of stuff to take with you!

    Good luck with the move and I hope you really enjoy having your own place!

  325. EUK

    Congrats!!! All the best to you, and wish you all the adventures in your new chapter :)

  326. Congratulations Zoe <3 good luck with everything. I've missed your posts and videos xxx

  327. carita

    I'm so happy for you Zoe! Good luck! :)

  328. I'm so happy you've moved on from your anxiety, at least a little bit!:) I hope you have a fun time packing and moving out and not feel nostalgic when you get to your new house!

  329. Good luck moving to brighton i always dream of moving out it would be such an adventure and i can't wait to decorate it my own way!! haha! xx

  330. Natalie

    I LOVE Brighton. I live about half an hour away. It's so gorgeous in the summer x

    Natalie | Just a Thought

  331. stacy87

    Yay congrats on the move Zoe!! It's really quite exciting (yet scary!). I moved over 100 miles away from my family last year to go to uni (at the grand old age of 26!), and I loved it! I've recently had to move back home due to personal circumstances but it was a great experience and has showed me that I can actually live on my own – something which I thought would be impossible for me (I too have anxiety :( ). If you don't already have some fab ideas for organising everything (which I'm sure you do!) I loved watching YouTube videos or going on Pinterest to get quirky ideas about how to store things! Just to try and make it more unique to you and your taste. My last piece of advice is to just enjoy it!!! :) xx

  332. Hey! i'm from Belgium and i admire you a lot:) thanks to you i love makeup, clothes,… but also English! I wish you all the best in Brighton! you are a amazing simple person, i'm often comparing myself to you because i also like to stay in my comfort zone which as you say is not always the best thing. i'm in my last year at school which means that this year i have to decide of my studies, future job,… but there are a lot going on in my head right now. i can't even explain it, this is just too much and i'm very nervous about it.I just can't see me in a future job, i'm trying to but i can't, i don't know what am i going to do. i'm think to open a blog like you but i'm shy. and i'm also scared of the critics that you get . i'm a perfectionist and i hate when people don't like me or what i do. i know i can learn from it because you all say that Youtube bring you more confidence,… Talking in front of a camera may be too hard for me but starting with a blog might be a possibility.
    I know it is weird that i tell you all of that but i'm feeling quite lost at the moment. I have to say that when i have a bad day you make me smile, you and all the team, you're so fun and you give very good tips! watching your video is the moment of the day that i sometimes like the most. also because it is in English and i like it i can progress with you:)
    hummm, i think that's it,i really hope i'm understandable!!!! sorry for my mistakes!!!
    I like you a lot, keep doing what makes you happy, because it makes me happy too:) Come visit me in Belgium anytime you want, even with Alfie, joe,tanya,jim,… if you want!! It would be a pleasure! Bye, love!! Adeline

  333. I really love your blogs! And i'm happy you wrote a new one! Goodluck in your new house and i wish you all the best of luck there! X

  334. Best Wishes for your move Zoe- don't worry about what some readers think, life gets in the way sometimes and moving is a big deal! Lovely blogpost and photos as always – Good Luck:)

    Esmé from ~ http://cloudesme.blogspot.co.uk/

  335. I Wish You All The Bets Luck In Brighton!

  336. I'm also moving!! Packing buddies! Best of luck though!

  337. Kat R

    Congrats on the move! I know how you feel about not moving far away, me and my friends said the same thing and it's one of the reasons I never went to uni. Surprisingly though, life changed for the unexpected and I actually ended up moving in with my boyfriend (albeit only 30 mins away from my parents) and I never even got homesick :-) xx

    Kat from Blushing Rose Beauty

  338. By the way. DRINK MORE WATER :))

  339. Gooodluck Zoe! I moved away over two years ago and recently moved closer but still another city and I've loved it!! It's not easy but once you settle in you'll like living on your own with percy and pippin ♥

  340. Congratulations, sounds exciting! Having moved 6 times already by the age of 25, I may be able to come up with advice. If you are moving in a car, don't put anything heavy by a door that will fall out on your toes when you open it (happened to me several times). I know it sounds like common sense. Label your boxes and know exactly where your things are that you will need right away. Carry anything fragile yourself. Home sickness does happen but it will pass and you will be happy. Good luck with everything!

  341. When packing your clothes, leave as many as you can on your hangers!! Just put them in the boxes like they are. It will save you soooo much time and effort when you go to unpack!

    Anything fragile or breakable you can pack using your clothes or any towels/blankets you're bringing. I've done this so many times. It saves newspaper and gets 2 things packed at once.

    Write which box you put the scissors in on the outside of the box!!! I discovered this one the hard way.

  342. I suffered from anxiety at the end of secondary school. I thought I would not be able to cope on everyday things on my own, But moving out to my own little place (at only19 scary but had to be done) turned out to be a great medicine for it. I began to rely on myself, get into a routine and when things unexpectanly happened which usually I would get nervous about I just took head on and feel a little proud of myself when I look at my little home.
    Good Luck Zoe, wish you all the best. X

  343. wow in your video when you said you were moving out in 2014 i thought you were talking down the line like mid-end of the year not January. Congrats! Hope you enjoy living in your own space, i personally love it and i'm sure you will too. =)

    lizzie xx


  344. Hepaloo

    Hi, Firstly I wish you didn't stress about what you're going to write here. I'm always happy to read about you. Was it then a beauty, life or just regular chitchat. I wish you best of luck with moving. I've done it couple times myself and I know how much work it takes to try put all you're belongings behind the van. I still don't live completely by myself as I have a roomy but I like the freedom being away from someone taking care of you. Even though I miss my hometown sometimes and all the family. I love your vlog and blog! you're source of my inspiration! your "just say yes" blog post has changed my life :) All the happiness to you! :) Hepaloo.blogspot.fi

  345. Good luck Zoe! I moved out three weeks ago to study and I must admit it was a shock at first. I thought it was going to be easy since I've never been homesick in my life but whoa did I miss my mum the first night alone! I was surprised at how scary it all felt. Like I said, the first night was the worst but after that I got quickly accustomed to my new life.

    If you feel homesick, my advice is to just cry it out. I was a little ashamed of my reaction, I thought it was childish but it really isn't! It's just the Quarter-life crisis kicking in and everyone goes through with it. You're not alone with your feelings. I felt better as soon as I phoned home and got to hear mum's voice. Then when I visited home after a week, it almost felt like I didn't even belong there anymore. I was already so settled into my new life :) I hope you'll have a great time moving and settling in! xx

  346. Wow Zoe! im so pleased that you have been able to grow withing yourself and make this big step! i love everything you do no matter how often (or not) you post! Good luck and have fun on your next adventure! xx

  347. I totally relate to your blog breaks. I have done the exact same thing (and been blogging for about three years myself). Last post I did was at the end of October and I've been hesitant to come back… Of course I don't have nearly as many readers, so there's significantly less pressure to do so. haha. Good luck moving out!

  348. Isabel

    I've been reading your blog since forever and you never let me down neither with your vlogs and videos. I get a lot of pressure and stress about alk the things. I want to keep this short and just supportive. So remember yourself that for who your writing for. You started all of this only for yourself so why are you stressed about blog that we'll however love, atleast your true followers though. Just whrite whatever feel good to you ! I wish you all good in the world and stay strong :) Loving you whatever you're doing !

  349. nina x

    my auntie, uncle, cousins, granny and grandpa live in lewes, a small town nearby (20 mins drive) and i really recommend a visit there. Its a beautiful place with red brick houses and a cute little high street full of nice cafe's and a 'Bill's' which i strongly suggest you go to, the shops are small, and quite vintagy but its a good place to take pictures. Also down the road maybe a bit further (an hours drive?!) where my other auntie and uncle live, Tunbridge Wells. Its a lovely bigger town with a topshop and shopping centre, i also love going there for ice skating in winter and things like that! The other place I'd recommend is Drusilla's zoo in Alfriston, i visited there when i was a lot younger, it may have changed, but it was an amazing day out when I went! I absolutely love Brighton Pier ( obviously haha!) A bit further away again, is Hastings, which is a great summer place with rides and a beach( I know you can get all that in Brighton) but its a nice road trip anyway! I really loved the marina when i was younger and have some great memories from there, so if you get the chance i recommend Brighton Marina too. Maybe I'll meet you next time i'm in Brighton haha! I'll admit to looking out for Marcus and Alfie a few times… with no luck.. Also, may I just add you have great taste in places.. I practically grew up with holidays on the isle of wight (granny and grandpa have a house there too) and i loooove blackgang just as you do haha! Good Luck with your move and I hope I was some sort of help, I love your videos and I hope your move goes well and you enjoy Brighton.

    Lots of love,

    Nina :) 14 years old xxx

  350. I moved from Ontario, Canada to California when I was 15 and to be honest, it was really hard for me. In fact, I am now back living in Canada as I like being close to my family and friends. But now I also regret not opening up to new people and living in the past so much. I wish I had opened up more and just taken experiences that were presented to me. Do that! You may miss your life at home, but be open to what Brighton has to offer. There is always home to go back to.

  351. I really hope you see this Zoe :)

    First of all, Brighton! What a lovely place! I've always wanted to move to Eastbourne to be near my big bro and for my little girl, but as my mum is on her own, I find it hard to move so far away, (nearly 2 hr drive) but i hope to move there one day, due to still needing to get out of SE London for my daughters sake, I moved to kent, a lovely little area and a good school. I suffer too with Anxiety quiet badly, more that than the panic attacks, but still. It is a big step moving away from parents, but you feel so much more freedom, your own place, a responsibility and best of all feeling like an adult.

    I hope you have a lovely time when you move to Brighton and I hope everything you wish for comes true :)

    Clair x


  352. nia

    oh you are going to do wonderful! This whole moving business is quite daunting but after listening to everything you did in 2013 if anyone can do it, it's you. Good luck on your little adventure :)xx

  353. Hey Zoey,
    I LOVE Brighton! There's an awesome American-themed diner called JB's Diner near the coast! They do the most AMAZING pancakes about bacon. When I went there, I had a caramel milkshake and… OMG! It tasted sooo good. You might wanna check it out. I hope you are going to be sooooo happy here. I live in Peacehaven 9that's near Brighton!) and I love to go to Brighton! Hope you come to visit!

    Lots of love,
    Emma xxx

    P.S: Please check out my blog! You inspire me to make it and I am so proud of it! Check it out at: http://www.babybloggz.weebly.com

  354. thats so exciting! and probably around 3 hours less to go and see Alfie! so pleased for you! x

  355. Kelsey

    Oh my goodness massive congrats, Zoe! Very proud that you have overcome your anxiety to take that step. I am 18 and in the process of looking into the idea of moving away and am entirely overwhelmed. I hope you will update us on the process and how it is feeling to be going out on your own because I know myself and many others would benefit from having your experience as we move forward. Make sure to buy some glasses soon!


  356. I live in Lewes just outside Brighton, lots of little shops and cafés, defiantly worth a visit on a sunny day!
    Good Luck! X

  357. So happy for you Zoe! I haven't been to Brighton in a while but it's lovely, good luck with everything! xxx

  358. Muckers

    I live near Brighton and there's this really cute little restaurant that my mum and I always go to on the sea front called Little Bay. It's set out like a theatre and has like theatre boxes and stage curtains and stuff (it's way better than I'm describing it) and on certain days they have performers – like on a Saturday they have opera singers, and on a Sunday they have spanish music. It's just really cute. You should totally go there. Yep. Definitely.

  359. Shannon

    I'm preparing to move out to college and the way you said how a friend is always near really opened my perspective. I hope you enjoy your journey!


  360. Klaudia

    Brighton is so beautiful! You shoud try Jamie's Italian restaurant, it's amazing!
    I'm going to uni this year and dreading it a little bit as there is so many places to choose from and I'm so confused at the minute, Brighton is one of the places I've applied tho, so maybe it will be my home soon :)
    I watch your videos and read your blog for a long time now and I'm so happy for you!! Good luck Zoe!

  361. I live in brighton, i love frankie and bennys and nandos along the marina and lush near the main town it smells sooo good in there

  362. Bea

    Good Luck moving to a new town, hopefully you'll love it. Happy 2014 :D

  363. Dorien

    This is wonderful Zoe! Good luck :) ! I'm sure 2014 will be great for you!

  364. Jessica

    Its weird that you've lived in the country side your whole life and want to move to be beside the sea/beach, where as I have lived by the beach/sea my whole life and I want to move to the country side, thought I would share this with you :) lovely post and good luck with moving and everything :)


  365. 2014 brings great things for you this year!! I might be moving out to go to university sooner than I thought to do Children's Nursing and I'm SUPER excited but it also some how terrifies me living even just 1 hour away from my family but I'm 19 nearly 20 and I have got to grow in confidence like you stated above! So I wish you all the best of luck with your new house Zoe!!!
    I think you'll love it there in Brighton it is such a lovely cute place to start your future off! I'd love to live closer to the beach, someday!
    Briony :) xx

  366. This is so exciting! I am part way through giving my mum a lecture on y we should me there and so far I have gathered quite a lot of evidience but this tops it now I can show her a how blog on how amazing brighton is! (as u can see this means a lot to me) xxxx

  367. Hey Zoe! It's SO awesome that you're moving to Brighton! I live in Brighton too :D I don't know whether you've been but there's a lovely little chinese restaurant on East Street right by the sea. They do great all you can eat food and at such a reasonable price. I think you'd love it! :) xx

  368. Congratulations on the move! I moved to Brighton two years ago and love it – always finding new places to eat out and things to do! Bills is lovely for breakfast / brunch, Kensingtons do a great man sized breakfast, Agua Dulce does yummy tapas by the seafront and there's the really cute (tiny) Mediterraneo nr Duke of York Cinema (right by me!) which is amazing. Ahhh, you have so much to discover! Loads going on from spring onwards, happy days xx

  369. It's a big step so good luck, whether you're moving in with Alfie, someone else, or on your own. I think we all want you to be happy and keep making fantastic videos and blog posts.

    Colourful Stuff | Beauty, Fashion, Life ♥ Colourful Stuff | Beauty, Fashion, Life ♥

  370. So happy for you, Zoe!!! Can't wait to see the new place in one of your vlogs, as I assume you'll do an awesome welcome tour (no pressure though if you want to keep it to yourself!) I hope you LOVE your place and I'm glad you're getting where you want to be!!! xx

  371. I hope you enjoy living in Brighton

    Shalay| itsjustshalay.blogspot.com

  372. Bubby

    I got to school just down the road in Eastbourne! About half an hour by train! So I have been to Brighton a lot… I would suggest Cafe Coho for breakfasts as there is two, one situated further up near the station and one down near Dukes Lane. The Lanes are definitely my favourite part but you've probably figured that out for yourself!!

    Also if you wanted a less busy beach in the summer or a more relaxed atmosphere you could come and explore Eastbourne as the beaches are usually less busy and there is Airbourne ( a famous airshow) in August. Also Hastings old town is a good place for small shops and cafes and im sure you would love it just as much as I do!!

    lots of love Bubby xxx

  373. Oh what a lucky duck, you are! I recently visited London as I have friends there and I fell in love with the city instantly. I want to move there so bad. May I ask why you moved to Bristol from Houston? (By the way, I am from a wee little town just an hour and a half from Los Angeles, California).

  374. Congratulations Zoe and good luck with the move :D xx

  375. Wow Zoe, Brighton! You must come to Bournemouth near me, its nearly as good😉 Anyway hope you have an amazing time, moving can be really stressful but it will turn out great in the end. Good luck!

  376. good luck with your move! i was super nervous moving to university but as you say, it's never far away! Now I'm on placement even further away and it isn't any more inconvenience for visiting back home than before!

  377. I love u so much ♥♥


  378. You are a true inspiration to me Zoe, only being 15 myself I can't wait to some day have that freedom myself. Good luck, I am sure you will be fine and just remember to focus on the positives! xo

  379. Amy Lau

    Good luck on the move!!

    I love Brighton too – people are so chilled out there ;]


  380. Good Luck in Brighton Zoe!! I have some advice though, I moved not long ago and all I can say is Label all boxes VERY CLEARLY (some of mine got mixed up with the others) and make sure that everything is packed neatly it makes it so much easier to unpack. Love you lots Zoe xx

  381. Kelly

    So happy for you, good luck with your move Zoe, I love Brighton xx

  382. I moved to Brighton from Australia and this place is an absolute dream! The marwood and cafe coho and well cufe coffee haunts and the Thai restaurant in Kensington Gardens is cheap as chips and ever so tasty.

  383. I can imagine the anxiety you have moving out of your parents Zoe, hopefully you'll get back into blogging more because I love reading your posts :) x


  384. Can't believe you're moving to Brighton! I absolutely love it there and since I don't live very far from it I visit all the time! You have done really well to overcome your anxiety and just go with it! I hope to meet you in the future and I hope you have some great adventures with Percy & Pippin.

    Good Luck,
    Chloe x x

  385. Good luck on your big move! I aim to have left home by the time I'm 25 so you'll have to share all your tips and tricks on moving out (pretty please). For people like me, I'll need all the help and inspiration I can get!

    May your new house soon be a lovely home, all the best x

  386. IM FROM BRIGHTON!!!! Well hassocks near Brighton! Close enough! I've practically grown up in Brighton and love it sososo much!!! If you want to know some great places to eat, there are 2 American diners which are very nice, there's jb's diner which sells THE best milkshakes!!! And there is woodies diner in hove which sells THE best burgers! Aha, if you like the country I think you should visit ditchling beacon because the view is absoultlly breathtaking'!!!! I really hope I meet you at some point cause that would be so cool!! Good luck, I hope you have fun xxxx

  387. Awww, I'm so happy for you! and now you'll be closer to Alfie, fingers crossed for more vlogs with him, they're my favourite!xxx

  388. Hey Zoe! I've moved a few times in my life, recently from the north of France to the south. It is difficult to loose your habits and landmarks but you'll soon see how amazing humain beings are able to adapt to a whole new lifestyle.
    Always say to yourself "everything is going to be ok" as soon as you feel lost or upset. Well that helped for me.
    I'm sure you gonna love it though, you'll feel bigger and stronger, and so proud of yourself.
    I wish you all the best.

  389. Aw Zoe, I hope everything goes well for you and that you and your little piggies will enjoy your move to the sea! Brighton is a lovely place and I think you may be moving to the perfect place for yourself. Have a fantastic new year xxx

  390. Good luck on the move, Zoe! I've been struggling with the idea of getting my own place that I have to pay for with a job after I graduate from college in five months (is it really so soon??), so I know how you feel. I've moved twice in my life, if you don't include the back and forth of college and home for the past four-ish years.

    The only advice I have for you is PACK LIGHT. Especially since you're only three hours from home (parents are always home, I've found, even if you have a new home). Don't bring every doo-dad and thing you might think you'll need. I guarantee you won't, and you'll be wanting to buy new things!!

    I hope your move goes well! Have a lovely day, week, etc!

  391. Hey Zoe! I've moved a few times in my life, recently from the north of France to the south. It is difficult to loose your habits and landmarks but you'll soon see how amazing humain beings are able to adapt to a whole new lifestyle.
    Always say to yourself "everything is going to be ok" as soon as you feel lost or upset. Well that helped for me.
    I'm sure you gonna love it though, you'll feel bigger and stronger, and so proud of yourself.
    I wish you all the best.

  392. My uncle has just moved to Brighton (he lived in London before) and he loves it! I've always loved Brighton, but now that we have a place to stay, me and all my family have been down there loads more. It's the most beautiful place. I completely agree that the sea is calming, it's one of my favourite places to go when I'm not feeling the best. It really helps to clear my mind. I'm going this saturday with my family for my Granny's 70th birthday (woop woop!) so I'm looking forward to that.
    I wish you all the best luck and love with this little town, love you masses! Mide xxx

  393. Amal

    This is such great news! Congratulations! I just discovered your YouTube channel and I adore your blog! You're so inspirational!


  394. Shannon

    Im moving from home to go to college and I love how you made note that you never are far from friends. That really helped put things in perspective. Thanks!


  395. You should definitely check out an amazing restaurants called Sabai Thai! It has an amazing variety of different thai foods from the four different regions of thailand and the prices for the dishes are not expensive at all! I really recommend it as I remember you saying how you wanted to open up your mind (and stomach) to different foods and try new things. Hope your trip down to Brighton, and moving into a new house is great!xxxx

  396. Katie S

    Be sure to label everything really specifically. Maybe I'm just unorganized but I had a hard time unpacking the first time I moved because nothing was in the right room! Try and fit as many things as possible into one box by maybe using little ziploc baggies to maximize your space. Have a safe move and don't fret about updating stuff and stressing yourself out. You do what you need to do, we understand. Have some awesome new adventures in Brighton! :*

  397. yayy! missed your posts, always so good! congrats on the move! i know u will love it zo!

  398. Hey Zoe, I live just outside of Brighton and I'm hopefully going to be moving there in september with house mates! I've pretty lived there/near there since I was a kid and I love it so much! You have to go to the royal pavilion in summer time and chill in the gardens its so lovely! Hope you bump into you in Brighton one day haha! x

  399. Sounds so lovely! I wish I was at that stage, still have grade 11 and 12 to go but I will really enjoy watching your adventures in a new place.
    P.s. I also have to guinea pigs and their called Peppi and Gingie :)

  400. Weido

    I'm planning on moving out of my parents house too. And I can tell you it feels darn scary since I'm planning to move about 1000 kilometers away from it. But I'm looking forward to it and so should you. Growing up we need to find our own place and it's a good kind of change. Best wishes!

  401. I am planning to move out to a city which is 7 hours away from my home in the age of 17 (next year, boarding school). I am not afraid, I am excited! :) Have an amazing time in Brighton, I hope you will love living there! x


  402. I have moved about 9 times in my 22 years and it helps to use color coding by taping on post-its so that you can open boxes in order of importance. That way after a tiring day of moving you don't waste time searching through boxes to find childhood stuffed toys when you just want to find your bath towels and bedding.

  403. I moved to Brighton 3 months ago after uni, and it is like heaven on earth :) My top place to go is the Mesmerist on a Monday night, my boyfriends swing band plays every week there and the atmosphere and dancing is pretty unique! Good luck and thanks for the years of blogs/youtube! X

  404. be friendly with everyone and go to places around the city, walk alone through the city and you'll fall in love for Brighton even more.
    I know you don't like when we talk about it but I'm really glad you're moving to Brighton, because we know how was hard for you and Alfie.
    Good Luck x

  405. Congrats on making your decision to move! And good luck! Enjoy your new home.


  406. Brodie

    Ahhh congrats Zoe! That's so exciting! I have no real tips, but let me say this. It will be a little scary at first, not going to lie. But oh man, it gets so much better. You will grow to love your independence and responsibility. And your own little place to decorate!
    And from when I visited Brighton, I loved it, so I'm so jealous you get to move there. All the best with the moving, very exciting! :)


  407. Emily B

    How exciting! I get how you feel with the whole moving far away thing… but I'm glad you've decided to do it. Lend me some of your courage, will you? haha. And as for posts, I really enjoy reading anything you write. Small little things are nice in their own way when it comes to most things, I find.

  408. Bella

    I'm so happy for you Zoe! I know you have an amazing support system and I know you will have a great adventure in this new part of your life :D Here's to an amazing 2014

  409. Good luck in your new home.
    I'll move out this year, too. I'm really excited about it :)
    When you know the tips about moving out, it'd be great, if you'd write a post about it ^_^

  410. good luck, stay safe! (:

  411. First if all all the best, this must be a massive step for you and you should be proud that the hardest thing is done. I'm so happy for you that things are finally licking up for you and you are taking on new challenges, something you never would have thought if doing but here you are, starting a new chapter in your life. Good luck and and no matter what come your way, always smile because nobody knows what you are thinking when you are smiling :)

    Secondly, I have been waiting for you to update and so happy that you are back on the blogosphere ( sorry no pressure) pleas don't be pressured into writing a certain post. This is your blog, write what you want, you have to be happy and we don't want to be forceful or a burden on you. We love you just the way you are.

  412. I definitely had experience of moving as I recently moved from Los Angeles to the east coast. Trash bags were my best friend when I had to pack lol:) but as you will only be a couple hours from home I recommend trying to simplify things and take your time:)

  413. this is so excellent! moving cities is a big deal and a good deal. you may hate it once you've moved, but you may also love it more than you think you could. tis a life lesson journey (IMHO) i feel everyone embark on at some point in his/her life in order to find out how well one adapts and adjusts to life in general. The challenges and changes can be an immense positive in how we grow as an individual. good luck and cheers to your new adventure, my dear girl!

  414. I watched your video when you posted it. I didn't know you'd be moving house so soon. Good luck to all your endeavors! I can't wait to see your new house!

  415. I moved last month from Romania to the UK.. so I understand you, I never thought I was going to leave the apartment in which I grew up. But it's ok, it's only a 3 hour flight to see my friends and family and I do it as often as I can. It's exciting to have a new start! The move is what inspired me to start my own blogging adventure.. http://travellercat.blogspot.co.uk/

  416. Ahhhh Zoe I'm so happy you made a blog post again!! I absolutely love reading your blog and I hope that you know that I don't care if you don't post for 6 months and then comeback and do the smallest review on a product or just a quick thought! I hope that this blog is still a place for you to say anything you like no matter how many people are reading. Thanks for being such an inspiration!! Goodluck with moving house!! And goodluck in your new adventure

  417. Good luck Zoella! Im happy for you! :D

  418. Wow! You're now a full-on adult! Haha Wish you all the best! I'm sure you'll love it! :) X.


  419. I get anxiety just thinking of moving out hahaha. I thought this moment would have come a little later this year for you but I suppose better now than never. Its going to be plenty exciting to see your new background and seeing you grow even more! I practically fainted when I read it was next week that you were moving. I'm sure you will always have your home to go back to incase you feel a bit homesick. That's the good thing about homes, you can always go back to them and expect open arms awaiting. Good luck, Zoe!!

  420. Well, don't know if you're busy packing that you'll see one post in a thousand (or so), but having moved many times… my biggest piece of advice: Pack a bag, box or set of bags/boxes called Must Haves. These are the things that you unpack as soon as you get to the new house for your bathroom and your bedroom so that if the unpacking takes longer than a day (not often you can move and unpack in a single day without hiring official movers who do that for you), you can always have a nice bath, get ready for bed and crawl into your bed without too much fuss. This would include a towel or two, a favorite Lush product, the toiletries you usually take on your travels (at least you're experienced with that after last year!), pajamas and your bedding. If you have some ladies assisting in the move, it's always nice to get their help in making the bed. DON'T PILE BOXES AND BAGS ON THE BED! That defeats the purpose of the making of the bed and having it ready WHENEVER you need it to crawl in and crash. And we KNOW you need your sleep! haha

    So congratulations, I hope you have a horde of YouTubers to help out that day and totally enjoy the adventure of your very first move! =)

  421. I feel you, living independently is noy a strong suit . Oh and good luck in 2014 hopefully ot doesn't go as fastas 2013.

  422. A little tip for packing, keep your hang up clothes on their hangers and put a large trash bag around a chunk of your clothes. Just cut a snip from the tip of the bag to allow the end of the hanger to poke through. It makes it so much easier to move all your clothes that hang up without having to fold them up and get crinkly. :)

  423. I met Alfie and Tyler once in Brighton, always hoped I would meet you too! Maybe one day! Good luck, Brighton is a beautiful place, I would love to move there one day too! xxxxxxx

  424. I moved 2,000 miles away from home a few months ago! You obviously aren't moving as far but it is still a huge transition. Expect to be sad at first and cry a bit but let yourself feel those feelings! If you just tell yourself to not cry, then it just makes it worse. You need to go through the sadness so that you can fully appreciate being on your own. That might sound a bit odd, I suppose. Just…if you don't let yourself be sad and upset and scared, then you will always feel a bit uneasy. It was that way for me at least. I allowed myself to cry and text my parents all the time and feel MISERABLE and I feel like even after a week of settling in, I was a lot happier! So be sad, give big hugs, and have your parents on speed dial for the first few days. Good luck!

  425. Good luck on this new adventure!

  426. I've moved a couple times in the last few years, and I've found that it is a great opportunity to get rid of stuff that you don't need! With some of the things I was reluctant to get rid of, I just boxed away and put into storage. After revisiting some of those things a year or two later, I've found many things that I am now happy to get rid of.

    Another tip is to branch out and make as many new contacts and networks as you can in that new town. I personally moved to a continent where I knew nobody! While it seemed daunting at first, it gave me great incentive to meet new people, and expand my social circle.

    Best of luck with your move :)

  427. I understand everything. I moved from Orlando FL to Los Angeles last April. A whopping 36+ hours from home. I would say one thing, you will be surprised at how much crap you need in your own place. And its always the small things! Band aids, nails, stamps, envelopes… You don't realize you need those things because your parents always had them stocked in the house. So when you're at the market buy everything, even if you think you won't need it (unless its completely ridiculous) because I promise you'll need it at some pivotal point. You're first grocery bill will be massive. :( Anyway thats the best advice I have for you. Much Love Zoe!

  428. Speaking as someone who has moved A LOT in her lifetime (14 different houses/apartments and ten different schools in 22 years of life,) I have A BAJILLION tips for moving. Packing-wise, try to use as much of the space in your boxes as possible, such as stuffing socks into shoes to save space. But it always makes it easier in a new space to decorate it as quickly as possible with memories. I have pictures, funny notes from friends, postcards, ticket stubs, trinkets, etc, lining my walls. Whenever I feel lonely or homesick, I have something to remember and laugh about which always makes the transition easier.

  429. I think it's amazing you're moving into a new space! That's such a huge step and I'm so excited for you! This year I'll be going off to college in the fall (in NYC far from everyone I know) so I can relate as far as moving onto a new part in your life. I can't wait to hear more about your new place! (Or at least what you want to share with all us nosey followers haha).
    Lovely Notions

  430. Hey zoe! just a little tip for moving :)
    I've heard stories about people moving, and how when they move, like some of their stuff just disappears. So i moved last year, and i found that in each box, just write down on a sheet of paper of what you have put into the box, then just put the paper inside or stick it on the box, to know what you have in there! It can be as detailed as "The Hunger Games Trilogy" and "Benefit concealers" OR it can be as general as "Makeup" and "Clothes"

    I hope this helps!:) Good luck!

  431. Zoe! Such exciting news. I am currently debating whether I should take the leap and move a bit farther away than 3 hours…from Texas to California! Wishing us both luck! xx.

  432. Wow, that is such an exciting change! Even though the first couple of days might be hard with missing home, I'm sure it'll all work out (: And you'll have a ton of new places to go and see!
    Good luck! (:

    Kendra |It's a Bug's life

  433. Carina

    My New Years Resolution is to become a better me. I want to do better health wise, school wise, food habits, personality, etc. I just want to do better this year than I did last.

  434. Good luck Zoe, Brighton sounds like a beautiful place to move to. :)
    Your blog posts are always lovely.

  435. I love Brighton, it's my favorite city in UK. Here's an idea: making a blog post and/or vlog about Brighton, showing us all of your favorite places and bits of that lovely city. All those things you mention in your post: lovely cafe's, great entertainment places etc. you could gather in a post or a video. I'd love to see you doing that :)

  436. Good luck moving out Zoe! I wish you all the best with moving in to your new home. I'd love to visit Brighton one day, I've always wanted to it looks so beautiful! xx


  437. I'm going to Brighton in February 9th. hope I'll meet you :) Good luck Zoe x

  438. Good luck! I love that you're blogging again :)

  439. Your videos slash blogs are so inspirational! You are amazing missy moo Xx. Living independent is so super hard. Spesh when you have peter pan syndrome like me haha tis my 23rd birthday today and having a hard time not believing I'm 16 =D


  440. What a lovely comeback post! And this is exciting for me too as I live in Brighton :) hopefully I'll see you shopping & blogging around somewhere in the lanes or Churchill square haha. Scoop & crumb is a cute little ice cream shop right by the sea front (near Lola Lo's), and there's also a cute homeware store called Bert's down the lanes (opposite a really popular vegan cafe actually). Congratulations & good luck with the move! X


  441. Are you moving with alfie?? Good luck xoxo

  442. Good luck with moving Zoe! Rmbr to label everything, especially the breakables. :)

  443. Good luck with moving, Zoe! Rmbr to label everything, especially the breakables. :)

  444. Hi Zoe! I came across your vids recently while looking for make-up tips and I think they are so cute and informative!! After reading this blog I had to comment because I was also the first one of all my friends to move out. I'm 26 now and moved in with my boyfriend 6 months ago, it was the best thing I ever did! I wasn't as adventurous as you to move to a totally different city but I did move a little further away from my parents than I was originally going to. The nice thing is that with your own place you can always have your friends and family round to visit whenever you like and it's great to make them dinner and play hostess! It's so easy to keep in touch now with the internet, if you ever feel homesick then everyone is just a click away!

    Also – you're going to Brighton!!! I went to music college there for 2 years and it's my favourite place in the UK – make sure you check out the Lucky Voice karaoke booth (your own private karaoke booth and you can order drinks to your booth too!!) , the Scoop and Crumb ice cream parlour – and the amazing bric-a-brac shop down The Lanes which is full of treasures!! You're going to love it there, and with such a vivacious personality you will be sure to have lots of great experiences and make lots of new friends!
    Becky x

  445. You&I

    Good luck with the move! I've always wanted to go to and I think 2014 will be the year I finally venture out!! It would be so much fun if you could do a meet up when you're there for people to come and see you!:) xx

  446. Hey Zeo,
    Congratulations. Enjoy there with various sea activities.Have fun !!!!!!!!!!!

  447. I'm so excited for you, I have always dreamed of leaving my small town and going to the big city. But then when I look at it logistically and get scared and over whelmed. It's really scary to think of but I guess that's why we want to do it, to get out side our comfort zone. You can test the waters for me, before I decide to jump in ;)

  448. Hi Zoe,

    Firstly I am so happy and proud of you for doing this. I have just turned 24 and I’m also moving out this year and as well as being excited – I’m scared! All I have ever known is living in my current house with my parents. I am only moving half an hour down the road and that’s far enough for me! Haha

    Secondly – and more importantly – personally I love your blogs, whatever the subject, as long as you enjoy writing them! At the end of the day you started this as a hobby, not to impress anyone. So just enjoy what you do and if you haven’t got time that’s fine, but don’t worry about what we think. If you write a post that doesn’t interest me (which is highly unlikely) I simply won’t read it. One of the most important lessons I have been taught in my life is “if you havnt got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. There are too many people out there hiding behind their computer screens trying to put other people down and make them feel they are less than they are. These people can be really horrible, but unfortunately they are always going to be there.

    So what I am basically trying to say is.. You’re a beautiful young lady that blogs, vlogs and films what you enjoy, and I know there are thousands of people that enjoy them just as much (if not more). So try not to let the silly comments or your worries get in the way (I know this is easier said than done) because you have grown so much in the last year (I am also only 4”10, and I don’t necessarily mean growing in height..lol) and part of this is due to your pushing yourself. You know what makes you anxious, but you push yourself to do things anyway, and we are all proud of you for doing this.

    So well done, good luck & woooohooooo! Life is just getting started!
    Love you Zoooeeee & Thank you !

  449. Mrt

    Good Luck and have fun creating a new home of your own!! I'm so happy for you! also the idea of already loving the place you're about to move to, sounds "oh my God! how didn't I ever thought of that???" amazing! Hope I'll me following your lead next year.. or the year after that..
    xo Mrt

  450. hy zoe love uh live happily but plzzplzz keep blogging love ur blogs by d way y r u going der????

  451. love u zoella keep blogging love ol ur blogs miss uh take care n come back soon:):):*)

  452. Good luck with the move Zoe!

  453. What an exciting adventure Zoe! Good luck and although I'm sure that at times it will seem daunting, these next few months are going to be amazing xx

  454. B

    The Zizi's is pretty good!

  455. wow you go girl, good luck with move, i love the your vlogs and blogs, carry on posting :)



  456. Schmuu

    i wish you the best for your "new life" and for 2014!!! :)


  457. Great choice moving to Brighton, you will love it. There is a great blogging community here, so if you would like to join us on one of our meet ups etc, just send a message :)

    Lilla Loves

  458. I live in one of the neighbouring towns to Brighton :) If you're looking to escape city life for a bit then places like Birling Gap and Beachy Head will be great! Lovely cafe's and pubs around there too :) And as you're going to be there in spring, you need to get yourself down to the sheep centre and see all the baby lambs!

    All the best on your move to Brighton Zoe, you'll love it down here!

    Ellen xx

  459. Kelly

    All the best for the move Zoe.
    I do love it when you blog, I've followed your blog since you started as I had started around the same time, please try and blog more :)

    Win Topshop Beauty Editors Pick

  460. amy

    So exciting! Enjoy your new home and the sea

  461. Brighton is amazing for quirky house stuff especially around the area by chockywokiedoodah. Just a little heads up as well, in the summer the atmosphere is amazing BUT its a major student place so there is pickpockets so make sure you always keep an eye on your stuff.

    You'll be fine in Brighton :D

  462. good luck Zoe!<3

  463. Omg im so happy for you Zoe :) Brighton is such a wonderful city. Hope you'll like it <3

  464. Suvi

    Amazing news, good luck with everything Zoe! I've spent a couple of summers in Brighton and absolutely love the city and the sea. Take your time getting to know the city, wander around, and you'll find your favourite spots. :) Moving out can be a bit scary, just take babysteps and it'll be fine.

    Greetings from very cold Finland, right now I'm dreaming of lying on the Brighton beach in the summer..

  465. Hey Zoe!

    I've lived in Brighton for 4 years now as I came here for uni and it's so much fun (as I'm sure you know)! Make sure you take time to explore everything that the North and South Laines have to offer and don't forget to try Kensington's cafe, across the road from Infinity Foods… BEST. NACHOS. EVER.

    Good luck with the move, I'm sure it will all go swimmingly!


  466. Ah Zoe how exciting! Just think of all the beautiful beach back grounds for photos and sea side adventures!
    My boyfriend and I are planning to come for a long weekend in August when there is a scooter festival thing going on! Would great if you lingered around, bumping into you would make the weekend even more fun!

    I hope you are well and all the best with the move, I hope your new housie is super cute and adorable!

    Rheya xxx | PixiRella

  467. I don't live in Brighton but I have moved, all the way from Spain to Sweden, alone at 15, and will be moving to England at the end of this year.. I've now been living here for almost three years and it's the single best decision I ever made. The only advice I can give you is take it all in, be positive, find a nice house or apartment that you like living in, that you feel comfortable in, the money situation will suck sometimes but oh well, what to do haha! Do try to enjoy it all that you can and you will learn to love it! :)

  468. ZOE! I'm so happy for you! if you haven't seen it, I think you should watch this video clip – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pl2L-ldozI — it's by an awesome Australian band "San Cisco" and not only is this a great song, it was shot in Brighton and it might make you feel extra happy about where you're moving :) xxx

  469. Brighton is one of my uni options! It's so beautiful there! You'll have so much fun! Good luck! :)

  470. Eva Fr

    Good luck zoe I hope you have a great time in Brighton!

  471. Moving away is so hard in the beginning but after a while you feel so blessed for the opportunity and have so many new experiences!! Hang in there and remember to explore and have fun!!

  472. LABEL THE BOXES: That's my biggest tip. So when you arrive at your new place and need a pair of jeans you don't have to go five boxes of hats and scarves and skirts and shirts before you get to them

  473. I love your blog and your YouTube channel so much!
    It's amazing that you're going to live there, it seems really nice!
    I live in Holland, countryside and not near to the sea… Although Holland is super small…
    When I'm older, I want to live nearer to the sea <3 I totally understand you!
    I hope you will be happy there! Good luck! xoxo

  474. OMG YESSSSS! I'm a brighton girl! Here are some PLACES ETC…..

    The Pier; lots of rides and an arcade! Right on the beach! In summer, I will go down the beach for a bit of swimming/sunbathing/picnic and fun with friends, then we can walk for 2 minutes or so and go win some stuff in the arcade or go on the rollercoaster- trust me its amazing fun!

    The Marina; Bowling alley, ciema, car park (not fun but relevant), cafes and restuarants i.e. pizza hut, the west quay, McDonalds and NANDOS etc!

    Churchill Square; I'm sure you've been here before- our MASSIVE shopping centre! And we have a high street with awesome shops like topshop, h&m, new look etc! You will LOVE it!

    Brighton eye; Basically our version of the London eye!

    Dome; Shows! Fun nights out! Not only have i seen shows here, but i have performed here twice and the atmosphere on and offstage is amazing!

    Theatre Royal; Again, shows and plays! A chance to get dressed up and have a good night out!

    Hotels; If you ever wanted someone to come and stay but you dont have room, we have a ton of hotels!

    Transport; Be warned, BUSES ARE NOT RELIABLE! Do not rely on them, i'm always late for school! Grr! Lol, use them, but not if you are on a time limit!

    I hope i helped you Zoe! I've been in brighton since forever! Also, please could you check out @ zoes_chummies on Instagram? Dont worry if you cant, i just wanted you to know that we are here for you! Its run by me and my cousin emily!
    Xoxo, love from Chloe ( i hope to see you in Brighton!)

  475. So proud of you Zoe! You are handling this with such confidence and class; it's truly inspiring. This was such an uplifting blog post and you are the SO CUTE! Love you, and good luck with everything. xx

  476. good luck zoeeeeee!! :)ow you will be able to see alfie and marcus and even felix and marzia more often!

  477. Thanks great that your moving are u moving to be closer to Alfie coz thts really sweet

  478. K_Sullo

    So glad that we could, in a small way, be part of the 'best year of your life'!

  479. That's so amazing! You get to start the new year off so new and fresh! Goodluck with everything! :)

  480. This is such exciting news! Hopefully they'll be a lot more Brighton vlogs. I visited a really cute cafe called the Tic Toc cafe when I visited, you should definitely go if you haven't already :) Good luck with the move xx

  481. I've moved a lot but then to different countries so that might be kind of different

  482. Good luck with the big move! Wish you all the luck in the world xoxo

  483. I live in Brighton myself and some of the places I regularly like to go are… Brighton Marina as it has some brilliant restaurants, Little shops, Bowling and a Cinema… Churchill Square they have lots of high end fashion shops, Restaurants and other brilliant places… Also on the way to Eastbourne there is a a zoo called Drusillas, Its made for young families but I am 15 (nearly 16) and I still love it there… The Pavilion is always a relaxing place to go as well its like a castle thing and it has some amazing gardens, and at winter there is an ice rink… and finally there is the under cliff walk. If you go to the marina you can access it there from the ASDA or you could go to Rottingdean or Ovingdean to access it… it is a lovely walk where you can literally be next to the sea :D …. I also suggest the Thai restaurant Siam Siam, you will have to look it up but it is amazing… But anyway All the Best and maybe I will see you around :D

  484. How do you design your blog because I love the style of it x?

  485. Good luck for your move! xo

  486. Kessica

    Brilliant restaurant in Brighton is Days, it's in the laines and is sooooo cheap. It's a Chinese buffet and makes the best profiteroles!

  487. Hey Zoe! Exiting news! You will have an amazing start to the new year over there. But can I ask for one thing. Please before you leave please call in at Dukes in Bath with a little warning and I will be there my parents own it and it's been my dream for ages and ages to meet you. I know I should be thinking of myself but it would be the best day of my life EVER!!! Please make this happen. Good luck and I hope I can say that to you in person. Xxx Nicola Cameron

  488. Paresa!

    Brighton is a place i'd like to live.. once i get the money and time to!
    Would be great to see what you get for your house, i love interior design plus Brighton is quirky so you'll find lots of cool things. x

  489. I hop you`ll have fun in Brighton :) im from germany, but i went to brighton last year and i absolutly loved iiiiiit <3 <3 <3 ……. i wished i would be able to live the…. most amazing place i know <3 Good luck xx

  490. Tips for living in Brighton….

    1) Get a bus pass, the buses go everywhere and its much cheaper than buying tickets.
    2)Thursdays is late night SHOPPING! Its really quiet and brill to get some much needed things.
    3) Stick around for Gay Pride. Its a great laugh!
    4) If its hot stay away from town. Wayyyyyy to busy. Got towards the lagoon for quiet beach space.
    5) Explore the back streets. They are a great way of getting through town on a busy day.
    6) Preston Park has a fab cafe!

    Hope this helps,
    15 year Brightonion xxx

  491. I hope you have a wonderful experience in Brighton, and in Twenty Fourteen. (:

  492. Good luck with the move to Brighton! It's such a beautiful place to live!



  493. Zoeee! You will love it here in Brighton, its awesome. We have the Laines, Bills, Gay pride, the pier, the seaside and Primark (you'll be just spiffy). Good luck sweetie x

  494. Lucy

    Good luck, I'm sure it will go really well… I'm 21 and living abroad by myself at the moment so know independent living! There will be a few urghh moments but the vast majority of the time you will love it. My advice would be decorate as soon as you move in so your new space feel like it's yours :)


  495. Faye

    Good luck with your big move xxx

  496. Yay! Brighton is one of my all time favourite places to be. I'm down there five times a week for City College studying Journalism so I get around the city A LOT! The North Laine is the best bit of Brighton, La Choza is great for Mexican, Roly's Fudge Pantry do the best fudge and all the vintage and thrift shops are just awesome down there. Enjoy your new house and everything, I'm sure it'll be fine :) Rhiannon xxx

  497. Good for you Zoe! I moved out to Uni but wasn't such a fan of the whole house share thing. I've just spent a year with a great friend but just moved out because I'm moving in with the boy in a few months, I'm 22 so it's scary but SUPER exciting!

    Here's to 2014 being an excellent year!

  498. I'm moving too! MOVING BUDDIES! Best of luck on your journey.
    xo Holly

  499. Awww <3 That was a supper cute little blog zoe !!
    good luck with moving Zoe!
    It will be such an amazing experience! Moving out is an adventure!

  500. Awww <3 That was a supper cute little blog zoe !!
    good luck with moving Zoe!
    It will be such an amazing experience! Moving out is an adventure!

  501. Amie

    Hi Zoe! I live near Brighton and love visiting quite a lot. A great place to go if you haven't already would be the England At Home store on Ship Street, it's so cute and has some lovely gifts and little bits for your house. Good luck with the move and I hope 2014 treats you well.
    Best wishes, Amie xx

  502. Sophie

    Love the post, but I LOVE the Christmas present exchange video! What bloody good banter you and your friend have!! I'm tracking her down… no not stalking, just social media wise. Mmm kinda stalking.

    sophie x


  503. I do the same thing with blogging-I have all these posts waiting and for some reason fall out of love with them or don't think anyone will be interested, so hold them back. It's silly. Then I feel guilty for taking a break for so long!! Anyway good luck on the move-a HUGE thing for you (or anyone). I've lived away from home and loved it, then had to get used to moving back home (due to illness), don't do that, it's no fun! Anyway, living in a seaside town is fabulous : )

  504. Emily

    Brighton is becoming the LA of the UK

  505. Good luck with the move! I know you'll do great! Maybe a house tour once you're settled in? hehe

  506. Loved this post! Please vlog your trip!!!??

  507. I have moved so much during my life, and I think the most important thing is to not lover think it. Every time I move somewhere I over think and make up all of these different scenarios in my head of what it could be like, which doesn't give me any chance to actually settle in and enjoy myself because I am dwelling on everything else. Everything will work out Zoella, I wish you the best of luck :) xx

  508. Laurie

    Hiii Zoe :) I just very recently (meaning about a week ago) discovered you and Joe's Youtube accounts through a friend, and let me tell you, I am SO glad she told me about you. You are so lovely and wonderful and sweet. I have watched many of your videos now and have stumbled upon this adorable beauty blog and I love them! I have had the idea to start up a blog for quite some time but you've sparked in me a greater desire to start blogging! I've just posted my first and it isn't very good but I hope someday to be just like you (hahah, not in a creepy way at all). I feel like I've known you for years and we have so much in common, I feel like we're friends! Haha. Like I said, you are so lovely and inspirational. You're just so perfect and cute and everything about you and your blog is so fab! Love it. Thank you for everything you've done for people thus far, and never stop, because you're good at this. You really are talented. Before I ramble on any longer, just wanted to say I love you. and GOOD LUCK with the move! :) xx (@laurieamedina twitter, laurieamedina.blogspot.com)

  509. I too have some serious anxiety and get so scared at the thought of moving away from home! My boyfriend is at the other end of the stick and is completely adventurous and out going, and his job may take him to New York in 1-3 years! Meaning if we get married, which we want to do in the future, means I am on my way to New York, one of the most scary and chaotic cities in the world. I'm excited but EXTREMELY nervous at the same time, I guess I should start venturing out in the world soon to loose the anxiety a bit too, I'm 23 as well. Please do continue to share your experience, as this helps some of us know we can get through :)



  510. Hi, I recently just moved house too and athough it was with my mum and siblings, I still found it quite difficult to move all my own stuff. I actually wrote a blog post on it myself to try to help people with packing their stuff. I'm not the type of person to plug my own blog, but if it helps I have written a post on my blog about moving house if you wanna have a read here it is. http://amzdancers.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/moving-house.html

  511. Good luck Zoe! At least you won't have to drive ridiculously long hours to visit Alfie!

    – Janelle
    Little Things

  512. YAY so happy for you Zoe! I hope you have a great time once you get there. I'm visiting the UK for the first time, ever this summer, so I have to visit Brighton to see what you mean! Lots of love from the USA <3 xoxo

  513. Twinkle

    So exited for you! I know you will enjoy it!!!!

  514. i know how you feel… i've moved contries about 11 times because of my dad's job, and i'm only 15!! it's usually stressful during the first few weeks/months but later on, everything starts to get back in place!! This year i discovered that i'm moving again, but this time to London! I'm suffering a bit with anxiety because i still have to wait until june and it's killing me… but i know that it's a lovely place with incredible opportunities. If I were you, i would start doing things slowly because if you try to do everything in a hurry it can get extremely stressful.
    Good luck Zoe!! (i'd also be hugely grateful if you had any suggestions of places that i could visit in london)


  515. Zoe Hello, my name is Bruna, and the the title says, I have a question that remains among his Brazilian fans, you should know every artist name que the fans, right? Examples: Directioners, Lovatics, Selenators, among others. We would like to know what the name of Their fans? You can tell us in your next video? This is important, some already created, but none are official because it was not said by you, in Brazil we call: Zoella Lovers, Suggers, Zoenatics, Zoenators among others, summarizing:
    What name you give to your fans?

    – A sweet kiss by all his Brazilian fans, we love you! ♥

  516. I just have to say to you at least once (seeing as I've been watching your video the past year and just now reading your blogs)… you remind me so much of myself. Especially coming to the issue of panic attacks and anxiety. Honestly, beyond the beauty tips and hair care you share with me, which I also love…. it is your topic about anxiety that keeps me the most interested. I'm not much older than you, but I can say that I was in such a similar place as you are in this time of your life.
    First of all…. I know it must be hard with the number of fans that you have… but I can't express to you how important it is to stick to who YOU ARE and to not loose that in the process of trying to please your fans. You HAVE fans because of who you are already. Don't let the fact that you are getting more attention now, change the genuine aspects of why people love you. Stay you… and you are golden. Don't try to please everyone. You can't. Just please yourself… if that's there, you won't be short of anything. This is coming from someone who has had terrible panic attacks in the past…. promise you, half of those episodes come from this place of needing to please people, or meet others expectations of who they think you should be. Don't loose sleep over what others expect of you, I promise it's not worth the anxiety it brings. Be you. It's already successful.

    Also, speaking as someone who left home a little later as well….. guaranteed, you will experience more panic being away from home for the first time and being on your own…. but this is a GOOD THING! It won't feel like it when you're in it at the time, but you will learn just how strong you really are. Because you ARE. It will change everything, and this is good because you are right at the age where it is time to go forward and find out more about what you can do, and press those limits. As someone who has delt with embarrassing panic attacks, I can tell you from experience that it comes and goes through different stages of my life. I always get a little discouraged anytime it comes back…. but don't let it discourage you. Stay strong as you work through it, and find that confidence again. NEVER let it keep you from pressing those limits and finding out how strong you really are. Your family will always be there, even if they're a little farther away. And anything they ever did for you, guaranteed you can do yourself. Never forget that you are NEVER alone.

    Best of luck in moving away from home. It's going to be one of the best memories you're going to have in your life for sure. Best advice I could give to you, is NEVER let your anxiety or panic keep you from going forward. You CAN do it, and you WILL. Be true to you, and you will always find peace. Sorry this was so long, but I was so moved to spill. :)
    Good luck Zoe.

  517. awwww im so excited for you! good luck xxx

  518. Juliane

    I know that the first move is very special, especially emotionally. But I'm sure that you'll make it!
    I already moved four times since I moved out of my parents house. Always in other cities and countries. It was great experience, through which I've become much more independent.
    I'm sure you'll settle up quickly and get to know many new nice people. A great adventure is waiting for you.
    And always remember: you are not alone. Your family and friends, Pippin and Percy and also your readers / viewers will always support you.
    Good luck!

    xoxo Juliane

  519. Good luck moving to Brighton Zoe!I really hope you'll find everything you want over there because you deserve it!You're such an amazing person and an inspiration to so many of us!<3

  520. It will be great to live in a plase, which you love :) Good Luck!

  521. Ah well done Zoe! What an exciting new adventure – and Brighton is amazing. I have family there <3

    Congrats and good luck for your awesome new chapter in life. It is good to see you back in the bloggosphere (because I love reading your blog!) xxx


  522. Good luck Zoe! I wish you all the best! xx

  523. I'm very happy for you :) When I left my home Tokyo for Canada, where is thousands miles away, I was absolutely scared but super excited!
    So I feel you♡ For me, moving to canada turned out to be one of the brilliant decisions I've ever made in my life!
    If you step out of your comfort zone, you start seeing things differently and you can open new happy doors :)
    All the good things are ahead you♡ Good luck :)

    <a href="http://reinacandymeow.blogspot.jp>ReinaMeowqueen:Tokyo,Beauty,Fashion,Lifestyle</a&gt;

  524. So happy for you! I was so scared to move to myself, I think its key to just enjoy every moment of it because it only happens once and its awesome! :) I hope you feel at home quickly :)

  525. Hi Zoe! I had to move 4 years ago about 3 hours from my "home" as well. My best advice is to be open to new people and experiences… if you keep that in mind, you will continue to grow! Best wishes for you in Brighton! Bisous

  526. Good luck Zoe! You will make a lovely home for you and the little guine's :D xx

  527. Wishing you every single ounce of happiness that is possible in your new home…you are such an inspiration; I suffer from really bad anxiety and it's great to see someone who also suffers from anxiety and she can show the world how well she's doing and inspire others to step out of their comfort zone. Thank you for everything Zoe, your posts and videos always cheer me up! ^_^


  528. Such a lovely post! Grab it by both hands and enjoy the adventure! One of fave quotes this week has been

    My destination is no longer a place,
    rather a new way of seeing.
    – Marcel Proust

    It doesn't matter where you roam, it's how who roam and with whom. Home will always have a wee bit of your heart (and warm comfy duvet, and proper spoils for regular visits!)

  529. Katie

    I moved to Brighton last week and it really is a wonderful place. Cold though, bring layers. Also hangers. I forgot to bring enough and it made it really hard to unpack.

    Best of luck with it all, you'll have a wonderful time in your new home.


  530. The best #1 inportant tip to living alone is first change all the locks in your apartment front door, back door, side door, and bedroom doors, to deadbolt locks. Call a locksmith to help you with this, if you can not change the locks have the locksmith rekey all of the locks and if the locksmith is not allowed to rekey the locks. Option #2 is to buy 2 door jammer one for the front door & one for the bedroom door, the best one is called the buddybar door jammer. Which I own, here is the Amazon link http://www.amazon.com/Buddybar-10311-Door-Jammer/dp/B002BQ4VBU/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1390501913&sr=8-3&keywords=door+jammer , the only bad thing about the buddy bar is the door jammer will only work on hard wood floors. Let me tell you by doing all of this I feel 100% super safe in my apartment.

    When I first moved into my very first apartment while I was at home taking a nap I heard the landlord trying to get into my apartment with the key they had on file, I was so greatful I changed my locks, since the landlord did not inform me they were coming I was so scared,I did not open the door or say anything and they left.

    When I moved to my 2nd apartment I made the mistake of not changing the locks. One early morning while I was home sleeping the building maintenance workers had the key to my apartment and walked into my apartment while I was in bed. Thank God they left when they saw that someone was home.

    Back in 2010 I was stalked for three years and someone tried to brake into my apartment many times. I thank God everyday I am alive. That is why I always, always, ALWAYS change the locks in every apartment I rent from. And no I never tell the owner of the building or the building maintenance workers about changing the locks. Now I know 100% no one has the key to my apartment. I never, never, NEVER give my apartment keys out to anyone. I keep a spare set in my locked locker at work and if I can not get to my spare keys I call a locksmith to help me out.

  531. So happy for you Zoe. x
    I'm a new blogger, I do fashion and beauty and was wondering if you could check it out at redglitterr.blogspot.com.

  532. Tip #2 is never ever have any thing sent to your apartment. No mail, no food, absolutely nothing. Remove your name from your apartment mail box and door. I only use my PO BOX address for all my mail. If I want to order food I order on line and pick up my food in person and always pay in cash or I have my food sent to my work address and still pay in cash.
    At the time when I was being stalked my mail was stolen and some jerks were ringing my door bell knowing full well it was not the correct person(s) apartment they were ringing. As a result I never ever answer my door bell. If some one wants to visit me I make plans ahead of time they either E-mail me, call me or text message me and we make plans to meet. When that person is outside of my building they call me or text me letting me know they are outside. This way I am not opening the door to a stranger or answering the door bell of some jerk who is messing around with my door bell.

    Like you I thought I needed my family too and I did not move out on my own until I was 27. I adore my apartment and the freedom I have living alone. I am 38 years-old, I've been living on my own for the past twelve years and counting :)
    I'm not going to lie, It does take time to get use to a new place and living away fromt the family for the first time. It may seem scary too. I was scared out of my wits, at times I could not sleep. I suffer from anxiety attacks I noticed the older I am getting and the more aware I am about things my anxiety attacks are becomeing less and less frequent. Plus my faith in Jesus Christ helps me deal with anxiety too.

    Wishing you all the best Zoe, living in your first apartment, YAY!

    Nathalie Vintage

  533. Eleanor

    aaah this is such a massive step zoe!! you'll be fine though! i'd love to visit brighton – it seems like a gorgeous place! ;)

  534. Hi zoe I live in Brighton and have all my life and I would highly recommend Ask,Jamie Oliver's Italian and Zizzizs but of you want fast cheap and NICE food I would recommend Pinocchios in the center lanes it is super yummy ! I wish you good luck and for entertainment there is just end,ess things such as a good walk to the sea front ,the brighton I ,the pier , shopping , a nice walk in the lanes and so much more I hope u like it in Brughton as muchas everyone who lives here dose XXX

  535. I feel you on trying to prolong not being an independant ADULT – lol. I threw myself into the world of living on my own at a tender age of 18 and after few inital bumps grew to LOVE it. Wish you all the best + I love Brighton and know you'll have amazing time <3

  536. Good luck with your move, I live in Bexhill which is a costal town just east of Brighton, I love Brighton and hope you really enjoy living there xxxx

  537. Yer defiantly do a room tour or even a house tour xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  538. Such a great post! Thank you for sharing

  539. OHMYGOSH BRIGHTON YAY! good luck moving Zoe, keep us updated when you can :)

    Martina | ItalianCharm98

  540. Brighton seems so beautiful!

  541. You should do a tour of your new house when you move!!!! Love this idea of moving near the sea! I come from a tropical Island and I've always loved the ocean, it's calming and nice!

    I uploaded my first ever video on youtube! It's about my favourite youtubers! (AND OF COURSE YOU'RE ONE OF THEM) Hope you can check it out!

    Lots of love, Karine xx

  542. Sarah

    That's so exciting! All the best to you on your move, you'll do great :)

    Sweet Spontaneity

  543. That is a big move! well would be for me anyway haha Sounds a bit obvious (and maybe a bit weird) but get to know your neighbours as you can find out a lot from them-like where to go, where not to go & just generally how things are in your area. That helped me alot when I moved away. You'll be fine though :) x

  544. Goodluck in your move Zoe :-)


  545. Brighton is such a beautiful place, good luck!x

  546. Good luck Zoe :) I'm sure you will love it – I'm also planning on moving into my own place this year aswell!


  547. Hey guys,

    If you enjoy Australia’s remarkable coastlines, white sandy beaches and notably ‘The Great Barrier Reef’, a conservation marine park.

    Please help to protect this ecosystem, with high biodiversity, from a government funded North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation (NQBP) which will create ports throughout the region.

    For more information please consider and read the following constructive movement:

    Alternatively visit and read the NQBP plans to see the damage:

    There are only a few days remaining!

    Thank you ^_^

  548. Zoe I have just recently moved into my first flat with my best friend and it is incredible, freedom freedom freedom! Stay strong!

  549. .

    Ahh I'm so happy for you! I almost moved to Brighton a few years ago, but it did't happend and I've regreted that since. I wish you luck on your moving, it's so exiting! Lots of love from Norway x

  550. Molly

    What an exciting new journey Zoe! It's so brave of you to move out, but I'm sure it'll be amazing. Good luck with everything!

    Je M'appelle Molly


  551. Ahh I hope you enjoy Brighton! It's my hometown, represent~ haha. I miss being there a lot.
    Moving can be quite daunting and really stressful, but I'm sure if you take it easy and comfortably while still staying organised it should all go well :) Congratulations and I wish you all the best!
    I wish I could recommend some places, but I'm not sure what it's like at the moment. Go on a little adventure to explore and find wonderful things!

  552. Hello, I saw in one of your previous logs that you love the angel food bakery in the lanes! Next door is a cute little hair accessories shop called Tegen Pretty Little Things and it sells really cute scrunchies and headbands and just pretty little things! I think you'll love it! I hope you love Brighton as much as I do and Good Luck!xxx


  553. I'm sort of in the opposite situation right now… I was living independently for a little while and then I had to move back home with my parents. Fun times, I can assure you.

    Anyways, here are some things that I found VERY useful whilst living on my own:

    – sewing kit (I accidentally cut a hole in my leggings – long story – and my sewing kit was a life saver!)

    – a spool (is that the right word) of yarn (I was feeling very nesty before I moved out and I told myself I was going to knit a baby blanket over the winter – despite the fact that I'm single, in my very early 20's, and have no idea how to knit – and the yarn was INCREDIBLY useful. You never know when you'll need to tie something. Don't underestimate the yarn.)

    – first aid kit (probably the most important of all. Buy a medicine for every kind of ailment you can think of. The worst thing in the world is being horribly sick away from home and you don't have a medicine in your place to treat it.)

    – stain-removing stuff (self-explanatory)

    – kitchen utensils (I'm talking about the usual suspects. You know you'll need knives, spoons, forks, etc. I'm talking more along the lines of things like muffin tins and potato peelers and knives that can cut things like meat when you're cooking and cutting boards and all that kind of stuff that you may not necessarily use every day but you'll be upset if you need it to make something and you don't have it)

    – CROCK-POT (so this one is amazing because you can put some food in it in the morning and by evening it will be an amazing dinner. I'm not actually sure if you can still get these in the US, though… I think pressure cookers are really hard to come by now because they can be used to make bombs ( A BOMBTASTIC DINNER ). No, but really, if you can find one, GET IT.)

    So that's about it. Moving out is really exciting. Enjoy it, because it's only exciting the first time you move away from home. haha Good luck, and enjoy this new time in your life!!

    – McKenna

  554. good luck zoe! it will be great! xxxxx

  555. Hey zoe! I live in brighton and i cant imagine living anywhere else. My favourite cafe is kensington gardens in the laines:)

  556. That's great you're moving out! It's such a big step. I wasn't aware of that when I moved out last year. It's also very good that you're moving not too far from home so you could always spend a weekend there! I moved to Berlin which is a 7h drive from home and I find it really hard that I can't just go home for a few days because it takes so long and trains are too expensive.

    I would say making your new home cozy and having lots of photos and personal things around is the best way to make it also feel like a new home!

  557. I totally understand how you're feeling im 20 and I am about to graduate from university yet I lived at home the whole time. Mainly for the exact reasons you stated, also I suffer from anxiety disorder as well. Though next semester I am starting graduate school and I feel as though its time to move out, in fact I live in new york but im moving all the way to California. the thought is driving me insane but im quite religious so i just pray about it. So I really have no advice for you but I hope it brings you comfort to know you're not the only one going through this, and I would appreciate any advice as well.

  558. Hi Zoe! This year I've started uni and it's in the city. The problem is that I live in a small village that is 2h from uni, so everyday I've to go from uni to home- home to uni….all because I need my family near me and it's very difficult for me to move to another place away from family and friends. When I read your problem I understand you Zoe and I think I have the same problem. Don't worry, 2014 is going to be your year. Good luck xxx

  559. Goodluck!!!!!

    eshaparmar.blogspot.com xo

  560. Carly M

    WOW! BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS <3 <3<3 :****




  561. I'm really excited to see more of your articles and videos this year! Have fun :)

    ~ Hannelore

  562. Isabel

    Hi Zoe !

    I'm not sure if you resived my last comment and I'm sorry if I've written multiple times. I also would appresiate really much if you red this ! So, what I wanted t tell you is that I've been reading your blog since forever and you never let me down neither with your vlogs, videos or blogposts. You're such an inspire to me !

    I get a lot of pressure and stress about all different and stupid things. I want to keep this short and just supportive. So, remember to yourself that for who you're writing for. You started all of this only for yourself so why are you stressed about blog that we'll however love and appresiate, atleast your true followers though. Just write whatever feels good in the world and stay strong :)

    Loving you whatever you're doing ! xo Isabel

    PS. I'm very sorry if the text I wrote is a bit messy or wrong written. I live in Finland so my native language isn't english. But I'm sure you'll understand.

  563. Wow… such a big step! so GREAT. I am truly happy for you.
    In my group of friends I'm the only one who also "still" – as I just turned 22 – hasn't had her own place.
    It's nice to see that I'm not the only one. As I am finishing my last year at uni this future is coming closer and closer and whilst I am really excited I'm also quite anxious. I wish you all the best! Xx

  564. not that you will ever read this, but I just really wanted to recommend 'Lucky Beach' as a place to eat in Brighton :) it's right on the sea front and the food is so good! x

  565. Seems like Sussex is the place to be! I love Brighton, it has everything! And it's never to far away from the countryside to! xxx

  566. I suffer from anxiety as well, and I am very close with my family. My fiance is also very close with his family. But a few months ago, we took a risk and moved all the way from the Northeastern U.S. down to South Florida! The weather has a huge affect on my anxiety, and believe it or not, being in a warm, sunny place by the beach has helped more than anything else ever has. We miss our family and friends terribly, but sometimes you just need to do what makes you happy. It's worth the risk. And living in a place like Brighton, I'm sure you will have plenty of people coming to visit :) Good luck, Zoe! <3

  567. Good luck Zoe, and enjoy it :) I hope that the move is everything you wish for and more! Daniela xo

  568. Oh Zoe! :D Such good news.
    I would LOVE to live in Brighton, or anywhere in the UK really. I hate Portugal with a passion and I don't think I will ever be able to leave, since all my family is here and I don't know if I have the courage to do so. There's just so many things I would love to do and I don't think I will ever be able to. Oh well.
    I'm so happy for you though! ^_____^ Good luck with everything :')

  569. Wow, Zoe! Good for you! Label boxes by where in your new house they're going to go as well as what's in them, not just a single word. Glad you'll be closer to Alfie and the sea as well! I'm already dying to see a tour of your new house, so once you've settled in, could you maybe make a quick little vlog or video of some sort of your house? Eep, very excited for you!

  570. I need your help! I want to start a blog like yours but don't know how! Please help

  571. So glad you're back Zoe! I hope you enjoy your new experiences (like moving) this year!

  572. Good luck I am only 13 so obviously I don't know what it's like personally to move away from home independently! But I have had quite a few moves but only in the same city and its hard at the beginning but you will settle down quickly as you already know Brighton quite well xxx Ly lots xx

  573. Zoe I can't really relate to this post, but I am excited to move out of home once I have grown up. You are a big inspiration and role model to me and I hope to meet you one day. Good luck with moving Zoe x


  574. Carla N

    That is amazing, I'm so happy for you! Good luck with everything!! :)

    Lipstick and Mocha

  575. Good luck!! You will love it xxx I life right near Brighton and I love it the sights, sea and of course the shops and I hope where ever you move it brings you happiness!! As you really deserve it! You are such an inspiration and you have changed my life and soooooooo many others for the better!!!! Good luck and stay your happy fun self xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  576. Congratulations!!! You will love in in Brighton I life close to it your love the sight, sea and of course the shops!!! X I hope you love Brighton as much as I do as you are such an inspiration to me when I first started watching your videos you mad me a better person I used to get bullied but when I started watching you I stood up to throughs bullied and they have gone away you have changed me and I know I can only see you on my screen but you have changed my life for the better xxx no more bullies!! But honestly you are such an inspiration and you have made mine and thousands of other peoples life better x I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I hope you find an amazing home just right for you and as amazing as you as you most surely deserve it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I know you probably wont read this but I just want you to know we are all here for you no matter what we love you and that will never change xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and I hope everything goes well xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo hugs and kisses and I hope I meat you one day but if I don't I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  577. Hanily

    OMG! That's so cool! Congrats xx
    Hanily x

  578. And please do a room tour!! Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  579. anna

    are you moving in with alfie?? or just somewhere closer?? brighton seems like a beautiful place. id love to visit england and all the small becahside towns :)

  580. Good luck Zoe. I know that it's difficult now but it'll be worth it in the end.x

  581. Hi zoe I love your videos please may you tell darcy she is really cute lots of love popoy xxx

  582. Good Luck sweetty! You deserve everything good that has been happening to you and I can't wait to see more of your journey :)


  583. Good luck on your move. Over the last two years I have moved house a lot of times and I know how exciting and nerve racking it can be!
    Please check out my blog if you are reading this. I would be ever so grateful. Thanks

  584. Louise loves in Northampton doesnt she?
    Make sure to check out my blog:

  585. Wendy

    It's amazing that you are making this huge step in your life, I wish you all the luck in the world!
    When I moved out I was absolutely terrified, but it changed my life completely in a good way! I'm sure that your going to be absolutely fine!

    xoxo <3


  586. Hey Zoe i go to Brighton all the time, try choccywoccydodah,s cafe (not too far from the centre of Brighton) it has the best chocolate sundaes ever! Good Luck! xx

  587. Good luck! I have never been to Brighton but I'm sure it shall all go swimmingly! Decorating your new flat will be lots of fun I can imagine :) xx

  588. That's so exciting! I'm sure you moving out and living on your own will really help with your anxiety and build up your independence and confidence. Also you will have so much freedom which will be good, and living by the sea sounds like a dream! Good luck to you xxxxx

    http://emilylovess.blogspot.co.uk xxx

  589. Good luck Zoe! I really wish you the best with the move and everything else. Hope everything goes to planned. :) xx

  590. Unknown

    Hi Zoe! I live in Brighton and have done all my life! I was extremely excited when I found out you were moving here as I have been watching you for well over a year now and always thought you would love Brighton- its culture, the lanes, the sea, the lively people and just everything about it! A fun fact about me is I go to the same secondary school Alfie (of pointless blog) did, there is even a picture of him in my school corridors ;)

    Anyway more to the point:
    The pavilion- A beautiful place with a little café right next to town so easy to get to and very popular in the summer
    The Pier- An obvious choice but I had to mention it :)
    Queens Park- I spent most of my childhood in this park and it is very close to my heart- so if Darcy ever visits I think that she would love it. It has a café, pond, dog park, playground, tennis courts, the lot and again for summer is a great place to go!
    The lanes- I know form vlogs that you have already fallen in love with the lanes and righty so!
    A great little cake called, 'The Mock Turtle': Quite popular but slightly hidden, it serves scrummy cakes and really really good teas, the best place to go is downstairs which it decorated in plates and is very cosy!
    Angle Food Cake Bakery: If you book this you get to decorate your own cakes and do master classes, I have been multiple times now and just love it :)
    Jb's American Diner- It serves amazing milkshakes and food, with very interesting wall decorations !
    The Sealife center- Really cute and family friendly ;)
    Charlie's Sweet Emporium- For your fix of lucky charms, poptarts and various other American goodies!

    I hope this was helpful :)

    Hopefully will get to meet you when you move to Brighton, some of my friends have had the pleasure of meeting you and Alfie and all said you were lovely and easy to talk too! Have fun moving Zoe :)

    Hugs and Kisses,

    Mimi xxx

  591. Unknown

    Hi Zoe! I live in Brighton and have done all my life! I was extremely excited when I found out you were moving here as I have been watching you for well over a year now and always thought you would love Brighton- its culture, the lanes, the sea, the lively people and just everything about it! A fun fact about me is I go to the same secondary school that Alfie (of pointless blog) did, there is even a picture of him in my school corridors :)

    Anyway more to the point:
    The pavilion- A beautiful place with a little café right next to town so easy to get to and very popular in the summer
    The Pier- An obvious choice but I had to mention it :)
    Queens Park- I spent most of my childhood in this park and it is very close to my heart- so if Darcy ever visits I think that she would love it. It has a café, pond, dog park, playground, tennis courts, the lot and again for summer is a great place to go!
    The lanes- I know form vlogs that you have already fallen in love with the lanes and righty so!
    A great little cake called, 'The Mock Turtle': Quite popular but slightly hidden, it serves scrummy cakes and really really good teas, the best place to go is downstairs which it decorated in plates and is very cosy!
    Angle Food Cake Bakery: If you book this you get to decorate your own cakes and do master classes, I have been multiple times now and just love it :)
    Jb's American Diner- It serves amazing milkshakes and food, with very interesting wall decorations !
    The Sealife center- Really cute and family friendly ;)
    Charlie's Sweet Emporium- For your fix of lucky charms, poptarts and various other American goodies!

    I hope this was helpful :)

    Hopefully will get to meet you when you move to Brighton, some of my friends have had the pleasure of meeting you and Alfie and all said you were lovely and easy to talk too! Have fun moving Zoe :)

    Mimi x

  592. This is so exciting for you! I know what you mean, I have always wanted to stay close to home, but who knows, I could change my mind when the time comes for me to move out. I wish you all the best, and Brighton looks so idyllic! :) xx

  593. Brighton is a great place to live, you'll love it just as much as I do (hopefully)!
    There is this great cornish pastie shop down North Lane (i think, if I can remember correctly) and they do the best broccoli and cheese pastie, doesn't sound appealing but it is amazing and you'll go back there many times!

  594. OMG!!! That's soooo cool. Me and my friends all find you soooo nice and love watching your videos :-)

  595. Char28

    Good Luck with the move, it will all be worth it in the end.

    Char 28


  596. I can't follow your blog! It says you have the max amount of followers! :( this actually makes me so sad.

  597. I know what moving is like. Myself personally, I have moved 4 times in the past 3 years and have had to start new schools, and make new friends. I'm from New Zealand and I would love the opportunity to live in the UK, and Brighton was one of the places I would love to live in! As for any tips…? Well all I can say, is that when you are moving and packing and so on, I bit my tongue and threw away a lot of things that I just had never used and it made it so much easier and lighter, and I wasn't having to unload boxes for days on end. I also sorted out where I wanted everything to go and be before I even moved. Don't know if that was helpful, but all I can tell you is good luck and I sincerely hope Brighton treats you well :) Caitlin x.

  598. Lovely! I live in South Africa and Brighton was one of the few places I visited when I was in the UK in 2010. Love the lanes even though I got hopelessly lost! I'd just say that moving is a chance to start new, grow confidence in the fact that you are self sustaining, and even though it's stressful once it's done your life feels like it's had a makeover. I'd also suggest giving away all those things you don't use or selling them and giving your self a little cleanse and space for new and better! Keep nostalgic and sentimental things around you to comfort you, I suffer from panic aswell and I know the fear can be tamed by some old familiar faces, smells (sounds weird) and memories. Good luck, can't wait for your next video! xxx

  599. Marian

    I wish I was living in Brighton. Really happy for you. Hope to see your room soon as I love you're decorations every time.

  600. Carly M

    I observe you blog!! :)


  601. Alannah

    Hi zoey
    well firstly i would like to say CONGRATULATIONS i hope u, Percy and Pippin r very happy there (Percy and pippin r sooooo cute)
    and secondly my cousins live in brighton and i live in new zealand so i never see them (and yes i know this is quiet selfish) but now i really want to visit because i might have a chance to meet u. U r my favourite youtuber and blogger. By the way i really like this blog post. =)

  602. wow this is such an exciting time in your life, it is a scary thought to be moving out and becoming independent, thats how i felt when i moved all the way to london by myself. I wish you the best of luck with the move, and i think that you will be very happy in Brighton, and i cannot wait to see what adventures you go on.

    Jess x

  603. Good luck Zoe. I love reading your blogs please do more!!x

  604. You will love Brighton, I lived there for 11 years well in Hove anyway, now live just down the road still by the sea. Its fab in the summer being able to go to the beach or sit in the bars by the sea.

  605. Aww Zoe that's great news hope it all goes well, I suppose you are moving to a flat/house with Alfie!:)) have a great time moving.<3xxxxx

  606. Goodluck Zoe!!!! Pans I just want to say I absolutely love your blog and YouTube channel they are amazing!!! Please can you do a room tour when you are all settled!! Good luck again xxx

  607. its not quite the weather for it but there is this lovely ice cream shop called Boho Gelato that me and my family visit in Brighton and its lovely!


  608. Good luck with the move Zoe! And also, please don't feel nervous or pressured about blogging: no one makes us read, we do it because we enjoy your blog and love reading your posts :)


  609. Ahhh congratulations on moving, will look out for you when I go there again!! Good places to go to are the pier (because you know, its amazing), the Lanes are the cutest place to shop EVER and the Pavillion and grass around it is really lovely in the summer

  610. Wow! This is a big step for you! I'm so proud of you! Good luck xx

  611. Zoe! So excited for you and your new adventure! I first moved away from home at 18 for university, 7 hours away from home (even though I still live in the same state, Texas is huge!) Since then I have moved back and forth between the two during winter and summer breaks, studied abroad in the U.K. and Europe (an ocean away from home), moved to the East Coast for a summer (20 hours away from home), aaaand here I am again on my last semester of university. I'll be moving AGAIN after I graduate, but no clue at the moment as to where.

    From my past 5 years of moving up and down and all around, my greatest bit of advice is just to take the bad days along with the good days. You'll go through time periods of being super happy and then super homesick and alone but always remember loved ones are never more than a plane or car ride away (or hey, maybe even a walk away if you're going to see Alfie). Immerse yourself in activities, GO OUTSIDE ONCE A DAY, as being inside for too long can make you feel secluded. Don't give up when you have a bad day or week, you'll learn so much about yourself. GOOD LUCK CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW IT GOES!! :)

  612. Hey Zoe,
    I moved out last year and it was INSAAANE! I was terrified as I have a big family and was used to having loads of people around me all the time. I think the most stressful thing about it is the first night alone, so I made sure that I had my best friend staying with me for the first few days so that I got used to the new room/bed/kitchen etc, and that made it A LOT easier. I also put notes in my neighbors letterboxes saying that I was new and they were welcome in for a cuppa (this was a big step for me, I'm not good with new people). However, one of them did come over, and is now one of my closest friends. Another thing is candles- they strangely make a huge difference to how homely your place feels.
    Also, I dont live in brighton but I visit it a lot, so here are some recommendations: JB's diner on the seafront does the best onion rings in the world, there's a vegetarian restaurant called Terra Terra that does such good food you dont miss meat at all, there is an amazing shop called Dirty Harry's on Sydney Street which is a staple if you're looking for sweatshirts/flannel shirts/skirts/playsuits, and the best fish & chips is at Regency Fish bar!
    Hope this helps a bit, break a leg, bonne chance and all that! Em x

  613. Brighton is my home town and I totally know what you mean about the sea! its like a release from claustrophobia. Its my favourite city because its so lovely and quirky and has so many unique things going on (you HAVE to see gay pride!) There is the most lovely little cake shop in the lanes which I can't actually remember the name of, though if your genuinely interested i'm sure I can find out and the best tortilla shop just around the corner from churchill square!! One of my favourite places is actually the sea life center – generic I know but it provides me with hours of entertainment! I hope you like it as much as I do, I'm even returning there to study soon :)
    Love Ella xoxo

  614. I love you Zoella <33
    I watched your every videos and I love this <33
    You're my inspiration :*


  615. Congrats on your move…. what an exciting journey lies ahead of you.

  616. Wow that is amazing, im 24 and had planned to move out as well nut financially I can't do that yet. I'm curious to know how it goes (as I have never lived anywhere besides the house I grew up in) so please keep updating on your experience I would love to the read >.<

  617. A big good luck with moving out… I'm 22 and so scared of moving out as I'm a massive hermit and love being with my family!! I deffo need to take a leaf out of your book and just do it!! :D So excited for you and can't wait to see what you do with your new place as I'm sure it will be beautiful (like your old room :D) Lots of Love Megan


  618. Hi dear!!! Happy 2014!!! Great video!!
    Big kiss!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  619. I love Brighton as my Dad and his side of the family live down there. Except I live 3 and a half hours away so its hard to see them so I go down as much as possible. Visit everywhere you can its all wonderful

  620. isay.

    hey everyone! I really don't want to spam but I would be so happy, if you could take a look on my new blog. I'm Blogging about Lifestyle and Fashion. Thank you so much.

  621. hey zoe, when i first moved away from home it was the most hectic thing i've ever done. the first week can be really fun but then suddenly you get super homesick. and it kinda sucks cos you'll miss everyone and everything, even silly little stuff that doesn't matter. but push through it! it will get better, i promise :) and once you make it to the next glorious, free as a bird stage, you'll never wanna go back!

  622. Hey Zoe! have you ever been to Hastings? Don't go, shithole.

  623. Moving is the best time to clean things out! I've done my fair bit of moving around the past two years and I always find myself wondering how I got so much stuff! If you haven't wore it in the past 6 months odds are you are not going to in the next 6 months. If you are waiting for that ball to come around so that you can wear that spectacular dress odds are it is not coming. Find a good cause and donate that stuff. It will make you feel good to know that someone who truly needs it will be getting your cute clothes and it gives you an excuse to go shopping again (counter productive but very much needed)
    good luck Zoe! xx

  624. bena o

    OMG I also decided to starts a new life as a university student!!… and I will move on to Brighton after 3 months… now I feel happy after reading this and I don't know why!!…. Good luck Zoe

  625. Don't worry Zoe! We love you and you cill never disappoint us! xx sometimes a little "simple" post makes our day!!:) I love reading your blog! I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks now and you have helped me through it and strive harder:) I'm fifteen and its been pretty tough but your videos always make my day!!

  626. Alissa

    How exciting Zoe! I've wanted to live in Brighton for the longest time!


  627. Nichola

    I moved out of home when I was 18 and the last 3 years has been the best of my life. I have had so many ups and downs but you grow so much as a person, you will LOVE it and having your own privacy and space is the best thing. I can't wait to see your blog posts as you move and when you've unpacked!

    http://nixxlivinglarge.blogspot.com.au/ xx

  628. Good luck in Brighton! I look forward to see you having fun in a new place with your cute little family pets♡

  629. Emily

    Good luck for a new place in Brighton. Wish you all the best!

  630. I used to live with my ex and his friends in a shared college house which I would never do again. I am moving out into an apartment in the Docklands soon so I can't wait. Just watch what you spend money on. It's too easy to buy expensive groceries when they don't need to be expensive. So cut costs there. And turn everything off when it's not being used. I know it's obvious but it does make a difference.

    GOOD LUCK. You'll love it. x

  631. Wow Zoe, what an amazingly brave and exciting step forward into adult life. You have achieved so much, I'm sure you're told this all the time but you really should be extremely proud of your self. Just look at your past year, you've definitely grown so much as a personality. I hope 2014 brings you even more amazing opportunities. Moving away shows that you've been brave enough to be independent, but you'll still have the continuous support of your friends, family, and all of us subscribers who will stick with you through thick and thin, supporting you every step of the way.

    Good luck on the big move, I'm sure you'll settle in in no time :) xxx


  632. Best of luck in your new home! I went to a primary school very similar to yours, and when I got older and went to bigger schools, it was absolutely terrifying. I'm now 20, almost 21, and still living at home. My brother didn't move out until he was 23, just like you, except he was getting married at the time.

    Brighton looks beautiful! It's so cool to see photos of a place that's so far away from where I live in California, yet so similar. The pier looks absolutely beautiful. I'm planning on moving out soon, to go to college, and I'm definitely going to miss the beautiful beach. You're so lucky that you get to move out to it!

    I definitely remember those times when I was younger, making plans. My friends and I always said we were going to buy out a cul-de-sac, and we would all live there. Our kids would all grow up together and they would go to the same school and be best friends, just like we were. How times have changed, haha!

    Best of luck and congratulations, Zoe! :)


  633. Your post reminds me of the time when I myself first moved out. I hope you like your new home as much as I liked mine. Somebody said you should hire a professional movers company. I would recommend these guys http://www.cricklewood-removals.co.uk/ if you are still up for to it. Anyway good luck!

  634. Wow zoe, good luck…I hope you love your new home and I'm excited for your next post in Brighton. I've never been to Brighton but I know what you mean about the sea and the little cafe's, I'd live there too if I could xxx


  635. Such a good blog, I do really enjoy reading them. However I do know that moving can be really hard and really stressful for one person alone as I have moved 3 times in my life. Once from England to Germany then Germany back to England which I moved back into the same house. I cannot remember this one so much as I was only 6 months when I went and 3/4 years old when I came back. After living in this house since the ages of 4 I then had to move with my mother to a flat just up the road – which I found harder moving just up the road than going 3/4 hours away from home. I found that putting everything in boxes really does help and labeling everything so then you don't get confused. I also found that when I did move unpacking my bedroom was the best thing I could have done because then I had a bed to sleep in a night and I could get on with everything else without having to worry where I would be sleeping! I would say do the kitchen next and then the living room as then you can cook and eat and have somewhere to sleep – the floor isn't that bad to sit down on I'm sure.
    I hope this helped :) And Good luck for everything that 2014 brings you! I'm sure you will rock it! Xox

  636. You shouldn't worry about giving a bad post love. For all this is a beauty and fashion blog, so a review and so is what we are here to read. Just write what you have in store, if you didn't stress that much about it, then it wouldn't be an issue, because it only is in your mind :) and good luck moving Zoe xx


  637. Hello Zoe, We are a Brighton Based Shop that supports independent designers. We used to have a stall in the Laines so you may have come across us before.
    We emailed you today about gifting you some items for your move to Brighton. We thought you might like to help us support the handmade goodies that we have that a lot of are made here in Brighton.

    Good luck with your move – we are happy to have you here!
    Jade from The Little Deer x

  638. Moving out and into your own place will be the most amazing experience; especially as your anxiety is still there and always will be – it's comforting to feel free and independent, but safe in a place you feel comfortable at the same time. All the best to you, Zoe (and Percy and Pippin!), you'll love it. I grew up living in a seaside town and I wouldn't have changed it for the world. Despite the busy tourist hotspots, you can always find little hidden gems ^_^ I can't wait to see your new room! :)

    http://www.chloodonnell.co.uk (:


  639. I've been moving 5 times. This year will be 6, cause I want live with my boyfriend in Wrocław (Poland), not with my roomates. Great advice: after removal, when you will have some of free time, take a looong walk, just to know the city. I envy you, I love sea too, but not polish one, it's on north end it's to freezing. I love sea on Ireland, especially in Bray. But I hope so, that I'll visit Brighton, London and Cambridge in next year. Ahh, I just love UK and Ireland.

  640. Lo

    All the luck in the world!!!

  641. go to Kensingtons, it's a little cafe in the lanes with a balcony that has a view over the street. so cute and great food !

  642. go to Kensingtons, it's a little cafe in the lanes with a balcony that has a view over the street. so cute and great food !

  643. I live near Brighton and i love it and so will you! There's this really cute shop called cable and cotton where you can buy these gorgeous fairy lights, perfect for your new home! I actually think you have passed it in one of your vlogs! anyway hope you have an amazing time there and i am looking forward to see many more of your fabulous videos, especially in a place i am familiar with. :0) x

  644. Milena

    I'm Turkish and I always live by the sea.I lived in london for 2 years but my favorite city was Brighton.I hope you will be very happy Zoe.

  645. Moving is so exciting! I've moved a total of 12 times (from Armenia, to Chile, to Burkina Faso, to Dubai, you name it!). The last time I moved was about four months ago, and in two months I'll soon be moving to London ON MY VERY OWN! Being at the puny age of fourteen, this is tad scary considering my parents live in a completely different continent. But I'm so excited to move with you! Can't wait for the amazing videos and vlogs you will post to make me feel a little less alone. Best of luck, Sarah xx

  646. I'm actually moving in a few days as well and I am really scared. I'm actually not really a family person, so that's OK, but it's going to be really hard leaving my best friends behind and not having someone around to do my laundry and stuff like that. I feel a bit overstrained because I'm 18 but I still feel like a child, so I can't believe I'm actually going to live on my own in a completely different city where I don't know anyone.

  647. I know exactly what you mean with moving. I have been in and out of my parents for years now and there is nothing better than being able to choose what you're having for dinner in your own flat honestly!!

    Although word of advice… never forget your keys! When you're by yourself there is no one else to let you back in… my poor letting agents are busier with letting me back in my flat than with any other tenant!

  648. Alena

    I am very happy for you that you took the step to move out! I moved out 6 months ago, and I just turned 18. I live together with my boyfriend and yes it was a struggle at first but in the end I am so so happy that I jumped over my shadow and escaped the comfort zone.

    You are such an inspiration to everyone who struggles with anxiety and I want to thank you for your positive way!!

    But still I am wondering, do you move together with alfie or live all alone?

  649. Hey Zoe :)
    this is strange as I dont ofthen comment on blog posts or anywhere and I'm not quite sure what tone to use and stuff… but I thought this might be helpful.
    I live in Brighton, I moved here from another country for uni and I've been here for more than two full years now.
    It is a wonderful place to live! I think you'll get used to it soon and won't find it scary as it is a lovely city (or crazy and wild at nights, but in a good way :) ) I'd recommend to spend a lot of time out and about, making friends as there are just so many kinds of people here! It really opened up my world. When I feel the anxiety or the depression creeping up on me, I really enjoy taking a walk on the beach alone. Even if it's rainy and windy and dark! Especially then, to be honest :). I'm weird I know.
    This is getting really long but all I want to say is that Brighton is amazing and I hope you will have the time of your life here, like I do. :)
    Good luck! Bella xxx

  650. Kristel

    Good luck with your new home Zoe :-) I`m sure you will enjoy it very much, at least I hope so <3

  651. Cams

    I'm so happy you're moving, Zoe! This post makes me feel proud of you and quite sad at the same time. I'm going to miss your videos with your bedroom as background, this sounds silly but I feel it! Haha
    Anyways, hope you feel comfortable in your new place and everything suits to you :) Good luck! xx

  652. good luck with the move and everything! XOXO
    And we'll be expecting an house/appartment tour!

    we love you!

  653. This sounds so exciting Zoe!
    I will take a gap year next year and I'm so excited. It's kind of like moving out for me as I want to go to uni afterwards so I won't really come back.
    I hope you'll enjoy your new place and you'll be happy with your decision :)

  654. zoe,
    im becoming a blogger and look up to you loads! who you living with or is it just you xx

  655. Good for you Zoe :) And the best fo luck.

    I live in Norway and have therefor no tips about Brighton what so ever.
    But about moving out :)
    1. IKEA is your friend :)
    2. So it the thrift shops (not thinking about clothing)
    3. Shopping lists and shopping 1-2 times a week. Helps you save money
    4. Spend some time, energy and money to make your home cozy and nice.
    It will do so much for how you feel. A cozy home is a good home.
    5. Get a hobby that will keep your mind of being away from home at the beginning.
    6. The most important thing of all. You can do this Zoe :) I believe in you :D

  656. I moved house around 2 years ago, to settle in, I went to the local primark and brought cheep
    Decorations. Even the smallest touch