I’m one of these girls, who must always have a lip balm everywhere I go, sometimes even a couple. (I currently have about 3 in my handbag). Lip balms, I think, are an absolute essential. Especially for me as I tend to always have dry lips during both winter and summer months. It’s annoying, but nothing that a good lip balm won’t sort out.

When I was offered to try out one of these gorgeous shell lip balms by the lovely brand owner, I was extremely excited. Not only is it such a lovely, unique idea, but look how adorable it is! Each shell is individually sourced from the beach, and the lip balm itself is handmade from all the most beneficial and organic ingredients. The balm contains coconut oil, rosehip oil, beeswax, lanolin wax, jojoba oil, macadamia oil and mango seed butter. As well as containing everything that a good lip balm requires, it also DOES everything a good lip balm should. It’s not a lot of good having a gorgeous shiny shell balm sitting pretty on your dressing table, or being elegantly pulled from your handbag if it’s not actually going to nourish or moisturize your lips. The scent and flavour of the balm is mostly unscented, although it does have that slight beeswaxy scent to it. I think it would be amazing if they branched out and offered various different flavours to choose from, as I personally prefer something a little more fruity.

I think these shell lip balms are such a cute idea. Every girls needs a lip balm, and why not a high quality one inside a naturally sourced shell WITH mini mirror? If not for yourself, I think they’d make the perfect gift. There are 4 shell styles to choose from, and they each cost £12.99 and are shipped in their own little grey drawstring bag. There is currently an offer on the website where you can buy 2 for £22, so that’s one for you, and a present for someone else (then you don’t have to feel as guilty treating yourself ;))

  1. This is a GREAT idea! I am the same way with lip balm…lip products. It seems like no matter how much water I drink, my lips are dry, so I would definitely use this. :)

  2. Tami

    this is beautiful! xo

  3. es-jay

    This is lip balm junkie's (points to self) dream! how cute! I'd deffo feel special pulling this me handbag and applying! I really want one and I suppose the packaging reflects the price… Great post Zoe


    http://www.es-jaymakeup.blogspot.com – for beauty reviews, hauls and health posts

  4. Rachel

    These are so sweet and adorable, I think I need one in my life!

  5. These are so unique and pretty! Very expensive for a lip balm although I can see why, and they'd make a lovely gift :) They definitely should branch out and introduce some flavoured ones!

    Frances x
    Twitter: @Francesss__

  6. I think these are so pretty, they could be made into necklaces too. Such a cute idea for a gift.

  7. That is such an amazing idea! I don't if maybe it's the picture but it doesn't look like there is a lot of product within the shell especially for the price it is sold for.

  8. Wow, such a unique lip balm! I've never seen anything like this before!

  9. The actual shell size is bigger than I expected. It sits in the whole palm of my hand, and there is TONNES of product, it's just difficult to judge the size by the photos x

  10. I'm definitely a lip balm junkie too, I have a whole drawer full of them. Though I can't say I've ever spent £12.99 on a lip balm, I suppose you're mostly paying for the packaging which is too cute. Definitely a great gift idea.
    Becca xxx

  11. such a good and interesting idea! unfortunately the price is a little too high for me but I might be willing to make this an exception as it looks like such an excellent product..

    Jessie xx

  12. Paula

    How much?! Cute idea but no way is it worth that price surely?!

  13. my god, I love this! I am really jel!

  14. claude

    this looks definitely cute!
    great find:)


  15. That shell looks really beautiful. Such a nice novel idea x

  16. I guess it's all relative. Some people have a different perception of what's expensive to others. I think it's definitely a luxury purchase, but this may seem like nothing to some (lucky) people haha

  17. These are so beautiful! I'd almost not want it in my handbag incase it broke! It would look beautiful on my bedside table though :) xxx

  18. Ines

    So the ingredients are all natural, do you know if they are ALL organic? They do look wonderful to carry along. I am lipbalms/lipgloss crazy too, but I like organic ones mostly. I see (on their website) the shells are handmade, thats a plus too! Thanks for this post Zoe.

  19. Considering its organic and natural, and you can keep the shell as a mirror, I don't think the price is too bad.It's a cute idea for a pressie! x

  20. Ines

    If it is all organic, and thus not a mix of non-organic and organic stuff then the price is reasonable. Organic ingredients aren't as cheap as non organic ones. Still there are some organic lipbalms (i know cause i have several) 4 times as cheap as this one.

  21. Vivian

    this is so cute, defs a lipbalm girl too xxx

  22. Phoebe

    These are so cute! I agree, they would definitely make great presents xx

  23. What a cute and creative idea for a lip balm!! (: Very unique.


  24. omg this lipbalm is so cute!!!
    really would like to try it!! *o*

  25. Just saw your tweet about this, had to have a look! Bizzare, yet unique :) x


  26. I can't believe it, my nan went on holiday and brought me one of these back but this must have been about 10 years ago, it was so cute! I think I might have to order one as it will take me back to when I was younger :) xx

  27. Steph

    This looks amazing and I would absolutley love it, but £12.99!? I love the naturalness of the balm itself and the shell case, and the care that's gone into it to make it look so great….but I'd pay £7-8 tops and that would be one massive massive treat/asked for as a present. At the end of the day it is only a good lip balm…and I've tried really good natural ones for £4. But aside from the price, this looks wonderful!!

  28. They are so stunning! love the oriental one! such a great idea! :) x

  29. I like this idea, and If I was a little more flush I'd probably treat myself but I do feel like £12.99 is far to much for a lip balm. So cute though!

  30. kia

    nice idea! would make a great present, shame i can't afford it! might just make my self one :L

  31. I have one of these that I bought in Australia, the shell is so beautiful! x

  32. I think it is such a gorgeous idea and well worth the price, i'll definitely be looking into buying one!

  33. These are soo cute. I am exactly the same, I have over 40 lipbalms, atleast 3 in my handbag at all times, 2 in my car and loads around my room xxx


  34. It looks so pretty! haha how stylish would i look pulling this out in the middle of the street? ;D Given that it's organic i guess it should be relatively more expensive than other lip balms, but nevertheless, i think paying £12.99 is too much…there are cheaper lip products that do the same job, or even better, at a much purse friendly price!



  35. Bee.

    These look very cute! I believe you can never have too many lip balms in your bag!

  36. Sarah

    I never leave the house without my trusty Carmex, nothing has ever beaten it for me (not that that stops me constantly buying new sorts!). This is a gorgeous way to package lipbalm though :)

    Sarah x


  37. These are great. I love homemade items, they are really cute, and its always a plus when products are made from natural ingredients.
    Thanks for sharing these :D


  38. Those look cute! :) The website says they're £14.99 though, but I don't think that's a huge amount considering how many of the products are organic. :)

  39. KylieR

    Very sweet idea and unlike some comments here I thought it would be more expensive then that considering the presentation and effort gone into each product!!

  40. im soooooo addicted to lip balm. speaking of, i need some now. Checkin out the site, those are so cute!!


  41. These are so cute, I love it! I'd be a bit worried about breaking it though, does it feel fragile? xx

  42. What a unique idea!! These are super cute :):)

  43. Joan

    omgsh so cute would feel like a mermaid using it :P

  44. This is seriously adorable! :) i've never seen anything like this before. It's a shame they don't seem to ship to New Zealand (at least i couldn't find it on the site!). Like you said, it'd make a lovely gift xx

  45. As soon as I saw the title and the photo I knew I was going to love this post! I'm definitely going to get one, these are right up my street as I love unique ideas like this and I too have dry lips almost all of the time… really annoying.

    But great post thank you!

  46. Dionne

    It's a cute concept, but I think it's horrible to remove shells from the beach and turn then into part of something frivolous that we do not need. I'd only buy if the shells were artificial.

  47. Soo cute and creative Love♥

  48. Emma

    This is really cute, i think they would make great gifts :) x

  49. This is so cute, I would be happy to give this as a gift to any one of my friends, although it is expensive, I'm like you and my lips are always dry, so I guess that the price is worth it, plus it looks good to :)

    Jess X

  50. This is so clever! I've never seen something like this before, I may have to pop over to their website right now!! xx

  51. This is such a cute idea! I will definatly be buying one or two of these:) xx

  52. Ekta

    Such a good idea! A girl can't have enough lip balms! :)

  53. Wow what a cool idea :)! I just hope the process is sustainable! But if so, definitely the most lovely idea for a gift x

  54. Tori.

    these are so cute! x

  55. Ria :)

    ohh that is just soo soo cute :) x

  56. gixxna

    How adorable! I like the idea.

  57. Shen

    Really good idea! Might be a nice idea as bridesmaid gifts or something!

  58. Sanja

    I love the shell! Makes me think about good memories :) ♥

  59. They are so lovely ! Too nice to throw away when they´re empty, so just a little tip: make your own lipbalm and fill it in afterwards, it´s so easy, just melt vaseline and a bit lipstick on a spoon or something and fill it in the shell, it does a great job on dry lips, promise ! :)

  60. haha when I first saw this I thought it was a tortoise! Its so cute :) x

  61. Amz

    I have one of these which i got given by a family member who lives in australia, however in australia they have strawberry smelling ones and they do not have the mirror. I pull this out of my bag and everyone around looks and thinks it is a lovely idea to have it in a shell. To anyone that is unsure they are quite big and they have a lot of product in them. the lipbalm really works well. great find!

  62. If you need a fruity lip balm try MAC Cook tendertone lip balm it smells like watermelon :D

  63. Javier

    Really like your blog, follow u, do u wanna follow each other :)?

  64. What a lovely idea! :)
    This really would make a great gift x

  65. Soo cute !

  66. I'm glad I'm not the only one who needs to have some lip balm lying around! My boyfriend makes fun of me because I always need lip balm. This shell lip balm is such a great idea!

  67. aw this is such a pretty little idea, i love the little mirror inside too! so cute. x


  68. Bettie

    These are gorgeous!!!! Definitely gonna check these out!!
    Please have a look at my blog if you have the time!!

  69. so cute! the little mirror is an especially cool design feature

  70. I love this! What a great vanity piece… so beautiful!

  71. Megan

    This is such a cute idea! I'm totally in love with the packaging, so lovely. :)

  72. Maja

    wow, they look so cool! i love the idea of putting lip balm in a shell.. especially for the summer :)

    by the way, I was watching your video with blogging tips last night and I really liked it! you gave great advice and made me feel a bit better about my blog, that is still new and undiscovered hehe :)
    and I just loooove your accent! i could listen to you forever, so adorable! :) I'm definitely gonna have a little marathon today and watch some more videos by you! :D


  73. lucy

    Oh my goodness, this is actually the cutest thing! Loving the photos in this post, what camera do you have? x

  74. Nastia

    I wouldn't buy it for myself, but it's definitely an adorable gift.

  75. what a cute container, haha but im not too sure about the price. thats more expensive than my boyfriend and i buying a meal for dinner at a cheap drive thru.

  76. Wow this is so beautiful! It's so elegant and CUTE! The lip balm looks so creamy too haha! :)x

  77. Sara

    This idea is very unique and unexpected – very classy and vintage looking. Being plagued with perpetually dry lips myself, I will definitely check out availability for the US. I always seem to want to try products from the UK like the Collection2000 concealer!

  78. Hello! I follow your blog and have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award because I enjoy it so much. I had to pick 15 of my favourite blogs and I picked you! Here is the link to the blogpost that you are chosen in! The idea is that you remake the blogpost in your own opinion, so good luck and enjoy! :) xxx

  79. Hira

    This is sooo adorable! Love it!


  80. Sashka

    I want one of these so bad! Might actually purchase one for me and as a present as you said so I don't feel guilty for spending that much on a lip balm!


    http://www.mybeautymemoirs.blogspot.com/ Please check out my blog if you have a spare minute, just starting out!

  81. Great post, :D Love the shell it is gorgeous :)I hope you will follow my blog



  82. That lip balm looks awesome. Love the shell!

  83. it's such a cute idea, and the packaging is stunning and really original, but I really couldnt justify spending that much on a lip balm, when carmex and palmers cocoa butter tends to be under £5!
    http://allanahsbeautycorner.blogspot.com/ – for affordable beauty & fashion!

  84. Beautiful

  85. becky.

    they are so cute, i love a gimmick and this lip balm is me all over! neeed! x

  86. I got my own Shell Lip Balm today :) Check out my post!


    Ty x

  87. They are really really cute! I am a lip balm junkie too, although I think vaseline is fine for me! :)

  88. It’s my first time to visit this site & I’m really surprised to see such impressive stuff out there. Gifts For Bridesmaid

  89. Omg! I know this is an old post, but I couldn’t help but comment to say that I’m fawning over the idea of shell lip balms! The fact that they are real sea shells and the lip balm ingredients are organic/natural has convinced me to buy one! Thanks for blogging about it :)