I know I’m a little late on the scene with this one, and you’ve most probably seen the contents of this box as well as the new limited edition Harrods box for March (blog post to follow), but I wanted to let you know my opinion on the contents, and which products I liked best.
February’s box was a “Fashion Week” edition. It contained 5 products all designed to help you look and feel your best throughout the most fashion oriented week of the year.
DuWop Venom Gloss – I’ve tried a few products from the brand DuWop, and I have yet to be dissapointed by any. This gloss is a lip plumping gloss, designed to make your lips appear fuller and even came with it’s own little warning “may cause a light tingling sensation upon application”. I always feel as though a lip plumping gloss is really getting to work if I can feel it tingling away. I received the colour “buttercup”, which is a gorgeous peachy pink shade. I expected it to be quite sticky, but actually I was pleasantly surprised. Did it plump my lips? well, that’s debatable & I can’t say I noticed any major difference, but it did make my lips look juicy and “healthy” (if you can even use that word to describe lips). I’m not a massive fan of squeezy tubes and would probably prefer this in a tube with doe-foot applicator.
Impress press-on manicure – Now this really excited me. I love press on nails, I think they’re fab for a quick fix and can instantly make you look more polished. What made these even more amazing, was that there was no glue needed as they have an adhesive which you simply pull off and stick the nail on. No glue = no mess and no hard finger tips for a couple of days. I also think the packaging is genius!
Paul Mitchell “Awapuhi” Treatment Oil – This product really surprised me. I’m a huge fan of hair oils at the moment and i’ve been using a L’oreal one and an Ojon one, which have both been fab. This says it has wild ginger in it, which you can definitely smell when you apply it to your hair. It smells absolutely amazing, I love it, by far my favourite scent of any hair oils i’ve tried. Not only does this smells great, it really does leave my hair feeling so silky soft. I apply it once my hair has been towel dried but still damp, just before blow drying. It says on the bottle that it’s “ultra light”, and I love this concept, as oils can obviously be very thick and it’s very easy to put a little too much on and ruin your freshly washed hair, but as this is an ultra light formula, i’ve not had that problem.
BM Beauty Pure Mineral Eyeshadow – This is a loose pigment eyeshadow which is cruelty free and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. I know that a lot of people are very specific when it comes to makeup and those factors, so it’s nice that GlossyBox included something like this. I personally don’t use loose eyeshadow very much, as I find they can be quite messy, but the colour I received was right up my street and ever so pretty, so i’m definitely going to be wearing it. I can imagine that these eyshadows would last you an absolute lifetime as you only need to use a tiny amount each time.
Como Shambhala Invigorate Shower Gel – I’ve actually heard of this brand before but never tried anything from their range. Although my least favourite item in the box (I have too many shower gels as it is), this smells very fresh and natural and is full of essential oils, which left my skin feeling very moisturised and smelt delish. Would I pay £20 for a full size bottle? Probably not no.
im so jealous you got nails! i got some sort of anti ageing product yet again (even though I'm 19) hehe great post, glad to see you got better things than me! :)
Hi Zoe! I've missed you this week! hope you are ok.
Haha, I wouldn't pay £20 for the full thing either, but looks like you got a good selection. I'm most excited about the nails too!!! :-) xxxxxxxx
Yay! You blogged! :) I really want to try the Impress nails- the packaging is so cool! I am a huge fan of BM Beauty too! I'll think I'll subscribe to Glossybox now after months of being skeptical about it! Thank you for another lovely read… xx
I wanna get glossy boxs but knowing that they're a bit hit and miss puts me off a bit! Thanks for the post dude Xx
Everytime I see these posts I'm swayed a little more to sign up for them.
Those press-on nails are so cute! Glad that it's french nails and not some crazy design (not too fond of those). I haven't tried anything from DuWop but you make me want to! :) Love your blog as always x
Looks great :)
Looks like a really great box! Especially with the loose shadow! Swatch?!
What nice products. I'm a lipgloss fanatic, so the DuWop one would be most exciting for me! I've been thinking of signing up for a monthly beauty box subscription, but haven't looked too much into it. They're so fun, though!
I was slightly disappointed with this box. I didn't receive the lip gloss or nails in mine though. I definitely would of preferred those. The concept of the 'no-glue' nails sounds fab! Great post as always :) xxx.
I loved the BM beauty eyeshadow that was in this box :)
Looks interesting^^
mineral hygienics♥mfashionfreak
Love the look of those press on manicure nails! I've unsubbed from glossybox because it got too expensive for me to keep it up, but the boxes do look very good :)! Also love your new hair zoe! xxx
The Paul Mitchell "Awapuhi" Treatment Oil sounds great, I am into hair oils at the moment since my hair has started to be very dry lately. I like the fact that it has wild ginger in it, going to try this one myself too! Thanks for the review!
love the gloss and the manicure stuff ;)
I've been thinking about signing up for a GlossyBox but don't know if its worth it–looks like you got some great products though!
The lipgloss sounds great. I have tiny lips and a small mouth so I like things tha t appear to plump my lips. I'll need to look out for this.
The nails look good too, the packaging is cute. x
I would really like to know how long those nails last?
London Last Night
Love everything in this little box .
I'm actually really glad you posted about this, because now i need to try some of the products I got in that box, because I was too afraid of trying them before! :)I also love your style of taking pictures, even though that sounds weird! <3
ooh the nails look fabb :) xx
that looks like such a good box, i love the look of the manicure set xx
I love these kinds of post since I don't have a subscription box where I live. I wish I did but this just looks awesome!
♥ http://fashionxfairytales.blogspot.com
those impress nails look really really good, i wish i'd got glossybox this month, i'd have loved to try those out! x
quite a good selection !!
Hey Zoe! I love seeing your posts about these boxes because I'm from the US and I subscribe to Birchbox, so all the products are different (here's my march box if you're interested in seeing this month's selection from the other side of the pond http://lucyinthesky317.blogspot.com/2012/03/march-birchbox.htmlv)
Over the past couple months I've been having a difficult time deciding if these boxes are worth the money each month. They're a great concept, but I think I'd rather put my money towards a single product that I know I want and will use. But yours looked great this month! I especially like the hair oil :)
I've always been a bit on the fence about trying Glossy Box. It seems a bit hit and miss because you can't always be certain that the products will be satisfactory. I'd love to try it just to give it a go; but the price is also a bit iffy for me. Perhaps one day I'll try it out. Lovely review! xxx
Every time i read these, im tempted to subscribe to them. The packaging is always gorgeous!
Your box is identical to mine. I loved the nails too but I was lucky to have a pattern print on mine. xxx
Nice blog!
Interested to try the paul mitchell hair oil, I wonder how it compares in price to the others? Glad you like your glossybox :)
I've seen the nails in Boots before, it'd be great if you could give a review if they're any good! X
Definitely excited to take the dive and splurge for one of these!
Thankyou :) x
Oh how i wish I could get Glossy Box in the US!
woooo i love glossy box xx
I have been interested in trying out a beauty box, but i dont think i would want it all year round, maybe i could just pick say like the christmas edition etc
Im having a blog sale YSL, Mac and OPI
I'd love to hear more about the hair oil since I'm always looking for hair rejuvenating products. Mayhaps you'll review it?
Hey Zoe, I love your blog and your youtube channel, your sense of humour is just like mine!! I love the GlossyBox concept and have subscribed myself, just waiting for my Harrods edition to pop through the letter box!! I have read through most of your blog and love what you write about, how you write it and the topics you pick to write about. Keep doing what you're doing its amazing! Please check out my blog, http://www.harrietshandbag.blogspot.com xxxxxxxxx
Oh WOWW :))) You got amazing things – I am so jealous!!! I love the nails!!
I love all of your posts, you're amazing!!!
UK beauty boxes are definitely more exciting than the ones we get in the US. My last two birchboxes have been slightly disappointing
Great review! I'd love to try out the hair oil
Hi, I just watched your video on Mac lipsticks (which was great by the way) and you mentioned you wanted to try Ruby Woo. Well, I have 2 Mac lipsticks, one is Faux (another 'pink' tone!) and Ruby Woo. I've used the latter probably about once or twice and decided that it really doesn't suit me. You probably want to buy it yourself, but just in case…I wouldn't mind swapping it for St. Germain as you said you didn't like it much and I rather like the colour!
Anyway, if you're interested you can leave a message on my blog or email me at gw290@cantab.net
I love how you use the floral thing as a background. So pretty:) Only I wish that they have glossybox in Canada :(
Love it. Looks like a suprise box! you never knouw whats inside =).
I love impress nails! The only catch is that they come off so easily, like after 3 baths. But they do make you look very polished. :)
Only down side is that my boyfriend gets extremely creeped out when I pull them out. Haha. It does look scary and creepy though!
Love your blog!
Have really wanted to try a beauty box for a while now but still can't decide which one to go to, but after reading this think I'll be going for glossy box :)
Danielle, http://simplicityrosex.blogspot.co.uk/ x
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