I recently recieved this as a freebie in a goody bag. I had seen it in the shop before, but i’ll be honest, i never touched it because of the glitter coating. It looked pretty, but the thought of getting glitter everywhere was enough for me to bypass this completely.

This bubble bar does look super pretty, i hadn’t even smelt it before in fear of walking out of the shop with a pink glittery nose, but it smells AMAZING.
It smells like Vanilla & Lavender & i could sniff this all day long.
One thing i was a little apprehensive about was whether or not all this glitter was inside aswell as out..thankfully, it’s not, which means most of the bubble bar crumbled into your bath will be glitter free. On first look, this bubble bar does seem a tad smaller than others, especially the comforter, but actually, you’ll be surprised by how much use you can get out of this.
The water turned a gorgeous pink & there were no obvious traces of glitter.
This bubble bar is right up there for me with Creamy Candy & Mar Bar.
I will most definitely be buying these again & again.
So there’s your lesson folks, do not be a glitter snob.
oooo sounds lovely :) xx
Did you use a whole one or just half?
Great review lovely :)
I also received this in my goodie back but i am yet to try it!
The second picture makes it look like playdoh :)
I cant wait to try this out now doll – thank you!
@Maxime – I used 1/3 :) x
what a lovely soap! looks like a bunch of pink sugar. the smell must be lovely too, since i really like vanilla <3 thanks for the review!
Awww I don't know how you can be a glitter snob?! I love sparkly pieces in the bath! Ha!
Sweet blog post hun xxx
It's the same scent as American Cream hair conditioner. I pleaded with the owner of Lush for more in the scent and he did this and the bath bomb Twinkle, but that was discontinued :(. Great review, amazing photos!
Ooooo yes I luurrve the flosty gritter bar. Have you tried the Ruby Red Slippers one from Christmas time? Great blog xxxx
so0o pretty !!
I love this – definitely one of my favourite smelling Lush products! xx
wow honestly, you have the most amazing beauty blog I've ever seen. I like all of your reviews, make up hauls etc. keep up ! Greets from Germanys :)
i wanna eat it (lol) it looks so cute and yummy
Looks so beautiful, aw, I really want this :) xxx
I am also a glitter snob, I try to stay away because Im so scared I will get covered in glitter- and this to me is not a good look. I may pop into Lush at the weekend and see what is about though- I'll try and be more open to glitter now :)
Steph x
I adore this one, though it could loose the glitter. I buy it all the time along with creamy candy bath
I love this one only because I was shopping with my boyfriend and we went into Lush and would touch the glitter and get it on eachother ha ha
We had glitter on all day! I don't know if I would bathe in it lol
Funny, I just got this yesterday! I have yet to enjoy it, but from the smell/look wise it's just delicious! :)
i just used it :)
its FAB!
but the glitter is not very funnny once you finished the bath and its time to clean …
good review! i love the smell of flosty gritter. :)
This looks like a smoothie! I want to eat it! Ixx
Thank you so much for such a great blog.
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