I was tagged to do this by Claire (The Fashion Teller) and i thought it was a fab idea!
You have to pick 10 of your favourite items in your wardrobe, say where it’s from, why you like it & any memories of you wearing it. No Accessories allowed :)
I found it really hard picking 10, but i managed to whittle it down eventually.

From Left to Right:
♥ New Look baby pink top with sequined shoulders – A relatively new addition to the wardrobe, but i just love the baby pink colour, and it hugs my figure nicely.
♥ Floaty silk cream top with flowers – I don’t know where this is from, it was a charity shop find by my mum & has no label. It also has a cute ribbon to tie at the back. I love this & wear it a hell of a lot.
♥ All Saints dress – I like this because it’s unique. It is very baggy and ties in three different places. I like to wear it with a plain tshirt & leggings with either boots or plimsoles.
♥ Topshop rose & bird crop top – I bought this in Leeds a while ago. I love the pattern & the way it looks on. Again, i team this with leggings. :)
♥ Topshop Vintage Lace top – Bought this about a year ago, i just think it’s pretty & girly & lace is my favourite.

From Left to Right:
♥ All Saints yellow sequin top – This has a weird shape, but i love it, it hangs in all the right places. I wore this to the Barry M Event last year & on my 19th birthday :)
♥ Vintage stripe dress – This came into my mums shop & i tried it on and fell in love. It looks kinda shapeless on the hanger, but the material is so thick and heavy & i feel really 60’s when i wear it. I can’t wait until the sun comes back out so i can wear it with pretty flipflops and a flower in my hair.
♥ Primark sequined top – I very rarely love something so much from Primark that it lasts a whole 6 months in my wardrobe. This hangs really nicely & i just think it’s pretty.
♥ New Look cropped black blazer – I chose this because it was totally bargainus. It cost me £3 in the sale & it has been a staple to many an outfit since. I love it, it fits perfectly.
♥ New Look floaty spot top & cargidan – I cheated slightly here and put two together. Both are currently in New Look & I am totally loving the nautical theme at the moment.
Hope you enjoyed that small insight into my wardbrobe.
I tag anyone else who would like to do this. I’m sure Claire would also love to see what else you all have in your wardrobes..as would i :)
Great tag, I need to do this! its a great post!
I love the top with the little birds:) XX
You have some incredibly cute clothes sweetie :) xx
Your wardrobe is so pretty and feminine. I love it!
Aw such pritti stuff Zo.
Particular love the Rose and Bird crop tee from Toppers. was gonna get this myself!
Great post yet again lovely.
I love the bird top :) all ur things are really pretty! Great post lovely
Steph x
Just to let you know I tagged you to do the Happy Tag :)
p.s I love love love the floaty cream flowery top its sooo pretty I wish you knew where it was from … I want it :(
Lots of love,
Love the rose & bird print top. And I have the sequinned Primark top! It looks weird on the hanger, but is SO nice on x
it's all super pretty :)
i think my favourite is the floaty silk cream top with flowers
Wow…wardrobe envy! Great post x
Could I come and squat in your wardrobe right about now? Ta!
@DangerouslyBeauty – Haha! You can do, it's extremely squashed in there though :) x
you have amazing fashion sense and clothes!(L) X
I have the all saints parka too and wear it all the time in summer
its great to just wear with leggings and ugg boots and the material is so soft!
I love the New Look cardigan! Very preppy :) xx
I love the lacy Topshop one. Girly and gorgeous!! x x
Fantastic post! I love your style & so I'm glad you shared with us some of your favorite pieces! :) I particularly looove the floaty cream top with flowers that your mom found at the charity shop. Great find, indeed!
– Monica
Well done lovely :) Fab post and thanks for doing it! I LOVE your wardrobe! You have such similar taste to me! Gorge clothes hun!
Love the All Saints dress its fab!!! xx
This is a great idea for a tag! You have some beautiful tops- I love the pastel colours.
I also adore that charity shop top! x
Ooh I looove the silk top with the flowers! x
please may i steal your wardrobe? :)
i love lace too – so girly and delicate.
do you know if the topshop rose & bird crop top is still in the shop? it's so gorgeous. xx
I love it! xx
Such gorgeous pieces! I love the creamy charity shop top with flowers – what a great find by your mum. I think I'll do this too, it's a fun tag!
You have really cute clothes(:
I love everything! Can i please steal these?
Love your blog Zoe, and great post
It's lucky a pigeon didn't fly over and take a crap isnt it?
what a great post, i'm defintely going to do this tag :-)
I love the vintage stripy dress, very chic!
I really like this post! And I think it may actually help me clean out my own wardrobe if I go through and pick out my own top 10! :)
what a lovely tag!
& those are all suchhh gorgeous pieces :)
Oh the pink lace blouse is lovely :)
That is a great blazer. Love all the lace, very cute.
Love Love love the all saints dress, lovely jubbly clothes you have my dear :D
I just did the tag and I just started a new blog page come check it out!!!
(right now i only have two post:P)
I love it the clothes look like coming straight from a vintage store (in a very good way lol) I love it =)
Really nice colour scheme going on here too :) lovely eclectic mix. Thanks for sharing :) x
Their all pretttty : )
The colors are amaaazzing .
love ur clothes ,very nice …i love this tag might do this …(m in love with the cardigan and the sheer blouses cute)
xo mw
great tag! I love that crop top from topshop!! And i think it's time to hunt around New Look for the last top!! xx
lovely :)
awwwwwwwwww……i know from this post that i would fall in love with your wardrobe. it's so cute how you got them hanging outside for cool photo effect :)
Great idea for a post – it's nice to take a peek into people's wardrobes.
I did a similar thing on my blog – interviewed another blogger and she picked out a few of her fave outfits and sent me pics of them.
Love that stripey dress!xx
Oh I have just found your lovely blog and cant believe I havent seen it before. You are so cute and we seem to have the same obsessions… fashion and make-up! woo. lol
Might give this tag a go at some point. I have a blog too – http://www.somewherehere.net.
OMG I Loveee your style!
I adore that Topshop cropped rose and bird top, it's gorgeous.
You have a lovely blog!
I like the top picture collection ! Beautiful colors.
Have a great weekend! Here in Hungary it's snowing :)
This is a really good idea and you have some really nice clothes as well.
I love your sens of style Zoe :)
I also did this tag on my blog, it's new.
Hope you don't mind I mentioned you on it, to show where I got the tag from.
So cute! I especially love the white lacey one <3
Love your new background Zoe xx
LOVE this post :)
Such a good idea.
Follow me?? http://www.clashingtime.blogspot.com <3
my favorites are the top 5 shirts! sooo pretty
Hey Zoe, I tagged you for the Best Blow Award :)
You have such a great taste in clothes, loveee it!
i love your fashion sense its just beautiful just like you..
and you are so lucky to have all these lovely ladies reading your blog ! I have no clue how even get close to one person reading what I have to say.. so sad :(
love you zoee..
oh btw cant wait for more youtube vid you're doing great<3
hey lady i have nominated you for an award=]
great blog you have! the pics are lovely
check out- http://thesocialcode.tumblr.com
You have amazing fashion sense!
My fashion blog;
All are so perfect! <3
<3 Mariella
Your wardrobe is amazing Zoe! Really!
Thank you for the great idea!
I am working on this tag on my blog right now. It's gonna be up in couple hours ^^
I love your outfits sooo much! I think you + how you wear them create the perfection. haha I really enjoyed reading your blog :)
My favorite outfits are here.. http://smilewithvivian.blogspot.com/
I think this is the cutest IDEA! You need to be my stylist. :)
This info you provided in the blog that was really unique I love it!!! More about BravoB
Hey zoe! i love you blog, maybe you could do an updated wardrobe staples post?? love you!!