Usually, when i go into primark i really have to hunt for something good…(Nearest Primark isn’t too great, definately not Oxford Street standard) But yesturday, i was throwing things in my basket. I’m guessing that they had just stocked the shelves in new gear, as there was quite a que waiting for them to open and it was surprisingly tidy (For those of you who have access to a Primark, you will know that most things end up on the floor, I don’t know why…Lazy staff? Lazy shoppers? All i know is you wouldnt do that in D&G)
Anyway, Here are some of the things i got…

Left to Right: Black dress £7.83, Black diamonte flipflops £1.96, Cream lace top/dress £7.83, White beaded flipflops £5.87, Sailor top £3.91 (I also got this is navy – looks cute with a waist skirt), Floral tie neck blouse £7.83
The cute pj bottoms are very Jack Wills esq. They’re baby pink and white pinstripe with a cute spotty bow, best of all, they were £3.91! and yes, those are pants but i thought they were cute (they have small hearts on them) and they were only £1.47!!

Left to right: These four cute hairclips were £1.97 and the oversized clips were only 98p!
I know, the photo is crap..but do you know how hard it is to take pictures of fish that dart about the tank? very bloody hard! I was going to get fish like i had before…but my mum pointed these pretty lil things out and i wanted them. They have loads of neon and pretty colours in their scales. I’m starting out with 3 but because they’re alot smaller than my previous ones, i’m probably going to get a few more at some stage (yay) Theyr’e called Sushi, Wasabi and Egg Jnr. I think i should explain egg…My boyfriend chose this one,’s pretty much just “fish egg”? Is that right Jack? haha And Junior as he named a previous fish, egg, so this one is egg jnr. We have a strange sense of humour :)
i really really like the sailor top!
i like your style! really nice tops.
Love the sailor top would be perfect with a tulip skirt and waist belt – will have to get this!!!
cute clothes!
Great purchases, I especially adore that black dress!!
Cute fishes :) I really need to hit Primarni!!! Hehe x x x
love everything! You have great taste!
I really like the clothes, the purse from Primark and the fish, of course! You are stunning:) The pastel blue/green phone I heart. Thanks for joining my blog, very much appreciated.
i love the clothes!! ur style reminds me of one of my sister’s. love the sandals!
i love the cute haul!! i thin i even have undies like that LOL
by the way, i tagged you for an “award” on my latest post
Very cute stuff you’ve got here :-) I especially love the flip flops and that black and white underwear! Congrats. Love, Evi
Cute stuff! I never find anything I like in Primark :) x
I love the PJ pants. :)
I love Primark! The sailor top and the hair clips are adorable.
as soon as i saw this post, I thought I am in Love with that sailor top. I must have one! I see from the other comments, I'm not the only lady with such good taste! ;)
& your new fishies are adorable!
love your style!!
can i find the clothes online? do you noe the link?
I loveee your buys! They’re so cheap too. Do you live in the UK?
You were in Harry Potter? The movie?
Cute blog! I love all the tops you got, great for spring. And I hope your egg fish is doing well haha
@Liza – No thats the only rubbish thing about primark…you can’t buy off the site :(
@Kooty – Yes i do live in the UK :) I was in HP but was only an extra! Still, i got to meet them :) x
I love your clips! x
just found you blog and LOVE it. I’m loving the cream lace top. Took me a while to figure out that what you call pants there we call underwear here;)
@Colette – Haha sorry, that must be quite confusing because i know you’d probabaly call the trousers/pj’s pants?
Great spree. You make me want to go shopping again!!!! Now it’s sunny I need some sandals, those ones you got are really nice. Great Blog I am now a loyal follower! xxx
you’ve been tagged!!
My Primark had NONE of those :( x
Yaaayy primark!! no waywud D&G be that messy, but the staff are paid more than primark ones…plus primark is waayyy busier ;-)
Kissing Games|
I really like all your stuff. Especially the little hairclips – so cute! Check out the stuff I bought from Primark recently. Hope you enjoy! Xxx
I wonder what happened to your fish, haven't heard of them since this post! xxx
Still cant believe i reached this part of your blog zoe <3
Primark is good sometimes specially when there’s a sale I love your fashion so does my sister she 11 and she dresses like you lol
I’ve only just started following you, Zoe, and I know you posted this years ago, but I just wanted to say, I really enjoy watching your YouTube videos, and your blogs are really inspiring
I think the same Evi Cairns-Johnston!
Um coolly cool
I absolutely love Primark