Earlier in the year, we all went strawberry picking at Roundstone Farm in Worthing and whilst we were there, we discovered that they do in fact grow veg and even more exciting than that…pumpkins! Even though I’m pretty happy to pick up my pumpkins from the supermarket depending on how fresh they are and how long they’ll last, I’ve never gone and picked my own pumpkins before and the thought of this was extremely exciting. We looked into when was best to pick our pumpkins and discovered that their last open day this season was THAT weekend so we’d actually cut it pretty fine. Sunday rolled around and although the sun was out there was a distinct chill in the air and it felt like the first brisk Autumn day so far this year, so I bundled on my coat & hat and we drove to the land of pick you own pumpkins.
When we arrived it was pretty obvious that it was the last day as people had already taken their fair share of spectacular pumpkins, and left the smaller ones growing under weeds. I had these visions of an American Pumpkin Patch with rows and rows of the biggest, juiciest and most orange pumpkins you’ve ever seen, however, the English reality wasn’t quite the same. We did manage to find some pumpkins that we were actually quite pleased with although it was the rows and rows of squash that got us in a tizzy (the cute little ones in all sorts of colours that I now have scattered around my house on windowsills and fireplaces). We also managed to find massive fields full of broccoli and cauliflower.

Whether you want to pick up fresh veg, pick your own pumpkins or simply want to have a lovely stroll through fields on an Autumn day, I would definitely recommend visiting a pick your own farm! Although this one is closed for the season, there may be a few more that might have squash and pumpkins, or if you aren’t too fussed, there’s always your local supermarket!