
“I know what will help you, CALPOL!”
“Louise, isn’t Calpol for babies and small children?”
“Calpol helps EVERYTHING! Would you like the plastic baby spoon or a normal metal spoon?”

My friend Louise everybody. Most of you will know her by now, as I’m sure she’s made quite the appearance in my videos and blog posts throughout the years. I must admit, I get A LOT of questions asking how we met, how we know each other & a huge amount of people that express their love for us both when we unite. :) It’s a pretty simple beginning & started back in 2009 when Louise emailed me telling me she read my blog & enjoyed it. In turn, I started watching the YouTube videos she made & became addicted to her positive attitude to absolutely EVERYTHING. She is one of those people, that make you smile, even on the worst of days. We emailed back and forth for a while, then I had a little break away from the internet for a few months. On my return, I noticed that she uploaded a video saying she was expecting a baby, and so I emailed her to say congratulations and I don’t think a day has gone by since then, that we haven’t spoken to one another (I’m not saying this for cheese-effect, that’s literally a fact!).

Snapshot - 13

I don’t think I know ANYBODY that is as positive and uplifting as Louise is. She has every quality that you could ever want in a friend, and I’m so pleased she has a firm place in my life. We can sit and laugh for hours, so much so, that I tend to leave her house with pulled stomach muscles (not even joking). She’s also always there in times of need & is one of the only people who truly understands my anxiety & how it affects my life, and it’s so reassuring to have her on my side. I’m so pleased she emailed me in 2009, as I cannot imagine my life now without her in it. It would a lot less glittery that’s for sure! I’ll never be able to express how amazing Louise is in one blog post, but you can watch her on YouTube HERE & read her blog HERE and you will see for yourself. It’s so important to appreciate the people in your life that make such a huge difference, and Louise is one of these people, probably more than she will ever take credit for.

Snapshot - 7

Recently, Louise won “Highly Commended Beauty Blog” at the Marie Claire awards, and I am SO proud of her. She works so hard on her blog, and there have been plenty of times she’s felt it wasn’t satisfactory enough or she’s been fed up with certain aspects of it (like we all do at times), and I’m so pleased I can finally say “SEE, I TOLD YOU SO!”.


Now let’s all celebrate amazing friends in our lives & Louise’s blogging milestone! Hip Hip Hooray!

Thank you Chummy, for everything you are and everything you do.

  1. what a lovely post!! :) xx



  2. This is so lovely ! Adore both of you :) x

  3. Sarah

    you two have such a lovely friendship together xxx

  4. Lila

    Such a heartwarming post :)

  5. Hannah

    Aww this post was so sweet, congrats on the blog award Louise! Xx

  6. Aww that is so cute. You two have an amazing friendship!:D<3

  7. Aww this is so sweet! I love Louise, her channel never fails to put a smile on my face!
    What a lovely friendship :)!



  8. Such a lovely post! It's always great to have that one best friend. xxx

  9. I love Louise!
    When i see you both together in a video it always makes me happy.

  10. Aw thats lovely of you to say that about her.xxx

  11. .

    This is such a cute post, and congrats to her on her Marie Claire award! <3

    Fashion Crossing †♥

  12. Lucy

    Aw, this post is adorable, no doubt Louise will love it. Louise, if you're reading this, congratusmatulations on everything and the Marie Claire win – how fab, and deserve it! We all love you and your friendship with Zoe :)

    Lucy xxx

  13. becky.

    this is so lovely! i shed a tear!
    aw i love both yours and louise's blog and the videos you do together are my favourites :) x

  14. aww that's beautiful, really made me smile :)

  15. Jade.

    Lovely post!! xx

  16. It's amazing how you've made such a good friend through blogging and youtubing :-)

  17. Awww, this is one of those posts that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :)

  18. Kerry

    This is such a Lovely post.. It is so nice how YouTube & Blogging can help you find such close friends & Im so happy Louise's blog won "Highly Commended Beauty Blog" at the Marie Claire awards thats an amazing win. Keep up the good work BOTH of you. x

  19. Claire

    What a lovely, lovely post :) Louise is amazing and just watching the two of you together in videos has me in stitches, so I totally believe you about the pulled stomach muscles!

  20. rachel

    This is such a lovely post! I love both yours and Louises blogs and videos and together you are hilarious! Xx

  21. Anete

    Awww, so sweet!

  22. Emma

    Such a lovely post! I love Louise's blog and videos! Great girl!! xx

  23. Aww this is lovely! whatrebeccasaid.blogspot.com xx

  24. What a beautiful post! :)

    You two ladies never fail to make me smile, and I can tell why you're such important parts in eachother lives.

    Love, Elizabeth xx

  25. Michele

    This is such a lovely post.

  26. Such cute pictures!

  27. aw, cute! I do enjoy your vids together, very funny. As a sidenote, my sister (with 3 small kids) swears by calpol as a fix for everything, so much so that my nephews fake cough to get some! I on the otherhand, seem to be the only person in the world allergic to it. It made me hallucinate and I'd see witches and monsters spinning around the room-25 years later I can still vividly recall what I saw!

  28. Steph

    Such a cute post :] I've loved watching Louise's videos for a while now and her positivity and happiness in everything makes me so smiley! x

  29. aww
    I love these pictures and you two

  30. this is such a lovely post…its amazing how the internet can bring people close together! look forward to more blogs and vlogs from both of u x

  31. Ohhhhh my god this was the cutest blog post I've ever read! I actually love you both so much. I hope when you get things sorted Zoe that you'll be back into the swing of making more videos, I miss them! xx

  32. I love both yours and Louise's videos and blogs they brighten my day :)

  33. Carly

    Ahh such a lovely post Zoe x

  34. Monika

    Aw this is such a sweet post!
    Thank goodness for the internet.

  35. Sophia

    You two are adorable! I love both of your videos sooo much and the best thing is a vlog with you and Louise <3

  36. sophie!

    i love watching your vlogs together, you make me laugh so much. louise seems like a big ball of fun, i wish i could be as happy and chirpy as her all the time.

  37. This is so sweet – you both seem like lovely girls, and the fact that you youtube together equals twice the lovelyness :D

  38. Lena

    I cried while I read this :),such a wonderful friendship. I love you both ! I'm really glad that you mentioned Louise channel and blog coz she is amazing!!!!

    Lena, xoxo

  39. Such a lovely post! Everyone should have a sprinkle of glitter in their lives :)

  40. what a beautiful post about friends. such sweet pictures. i love both of you!


  41. Noush

    Wow it's so cute ! Your photos are really fun :)

  42. Katie

    I love it when you two do posts together! You can always tell what good friends you are. Well done Louise, what an achievement!

    Looking forward to the next collaboration :)

  43. This is such a lovely post, it really is important to appreciate your closest friends, and it's so obvious in your videos together that you have a really special bond. You two remind me of me and my best friend, I think the four of us would definitely get along! Great post, and congrats to Louise once again :) xxx

  44. Jorien

    You two make great vlogs! I always love to watch them and Louise definitely deserved to win this award!

    Keep up the good work together:)

    Xx Jorien


  45. This is such a lovely post! It's so important to appreciate your closest friends, and it's obvious from your videos together that you have a really special bond! You 2 always make me smile, and you remind me of me and my best friend – I bet the four of us would get on really well! Great post, and congrats to Louise again, so well deserved :) xxx

  46. Boscy

    This is so lovely. Louise seems like an amazing person – her personality definitely shines through in her videos and her positivity is infectious. We need more people like Louise in the world!! xx


  47. Awhh, possibly the lovliest post ever! I love both your blogs and youtube videos! xx

  48. This is such a lovely post, you two are so fun together, I love watching the videos in which you both appear :) Congrats to Louise on the Marie Claire award! :)

    Frances x
    http://francescassandra.blogspot.com (Giveaway now on)
    Twitter: @Francesss__

  49. This was such a lovely post to read. It makes me upset for losing contact with so many friends that made me feel this way :( xx

  50. Such a lovely post! Sums up how i think alot of Louise's subscribers feel about her! Your friendship seems 1 in a million.
    chloe xxo

  51. Zoe

    This is such a lovely post! And I love watching you two in videos together, it's clear just how close you two are :) xxx

  52. fg

    what a lovely post, I'm really close to tears! I think its so nice that not only do you have an amazing friend, but it is also someone you met in such a unique way! I would be truely proud to have either one of you as a friend and think that you truely deserve everything you have xx

  53. Heather

    I love this, and I love you guys! Your videos together absolutely make my day :) xxxx

  54. Soph.

    Louise is so lovely and I think its obvious that you and Louise are good friends… You say about having pulled stomach muscles when you leave her house? Well I have them from watching your videos… (the delirious duvet dilemma springs to mind… Oh dear!) x

  55. awww this is such a lovely post :) see a different side to you here :D louise seems such a positive person to be around! love it when you both do videos, you always have so much fun together:D xx

  56. Amy


  57. Shanice

    The way you describe your friendship is absolutely beautiful, really reminds me of the friendship my best friend and I have. I hope you two stay friends for as long as you live, cause everybody needs a friendship like this.


  58. Awh, such a lovely, uplifting post! Was so pleased to hear about Louise's commendation, she deserves it!!:)

  59. Awwwww i love this! Louise is genuinely such a beautiful person! so sweet xxx

  60. Lily

    This is such a lovely post! You too are so great individually & even better when you get together to make a video – please don't ever stop! :) Well done Louise!


  61. What a lovely post to read! I watch her on youtube and her videos always cheer me up, she really deserves the award! It's so nice to see such a strong friendship like this.

  62. such a lovely post, I think we all need someone like louise in our lives, hence why I'm now checking out her blog! :)

    and for the record, I love calpol, it is delicious!! xx

  63. Us Louises are pretty amazing! :)
    I can see you are both stars xo

  64. Tor

    This is super cute Zoe! I love both your blogs, and it's so nice to hear that you're such good friends :)
    You've made me feel all warm inside hehe!
    Tor @ That's Peachy Fashion Blog xx

  65. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww<3 so cute

  66. Aw this is so cute. I love your friendship hahahah. xx

  67. This was so lovely :) Love you both oh so much xx

  68. This was so lovely :) Love you both oh so much xx

  69. Joanna.

    I love this post.

    Not much more to say other than that :) x

  70. Char!

    This is a really cute post! Congrats to Louise X

  71. Aww such a nice post x

  72. Such a lovely post! I do love watching Louise's videos, she always makes me laugh. It's nice to know you both have such a good friend in eachother x

  73. Annie

    You both are so cute!!! :)

  74. Phoebe

    This is so sweet! I discovered Louise because of her being in your videos and I love her!

  75. Beth

    You two have such a lovely, genuine friendship..
    She really is one of those people who can lift your mood with the shortest of YouTube videos after the worst of days :)

  76. Such a sweet post, you both are so funny and lovely and when you come together.. well it's just one big hooting video/post of fun!

  77. Louise is truly amazing, been missing her loads recently. I think its so lovely how you both met and now have such a great friendship. Congrats to Louise and im sure she will get all emotional when she sees this post haha x x

  78. aww this is sweet & makes me appreciate my friends! xx

  79. Aww what a lovely post Zoe! The videos of you and Louise crack me up :D I love both your blogs/videos!


  80. Awwww congratulations to her! Im heading straight to her blog after reading this post, she seems like an amazing person


  81. Lucie

    Zoe, this is such a beautiful post. you & louise are my favourite youtubers/bloggers ever.
    & I bet Louise tears up reading this post ;)
    love to you both & congradulations Louise on winning the award!!! :D

  82. Gem

    aaaw made me smile!

  83. This is so sweet! :) xx

  84. This post just made my day! I love you and Louise, you just seem like genuinely nice people :) Thank you for your posts and videos! They don't half make my day!

  85. Lovelovelove!! I know some of my best friends from the internet too and it just goes to show that you can meet amazing, like-minded people.

    Beautiful post and may your friendship be eternally amazing :)

    Livvy (faceofthunder.blogspot.com) xx

  86. Your both are so great! I love your friendship, wish I had such a great friend. xx

  87. I hope that one day i find a friend like Louise. She's seriously such a positive and happy person! I started watching all of her videos and reading her blog after you did some videos together, so thank you for introducing me to her, Zoe :) x

  88. Carly

    Aww this is so amazing :) you are both great girls and love watching your video's xx
    Luv Carly (UK)

  89. Scarlet

    It's so wonderful that you have such an amazing person in your life and I'm sure she feels the same way about you! I also have major anxiety which I unfortunately allowed to become agoraphobia. I was so glad you put up that blog post talking about your experience with it. I have yet to find a girl friend that understands me as much as Louise understands you! It's always fun watching you two goofing around together! xo

  90. Scarlet

    It's so wonderful that you have such a lovely person in your life! I also have major anxiety and I unfortunately allowed myself to become quite agoraphobic. I have yet to find a girl friend that understands me as much as Louise understands you! You're lucky to have each other :)

  91. Hannah

    I rarely comment on blog posts but this is so sweet :) I found Louise's blog and youtube through you and am certainly glad I did! Thank you xx

  92. Hannah

    I rarely comment on blog posts but this is so sweet :) I found Louise's blog and youtube through you and I'm so very glad I did! Thank you :) xx

  93. this is such a lovely post! made my smile :) I completely know what you mean about being addicted to her positive attitude in her videos, I'm exactly the same haha xx

  94. This is so insanely sweet! It made me smile :) you two are so cute, i love watching your videos together- they always brighten up my day. Make more please! Haha :) xoxo

  95. Marta

    This is so beautiful. Love your videos together and your bloggs. Amazing :) xxx

  96. Emma

    honestly started tearing up just then. you can see how close you girls are and how you have such a real connection in your videos. you're both amazing xo

  97. Aw how lovely to have such a great friend. Louise seems so amazing and I enjoy watching her videos and of course yours. Keep it up ladies! x

  98. Lucy

    that's so sweet! :) I love watching the videos where you two are together! they always make me laugh! :)




  100. i love u guys so much <3

  101. Sabrina

    Oh how lovely ♥ I want a Louise in my live!
    xoxo Sabrina

  102. Carissa

    you two have such a lovely friendship :) It's lovely to see
    Carissa xx

    Vanilla Crush Blog

  103. Lischen

    How amazing having such a great friendship!
    I love your blogs so much!


  104. This is so sweet! You guys always brighten my day. You're both so funny xxx

  105. This is so sweet! :D I can tell how close you two are x

  106. Oh so lovely! I think friendship is so important in our life and sometimes we don't even notice it. I love both of you and I'm so glad that you met! ;) Kisses!

  107. Clay

    Such a lovely post ! Love both of your blogs you guys are amazing! xxx


  108. Gagan

    I adoree both yours and Louise's videos and blogs, you are both so cute and funny and so fun in your videos together! :)

  109. Bridget

    This was a wonderful post to read :) I always enjoy the videos the two of you make together and apart! :)

  110. Sadie

    Ah such a lovely post, I have anxiety too and know how much it means to have a friend that understands and support you. It's hard to believe you've only been friends for such a short time, I love watching your videos together and from them you'd think you'd been friends for a lot longer :) xx

  111. Good for Louise! This is such a cute post. Every time I watch you and Louise together it reminds me of when I'm with my best friend, heather. I can NEVER stop laughing when I'm with her..even if there's nothing to laugh about.

  112. alex

    funny photos ;)

  113. Love both of your blogs and videos so much personality could never get bored of watching the #lookyourworst was sooo funny I laughed my head off I would never have been able to keep a straight face

    visit me please im new http://loveallthingspretty.blogspot.com/ xxx

  114. roisin

    I LOVE LOUISE!!!! watching the videos of you two together never fails to put a smile on my face..you guys are lucky to have such a lovely friendship!

  115. Aww Zoe, this is such a lovely post-it made me cry! I, like many others I'm sure absolutely adore the relationship that you and Louise have, and love it when a video starring the both of you pops up in my subscription box-I know for a fact that it'll cheer me up and make me smile! I have an amazing group of friends, that I really don't see as often as I would like due to distance, but I am truly grateful for them-they've been there fore me through some awful times and just been, well, bloody brilliant! Can't wait to see many more posts and video's from the both of you :) XXX

  116. This is so cute! I love seeing people on youtube/blogging etc that have started up true friendships! Oh and congrats to Louise on winning the award! :) x

  117. Love this :) Keep it up zoe <3 (check out my blog)! xx

  118. Sophie

    that last line caught me off guard *wipes away the tears* xx

  119. Lovely post!! Your both so down to earth so when i see youve done a video together it makes my day.

  120. Rachael

    So I just watched the video that corresponds with the photos and first of all I want to say I think it's hilarious that you mentioned a lot of the things that I hate about blogging (example: the whole "hey I'm a new follower. Let's follow each other!") It drives me bananas! So I'm glad you pointed those things out. Considering I'm quite new to blogging and I was hoping it's not usually like that. LOL

    Second: I know it's Louise's baby but I just feel the need to point out how adorable she is here as well. I'm not sure why. Don't worry I just started following you both so I promise I'll make it known to her as well. :)

    You are welcome for the novel here :)

    <3 Rae

  121. zoey, whats the name of that red lipstick you're wearing?

  122. Ayesha

    I have only dicovered you and louise resently on youtube but both of you have become my new favourite youtubers to watch. I spent a whole afternoon watching your vids together and I'd find myself giggling along too and I'm not even there haha.


  123. You are sooo adorable! I love the way your friendship has evolved and the fact that you talk everyday! I looks like you are having a lot of fun.
    I really enjoy reading your post you are so inspirational and seem like such a fun loving person. Thank you!

    Greetings from Denmark


  124. Finally got around to following her blog thanks to this post! Obsessed with reading about things from her point of view, so quirky.. and love her personalized sense of vocab and unique names for things :) thanks zoe!

  125. This is the first time I've read you blog but i just wanted to say what a lovely post, one day i want my blog to be just as good as yours!
    Your so pretty too!
    Anyway, byeXxxxx

  126. Sarah

    I just came across Louise's blog recently and I'm really loving it (and her youtube channel)! She's so funny and every video I watch has made me laugh and lifted my spirits, so even though I don't know her personally I feel very happy for her that she achieved the 'highly commended' status in the Marie Claire blog awards!

    I also took a look at the blogging tips video that you both did and it was very helpful, I found mysefl nodding in agreement to everything that you both said! xo


  127. Zoe

    Aww, this is such a lovely post :)
    I love watching videos of you and Louise, it is really clear how close you both are and it is nice to hear about how your friendship began and blossomed!
    Louise's positivity, attitude and constant happiness is amazing and I wish I knew her secret!
    I have a few particular bloggers who I followed, then they followed me back and we talk on comments, which I find really nice when you can talk to other like-minded girls as friends, and not just strangers/followers. It always cheers me up to receive nice comments, especially when you know they have read your posts :)
    I just want to add, keep up the great work with your blog and Youtube, I really enjoy both. Your blog was actually one of the first I ever discovered (I can't remember how though…).

    You also have an awesome name ;) Hehe!

    Zoe xx

  128. you two are adorable. such a great friendship :) x

  129. Saneeta

    You girlies are beautiful! I love seeing friends being silly and having a good laugh! xo

  130. Maja

    that's so nice! :)) friendships like that are rare..


  131. hahah you two seem to be alot of fun!
    XX form Buenos Aires

  132. Elena

    Beautiful photos and words!!

  133. Gee, She must be very lucky to have a friend like you to say such kind words. Cheers to her!

  134. Hi Zoe !

    I have been reading your blog over and over (as well as watching your youtube channel) and I just love your posts/videos. You seem to be an amazing person (and sooo funny) and your style is gorgeous.

    <3 Stephanie


    Ps. I adore your accent, so cute :)

  135. You girls rock! I imagine you have read or heard this stuff earlier but just had to say it! haha :) U inspired me to make a blog and finally start with it because I didn't have all the confidence to do it… Since here, in Spain, isn't that common… haha

    So, just thanks, and keep on doing this! x!

  136. Alison

    i think you two are a great pair
    i love louis she is the loveliest woman i know (trough YT ;-) )
    You look stunning :)


  137. This is such a sweet post about your friendship :) lovely!

  138. This is such a sweet post about friendship :) lovely!

  139. This is really lovely, I have literally just started my blogging journey- reading both of your blogs has helped give me the kick up the bum to put my blogging wheels in motion


  140. Clo

    Love you both soo much! xx


  141. Kotryna

    You are so gorgeous ;)

  142. Tina

    This is so sweet that you guys are so close! Blogging brought you together:)I'm new to reading blogs and louises is hilarious! Hope more people can bask in her humour! x


  143. i love this zoe you and louise have such a great friendship! the photos are great!x

  144. This is such a lovely post! I can only wish to have someone in my life as Louise is in yours! X

  145. Fleur

    You have such a great friendship! I am kind of jealous and I hope that I will find a friend with whom I have that much in common as well and with whom I can have that much fun.
    I also love your blog and your youtube channel.


  146. Ah, I love Louise's blog as well! You are so blessed to have such a great friend! :)

  147. Meli

    Very sweet! I love you two! Any day with Zoella and Louise is a grand day indeed!

  148. LIVVYT

    Aww you to are such good friends and i always laugh when i watch you two together xx you almost remind me of me and my friend because we always have a laugh when she comes and have so many good memories x love you both please keep posting more videos together <3 xx

  149. You guys really helped out, with your blogging tips video-which really helped me out, since I just started out with blogging. THANKS!!!! :D:D

  150. THANK YOU for your blogging tips video
    :D , I've just started blogging, and they really helped. THANKS :D

  151. Nat

    This is such a heartfelt post, it makes you feel really good reading it. You two seem like made for each other (in a friendshipy way ;) ). I love watching the videos you two make together, they are always so much fun to watch :). All the best to you both! xxx

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  154. Heyy! I would like to look at your blog, but when I click on your link it says that i'm not invited to see your blog! I didn't know if you knew that, cause maybe you didn't :)



  155. Anne

    Wonderful Pictures! Hope for joyful life.. Cheers!!

  156. This is so sweet haha. I wish I had a friend like that :)

  157. girlonlinex

    This was such a long time ago, yet I’m the first commenter…

  158. helen

    That`s such a lovely post *_* Your words melted my heart and made me tear up. Louise is a perfection and you are so lucky to have such a friend, as well as she is lucky to have you. I hope your friendship will last forever!!!!

  159. David Taylor

    This was such a nice post. I am reading this post in 2018!!!