
Dress: Topshop
Leggings: New Look
Shoes: New Look
Belt: Vintage YSL
Bag: Vintage Bootsale
Headband: Mums

Some of you may recognise this outfit from my most recent video on Youtube. A vlog with my brother & some ever so charming Alpacas. They really are very funny animals, I got some amusing photographs of them, but I won’t bore you all to tears. The photograph of the little girl is me, aged about 2 in an angel outfit that my mum had handmade me for a fancy dress party. The crown was made from real flowers, I can’t say the tin foil star is all that impressive though haha. It’s the window sill of my mums bedroom, I love all her pretty little trinkets and bits and bobs, mainly sourced from carboots (now you know where I get it from).

  1. I always enjoy when you update your blog.

  2. Carys

    Hehe i love how the alpacas look like they are wearing long chunky knit socks on their necks :D

  3. Slater

    Your video featuring alpacas was hilarious. Great pictures :)

  4. Awh, you look really cute when you were younger! I love car boots sales, you can get such great finds. Love your Vlog you posted the other day, it was really funny… More please hehe xx

  5. love your outfit zo :) & you look so cute in that photo! x

  6. those animals look to cute:)) hehe nice hair btw!

  7. beautiful photos. you look lovely and that dress is so cute. i used to live near an alpaca farm and when i took my boyfriend to see them he was amazed, haha. they're funny looking animals.

  8. do u use a specific lens to get this effect? or is it a setting on the camera?
    love the pics!

  9. lovely post.. really pretty pictures!
    That vlog made me laugh so much!! you and your brother are really funny together:')xxx

  10. These pictures are amazing they look like they belong in a magazine,especially the bottom right one! Bless the alpacas I just wanna ruffle their hair so badly haha :) I also have genetic carbootism from my mother! Great post xxx

  11. The alpacas look so funny. Hehe :)

  12. Really great photos, just watched the vlog video too :)

  13. I adore your dress! The hair accessory is a nice touch, too. I linked to your blog on mine, I hope that's ok?

  14. Noush

    Cute photos, alpacas are funny :)
    I love your style

  15. Amy

    You are just too pretty! I love your photos so much. I loved your vlog too :) xxx

  16. Kelly

    Your outfit is super cute and i enjoyed your vlog, you should definitely do more.
    I love trinkets so might have to have a browse around car boots.
    Kelly x

  17. Tamsin

    Gorgeous photos. Really beautiful :)

  18. I love your headband! How do you tie it?

  19. Choiii

    Lovely pictures :)
    oh and i how i loved your video, made me trolol when the alpacas spat on your brother's hair :L
    and oh is your brother a beaut ;) runs in the fam ;D

  20. jenn

    the outfit is lovely and those shoes are so cute! i love these photos.

    jenn xo

  21. Dorien

    Already saw it on youtube, hihi :) such a cute outfit ! LOVE your dress (: !!

  22. Wonderful photos! I love that headband

  23. Is this your parents house? It's is stunning. I really want to go live there!

  24. You're dress sense is seriously amazing. I love it when I go into my mums room as well. It's interesting to see all the bits and pieces she's collected over the years. Also I've got to say you were adorable when you were younger!

  25. This is great Zoe. The country is so beautiful there, and I love watching your videos, even if it's just you and your brother :) I love seeing such charming places.

  26. Seriously either you or your brother get into photography, Beautiful pics. And more vlogs :) was hilarious with the alpacas had to even get my mum to watch it xx

  27. I love your dress! Also, how do you get that colour effect on your photos? :)

  28. I love that dress! you're gorgeous Zoe!

  29. I love your dress in these pictures and the photo of the alpacas is adorable!

  30. Awhh you looked so cute when you were aged 2. Your mum was very talented to make that handmade angel outfit. I bet you looked the best at the fancy dress party! I cant believe the crown was made from real flowers, so sweet :) Which carboot sales do you go to? You always seem to have such wonderful things from there. I live in Bristol and I cant find any good carboots :( You and your mum have wonderful taste ♥ Those animals are adorable too. And yes I recognise your outfit from your Youtube videos, I watch them all and I just enjoy them so much, you have such a bubbly personality! Ohh and in your questionnaire from another blogger (a while back now haha!), you said that you didnt have a chance when you saw your soon-to-be boyfriend! How could you not when you are so beautiful and lovely :) I just love your blog and look forward to your inspiring and brilliant posts. When I saw this on my dashboard I was so happy and could not wait to see it. Love Abi xxx

  31. a.j.b

    That picture of the alpacas is SO cute!

  32. ahaha lovely <3333 Your eyes look so blue, really pretty it's like you can draw deeoly in your eys ;) please visit my blog
    XXX Kristy

  33. Rachel

    That second picture is adorable!

  34. I love how you did your hair. That headband is so pretty!

  35. these photos are too cute, love the dress!
    Krissy xoxo

  36. I enjoyed the video but the photos are also great! Lovely outfit. xx

  37. Lou

    I love everything about this post!!<3

  38. Monica

    Aw, I love this photo shoot! You are so adorable and so is the alpaca. I don't think I've ever seen one in person. My favorite photo is the one where you are looking down in the lovely headband, it's so peaceful.


  39. lisa

    beautiful pictures, you look stunning.
    your top knot hair bun is perfect <3

  40. Love your belt! Your pics are amazing, so pretty! x

  41. Essie.

    your alpaca video was hillarious! and i love the trinkets in the windowsill, they are soo cute :)

  42. Al

    you always take such gorgeous pictures
    love the silhouette one of you in front of the window!
    so happy you have youtube so i could witness some of the hilarity of the alpacas in your video

  43. Zoe you are beautiful!! <3

  44. Binia

    the flower headband you're wearing is adorable!

  45. I really like the last right hand side picture the most. Alpacas are so cute, if people aren't bored of watching cute videos of cats or dogs on youtube then I'm sure we won't be bored of seeing equally cute animals here :)

  46. Really cute pics! Love your hair x

  47. Im so jealous of you you're such a good photographer!! xxx

  48. Kate

    alpacas may be the most curious things i've ever seen in my life. i watched your vlog it was so hilarious! more more more more more (no pressure) x

  49. Lois

    aww lovely! It's been raining here non stop!

  50. milie.

    you were so cute younger! gorgeous as usual :)

  51. I just discovered your blog and it's safe to say… I am in love! :) Your writing and pictures are so inspirational!! =) You have a stunning style, totally wish I could pull it off! :o (I've been silently surfing on your older posts hehe) Definetly will bookmark your blog! :) What is your YouTube channel, I would love to subscribe!


  52. I love your headband! If you made it, it would be wondrous if you filmed a tutorial! Otherwise, where did you get it? ;) Also, do you have any tips for photographing yourself? I feel there must be a better solution than self timer and then sprinting, which is what I do.


  53. You have amazing eyes! :O

  54. loooove the hair!! =)

  55. Rosy

    aw that bag is lovely, got to have a bit of granny chic haha, llamas are so funny! x

  56. Allana

    You are too pretty! :)
    Lovely pictures.

  57. Such gorgeous photos Zoe! Love that dress on you as well (:

  58. Miriam

    hello!!! I`m a spanich girl!
    I love you photos!
    I think you have got a very good style.
    Scuse me my english I don`t know writte very well!


  59. First when I saw that you updated your blog I was sooo happy : ) I'm 12 years old and I'm really into photography too and so I love seeing these photos for inspiration!

  60. Imke

    i like your ombred hair… and the photo in which you stand in front of the window is so lovely!!!

  61. BunBun

    THATS where my christmas legwarmers went! Stolen by alpacas D:
    Gorgeous photos as always :) Whoever took them really knows how to get your best side! haha :D xxx

  62. Nadja

    great photos! i like the ribbon in your hairrr :-)

  63. I get so excited when i see you have done a blog post! You are such a good photographer! haha and looking gorgeous as always! :D xxxx

  64. Zoe your photos are amazing, they look like they belong to an actual editorial. You look beautiful!
    and I am rather ashamed that I didn't know what Alpacas were until I watched your video (very fun by the way).
    :) xx

  65. Clo

    Such a cute entry, looking lovely as usual!

  66. I love your dress :) You look soo cute

  67. Cute look…now i'm a fan

  68. love this! and your moms room!

  69. your dress is so pretty, and i think i would be afraid of a gang of alpacas

  70. Anh

    Very beautiful photos!

  71. Ri Ri

    Saw the video! You and your brother are so fun together, looking forward to more videos with him. OMG I was never aware of the existence of Alpacas until now! They look so surreal, like a cross between llamas and sheep lol. And they all approached you, are they generally friendly animals?

    And love the photos as usual by the way, I'm guessing your brother took them?

  72. Rachel

    Your blog has the best photos ever. FACT. Not just because you are a stunning girl but because each photo you take is amazing, you really seem to capture the beauty of the subject. Wish I could take amazing photos like that! Enjoyed your vlog with your brother too, you guys should do more together! :-) Take care xxx

  73. your pictures are so lovely, i love the dreamy color tones. great outfit too :)

  74. 010

    such a lovely day

  75. Ruth

    This looks perfect – I love country life. One of my friends from high school had a llama… a big white one that lived in the field in front of her house. It was always her way to introduce herself,

    'Hi, I'm Claire; I own a llama'

    True story!

  76. Laura

    I proper want an alpaca! I loved the vlog – I giggled all the way through!

  77. how do I love these pictures, just crazy!

  78. Cat

    I watched your video on Youtube & loved it. :)

    Looks like an amazing day out. Alpaca's are so cute. (As long as their friendly..) :D xx

  79. Zoe, I really love what you are wearing and both you and your mums decorating. I love the vintage look. x
    I deffinetley think you should do more vlogs on your youtube channel.
    My friend and I were chuckling when your brother (Joe, Joseph, Josephine) did the impression of the lady in the petrol station (Sainsburys). xx

  80. i love the way your photos turn out, and you also look lovely :)

  81. You are so cute with your outfit! Nice pics taken :D

  82. amanda

    gorgeous photos Zoe, love the outfit x

  83. milie.

    you're insanely gorgeous! :)

  84. Amanda

    The alpacas look adorable! And your dress suits you so well, you have such great style xx

  85. The last photo is beautiful, im guessing your brother took it? Wish i had photographer friends :)

  86. Love your outfit, you look gorgeous! and that has to be the cutest pic of alpaca's i've ever seen! haha.. loved the vlog btw! xx

  87. Mae

    Such pretty pictures..Stunning scenery. Having a serious case of hair envy. I only just came across your blog looking for ombre hair DIY tips. ;) New follower, loving you blog and your style. Mae xxx

  88. I love your outfit Zoe, and i cant believe you found your bag at a carboot sale!

  89. I love your outfit, so cute <3
    Your photos are amazing

  90. Becky

    gorgeous photos! Adore the very last one! You're stunning! :)

  91. Nin

    Beautiful photos. – I should really start learning how to use photoshop properly! :)
    Love the topshop dress as well.

  92. This is so wonderful!


  93. The photos are so stunning, I love our little southern part of the world!


  94. DANI

    This is sooo adorable!

  95. Ahh the Alpacas are so cute, as are you :D

  96. Bee.

    Absolutely loved this post and the vlog that went with it (: You look beautiful, as ever. I adore your dress and bag.

  97. These pictures are lovely! You look amazing, I also loved the vlog!

  98. I love these pictures, you're a really talented photographer! Your eyes look really pretty as well :) x

  99. You look as gorgeous as ever Zoe! I watched the vlog of this day and I'm so envious of the relationship you have with your brother…I just do not get on with mine whatsoever! xx

  100. OMG! I love your looks!:) Your so pretty!

  101. these are such amazing photos, i love the editing. p.s. i just nominated you for the cosmo beauty blog awards so hopefully they'll come have a look and put you in a category. such a good blog! :)

  102. jae

    That alpaca picture is stunning. You made funny looking animals look gorgeous.

  103. Nicole

    Great photos!

    Kisses from Hong Kong,

  104. marcia

    the quality of your pictures are amazing. i just love your style!! i've never heard of alpacas till now, they are just adorable:)

  105. the pictures are AMAZING! and you are so pretty, i love reading your blogs and watching your youtube videos- they are so good:)xxx

  106. After I watched your video of Joe and Alpacas, I had to follow your blog. The clip at the end when the alpaca spits in Joe's face is hilarious!
    I love your videos, and your blog is really good, keep going. :)


  107. liv

    i llove your outfit and your sense on style, the video you did when you went to see your mum,
    it was so fun xxxx

  108. Love these photos, your eyes look so blue!x

  109. Your lovely photos make me want to take a vacation far far away, thanks for sharing!

  110. I really enjoy when you update your blog or youtube channel !! you are amazing! and I love your pictures as well! :)

  111. your photographs it's kinda amazing, I really enjoy all that! The polk dot dress it's beautiful ! You're so sweet ,when I have free time I watch all the your videos in youtube!! Congrats to be a nice and beautiful girl!


  112. This is such a lovely post..the scenery is beautiful and i also watched the video..looked like so much fun! your oufits so nice!!! Love it!!! XOXO

  113. Nin

    Today i was watching television, The O.C. was on, and it hit me that you and Willa Holland sort of look alike. Maybe i just need glasses, but i think theres something there!
    Btw, it's not a bad thing! :)

  114. You're gorgeous! Saw that youtube video today, haha I love it. Your outfit is fab too and aww that picture of you as a little angel! adorable! haha when i was that age too.. my mum did the same thing, but it was a dress for a princess.. it was perfect back then. i was psyched. childhood memories haha <3

  115. Love your pictures!! and i also love the outfit your wearing! really pretty! Love you blog so much!! :) always reading it :) xx can't wait for your next blog!!

  116. Well all i can say is i think u are one of the nicest people i think ive ever watched in youtube u have a lovely personality and Wilfs the luckiest guy everr x ur just soooooo pretty and u have the most amazin sense of style and i literally want an Alpaca x <3 thanks for a summer of laughs from ur channel

    Love Golly Miss Molly x

  117. your pictures are amazing and i always love what you wear :) your belt is gorgeous!

    oh and the alpacas are sooo cute! hope your well xx

  118. I always read your blog you inspire me so much! Love the pictures <3

  119. Meri

    I cannot send u a twit because you've private account so… how are u? I think u're in London right now and I hope u're doing well with all that riots going on… take care!!!!


  120. The Topshop dress is perfect! And hair also. Love it.

  121. You always make me smile Zoe! love yaaa ♥ and so pretty dress!

  122. Loula

    Love the alapaca's having a little smooch!! The Vlog of them was hilarious!! xx

  123. i love your blog ; ) you seem like such a nice person and i love the fact that your blog is very true to you ^-^please can you take a look at my blog and follw back?i would be so honoured : ) xxx oh,and i think alpacas are my new fav animal!They look just like a cuddly toy i had as a kid!he he xxx

  124. Hey Zoe, I laarrrvee the look of your photos! They look rather vintage and beautiful! You look absolutely stunning as always, but the alpacas you must admit… attractive ;) I love your blog, but your posts have become quite scarce :( I miss you!
    Lorry loads of love!
    Bethany xox

  125. I love your blog posts!

  126. Hannah

    Another good blog Zoe :) You have great style and i love your hair! Never stop blogging :) <3

  127. Lovee your outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  128. Joanna

    I love your dress! cute baby photo too haha :) x

  129. Joanna

    I love your dress, cute baby photo too haha :) x

  130. I really admire your style for example your dress is elegant, beautifly tailored and yet its original and completely on-trend! I also looove the pattern on it, very cute! Your photography is amazing also your little crown from when you where two. Your mum is very talented to be able to make that for you, I had a similar one in my pop-up fancy dress box when I was younger. It seems a lifetime ago now! Your so lucky to have the looks you do! <3

  131. The photos you take are amazing! You look lovely, I watched your vlog aswell! :) xo

  132. Eimear

    Your style is fabulous! Your blog is so funny and interesting it inspired me to set up my own and I'm sure I'll have great fun with it! Thank you

  133. you take amazing photographs :) xxx

  134. Aw, Zoe, you're adorable! I must say, I love you're clothes and you, of course! :)

  135. looovee the outfit, you're always so amazingly gorgeous! and we have alpacas at our school, we breed them!

  136. MVPxo

    Style on dot like usual! I can't sit and read your blog all day carry on doing what you do! DON'T EVER STOP!

    YOUR AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  137. Molly

    I absolutely love your blog! You are so real/funny/cute! I am from the US and studying abroad in London for three months starting in September and it would be so wonderful if you posted some of the best places to shop (for cheap because I'm a poor college student and I hear London is the most expensive country in the world right now woo!) Anyways just an idea! Love your blog and youtube videos!

  138. Just became a new follower, Lovin you blog and all your pics.

    Lisa x

  139. Lauren

    Oh beautiful photography! I'm loving that headband!

  140. cute photos
    love your outfit

  141. Emma x

    I really love your blog ♥

  142. hey zoe
    i like the way your photos look like and i also like your cute style your inspired me a lot ;D
    hope you had a nice day
    showin sum luv ;3

  143. Love your outfit !! you're so sweet !! love your pictures too :)

  144. Cute :) x

  145. keira

    i love this! i love what your wearing, your so pretty zoe! and i really wish i lived near alpacas (yes i watched your vlog hahaha) xx

  146. Amber x

    Your outfits really cute, you put it together well. (Y) Great picture of that alpaca its awesome. I wonder if i visit the zoo i'll see one?? :/

  147. You are sooo pretty! and i loveeeee the llamas haha!
    I've been a fan for a while now acturally and I just barley updated my blog that I have neglected

    Follow for Follow???

  148. Laura

    Hi Zoe :) I watched your video about this day and it really was hilarious (especially when you're brother said the lady in the station said there's a girl taking pictures of you) anyway i just started reading your blog, watched all your videos yesterday. I made a little post about it on my blog (hope you don't mind).
    Kisses from Belgium.

  149. beautiful pictures and you're looking so cute on the photo when you was a little child :D aww!!

    The vid with the alpacas was really funny :P


  150. Melanie

    You take STUNNING photos! I have just recently come across your blog and I absolutely LOVE it!! I just recently started a blog and love to find inspirational blogs like yours to follow myself (as a reader of course) anyhow, keep up the amazing work. You are gorgeous and I am really excited to spend a night catching up on all of your posts throughout the past couple of years!! :) xoxo

  151. I just wanted you to know: I read your tweets about you being fed up with people wanting to see more of your life. (I can't tweet you back because my twitter account is protected)I really had to tell you in some way that I have a lot of respect for you, and as far as you can know someone from reading their blog, you seem like a fun person to me. I hope the annoying people won't keep you from writing your blog and sharing things about your life, because I think you are very good at blogging and I simply LOVE to read your posts.

    Just wanted to say that :)

  152. Zo

    I love your outfit. It's very cute :)

  153. Fariha

    great pictures,
    I gave you a blog award xx

  154. Pamela

    Your photos are so pretty! I love the headband :)

  155. Sana

    Awwww I love how cute your messy bun looks! I could never get mine like that!

  156. Mikaela

    i love your outfit. and the photos are really amazing! did you take them with the camera you usually use for your videos and other photos? plus! i saw your vlog and the bit when the alpaca spit on your brother was hilarious! i was so surprised, i didn't think that would happen! haha xx

  157. Hayley

    I love the outfit, you look beautiful.
    Plus the alapacas are adorable.
    For some reason I only just came across your YouTube videos and have been addicted for the last couple of days.
    The videos you and Louise do together are hilarious, on numerous occasions I was crying from laughing so hard :)

  158. Maisie

    Zoe your header is amazing, your youtube channel is amazing aswell! please look at my blog it would mean so much, everyone:')

  159. I just adore that little satchel bag you have. The photo's look really good as well, especially of the cute alpaca's ^^,

  160. Sarah

    I love your photos! You obviously take good care snapping and editing. I love the film overlay you use.

    Your blog is so pretty :)

  161. Zoe

    I love the alpacas, you're so lucky to be able to get up close to them like that… Loved them in the video and Joe doing the lady at the petrol station.. 'ere, there's a girl takin' pictures of you. LOL :)

    Your video is getting a mention on my love list tomorrow for sure :D

    Zoe xoxo

  162. Fee

    I realy like your dress and your hair on this photoes

  163. Lama love <3 :) hehe, you look dazzling!

    xx jessica

  164. giselle

    i love your dress! the pattern is so pretty!

  165. Wow, so many comments, I don't know how you get through them all!lol

    I just wanted to say I love the dress from topshop, I'm loving polkadots at the moment and I always find your blog a great source of inspiration for outfit ideas :)

  166. I came across your blog ages ago but i wasn't in to blogging as much back then, so I'm glad that i had bookmarked it the first time as I have re-discovered your lovely blog! And have been watching some of the videos on youtube too, i think you're my new favourite!

    I am glad you're back in to it, welcome back to blogosophere! I'm going to have a catch up with all your posts now. Hope you've had a fab bank holiday weekend! xxx

  167. I love those cute and funny pictures :)

  168. Just started my blog, would you be so kind to check it out?

  169. Amy ♥

    These pictures are really pretty and the llamas are soo cute. You're really pretty too :)

  170. madzia

    very nice pictures and your shirt;)

  171. Awuh you look so cute :) how do you get your hair to stay in a bun? :L xx

  172. what lovely pictures, wish I was outside and not stuck in the office!

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  177. Oh my goodness your eyes are so beautiful! I think dark hair and really blue eyes look beautiful! All of these pictures inspire me a lot and make me wanna take similar photos. I know it's a while ago since you've posted this post but I just wanted to say "thank you" to you because I feel like you're my big sister, even if you are pretty famous now…