



I wanted to give you all a little insight into some aspects of my room. I get asked a lot to do a room tour but I don’t feel 100% comfortable with bearing my whole bedroom to you all, although I certainly don’t mind doing little posts like these where you can see different bits and bobs which may help to inspire some of you. So, this is my dressing table, or make up station, or as it’s better known, “my desk that doesn’t get used for officey-type things so I’ve filled it full of makeup & beauty items”. My grandad made it for me many moons ago, I painted it cream & changed the handles to make it a little more girly.

Ceramic Rose Handles – Homebase
Cream drawers to the left – Ikea (Painted cream & used the remnants of my wallpaper to cover the sides)
Wallpaper – Leekes Linda Barker
Silver drawers to the right – TKMaxx (Brilliant for bedroom storage)
Large Mirror against wall – Bootsale & handpainted
Small Antique Mirror – Bootsale
Light up Mirror – Boots
Flower Lights – BHS
China Saucers – Bootsale
Mosaic Flower Pot – Bootsale
Small China Vase with handle – Bootsale
Small cream & gold Jewellery Box – My Nan gave me this

  1. Love the look of your dressing table. It's so neat and tidy! Unlike mine, guuuuh. Love how you've got all your rings on a plate! I've got so many that they're just lying all the sho' at the moment! xo

  2. so beautiful. i love this post. such a good idea. wow your rings look amazing.

  3. can you please do a video on your dressing table? please!

  4. Such a pretty desk. what a clever grandfather you have :)x

  5. RCagz

    Oh my I'd love a bowl of rings like yours one day, my collection is rather small at the moment lol
    Beautiful photos, your dresser is so adorable xoxo

  6. Charli

    Went to ikea today to look for exactly the same drawers…could not find any anywhere!! I'm going to do the same thing with the end of wallpaper to cover shoeboxes and use them as visible storage! x

  7. Miles

    If your brushes are always exposed it's important to clean them once a week :) I have mine in clear plastic drawers and I line them with tissue so that they aren't exposed to dust n all that and they stay clean all the time.

  8. Carina

    i lovee your flower handles on your dresser – so so cute! you have so many pretty rings too! :)

  9. Ams

    you have quite a ring collection there :)
    i love those flower fairy lights!

  10. @Miles – I do wash them lot's and lot's :)

  11. Lottie

    I wish I had as much beautiful make up stuff as you!! You've inspired me to sort out my dressing table!

    p.s love your blog :) x

  12. Carys

    Wow this all looks so pretty :)

  13. Miles

    Yay that's great! So many people forget to clean their brushes. It gives breakouts :(

  14. <3 those brushes!!

  15. khaz

    Your dressing table is simply adorable!

  16. Ah lovely, I have been meaning to do a "In my room" post for a while now, good idea to not show the whole bedroom! Love the little fairy lights, they just add so much joy to anything. Also well jealous of your brush collection ~ nice!

  17. Devea

    This is so cute zoe! I love the lights, I actually have some on my dresser as well ! xo

  18. Ooh I'd love to have a rummage through your ring collection!

  19. Phoebe

    I've got the bigger version of the Ikea drawers and they need a new look, never thought of wallpapering them.

  20. Lauren

    These pictures are sooo cute I wish I had a dressing table just like this! xx

  21. Wow, I love your dressing table!! It's so pretty and organised, unlike mine. Love everything… the storage boxes, the little floral lights, the rose drawer handles and especially your ring collection :)

  22. Love your draws and ring bowl, I have mine in a jam jar, I like kooky things like that xxx

  23. Gorgeous dressing table :)

  24. i felt in love :( how cute is it!

  25. Wow! I love these kind of posts:)
    Your dressing table looks really adorable – so cute, lovely and romantic:)
    Nice post!

    Best wishes!

  26. LOVE your vanity! I just found your page and followed. I just wanted to say happy late birthday and you looked fabulous in all your pictures!

  27. I love your collection of rings! :)
    I have a bit of a ring fetish, eating into my purse though!

  28. It's so girly and pretty!

  29. its so pretty!
    love your dressing table! xx

  30. Rylie

    I love how you customized the small Ikea drawers. Love your style :) I'm in the process of redecorating right now and this was inspiring!

  31. Your dressing table is amazing! Those knobs are so adorable! You have so many brushes. So jealous!

  32. Amaris

    Wow, you have an incredible ring collection! I love how you set it up.

  33. Lichy

    awww. so many beautiful rings :P

  34. what is there in the mini drawers on ur desk…they are so adorable <3

  35. YAY i've been waiting for a post like this for ages. You are so creative Zoe. I friggin love your blog, it seriously makes my day when i log on and see a new blogpost. Lots of love xxx

  36. Mary

    It's so pretty, love how you store your rings!

  37. looks so vintage :) I like!

  38. Lice

    I like this, and your collection of rings, it's biiiiig! :D xx

  39. Clare

    the flower lights are so pretty. it musn't be hard to get inspiration when you see that every day :)

  40. this is so cute. I wish I could have my desk like this, but I have my TV & laptop on it, so I'm limited for room :( xo

  41. Soo cute! I love the little cups that hold your brushes! :)

  42. Gorgeous! Just did a post on my dressing table too, and I adore seeing others! Yours is MUCH morre organised than mine. Kind of the inspiration I needed!


  43. This is so cute :) i'm so jealous of the amount of brushes you own! xx

  44. Ooh I have that little Ikea chest of drawers! I've had it since I was little though so it's covered in teddy bears and bunny rabbits, oh dear haha. Love the fairy lights too! x

  45. Katie

    aww SO pretty, love the flower lights :)

  46. Your dressing table is so cute and girly. So many brushes! I have about 6 ;) xx

  47. Cherry

    Your dressing table is so cute!

  48. wow you dressing table is realy beautiful!! :-))


  49. Please tell me that you had to tidy it at least a little bit before you took these pics? It's sickeningly organised, I'd love to be that tidy ha. So pretty :) x

    Natalie | Just a Thought

  50. Voe

    Everything is so beautiful and organised. I have a question, how to you get your fringe/bangs to stay that way? Do you clip them back?

    All the best,

  51. Noush

    It's really cute, you have a lot of rings !

  52. jako

    where are your brushes from? :)

  53. Hello,
    i love your youtube videos :)
    can you please make a video on your EVERYDAY HAIR DO?
    I did watch your video on your hair routine but i love the hairstyle you do everyday, the way you pin some hair behind with a lot of volume.

  54. Monica

    So pretty and organized! I love the brush vase holders, especially the cool pink twisted one. I think the hanging flower lights just complete the whole image, and it makes it different than other girls set ups. Chic!


  55. Laura

    You have such a gorgeous room and dressing table! My desk is sadly over taken by my MAC, so its not as pretty!

  56. Great photos, wish I was that organised! :) Love your dressing table, that's so nice your Grandad made it for you xx

  57. pretty! :) I love all your rings.
    I was wondering, was it complicated to making your banner? like the top part of your blog? I want to make my blog look more professional but I can't get everything centered right.

    I would love so much to know! :)

  58. you're 'desk' as i also call me is so much more inspiring than mine. mine is just a big messy mess with no where near as many nice brushes! i have some serious sorting to do! xx

  59. omg, I love that, the photos are so pretty. It's gorgeous :) xx

  60. I love the color scheme! Your vanity would motivate me to get ready(= <3


  61. Ash

    WOW thats a lot of brushes!!! gorgeous dressing table, I want it!

  62. Can you please do a tutorial on how you photoshop your images?? It has a beautiful retro/vontage vibe to it!

  63. Shanah

    Waw, I really like the way you organized all of it :)

  64. I just can say one word, well, three… I LOVE IT! You really inspired me, I'm going to do something with my set up, oh yes!

  65. xoxo

    I love your little storage drawers. I've been struggling to organize my stuff but it looks like your system really works!

  66. Gem

    I'm so nosey, posts like this are the best! Your dressing table is so pretty, I love all the cute little touches like the fairy lights and the unusual brush holders. I have the same light up mirror =) Gem xx

  67. BK

    Oh em gee its so pretty! XD

  68. Nicole

    Your dressing table is amazing! Love it!

    Kisses from Hong Kong,

  69. I love your dressing table and everything's so pretty (:

  70. Tess

    MAC baby! <3 x

  71. Ring collection !! Please!!

  72. This is just stunning! I love the brushes, you have so many!

  73. Love this:) ..Will you be posting anymore videos on youtube soon? Plz do LOVE your channel! x

  74. oohh i love it! :)

    xx vanessa

  75. I love!!!! .. Prettiest place; the jewelery compartment… xx

  76. Sarah

    So pretty!! xx

  77. You'r make up desk looks absolutely stunning!!! I really like details like that- the handles and all of that cute pods and drawers :) You're really inspirational.

  78. LOVE these pictures!!

  79. DAGMAR

    Those rings are amazing! And your photo's are very inspirational!

  80. What bootsales do you go to? I live in Bristol/Bath and I can never find any bootsales. It seems like you get so many LOVELY things from Bootsales and I was just wondering which bootsales you go to :) Your dressing table is amazing… I wish mine was like yours!
    Here is my Blog:

  81. I love those flower light bulbs! :). They look absolutely beautiful.

  82. OMG! It's so cute! It looks like a princess' dressing table! And I absolutely loved the little flowery lights!!

    BTW, I loved your blog, I follow you from NOW


  83. Filipa

    Oh wow, it's so beautiful! It really looks like a professional make up artist station, with all those brushes! :)

  84. The flower lights are fabulous!

  85. Pamela

    Wow, I do love your table!

  86. Lovely post and such lovely photos! :) x

  87. Zoe

    This is such a great girly spaces. I think everyone needs a space like this, I've got my fingers crossed for a dressing room one day!

    Zoe xx
    Life of a Vegetarian Girl

  88. YOur dressing table has lashings upon lashings of charm!

  89. Kelly

    Your dressing table is so pretty, I can't wait to get mine painted cream like yours and get some nice handles and get some fairy/ flower lights :) xx

  90. Such a beautiful dressing table! Definetly inspirationsal:D I want to do mine like yours:D

  91. This is so pretty! And everything matches! Mine is just amixture of girly, bright colours and contemporary features.

  92. I love this table and how you have painted it to make it your own gives it such a vintage, girly chic look.

  93. Wow, I love the layout of it, it doesnt look to messy or to neat! also I really like the idea of getting the draws from Ikea and putting wallpaper over it, I'm re-decorating my room soon and was looking on google and other blog posts for storage idea, and I cam across this and was like 'I could do that'

    Anyway, you have a really amazing blog, and I just really adore this blog, I check it all the time :L <3

  94. Hello Zoee,
    I really think that you are really pretty and my personality is very similar to yours. I love you sense of style and enjoy regularly checking up on your youtube videos and blog posts it would really make my day if you could check out my blog but dont feel pressured to follow me but it would be great. Please may anyopne reading this have a quick look at my blog. I post makeup looks xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  95. ...

    oh wowowowow! I love your dressing table and how its set up..its perfect! Shame i don't have room in my bedroom for one:( when I do get my closet room sorted i will definately be using your dressing table as mines inspiration! I'm new to blogger at the moment but I am hoping to work my way up to your standard some day!
    keep blogging, they make my day!

  96. My what a gorgeous dressing table. So eclectic. I also really love the way you take and crop your photos. They're always artistic and make everything look so much more interesting. You've got a great eye. LOL, that sounded a bit weird xox Nicole

  97. such a pretty dressing table you have there! I am totally jealous, haha :)

  98. xevie

    all these pictures are so lovely! i've watched your youtube videos and you seem like such a nice person, love your blog too xxx

  99. such a beautiful dressing table! i specially love the mirrors and lights! :) x

  100. Your dressing table is soooo cute! It really inspires me to make my room look nicer and to organise my makeup and things more. I will definetly refer back to this post when i finally redecorate! xx

  101. You are so organised! Wow. I love your collection of rings! They're amazing. And I love the lights too! So cute. If I had a room like yours, I'd never leave it haha!

  102. Your dressing table is so gorgeous!! I love the clutter but cleanness of it! My space is quite like yours but I'm always on move from school or home so its hard to keep one area and make it permanent! xoxo

  103. Astrid

    Wonderful dressing table and wow, you have so many brushes! Sorry for the worse English but I'm Dutch.

  104. Love the way you have everything organised. The flower fairy lights are gorge :D

  105. Love the photo's, the flower lights are so pretty and a lovely way to decorate your table :) x

  106. LOVE YOU SO MUCH! Everyone check out my blog! <3

  107. great collection u got here.

  108. Moon

    very inspiring dressing table you have there. I am so gonna clean my room :D

  109. Looks reaally nice :)

  110. Kouji

    Your dressing table is so lovely! I really like vintage style interior designs.

    I also want to say that I really enjoy your videos and blog posts. I absolutely love your style on…everything pretty much. And your sense of humor is really interesting, which I like very much as well.

    I'll be looking forward to your new videos and blog entries. :)

  111. Hannah

    i love this, its very vintage-ey,
    its everywhere but very put together,
    ok so i'm babbling and not making any sense
    But i love it.

  112. you have such a nice 'vintagey' style zoe, and i would do anything for you ring collection!

  113. Amy

    this is so pretty, i don't have enough stuff to fill up my dressing table like this! it's lovely though :)

  114. arwa

    very inspired.. thank u

  115. Fee

    Youre dressing table inspired me. It looks so beautiful!

  116. I love your set up. I was wondering if there was any way you could do a brush tutorial. I never know what brushes I will actually use and like. Whenever I get new ones I always revert back to using some sort of application sponge or just my fingertips for my eyes.

  117. I love this post! Your Dressing Table is fabulous!!
    My favorite(s) is Your Rings! I am addicted to rings! and your makeup Which I Am In Love With!

  118. I LOVE your dressing table. Absolutley divine. I'm in the process of organising my makeup/perfumes/brushes and all of my lotionsandpotions; it is so fun!

    I get kicks out of nosing around other people's makeup set up/ dressing tables. :D

  119. hey zoe! Lovelovelove your blog posts. they make me smile if im having a down day. Your little interiors posts are so cute! they've inspired me to redo my room. No where near finished but oh well! Love your latest blog post about you and Louise! You two should just live together in a big house and make videos all the time! Have a lovely weekend!
    Oh and if you fancy have a quick look at my blog, im just getting started really but i hope people enjoy it!
    Love, Jeddah.

  120. your exactly the same as me! i love her dresser, but mine's way too smallto get a drawer set in and show my makeup :(

  121. Shannon

    So cute and girlie :) I love it.
    This has given me a little lift to tidy my room. haha x

  122. Hi, I doubt you're even going to see this but that's ok. I just wanted to say that I love how you put your own twist to basic things, like the little drawer from IKEA, and the wallpaper on the sides was a really nice touch! Also, I went with my mom to a garage sale, which is something like a carboot sale. You were right, when you said (in an older post) that it is a way to bond with your mom. I had so much fun with her and I also got to pick up some cute things as well. so, thank you for encouraging your followers to do that.
    Have a nice day!
    Elle :)

  123. mark

    WOW! Such a pretty dressing table! You have such great taste Fantastic photos see more

  124. where is your wallpaper from??

  125. anja

    Just A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.! I love it sooo much!! I especially like the lights nd handles.

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  131. I really enjoy reading your blog, Zoe. Your posts inspire me a lot!

  132. I love reading back your old blog posts <3