I just want to start off by saying I wasn’t sent these items to review, I’d read all the hype and decided that since I was out of Bare Escentuals I would try it.

Firstly, I do love the colour range. I actually found it quite difficult deciding which one to buy because they were all fairly similar. Although one thing I did notice at my local counter, was there were no darker foundations for anyone probabaly past olive skintone, at a push. I know they can’t stock the whole range at some smaller counters but in all honesty, I’ve not seen ANY darker colours in ANY counters near me. Do they think darker women don’t need foundation? Anyway, that’s a different matter.
The first thing I noticed was the lovely fruity smell, obviously because they promote this foundation to have natural ingredients such as apricot, melon, apple and ginger, it HAD to smell nice.
The packaging is..okay. I don’t think pharmacy foundations spend much money on the actual packaging, more the promotion of the product, which isnt a bad thing. It has the main ingredients listed (or the ingredients they want to entice you in with..apple, melon etc) what the foundation claims to do, but no coverage information.
The foundation itself is probabaly (im guessing here as they dont mention it) a medium to buildable coverage. The consistency is quite thin, but not watery & once applied it did feel quite wet on my skin for what felt like a little too long, although it did sink it very nicely and DID give a healthy glow.
However, this healthy looking glow did not last the promised 16 hours, more like a measly 2 before I started noticing patches and even places where I felt it had disappeared.
I was really disappointed but kept applying for a few more days, applying with different brushes, using primers, setting with different powders..all did nothing. My mum even asked which foundation i’d been wearing as it looked terrible on my skin. (gotta love mums for being so brutally honest)
Overall, I don’t like this foundation, but one good thing that came out of this was that it wasn’t AS BAD as the ever so extortionate Chanel Pro Lumiere, which looked awful also.
The Healthy Mix concealer, also promotes the same natural fruity ingredients & comes in a handy squeezy tube. I like this packaging, I think it’s good for getting the desired amount out & means no wastage as you’d get with a wand. This concealer promotes “Radiance & Anti-Fatigue” Fab right?
I used this over my blemishes (I have some redness around my nose) the coverage I will admit, is fab. A thick consistency but very easy to blend. The smell is VILE! No fruity smells here, just some strong weird chemically smell. Could just be mine?
I would have loved this concealer, had it not completely broken me out worse than I have ever broken out ever…I had huge painful spots everywhere I had applied this concealer. I stopped using it, and now it’s clearing up..finally. I won’t be using this again, which is a shame because it did have such great coverage. Obviously this was just my reaction to it, everyone’s skin is different.
Your experiences with Bourjois Healthy Mix?
I've never tried it, and i won't after reading this. I love when people you are close to criticize your makeup, its so much better than having people stare at you all day, it hurts but it is positive criticism.
Aah i love your honesty! :) Hmm, are you going to go back to using you Bare Escentuals foundation? Or will you be trying out new foundations? xx
i live in salisbury/warminster area and notice the same- there's barely any foundation for darker women! it could be because around the south-west area there isn't a high population living here compared to cities like London/Birmingham etc? hmm yeah anyway it's something i've always wondered!
really helpful review, thanks :)
I've never even heard of that brand! It's too bad it didn't work out for you. Back to Bare Escentuals I guess :)
Leah xo
Bad experience for me too: I put it on and after 3 hours, not only did I look like a grease mess, but my skin was literally burning, so I removed it all and never tried again – I guess I'm allergic to some ingredient in it. I had bought it because a friend of mine was raving about it, so she's getting my bottle!
I'm sad you hated Pro Lumiere, it's one of my favourites, but well foundations look different on different people.
OH bummer :( I sent off for a free foundation. Looks like it'll be too greasy for my skin xxx
How much does the foundation cost? xo
Cant say I am bothered about trying this. I have just discovered bare escentuals and it is amazing!! xx
Oh nooo. What a let down :(
I have mixed feelings about the whole Bourjois range? Some stuff in it is completely brilliant and others are really rather bummy.
Thank you for another brilliant review! I'm so sad, I always get really excited when I click on and see a new post!
Ah what a bummer on that one :(
I have mixed feeling about the Bourjois range- some of their stuff is really lovely, like the mascaras but find the eyeshadows can be a bit lacklustre.
Thank you for another fab post. I always get really excited when i click on and see you have written something new- I'm such a saddo! HA!
Thanks so much for the honest review! I will be sure to stay away from these products.
I had completely the opposite experience with this foundation and concealer. I absolutely love it; the coverage is great and it lasts all day. Also, my concealer smells like apricot too, so perhaps it really is just your one?! It's a shame you didn't like it – I'm guessing my skin type is completely different as I also love Chanel foundations. Vita Lumiere is my holy grail!
Wow Zoe! i'm sorry to hear this did'nt work for you, i absoloutely love them! I hope you find your hg foundation soon! xx
Ohh thank you so much for your honest review. I've been contemplating picking this up at Boots since both looked nice swatched on my hand, especially the concealer, but I agree I did not like the smell (of either of them) very much. My skin's pretty sensitive too so I don't think it will be worth the risk trying these out. x
I have the concealer and mine smells fruity :) xxx
I dislike this too! Great review. xx
I haven't tried the foundation but I do like the concealer. My concealer smells quite fresh so it may just be yours? x
Sorry to hear this didnt work for you i am the complete opposite i love them both. Just goes to show that what works for one person may not work for another x
I admire your honesty…they don't even stock the darker shades in London…
ah thats unfortunate! you might as well stick with BE. i just started mine again after trying revlon colourstay for a while (which sucked)!! i love BE. i do find it a bit drying but the coverage is great. not to mention it never breaks me out. oh well!!
lauren xx
I like the sound of the concealer – will definitely check that out. Shame about the smell, however!
aw i really wanted to try these and heard great things. however i can't find boujois anywhere anymore since Sephora discontinued them here in Canada.
it became my supermarket foundation that mean i will wear it to the super market lol…..i don't like it either
I haven't tried the foundation but have the concealor – I love it! The coverage is brilliant and it doesn't crease under the eyes which I have found with other concealors.
Such a shame that it broke you out xx
my experience was somehow different my skin drinks the stuff up it look's flawless and my skin looks natural , I dont like the look of being able to tell you have foundation on.. just a flawless finish and yes this gives me that look as well as being extremely pale and this is the only foundation which matches my dreadful WHITE skintone horrray :D so yes i love the stuff so i would recommend to other pale skinned beauties who find it hard to get a drugstore foundation which dosent make u look orange lol :) so sorry your experience was not as good as mine . stick with your BE , wish i could afford that stuff xxxxxxxx much love as always xxx
Ive got this concealer and i really like it for under my eyes, it doesn't break me out probably because I dont really have very sensitive skin and mine doesn't really have a smell so maybe its just yours but I wont be trying the foundation lol. I love your blog :) xxx
Just bought this and really looking forward to trying it! hope it works out a bit better for me than it did for you tho. thanks for the great honest review. i look forward to your next post!
I love this foundation. It's my everyday light wear then I used MAC for the evening or if I have a hangover and need to be in full camouflage!!
I love the foundation! The concealer isn't good for people with dryer skin though. You need to have a primer on before the foundation to make it last, and maybe even a powder after the foundation, but that may dry your skin out.
I use the foundation every day, it does last about 5ish hours for me, and then I can easily just quickly top it up (which isn't always good) but you can add another coat without it drying your skin out!
It's a real shame you didn't like this foundation, I LOVE it! Although, mine says it's the healthy mix serum, as opposed to foundation, although I have no idea what the difference is! I agree about the concealer though, about breaking out my skin, which was no pleasant :( I know this post is two years -ish old so sorry for being outdated but I've just discovered your blog and think it's fab! xxx
i use these everyday and i really love them!:)
great posts anyway Zoe:)
I actually recently bought the foundation and i love it!! I have quite dry skin and so i think it may sink into my skin better and it lasts for ages on me! Sad to hear it didnt work as well for you :(
I love your blog, new follower! :)
Nope, even in central London my shade is pretty much the darkest you get in your average drugstore, and I'm an NW30!
I've been using this foundation too for a couple weeks now and acutally I really hate it.. I really don't like how it makes your skin look like, it doesn't cover well, I just.. don't like it! I've been mixing it with another foundation atm because I can't afford to just throw it away and it's better now eventho it's still not THAT great. I've been trying so many different foundations but I never manage to buy a good one :(
this was the foundation i was going to be buying next! maybe not then, thank god for this post!
I have a Healthy Mix Foundation and I think my skin looks nice and glowing afterwards and also few people asked me what am i using.My skin is normal to dry i think :) And it holds all day with Rimmel Stay Matte Powder. Smells lovely. But I don`t know if I`ll buy it again as i always try something different. I don`t like using same things :) Maybe I will,but I`d like to see what else is out there :) I would like to try Nars foundation.
love it!!
That must be what is making me break out so badly! I suck at putting two and two together. Thanks Zoe, I will not be using that concealer again!
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I noticed that if I used too much (as to get full coverage), it looked awfully cakey, so after watching a Lisa Eldridge video I used a tiny amount and a light touch. Also, kept it on the middle of the face and places where I wanted to even my skin tone. It did break me out, so I had to stop using it for two days, clear my skin then going back. My skin is combo, usually more oily and omg, this dried my skin, I had some dry patches (away from my T zone), that I usually don't have. I have to hydrate my skin with a strong moisturiser (for very dry skin), to use this foundation, and I still get a few dry patches through out the day. I like this foundation because it looks almost invisible, but you have to have a very flawless skin to make this work. My skin is very sensitive and I wish it didn't break me out or this would be my favourite foundation. The concealer is amazing, much better than all the high end ones I own. It didn't break me out at all and I was surprised that it didn't set into my fine lines, it didn't crease. I've been using it everyday for two months and I love it.
I found Bourjois foundations very yellow toned, even though I don't exactly have pink toned skin. It's so disappointing and frustrating when you spend money on foundations etc that don't work or do what they claim to do. x