This is what the weather has been branded as in the UK.
Honestly, i think alot of people are just fed up with the snow now, it prevents them from getting to their jobs, going out for food, the post office, the gym…etc.
We don’t get snow like this very often, once or twice a year at most usually.
So when it does come, it’s alsmot as if people don’t know how to deal with it…
We have a “salt” shortage where i live, so the roads are ridiculous, and we aren’t in a town or a city, so we pretty much are stranded..but i like it.
I really love snow, i think people should make the most of it, i actually like the fact everything comes to a stop, and you see families sledging in the fields and making snowmen. It’s cute & extremely beautiful to look at. I always say that snow is like a clean sheet that covers all the dirt, making it look 10x more pretty..but also very deadly (as we know)
Although, as i said, i live in the countryside..i’m sure those of you in towns and cities will not agree with me.
Here are a few photos i took today on a walk. Hope you like them.

The Big Freeze.
7th January 2010 : Uncategorised
WOW.. soo MUCH SNOW awww
well its super cold in Dallas TX but no snow
These are absolutely gorgeous photos. I too live in the countryside and love it in the snow! Can I ask what camera you have? x
I don't mind it normally but it has stopped me working and getting paid which will result in me having to borrow money to pay my rent next week. I'd much rather have rain and be able to work :(
Beautiful pictures :) I grew up in the country so know exactly what you mean. I live in Birmingham now though so I'm getting a bit fed up of being stuck inside. Great post.
x x
Nice photo's :-)
I live in the countryside too and i am loving the snow! Its much more exciting than usual weather
Very Pretty! Although not quite so pretty in London it is already super icy! But I agree its super beautiful doll!
Nice Pics
geat pics its exactly the same where i am lol
Love what hour wearing btw hun :)
Eloise xoxo
*great lol
what camera do u have.. that looks just like where i live i live in the countryside but its 40mins to the main road… so we r completely stranded :/ ..x
These are gorgeous pictures, it makes me wish I lived in the countryside x
It looks so nice there! I have nowhere to be this week so I'm quite lucky. I feel sorry for my boyfriend trudging to work through the snow every morning, he has to because he's a temp in his job so he doesn't get paid time off for bad weather and can't take holidays!
@Eloise – Im not in the pictures! hehe its my mum & dad & my brother on the gate. :) x
The camera i use is a Panasonic TZ7 :) x
It looks gorgeous but I do hate the snow! I live in a town in Greater London and it's a nightmare. It does look pretty but I'd much rather have a bit of heat :)
I've posted a couple of picture of the snow where I live if you wanted to see on my blog
Gorgeous photos!
That's what winter looks like in Moscow and nearest country side every year. )
Love the pictures. :) Would love to live in the countryside, in London all the snow has turned to ice. Unlike most people I actually wish I could go to school now as I have a Maths exam on Monday, maybe it will snow then and I don't have to do it. Here's hoping. ;)
Beautiful pictures! I love the snow too, where I live and go to university sometimes we get around a foot of snow which works out great for snow days :)
i live in the country too, and i love the snow :)
people always complain that we never get snow, but when we do..they always complain about it!!
it makes everything seem kinda magical :)
i love being all cosy inside with a cup of tea looking out at a winter wonderland :D
great blog.
i'm very jealous of your weather :(
i live just outside belfast after moving away from england a few years ago, we've had a little bit of snow but shools, jobs are still all go.
The photos are beaut zoe :)
diggin the frames babe!
cute blog!
I love the look of snow I agree it make everthing look sooo much more pretty!, I just dont like that its cold and wet :(
Everyone keeps moaning about the snow but I love it! I think they're all convinced it's the apocalypse or something. haha.
x x x
Wow. Those are some good pics. I live in Chicago, so we get this stuff ALL the time (in winter of course!) and we are in the middle of quite the storm.
Even southern states are getting hit with snow (which makes people unable to go anywhere–they don't know what to do) and most of the country is in this freeze! It's bonkers.
We are expected to get a total of 9 inches of snow by tomorrow morning and even though we get this all the time–people still act like a snowflake is making them drive 2 MPH. Craziness.
Enjoy your snow!
wow, what amazing picture!
Thanks for sharing.
btw…my daughter just adores you 60 things video:)
pretty pictures!
it's also extreamly snowy in Denmark right now, where i live.. – a picture from the danish news :)
Your photography is beautiful! Finally braved the cold properly and ventured out into my garden to take some pics of my own after seeing this! :D However I won't be posting it on my blog haha! x
i live in a town and i loooove snow. i went sledging at the downs and it was so fun. i love no school, even though i shouldn't be like this at 6th form hahaha
@La Dolce Vita- Awee that is so cute! How old is she? xx
The pics are really pretty!! I think the snows nice whens its just set, but im not a fan! Roll on summer hehe :)
Those photographs are gorgeous! I live in a small town and I LOVE the snow too – esp as university has been cancelled for the week =D
Gorgeous photos ! I really wish we had that snow over here. I love winter and I love snow …. BUT never was in snow hehe. I think I would like it , like the way everything looks white and I go agree with you it does make the roads look more pretty :D.
I totally agree! I love the snow. I live in the countryside in Scotland, we get this every year. Is it just me or is England blowing this waaay out of proportion? Overreacting? I think so. We get this every year, same snow, same temperatures and we arent plastered "moaning" and panicking about it. I appreciate it would be difficult for people in cities but it really isnt that bad.. theres worse places!! Enjoy it! Snow does you the world of good! I just wish everyone would appreciate it. Sorry for the little rant, love the pictures Zoe!! xxx
I live in a place just like this, Gorgeous I sohuld take some photos for my blog too :). I love your blog.
Aww snow is so pretty! I've never lived in the snow before but every time I visit somewhere where it snows I fall in love! <3
Beautiful photos. There's lots of snow here too and I didn't go to work yesterday… but had to get there today! Boo.
so pretty! is that your bf? xxxx
Where I live there is -30 degrees celcius right now!!
@Little Miss Sammy – Nope, second picture is my parents and the last one is my brother! x
wow! i wish we had snow like that over here! Living practically next to the beach means almost no snow :( and when it does it just turns in treacherous ice…
Lovely photos as always <3 You make the snow look wonderful to be in. But in my city, it's just like what you said! Everything just kind of shuts DOWN 'cause noone knows how to deal with it. Last year we had a snowstorm here and everyone was basically snowed in ALL through the holidays 'cause people couldn't get out of their houses or drive through the snow lol! xx
Hey, I'm going to the Uk next thursday (super excited) for studies and I've heard it was really cold, just worried about how I'm gonna walk to school with snow that thick, nice pictures btw.
Your photos are beautiful and I do love the snow, when I have nothing to do. When i was a student the snow was fun but once you've got a job to get to it just isn't the same! I've crashed the car once and nearly crashed today skidding on black ice…i'm over winter! Snow Scrooge xx
Same problem in Belgium too, we also have a salt shortage and it's freezing. I can't seem to warm up :-)
We have about 8 inches in Yorkshire, and life just seems to have come to a stand still, haha.
Beautiful photos, xx
hey zoella ..I gave u a lovely blog award
my daughter is 13 and thinks you are a STAR!!!
Keep up the great work:)
beautiful pictures
So pretty :) It's funny because in Canada that is like no snow at all! I wish that was all the snow we got. Btw what camera do you have?
xo Sarah
I love going through your old blog posts, no matter what it's about,you always have amazing pictures! You're so good at photography, you're stunning and your blog is amazing! :) x
SUCH LUSH PICTURES! got some talent there! :)
gorgeous photographs :D xx
You've inspired me to make my own blog. Could you pleeeeease check it out for me :) xxoxoxoxooxoxox
Pretty pictures definitely, but that's nothing compared to what it's like in North Dakota right now. We have 4 feet of snow.
I loved the angles and lighting in that last pic, it looked so good! I’m sure you could make and amazing calender with these pictures they bring me back to snowy winters but also to parts of Girl Online when Penny is taking pictures! This year i’m really working on my photography skills and eventually i hope i’ll be as good a you! I’m so happy for you and the amount this blog has exploded for you, its easy to be emphathetic when you have you own blog, It’s weird as with each new post written your love for it slowly grows. I have you to thank for even knowing about blogs in the first place. I used to think they were from the 90’s or something and no one did them anymore but you have helped show me excactly how amazing they are!
Thanks Zoe!
I’d be grateful if you checked out my blog, its nothing special…yet, but i hope one day it will be
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