Headband – Handmade
Plain White T Shirt – H&M
Dark Grey Cardigan – Apricot
Black Blazer – New Look
Scarf – Primark
Waist Skirt – American Apparel
Black Waist Belt – Vintage
Handbag – ShangHai Tang
Floral Leggings – H&M
Grey Leg Warmers – H&M
Pink Wellies – QS (£6)
I <3 the leggings. This is a great look for the winter. xx
I love this outfit.
Your hair is a really lovely colour!
Love the outfit x
Oh I loveee the outfit zoe you look beautiful.
So glad you didnt follow the wearing- dresses- in snow- fashion.because that would be silly now wouldnt it >.<! LOL.
Love the wellies! & you need to start making the daisy head bands so I can get one :D
haha I love your creative photos, your wellies are supercute too!
Zoe you look beautiful
gorgeous as ever! :) x
♥ it! you look so cute and snug!
Can't wait for your hairbands to be available :) Your outfit is gorgeous – I love the wellies haha! Why are you not on Lookbook missy?! xxx
love this Zoe! xx
Lovely leggings and wellies. x
Much more preferable than a bikini in the snow! That bag is amazing x
This is an amazing outfit :)
loving the wellies 8-)
by the way i nominated you for an award; check it out on my blog!! you are so pretty (: x
gorgeous as always :) xxx
Ahh your outfit is lovely! What camera do you use btw? :) xx
gorgeous! fab outfit.
You look great, I actually love the hair color x
Nice outfit. Love the leggins with the leg warmers :)
i need those leggings and wellies, so cute xx
You look lovely! Weird fact: I wore that exact scarf today, AND the black version of those wellies! Snow twins.
Gorgeous, I must get those leggings!!! :) xxx
Absolutely love this look! I want those leggings, legwarmers, and wellies!
Love the hair color btw. :)
Gorgeous outfit! I must have those leggings!! Teehee… Puh-lease do more ootd posts – I love seeing ppls different styles xox
So cute!
Love it :) I havent seen anyone dressed up as cute as you in the snow! I never thought i would be jealous of someones wellies though lol
Have you thought about selling the headbands you make? :)
i love this outfit! dam now i feel bad about how i looked today haha im getting that scarf!! x
I really admire your style :) Love your handbag and the hairband, super cute :)
Kelly x
your outfit is beautiful, i love everything! :D
Yay for snow in London! x
:O I love this and I think I'm in love with them leggings!
I neeeeeeed those leggings! So cute. I'm going to search for them tomorrow!
ah i've been in the snow all day, thus being ill right now.
I love your blog.
i have given you an award.
so cute x
Wow this is so pretty! Those leggings are amazing. :) xo
Please please please make and sell those daisy hairbands! I think I can say on behalf of a lot of ladies who follow you that we would love one!
So cute! X
I love the leggings but most of all I love the wellies, mine are boring navy blue, jealous!!
love :)
cute as :) i need some wellies might pop into qs :P
such a cute outfit!
Simply friggin stunning!!!! Even on a cold winters day you still pull it off, you look amazing, fantastic style chick.
awww those rain boots are soooo cute!!
u look too cute ..i luv it
Omg your boots are super cute! Now I want a pair of rain boots.
Too bad it barely rains where I live. =/
that headband is too cute!
I just discovered your blog and I love it.
I can't wait for a slow day at work so I can read your blogs from the beginning :)
Love the boots, remind me of my childhood days haha
TOO cute!
The leggings are soooo adorable Zoe (: I think I may have to pick myself up a pair and be brave and ditch the black leggings that I am obsessed with.
Majorly cute. Please can I have your hair? x
aww you look so lovely! i have nominated you for an award (: X
hey zoe, i'm new to this, but before i joined i somehow read your blog.
I looove your new hair colour, i'm quite jealous because i don't suit lighter than really dark hair. And the idea of you making or even giving a little tutorial on your alice band would be great :)
You look lovely hun! Are the H&M leggings instore at the moment? I LOVE them x
I love your boots!! And Happy New Year…
i dont think ive seen anyone dressed this cute in the snow ever, gorgeous bad aswell. x
I want them wellies! And what a bargain! I really need some so will be on the lookout :) x
You are soo cute and pretty!
love the outfit!
the leggings is soo adorable! :)
+your outfit is sooo cute.
Zoe! I love it! So cute – winter hippy :)
Defo need to go on LookBook ASAP!
i have those boots in red :)
stunning outfit <3
The headband is ADORABLE, how'd you make it?
You should post a tutorial!!!!
Hehe cute outfit & an adorable Zoe :)
I love those leggings they are gorgeous! & the wellies are sooooo cute x
OMG so cute!! love this look
love your hair in this !!! I mean LOVE!!!
What I thought lol
woaw these are just nice
It's adorable <3 but if I dress like this is Canada I might freeze to death haha, maybe this could work for fall or spring