I have had a few requests to review the Bare Escentuals stuff that i have or have tried, which i apply to my face. :) So here you go lovelies.

I have used Bare Escentuals now for 3 years.
I first heard about on the shopping channel…QVC i think it was, and before that me and my mum had never heard of minerals for your face & neither of us used powder.
I was always a liquid girl.
My mum actually never even wore foundation until we both decided to take the plunge and buy ourselves some Bare Escentuals.

We actually didn’t purchase from the QVC website, we went and searched online for a cheaper site and found one (i still use this site, and will post a link at the bottom)
We both just totally guessed our foundation shade, although these days you can order small sample pots at a cheap price (which i would reccommend)

Besides the 9g foundation, we also ordered a 2g concealer, the concealer brush, and the flawless foundation brush.

The Mineral VeilPesonally, i don’t think i need to use this too often. If i’m going out and have used liquid foundation and have cream blusher..the full works shall we say, I do like to use this. But since i have quite dry skin, i get kindof scared to apply this to powder foundation, incase of powder build up. Even though, this is SO finely milled it doesn’t do that.
For those of you who like a translucent powder to set, i cannot reccommend this highly enough. I really do love how soft it is.

Mineral Foundation
Let me start by saying, this is my HG foundation and i do go out and buy others in the curiosity they will be any better. But this always wins. Even though i have dry skin, this foundation really works for me. I do find that when i wear a liquid foundation, it sits in all my dry patches and the colour then becomes patchy. The coverage of this is SO natural and doesnt look powdery or cakey whatsoever. I always recieve compliments on my skin when i’m wearing this…it’s not “what foundation do you have on” it’s, “You look really glowing today”
Which me likey!
I have repurchased this foundation 5 times over the last 3 years, and i can saftely say i would buy it over and over and over.
For those who aren’t sure how you would wear a mineral foundation, you simply buff it into the skin with a brush..it’s so easy. :)
It’s also really good for your skin, as it does contain minerals. Personally, i have found this to reduce blemishes so much quicker, and i really believe it helps with the healing process. added bonus!
My colour shade is “Medium Beige”, so if you are around an NW20 in mac colour, this shade would be perfect for you if you are wanting to try it out.
I really do love this foundation, and so far is the only thing that can make my skin look good for long periods of time. A million thumbs up for this.

“Faux Tan” Bronzer/ContourI do have a review of this already on my blog, with photo’s to show the warming effect it has on my face. and you can read that HERE
I use this absolutely everyday without fail. My Nars Laguna is collecting dust since this came along.
Alot of people may be put of this as it is a loose powder, but i actually just find it easier to blend, and has a much better effect, alot more airbrushed.
Again, This is my ultimate HG product and will be repurchasing this when it’s finished…which won’t be a while as it’s so pigmented and theres so much (another plus to having loose powder)

“Bisque” ConcealerThe first of the products i could probabaly live without. I love the effect it has when my skin isn’t so bad, and i just have a few minor blemishes, as it really blends in well, whereas sometimes a cream or liquid concealer would be more difficult to blend into the skin/blemish. Although saying this, i have almost finished it..but then i have had this for 3 years haha.
If you have very minor blemishes, or small dark circles, i would reccommend this to you, but if you’re like me, and you insist the problem is alot worse and needs maximum coverage, you will most likely be dissapointed in this.

“Sorbet” BlushThis is SO pretty! One thing i love about these mineral blushes is how natural they look. When i have buffed this into my cheeks, it looks like i am naturally blushing haha.
This colour in particular is a very warm, light pastel peachy pink & is a matte finish.
If you don’t already own a BE blush, and you are a blush fiend, then what are you doing WOMAN, get yourself on one of the sites below and buy buy buy.
This is one of my favourite ever blushes, and i wear it alot in the winter. :)

The BrushesThe “Flawless Face Brush” – This, i believe, although scratchy and not very face-friendly, does the job better than any other brush because it was made especially for the application of minerals, and the BE minerals in particular. I have been using my body shop kabuki recently, but it wastes so much product, whereas these brushes are designed to transfer all colour onto the face as well as it can. I go through phases where i use different brushes for my minerals, but i will always come back to this one because it gives the best coverage and the best finish. I would reccommend this brush to those of you who want to try out these minerals, but if you hate brushes that arent as soft as a babys bum, then i wouldn’t bother. :)

The Concealer Brush – This is my HG concealer brush. If i don’t use my fingers, i’ll be using this. The bristles are compact, which is awesome as it means good coverage, but the size of the brush is what i love so much about it. I just hate small concealer brushes. They’re great for tiny little blemishes, but when you want to cover a larger surface area, theyre pants. And usually, i will be wanting to cover a large surface area haha. I don’t just use this brush with the minerals, infact i think it works just as well with any cream or liquid concealer.

Where do i buy all my minerals i hear you cry?

Well my love’s, i use 2 sites…

The first is GLOWGIRL, this is a UK site, however, they ship for free worldwide, and i have never had such amazing online service through any other site. I’ll order on the thursday, paying cheaper prices that in stores or on QVC, and i will recieve it either the following day, or the day after..for free. I highly reccommend this site, have used it for three years and never been dissapointed. You can even earn points!

The second is an ebay seller/shop called STRAWBERRY LANE, they have fab prices on there too, and i have also had great service through them. They’re eyeshadows are cheaper. :)

So that’s my review of the face products i have and have been using for a long long time.
I’d really love to try out some of their eyeshadows, as i’ve heard some great things about them. If anybody has any reccommendations for shades they think i’d like, do let me know.

  1. Nicola

    you devil woman!! i'm going to be doing some ordering tonight!
    I LOVE YOU!!!
    Nicola xxx

  2. Faye

    I need to try out a foundation, how clueless am i?!
    I don't actually own one i'm that bad D:

    I think i might buy the foundation but do you think its okay for oily skin?

    I might just take the plunge :)

  3. Eeee thank you so much for this Zo, I've been umming and ahhing over trying this out! Will defo be getting the foundation and faux tan ;)

  4. I went onto those websites and was so tempted to buy but i JUST bought the korres so i had to stop myself from spending even more money!! The blushes sound good though will definitely check them out a.s.ap!xxx

  5. Shima

    Thanks for the in depth review! The blush looks lovely, I'll definitely be checking that out sometime soon.
    Have you tried any of their primers before?

  6. Your make-up is also so gorgeous – I wish I could get the hang of this stuff. I either put a little on and get no coverage…or look caked. Nightmare! I'll have to stick with my trusty liquid foundation in the meantime…

  7. I love azure by them it's the perfect aquamarine blue!

    I've wanted to try their foundation for sometime but it's a huge splurge in the US.

  8. I would definitely recommend the colour "cultured pearl" which is an opalescent light pink. It's gorgeous and very versatile. I also like "patience" which is a lovely shimmery grey.
    I've only ever used their eyeshadows and blemish treatment but after reading your reviews I will definitely be trying out some of their other products!

  9. Laura

    Excellent review Zo, very comprehensive. So much so that I'm considering buying these even more so than I was before! I was torn between BE and Lily Lo Lo, but that site with free delivery might have swung it for me!

    I'm an NW15 in MAC, so might need a slightly lighter shade than you, but I really want to try this, that blush and some eyeshadows!

    I use a BE kabuki brush to apply my powder/MSF and it works perfectly to give great, even coverage :)

    x x x

  10. Such a detailed review and again i always love the pictures that you post! I have always been tempted to try a mineral foundation but like you before have always been a 'liquid girl'.
    I saw that rimmel and maybelline bought out some mineral powder foundations and was tempted but assumed they could never be as good as the quality stuff like BE. I will have to check out the websites that you posted!

  11. Loved your review!
    I've never used mineral foundation, but i might just give it ago now lol :)

  12. Naghmeh

    i've been wanting to know more about these products for a long time so thanks for this very informative review :)

  13. Lydia

    I quite fancy trying their mineral foundation! But my HG is Studio Fix Fluid so I'm not sure it could compete or make me totally happy with it after years of loving a particular liquid foundation.. hmm! xox

  14. Pyxiee

    I have been wondering about these products for a while now so thanks for this. As most people have said its very tempting to order some! =) xx

  15. Zoella.

    @Faye – Yes it's fine for oily skin, if you want a more matte effect they have just released a matte version :) xxx

  16. i am definitely going to try the faux tanner. i hope i like it as much as you do

  17. Am going out and buying some of this today! Great blog xx

  18. Tessa

    I love how light BE feels on your skin! It's a really good brand if you're looking for something new to try. Unfortunately I could not find a color match (even after mixing various ones together). It always turned my face into a lobster shade! lol

    But you did a great review on their products; I also love the pictures you added! great quality. xo

  19. Lisa

    I was a minerals-only girl for a few years but started wearing liquid again this year as my combo skin has been more on the dry side and I found it just made the flaky areas look worse. I used Lily Lolo foundation though so I can't say the same for this. One question – do you find it makes you look paler than you actually are in photos? That's the only thing I didn't like about my Lily Lolo foundation as I'm pale enough as it is lol! Love the look of that blush <3 xx

  20. Zoe, this review is great, and i know you've been a loyal Bare Escentuals customer for 3 years but i just wanted to let you know that this certain brand of mineral foundation actually contains an ingredient called bismuth oxychloride which can result in clogged pores or irritated skin. seeing by your beautiful skin your skin may not react to this ingredient but in the long run, it may be better to invest in a mineral make up free of bismuth. a widely talked about mineral powder foundation is Everday Minerals, you may have heard of it before. they're very cheap and do not contain bismuth.

    i'm not trying to make you change, i just wanted to let you know :)

  21. Sophie

    yay!!!! this was the push i needed! finally bought this foundation.Thanks so much for the site reccomendation also! I live in Australia and it is still so much cheaper to buy internationally…the prices are crazy here! thanks hon xx

  22. Nicole

    great review, i have used many of these products :)

  23. Melissa

    Eeeeee, money going going gone! Thanks heaps, I've been interested in this stuff for a while!
    Please check out my blog

  24. I love bare minerals, it gives such an airbrushed look, flawless. I used to love the Faux Tan however, im a bit on the pale side and more cool toned so it makes me look a tad orange. :D

  25. Great Review. This post has made me want to check out Bare Escentuals! :)x

  26. my bought this stuff on qvc. and thanks. ive been wondering if this stuff works. :)

  27. thks for this review. now i know wat to get for my mom if she ever runs out of her current mineral powder :)

  28. Zoella.

    @Juliette – I'd heard something about that, but tbh as i've used it for three years and had absolutely no problems it doesnt worry me. My mum has different skin type to me, and her skin has improved if anything. Thanks for the heads up though xx

  29. Zoella.

    @Lisa – I have the Lily Lolo foundation but i dont think it comes anywhere near BE in terms of coverage or finish. LilyLolo makes me look chalky. BE makes me look healthy. And i always find that i can feel Lily Lolo on my skin, whereas i cant feel the BE. xxx

  30. Zoella.

    @Lydia – I guess if you are so used to a liquid it could be a strange transition. Although my skin benefited so much more from minerals, although if you are used to high coverage you may be dissapointed at first. But i found that once i'd covered any blemishes, the rest of my skin was fine with BE, and looked alot better :) xxx

  31. hey, i love bare escentuals, and i have done a review on my blog about the products i own!

    i agree with everything you've written and i'm glad that i'v found someone else who love bare ecsentuals as much as i do!! YAY!

    i really want to try the concealer, but i'v found that the actual foundation works quiet well if you use the concealer brush…
    … ok this is a long comment and i could go on forever lol… but thanks for the review :D

    oo and check out http://www.feelunique.com... there prices are cheaper than the RRP.

  32. my hg foundation, and concealer brush, these are soooooo amazing! i''ve always wanted to try a blush from BE .

  33. My moms a fan of BE, i however am not, i need maximum coverage otherwise im not pleased lol! Glad it works for you though :o)

  34. BM! I love them! I use them to set my tinted moisturizers, they say that it's best to use translucent powder for setting because coloured powder will only make you look muddy. Not this product, it's perfect all on it's own. I really should try their blushes though, thanks for the tip!

  35. Imo

    I have one mineral foundation from prescriptives and I hate It! It oxidises on the skin therefore making me look darker than I am…I tried it on under the bright lights in Selfridges and was sold but the next day was another story…I hate it when that happens :l

  36. Rachel

    yeah i lneed to actually buy some bare minerals really want to try it

  37. Lisa

    Thanks for the info Zoe, you've got me tempted now which is BAD seeing as I already have a fab Dior foundation and have my eye on the new Armani one! I do love how quick and easy it is to apply mineral foundation though.

    I've just tagged you on my blog :)


  38. Thanks Zoe:)
    You are such an amazing blogger:)You completely inspired me to create my own, and I wanted to say thank you! You are by far the best!

  39. lola

    the blush looks super gorgeous…xoxo

  40. Oh wow ive was given a beauty certificate by them to have a whole makeup session whenever i wanted and ive been humming and harring about getting their foundation etc and now ive think uve persudaed me !

    Next time im in debenhams ill think ill get it and give it a go !

    Thanks Zo !

    Also i wanted to say that ive nominated you on my blog for a blog award so congratualtions girlie come by my blog to pick it up :)

    heres the link


    Great Post Zo-Zo

    Eloise xoxo

  41. do you use your cream concealer before or after you've applied your bare minerals??

  42. Zoella.

    @Katy Wilko – I put concealer on before :)

  43. Manon

    Hello! First of all, I love reading your blog! I'm from The Netherlands and there's only couple shops in the whole country who sell Bare Escentuals. But! I am going to England for 2 weeks in a couple days and was wondering where you can buy this in England? :O I would really like to know ^^
    Another brand I would really like to try is Illamasqua but maybe I can find it on the airport.
    Thank you!

  44. Noris

    Hi, this review is quite old, but I want to ask you if you are going to try the new version: bare escentuals matte. I'm ordering a sample from ebay. By the way, you look great with red lips. x

  45. Lynn

    Thank you for this. I have been dying to try some BE ever since I started my blog about natural products and whatnot. I am definitely going to have to get some of this. Awesome review. Love the blog!

    My best, Lynn

  46. I adore BE I am a total convery since June this year, My sister-in-law manages a BE counter in Debenhams and got me the starter kit. I have oily combo skin and it covers all my break-outs and makes your skin glow the idea of going back to liquid makes me feel queasy LOL. I'd definately recommend the Full Flawless face bruch for better coverage, I use Flawless Face brush for my bronzer and mineral veil. Also check out the bluch in Fruit Cocktail it gives the most adorable doll-like cheeks :)

  47. Dara x

    Hey, do you use the flawless face application brush or the FULL flawless face brush? I've been using the small buki brush and it's okay, but i'm thinking about getting the full flawless face brush…x

  48. Zoella, how do you place an order on beauty basket ?

  49. Zoe, I really want to try BareMinerals foundation powder but I don't know how much coverage it does on dark spot scars. You seem to have flawless skin, but what do you reckon if you use it when you have break outs?

  50. Elysa

    i used to be elegiac to bare minerals but i got a sample the other day after hearing you rave for so long and im not elegiac to is any more so im gunna have to order from the website you are talking about

  51. hey love bare escentuals!!
    i followed the Glowgirl link u put up, but i cant work out how to pay for an item?

    Please help? :)

  52. ilsez

    I bought the mineral foundation a few years ago, and LOVED IT! And now you got me thinking "WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!" I honestly don't know why I never repurchased it, but I am definitely going to. I couldn't agree more to everything you said about it, it does make my skin look great, and people also used to compliment me on my skin ALL THE TIME, when I wore this foundation. I think I am also going to try the "faux tan" :) sounds lovely. Great review Xx

  53. Your links to order the product cheaper does not work anymore sweetie :)that is a shame :( otherwise I like your blog and youtube channel!!xx

  54. OMG, I agree to what you said about this product and how no brushes can compare to their brushes since it gives better coverage. This was like my first powder foundation I've ever bought and use when I first got into makeup. Ever since I used this product, it sparked my curiosity on other foundation brands because I liked it so much. Since this is 2013, I still love their products. I don't have them anymore but I am planning on getting them again very soon. Thanks for this review!! Have a lovely day!! ♥


  55. For some silly reason I always read the name wrong as bare essentials! lol

  56. Hey! I'd love it if you all had a look at my bare minerals tutorial! I think there are some tips and tricks which you would all find useful! I was lucky enough to have an appointment with the bare minerals face ioannis who taught me some great tricks and reinforced all my knowledge on makeup! If you have a spare few minutes id appreciate you all checking it out! http://youtu.be/RgDY8NzM5Tc

  57. Hey! I'd love it if you all had a look at my bare minerals tutorial! I think there are some tips and tricks which you would all find useful! I was lucky enough to have an appointment with the bare minerals face ioannis who taught me some great tricks and reinforced all my knowledge on makeup! If you have a spare few minutes id appreciate you all checking it out! http://youtu.be/RgDY8NzM5Tc

  58. Reading this post for the… Let me guess 50th time!I love you soooo much you are my life!!