Good evening lovelies.
On Sunday, i was up bright and early with my mummy and we drove off to the bootsale. As some of you will be aware…Bootsales are mostly just aload of crap. But you can pick up some absolute bargains aswell, hence why i brave an early morning on the weekend.
Burts Bee’s Radiance Day & Eye Cream
£1.50 for the two
This stuff is practically brand new, and i LOVE Burts Bee’s and so I’m excited to try these out. I wore the cream last night and it really hydrated my skin. I also used it this morning and my skin actually did look radiant and my makeup lasted well. Thumbs up for this, SO worth the whole £1.50! They also retails for £18.95 each…so that’s a damn good bargain.
Chanel Blush in Reflex
This blush is super pretty and really pigmented, theres no brush..but who uses those anyway?
Lancome Eyeshadow Duo in Night & Day

This looks as though it was swiped a few times then left. It still had the plastic cover in it! The colours are gorgey, and i don’t usually go for green but this is a really neutral subtle shade and i can’t wait to use them. Complete bargain.
Lancome Juicy Tube
I haven’t ever tried a lancome juicy tube, and when there was one for 50p i thought, hey why not give one a go. And just in case you thought i was a dirty skank..yes i do sanitise lip products, but i would never buy one that looked mega used and mank…because it most probably will be mank :)
2 x Mac Palettes
5Op Each
The Palettes were realised in 2006 in the “Formal Black Collection”. I’ve seen these before and thought they were really cute. They came in your standard, cool, warm, smokey, metallic..etc format. The two i managed to find are Warm and Smokey. My usual favourites (always the i’m boring…) It seems that the girl selling them went gaga over highlight colours but hated everything else? Because most are untouched..and i can’t belive they even both have the little brushes.
Warm Eyes

- White Tie (Pretty much not there)
- Valet
- Woodwinked
- Limo
- Sable Wrap
- Embark
Limo is absoloutley amazing..and i’m pretty sure this isn’t a permanent colour?
Smokey Eyes

- Malt
- Vex (Again..she went a little crazy with the highlight don’t you think?)
- Satin Taupe
- Club
- Gentle Fume
- Black Tied
All in all, it was a very successful shopping trip, i think i might stop spending in the shops and just give myself a £5 budget at a bootsale, it’s just as satisfying if not more in my opinion, especially with the amount you can buy. I also picked up Victoria Beckhams hardback book “that extra half an inch” for 50p. I remembered that it was one of Sabrina’s favourite books and for 50p, it would have been silly to have left it, and i’m glad i didn’t because it SO good. I love a bit of Posh spice, she’s so pretty.
Right, moving on to my Outfit of today, I picked up the blazer in the New Look sale for £3. Seriously, such a bargain..and i love it. The dress/top is also New Look but sadly not in the sale and was around £14-£16. Necklace is Urban Outfitters £18.
pretty puppy xxx
You have some really good bargains there, i LOVE bootsales! Never find many much good makeup there, best start rumaging for it more often :)
You look like Effy from skins slightly on that first pic of you, haha :)
that chanel blush looks so prettyy! i love peachy blushes
Oooh, wonderful finds :) Where do you live? Am trying to find good bootsales in London, not markets but bootsales, can’t seem to find them though!
What are bootsales? I’m so confused ;(
OMW i wish we had those! So much fun finding those bargains :)
@AbcgrrrL – Bootsales are a field full of cars and people selling all there old stuff, or stuff they dont need. Like a garage sale. It’s called “Boot” sale because the boot of your car is what has all the stuff in and u unload it all nicely onto tables or on the floor or on rails. I think i’ll take a picture this sunday so you all get a better idea of what i mean. :)
@Rebecca – I live in Wiltshire near the City Of Bath :)
I so want to go to a bootsale after seeing your posts but I have a feeling the area I live won’t have many high end products! xx
I love the outfit! I really wish there were bootsales in portugal :(
Love your hair :)
You got so many bargains :)
Wow you’ve had some great bargains there
Asif you get those kinda things at bootsales. I never really thought people would sell makeup etc
Ooh Burts Bees :) lovely.
I must say, I have never come across ANYTHING like this at any bootsale I’ve been to! And I used to go to a lot! You lucky lucky person lol xox
oh my god ive been after those palettes for aggggeeees spesh the warm one..if you ever see one i beg you to grab me it and ill send u money ha x
Ohh nowhere near london then haha!
I love Bath, one of my fav cities in the UK :)
@Carly – Yes you do.
wow great deals! all the bootsales here are junk =P
I need to find a good bootsale close to me. I wouldn’t even expect to find so many things!
i’m luving the outfit and you look great.
I luv blazers. =)
your outfit is so adorable!! and lucky girl to get two pretty MAC palettes!!
amazing stuff!better buys than my little bootsale venture!
love love love the blazer..what a bargain!
OMG seriously, where do you go to your bootsales, you got some amazing goodies! x x x
WOW! u found some awesome bargains there!! I always wanted to try the burtsbee moisturizers cuz the face cleansers r amazing!
I need to go to your boot sales!
You find such amazing things!
I just found your blog and i LOVE it, I am following it now. I would love to hear more about the lash extensions! right now I am trying out Lilash! I am obsessed with long eyelashes!! Come stop by my blog too!!
ohhh I love Burt’s Bees! You have to tell us how the Victoria Beckham’s book is! :)
omg those are some crazy deals! lucky
OMG what a bargain! I paid those Burt's Bess cream $24! & that Lancôme Juicy Tube… 21$! They are worth it, but you're so lucky! =D
Of course I LOVE those Burt's Bees creams! They are awesome & totally worth the money. But I still don't get what are bootsales? Never heard of these before (I'm French, & from Canada)
Bargain or what!!! Id go to more boot sales if i didnt work every sunday at.. Boots ha! :D
Follow me?
O my goodness I really need to go to one if you get dgood stuff at that great price MAC :O
How I WISH we had Bootsales in Canada!!!
Can you believe I've never been to a bootsale! Tbh I don't think I would trust myself at one I would buy so much crap! I once went to a charity sale and came back with a pair of baby shoes, I don't have a baby..I just like small things :/ Looks like you had some good finds though!
Ooooooh I wish we had boot sales in india….reading this in 2014 btw ha ha having a little Zoella watchathon….and readathon too (that felt like "and scrappy dappy doo too")
I totally get you….I one went to a sale at a nearby mall and bought such a load of crap….and yet…the pleasure you get out of the sheer bargain-eousness ….heaven:)
Wow great finds!
First to comment! You look great Zoe!