The last time I went on any sort of relaxing holiday was when I was 16 and I joined my friend and her family for a week in Portugal. Since then, there has been Playlist in Florida, which I thoroughly enjoyed, but it wasn’t the sort of holiday where you lie by the pool, listen to music and take afternoon naps on the sun beds. Over the last couple of days, I joined a group of friends on a trip to Mykonos in Greece. I’d been to Greece before, Rhodes to be exact when I was 13, so I knew it was a beautiful country, but I had no idea how utterly breath taking Mykonos would be.

Bikini: Asos – Top: Zara – Shorts: Zara – Sandals: Primark

We stayed at a boutique suite hotel called “Bill & Coo” which, depending on the time of year you visit and the sort of room you require can be in budget or very expensive, so if you’re looking into a holiday there, check the prices online with the different seasons and months. 

I can safely say that this is the nicest hotel I have ever stayed in abroad. I had a suite with a hot tub on the balcony and private sun beds (perfect if you are one of those sorts of people who prefer a little *ehem* naked *cough* private tanning (trust me, some people did do this). The rooms were so clean and modern and had everything you could ever need. I was like a child on Christmas Day entering the room. 

Dress: River Island – Bag: Zara – Lipstick : Rimmel Kate Moss 107

Here’s a familiar face, it’s my gorgeous friend Tanya, and here we are all glammed up for a meal out in the town of Mykonos which was only a 5 minute walk from the hotel. We are also seen here, pretending to drive one of these bad-ass quad bikes. I don’t quite think we fit the “bad-ass-quad-bikers” category. 

This is by the port where a lot of the restaurants and bars are situated. It looked so beautiful as the sun was setting and with all the little (and large) boats bobbing on the water.

Dress: Ted Baker

Here we are again on our last night heading out for dinner in Mykonos. There are so many cute and quaint little restaurants there, it’s a shame we didn’t stay longer than 4 days as it would have been amazing to have been to many more.

There were lot’s and lots’s of stray kitty cats in Mykonos that would just sit elegantly on stairs and shop doorways as people passed through the town.

The restaurant we visited on the last night was called “Interni” (pictures below) and it was honestly one of the nicest places i’ve ever eaten. I ordered a cherry tomato and basil pasta and it was the best pasta i’ve ever had my life, alongside a delicious virgin mojito (my current go-to beverage)

Here’s a snap of me on a wall at sunset with the sea and beach behind me and another shot of Tanya and I on the stairs that led down into the Interni garden restaurant. 

Just generally walking through the town was one of my favourite parts of the holiday, besides great food, sun and amazing company, the streets were so clean, white and fresh and everything looks so idyllic and beautiful (especially at night). 

This is the section that could quite possibly make your mouth water. We found a cute little ice cream and crepe shop called “Trio Bambini” and they had the most amazing selection of ice creams and crepes. I am a HUGE sucker for crepes, they are my absolute favourite, and there was a crepe shop round every corner in Mykonos. (This is one of my many reasons for wanting to live there haha)

The hotel pool at night was one of the many highlights of staying at “Bill and Coo”. It always looked amazing. There were little twinkling lights at the bottom of the pool making it look so magical, and then candle lit lanters surrounding it. It was nice to lie out after being out for dinner by the bar and just gaze at the stars on the sun beds and chill out by the pool.

 Top: Zara – Shorts: River Island – Blazer: New Look – Sunnies: Ray Ban

On one of the days we were there, we popped to Nammos beach which was incredible. The beach was so pretty and the water was so clear. The only thing I will say, is that it’s not really somewhere to go and relax (unless you pick a sun bed towards the right of the beach) as there is quite loud music and cocktails being poured and served every 3 seconds. It’s a very glamorous place to go with your girly friends to get quite tipsy, but not so much for a relaxing afternoon. We still made the most of it and dipped our toes in the sea :)

The hotel was the nicest place i’ve ever stayed, all the staff were so polite, accommodating and friendly and the food and service were both impeccable. There was not one thing I would have changed about my stay there. The views were incredible, the rooms were amazing and the Island itself was so pretty. I would definitely go back. I am now writing this blog post with post-holiday blues and wish I could live there forever and ever. I can’t wait to start planning my next visit. I had the best 5 days ever!

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  1. Monica

    Greece is such a gorgeous country! The weather looks perfect for your trip. All of the views look spectacular. The last picture is my favorite! :)


  2. God that looks so beautiful, makes me want to travel more!

  3. Tamsin

    I've been to Mykonos a few times and it's one of my fav Greek islands – the infinity pool looks to die for! I'm so glad you had a lovely time with Tanya. Beautiful photos as ever too! xx

  4. Huyen

    wow how stunning, Mykonos looks incredibly beautiful! hope you had a wonderful time, but I guess it's not hard in such an amazing place!


  5. Looks stunning! This so makes me want a holiday! Wahhh xxxx

  6. what a gorgeous place and what gorgeous photos! Your yellow dress is just beautiful and looks amazing. The pool looks absolutely stunning. I'm looking to get away this summer with a few friends and this looks like the perfect place to go! I'll definitely be looking online at this location, hotel and the surrounding areas. What an absolutely breathtaking place. Glad to see you had an awesome holiday! :)

  7. kfc

    Beautiful! Especially the pool at night time! Greece is definitely one of the places I want to visit and these pictures just make me want to go that much more!

  8. wow pictures look stunning

    Charlie xx

  9. Absolutely amazing Zoe, I love this post, I love what you're wearing too, lovely :-)
    BIG Fan:-)
    – From Annie ToadRoad

  10. Wow, it's so pretty there! I wish I could go someday. :)

  11. Your pictures are absolutely gorgeous Zoe! And Greece looks beautiful, by the looks of your facial expressions you had an amazing time too! All your outfits look so classy and put together and perfect for the warm weather! Love the Ted Baker dress, it looks amazing with your skin tone! Hope your all nice and tanned! Looking forward to your next blog post and your next video so much!

    Marie xxx

  12. It looks absolutely gorgeous! Beautiful photo's and you look great too!

  13. Wow wow wow wow!!! I am seriously looking into this for a place to visit – thank you for the recommendation Zoe! You's and Tanya's outfits are gorgeous you both look so beautiful! So many great photos as well :)
    Saskia xxx

  14. We have Crepe shops in every corner, everywhere in Greece Zoe, you have to visit more often! I am glad you enjoyed!

  15. so pretty. love what your wearing and greece. you and tan look amazing x

  16. Really nice blogpost! I've been wanting to book a holiday and keep going onto tripadvisor and having a look; You and Tanya have made me want to go on holiday now! :)

  17. I really love Mykonos, not only because it was where I was born, but also because of it's beauty and little shops you can find in any corner of the main city. Also, Nammos is one of the best beaches EVER. I am actually really jealous of you going there at this time of year.

  18. This is amazing, i wish i could go holiday like this, right now i only can imagine how wonderful it is to be there. also you looked amazing. :)
    Have a nice day :)

  19. Such beautiful photos and The clear water, oh my!

  20. Wow this looks gorgeous! I was following your instagram photos and have been dying to know the name of the name of the hotel! I NEED TO GO THERE!! <3


  21. Ims B

    Going to Greece this summer :D to Zakynthos!
    Looks like you had an amazing time and how beautiful is the island?!?
    This has just made me more excited to go there in July!!!
    Love this post and beautiful photos Zoe!
    I hope to do a blog half as good as this!

  22. Hollie

    Looks amazing Zoe! I went to Kefalonia last year, Greece is so beautiful! Love the outfits too. x

  23. Wow, I've never been to Greece before, so jealous! It looks stunning, glad you had a great time. xx

  24. wouldnt it have made it better if louise was there?

  25. Maia

    That's definetly on my go-to list now oh my goodness, you're so lucky!
    Maia xxx

  26. Oh wow Zoe that looks absolutely stunning! I want to go there now! ): May I ask with what camera did you take these photos? They're beautiful!

  27. I've always wanted to visit Greece. Looking at your pictures, makes it look so beautiful. At least now I know where to go when I (hopefully) visit in the future. Amazing post!

  28. Greece looks amazing!It looks like you had an amazing time xx

  29. Ania

    I love these photos, looks like you all had a really good time! :) Kisses from Poland :)

  30. I don't think there are words to explain how jealous I am! Your photos are so gorgeous. and you and Tanya looked lovely. Glad you had a fantastic holiday! :)


  31. This is so pretty! Definitely on my wish list of places I want to go. The pictures are stunning too, I really like your photography Zoe :) glad you had a relaxing time! xx

  32. Oh my … that place looks ridiculously amazing . I imagine myself taking some days off to go there . Just wow asdfghjkl ! I still can't believe that you've been in Portugal when you were sixteen . I'm from Portugal and I hope you like it here ! :)

  33. Was it only Tanya you went with? I could really do with a lovely break like this you look beautiful…as always xx

  34. Your photography is amazing! Wow, it looks like such a nice place, the pool looks really pretty at night. You and Tanya look beautiful, I'm glad you had a nice time :)

  35. it looked absolutely stunning! and did I notice kinder bueno ice cream?! I really hope they have that when I go on holiday it looks delicious! glad you had a great time xx

  36. Aww, wish I were there! Gorgeous pictures, I weigh two pounds more, just because I saw the crepes!
    Xoxo Renee

  37. Wow, I went to Mykonos just on a cruise day trip when I was ten; I didn't appreciate how gorgeous it was at the time. This is making me want to go back again and experience it properly.

  38. Zoey E

    Hey Zoey! Did you volg somethiing?

  39. Tania

    looks like you got a nice tan zoe!

  40. From what brand are the shoes you are wearing with the black maxi dress from River Island? X

  41. Ah Zoe that looks so nice and relaxing! would be great to go there for a week. Although sometimes if you go longer the sun makes you all grumpy, (well for me :p) best to cut it off while your having a fab time! That pool at night looks ridicously beautiful! So sad i'm not going anywhere this year although I'd love to go and see the world some day ;)
    Lovely to hear about your trip, you and Tanya look so beaut in all those pics!

  42. Oh Zoe this is heaven!! I love the twinkly pool, all hotels should do this! I'm off to a 5* in Cyprus soon, I really can't wait, you've psyched me up :D x

  43. Oh my god. This looks amazing I really want to go here! I'm so jealous!

  44. It really looks amazing!! definitly gonna go with you next year ;)

  45. Sophie

    This looks amazing!
    I really want to go travelling/ on holiday now!!!

    Sophie xxx

  46. Natali

    This place looks absolutely amazing! I love the picture of the street, everything there seems so nice and tidy! And you with Tanya look gorgeous! I'm glad you had amazing time there and I'm excited for your new video soon! Lots of love! <3

  47. Zoe and Tanya in Greece! How did I miss that?! (I am obviously Greek, that's why the surprise).
    Mykonos is amazing, actually most Greek islands are, they have an amazing vibe!

    xx, Athena.

  48. it looks stunning!

  49. I'm glad you had a fab time in Mykonos… Thanks for supporting my country. :)

  50. Looks amazing! Would love to visit. I love Greece, been to Athens only.

  51. Claire

    You should come over to Malta, just as beautiful with gorgeous beaches and super food! =)

  52. This looks so amazing! I want to go here so badly! You look so lovely as well, ah jealous!

  53. Oh my gosh, it looks so beautiful! I've always wanted to go to Greece.

  54. Eevi

    oh, that looks so pretty ! :)

  55. Stella

    I am Greek and I've been to Mykonos so I can say that Mykonos without nightlife, clubbing, visiting "super paradise" and other beaches is NO Mykonos!
    You should have gone to more and better beaches!

  56. I love Greece, your pictures are beautiful

  57. Such an amazing blog post! I am in love with Mykonos now! And thinking maybe to go tehre for holiday this year!:))) BTW, giiirls, you look stunning on photos!!!;))

  58. Ahh i just recently came back from there, I fell in love with the place. The pictures looks so familiar!! elephants never 4get

  59. Looks amazing! You and Tanya look so beautiful on all these pictures! Hope you had a great time, it looks so nice! X

  60. That sounds like so much fun will defiantly have to go there one day xxx

  61. That place looks amazing! has to be Greece is definitely top of the list for relaxing holidays. I'm so jealous it looks so pretty

  62. I just got the biggest girlcrush.

  63. Looks wonderful……………………. I'd love to go to Greece! Actually I'd just love to get off the mainland (US) for a bit. I keep harping on the husband to take 1 year off of work and travel the world. I mean you only live once right? (:

  64. Beautiful!

  65. Greece has never looked so dreamy until now! I want to go on a holiday now! Definitely going to check out some prices for Bill and Coo x

  66. This holiday looks AMAZING. I love your photography skills (and the layout of your blog). I may have to consider this as a holiday destination :) <3

  67. Wow, it looks amazing. I'm half greek and I really want to go there now! It looks so beautiful and your pictures are great :)

  68. I've always wanted to go to Greece. I would love to stay there for a very long time, relax by the beach and explore the place. Nice photographs! :)

  69. Ash M

    Hi Zoe just wondering did you put on tan before you went on holidays ? beautiful pictures !

  70. Chloe

    that looks absolutely beautiful! so happy you had a great time and you look gorgeous! <3

  71. Gorgeous photos! And both you and Tanya got such a gorgeous tan!! Can't wait for these 2 weeks to pass so I can go sunbathing. I live in Malta, and we get one of the best summers here :)


  72. This is just breathtaking! I've been to Greece plenty of times so I knooow how lovely it is there but this is just.. outstanding! Looks like you've had a great trip! It's always nice with a holiday to relax and stress out.
    Maria xx

  73. wonderful pictures! they're making me excited for the summer <3


  74. Wow! I'm now insanely jealous. Your photos are absolutely stunning! I've been thinking about holidays this past week (I haven't been abroad since 2009) so I'm desperate to get some foreign sunshine. I'm hoping for next year.


  75. I've been to Mykonos once but it was just not a good trip. We sailed there with a ferry but the staff were so unpolite and they sailed back while people were trying to get off, so my brother was almost sailed back without the rest of my family. And there was so many mosquitoes, it was crazy. And there was so much oil in the food. Greece is of course beautiful but we left Mykonos the day after because of all the bad experiences :(
    I am so happy you had a good trip tho i hope the others did as well!

  76. Greece is just beautiful! It is honestly stunning! Its the one country that I think is like a work of art. You can't quite believe that its real!
    So super jealous of you though! Just looking at these pictures is making me wish June away so July can come and I can go on holiday!! Also you look gorgeous! Such a good post and has made me go warm and fuzzy inside– the kind of feeling you get from looking at beautiful pictures of hot countries whilst imagining you are there!
    Thanks for the post I weirdly feel so much more relaxed!

    Evie :) xx

  77. Oh Zoe, so glad to see you traveling, trying new things and, of course, sharing them with us. We can tell by your pictures how happy you were!
    Mykonos is on my list of 'places I want to go' ♥ The scenario is breath taking and I totally and absolutely loved the pool! How magical!

    Well, I've missed you here and on YouTube. I go there everyday to see if there's a new video – specially the HP Tour that you commented on Facebook! Feel so excited because I'm going there in a month!! (: YAY

    But I'm glad to see you're resting, being happy with your friends and enjoying life!
    Kisses from Brasil for you, dear Zoe.

  78. Xana

    Just for your acknowledge, you have here a Portuguese fan! :)

  79. this looks so lovely! I recently went to jamaica and it was so beautiful and amazing, stayed at a Beaches Resort but it was still lovely <3 love the clothes, love the pictures, absolutely fabulous

  80. I've been to Greece before and it was one of my favourite holidays, you've made me very jealous and I now want to go back right now! You look gorgeous in all of the photos too :-) xx

  81. aw zoe i would love to go there it looks so cute and lovely!x

  82. you're making me so sad now because all my friends have finished their IB and are going to Grece (Ios and Mykonos) to celebrate, by I'm doing the French Bac so I won't be able to go :'(

  83. Noush

    It looks amazing !

  84. Bhavna

    I would love to go to Greece one day, lovely pics btw :) xo

  85. This looks amazing! All the photos are beautiful! Xxx

  86. it looks so pretty, with such pretty girls there too, so jealous of you!xxx

  87. I travelled to Greece too and loved it! Although, it was a bit more of a journey for me because New York is so far from Greece! I guess one of the perks of living in Europe is that all these amazing places are so close to each other so you could easily go and visit them!


  88. lovely

    The pictures are beautiful and Zoe you look so good in shorts they fit you perfectly! :)
    I just show my Mum the pictures and she said "We should go for one week there too, it looks like paradise" :)
    I love Greece, Greece Music & the pople are very friendly :)

  89. That looks like an absolute dream holiday! I want to go to Greece so badly (though I am going to Rome this summer – can't complain) it looks like a place I could happily live x

  90. Such a beautiful post! Wonderful pictures! I love Greece as well. 2 years ago I visited Crete, and I had just so much overwhelming emotions. Greece is a heaven on Earth!

    ♥ Oksana

  91. Amie H

    Looks like you had such an amazing time :) Where you stayed looks so pretty too! This post has made me so excited for my holiday next month – eeek! xx

  92. This place looks absolutely beautiful! I have only just come back from a holiday but having seen your lovely photos I have already text about this place haha

  93. Wow, this looks incredible. I want to go!! My friends and I are all planning a girls holiday next summer, I'm going to have a look at accommodation and see if we can go there! x

  94. I want to go there! Stunning!
    Now we all want to know what brand of SPF and after sun lotion you used. Did you self tan?

  95. This looks amazing! I've been looking to go to a place like this for so long and thanks to you I think I have found it! It looks like you had a great time, it great to see the photos of the different places you visited xxx

  96. Ah that looks sooo lovely Zoe! I was in Corfu at the same time and that was also so gorgeous, so many parts of Greece are stunning! Mykonos was the place i originally wanted to go to, and now I want to go there even more! Some gorgeous snaps of you and Tanya too <3

  97. Wow wow wow looks so beautiful! I NEED to go there!!

  98. Well, now I must convince my boyfriend that it's definitely time for a holiday! x

  99. Aislyn

    Zoe, this is so gorgeous! Amazing photography… looks like you had a wonderful time and I'm happy for you that you were able to get away (: Greece is a place that I've always wanted to visit!

  100. Wow! These pictures are stunning! Seems like you had a pretty perf holiday, and the hotel you stayed in looks gorgeous! Those pictures of food are making me hungry, and you always look incredible Zoe! xxx

  101. Saša

    I've never been to Greece but after seeing your photos I really want to go there! I'd recommand you to visit Dalmatian coast in Croatia (the island of Brac or Hvar)…I go there every summer and to be honest…it's my favourite place in the world. I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday! Xx

  102. Wow these pictures are absolutely incredible!!!! I've been to Rhodes multiple times and loved it but never been to Mykonos! Definitely want to check it out now though!!

  103. It looks soo beautiful and your pictures are gorgeous! :D I love you and tanya! <3
    Sofia x

  104. That ice cream looks scrumptious and that pool is just amazing! Glad you had a nice time :)

  105. you look absolutely beautiful in these pictures Zoe, it's lovely to see you looking so happy! I've definitely just added Mykonos to my list of places to visit
    sara x

  106. Waaaaaaaww this honestly looks like H E A V E N! I'm going to Rhodes in August and I hope it will be as amazing as Mykonos looks on these pictures, can't wait! I hope you had a great time, but I'm guessing you did!
    But eeeeehhh, why aren't there any photos of the boys??! ;)


  107. Your photography is sublime! Seems absolutely gorgeous there, you and Tanya are looking lovely as always. Glad you had such a good time, I really want to go there too! x

  108. Zoe, is there any chance you will be at Capital FM Summertime Ball this weekend?

  109. Woaaah, had no idea Mykonos was that beautiful. Amazing.
    I'm from Portugal, did you enjoy your holidays here? xx

  110. These photos are incredible! I'm glad you had an amazing time & it looks like such a fabulous place.

    This has made me every jealous that I have no getaway summer plans :(
    You look beautiful as always :)

    Charlotte xx

  111. Ira

    looks absolutely stunning! All those Greek white houses are so beautiful. :)

  112. Wow. The pictures of your pool are just incredible. It looks lik eyou had a wonderful time. I've just booked my summer holiday, and this post is making me so excited! xx

  113. Greece is such a pretty and magical place to visit! I've been twice and I can't wait to go back!
    Laura x

  114. Hello Zoe! i'm sooo excited that you went to Greece! (i'm from greece) I have to say that greece is the best place for holidays! it has more than 2000 islands but only the 165 of them are inhabited. I would definetely recommend you for the next time Santorini (this island is known for the breathtaking sunset,maybe the best in the world) Crete and Corfu. I'm Greek but i have never been to these islands except crete…what a shame!Greetings and maaaaany kisses from Greece ;)

  115. Angie

    I love this post, it was so cool. I wanna go to Grace.

  116. Viltė

    Oh my, you look beautiful and I'm so jealous! I really need holidays…

  117. Awesome photos! U should def consider being a photographer as a profession :) love the place hope i could go there someday. How come no pictures of alfie btw?

  118. Zoe! Your photography is great,fashion sense is great, and you are so pretty… I just cant handle it!
    ps. I think im going to start booking right about now.
    Hope you had a really great time!
    Make sure to check out my blog!

  119. Patch

    WOW — You made me want to take a vacation, go to Greece, eat crepes, paint my walls white, eat a bucket of gelato, and lie by the pool.

    Your outfits were gorgeous. The views were gorgeous. And your makeup were gorgeous.

    So jealous of your amazing 5 day vacation. Thanks for sharing your pictures!

  120. OH MY GOOD…I wanna go there NOW!!!
    …so many pretty pics!
    <3 <3 <3

  121. Wow, that looks like paradise, everything looks so beautiful :) Your photography skills are great, Hope you all had an amazing time :)
    Rosalie x

  122. Maddy

    Looks like an amazing place, I really want to visit there now! xxx

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  123. Sounds like you had such a good time! Looks absolutely beautiful there too!

  124. Hello Zoe!
    Greece is good But Portugal i´ts Better! Come to Portugal and tell your friends they will love this beautiful country! And tell me if you come to lisbon!!

  125. I love that long black dress you wore! Looks great on you! The pictures are wonderful, thanks for sharing! :)

  126. Absolutely LOVE this blog post, you've seriously made me want to take a trip to Mykonos now it looks so beautiful!! Your photography is stunning, Glad you had a lovely time! :) xxx

  127. B.

    Wow! What an amazing picture and more specially, what a great location.
    It looks all nice and relaxed and summer-y. Hope you had a great time.

    Breathe Me

  128. Anne

    Everything looks so perfect! I think I'm going to have to add another item to my Travel Bucket List. :)

    Anne's Scribbles and Doodles

  129. sd

    Zoe these pictures look amazing and they make me want to go to Greece! You and Tanya look so beautiful omg <3

  130. Wow, that place looks incredible! Definitely on my list of places to visit. So glad you had fun! x

    Zoe // The Caribbean Flower

  131. zoella omg you are here in greece i dont believed :P i love you :Dr i from greece and i want to say helloooo zoe from your fan s :P

  132. JoAnn

    These photos are amazing! I wish I went there! it looks so beautiful :)


  133. Vera

    That looks unbelievably amazing! You look so happy :)

  134. It's really ironic how I'm Greek and want to visit England really bad and Zoe who's English wanted to visit Greece.
    Mykonos is not a place well known for being quiet. It kinda has a bad reputation to us in Greece, since people go there in order to get drunk and do inappropriate things.
    Next time you visit us do a meet and greet, okay? :D

    Maria xx

  135. Two of my favourite beauty gurus were on my country? :O OMG! I'm so glad you came here and you had an amazing time! You should visit other less crowded but really beautiful places such as Kefallonia, Skiathos, Skopelos and many amazing greek islands too! You should also visit Athens. I'd die to go for a walk and just run into you <3 Much love from Greece:*

  136. Jessie

    Oh that looks amazing, Zoe! Your photos are just so professional looking, is there something you can't do?! You and Tanya make such a great couple, so sweet!!

  137. Wow! this is amazing. Love the photographs especially! I love how you took time to blog about your travels. It's interesting to read your experiences. =)

  138. Gosh! It looks so beautiful! such beautiful photographs of Mykonos :D sounds like you and Tanya had an amazing time! xx

  139. ErinMY

    That pool is absolute perfection. I'm a sucker for a nice swimming pool. Your photos are always great.

  140. Zoe, those pictures are all so gorgeous! So glad you had an awesome vacation :)

  141. Beautiful pictures Zoe, it looks absolutely amazing. I'm glad you had a great time & I love reading about your travels, it makes me want to go explore more places with my friends :)

    Charlotte xx

  142. Cat

    That looks like such a fantastic holiday! I love the cat. It is so pretty and dignified!

  143. Looks like you stayed in a beautiful place! I go to Greece on Friday and this has made me even more excited!

  144. Omg great pictures! I'm so happy for you and being able to enjoy yourself somewhere abroad! I'm dying to go to a beautiful place like that for my summer! You look beautiful!

    -Christine :)

  145. WOW it looks absolutely magical and stunning!! Your pictures are beautiful and the blog was well written!!
    Really wished you would post more often as you are one of my favourite bloggers of all time!!

    Lots of Love xx

  146. Is it just me or anyone else. But I literally just hear your voice when I am reading this, as if I am just watching you on YouTube?!
    This sounds amazing and I now want to go so badly!

  147. Ahhhh it's amazing! I love it! Now I want to go there, too :)

  148. SO beautiful! I would love to go there some day.

  149. Conny

    Oh my god, this looks stunning!
    I am glad you have had a great time, you surely deserve it :)

    I have not been in Greece for ages, but those pictures reminded me how beautiful this country is, I love all the white buildings with blue details, it's just this sea-feeling haha :)

    And Zoe, you are absolutely gorgeous! :)


  150. Laura

    breathtaking photos! seems like you had a really good time. :) can't wait for greece vlogs! xx

  151. Nataly

    This looks amazing! Greece is on my to-go list and Mykonos looks absolutely stunning!

  152. Wow your photo's are beautiful. It looks like such a gorgeous place. I'm very jealous.. it's just so idyllic! I'd love to visit one day :)) xxx

    Gemma ♥ |

  153. Lovely pictures! It looks like you had a lot of fun!

  154. That looks amazing and your photos are beautiful!

  155. WOW :o
    The pictures you took are stunning! They are great! It seems like you had a wonderful time in Greece with your amazing friends which makes me really happy for you :)!
    In Germany the weather sucked for the last days but now the sun actually comes out and makes me look like a lobster :D!

    Zoe, let me tell you that you are by far my favourite person on the internet! I was so inspired by you that today I got my hair cut like you have yours :D!
    I would love to meet you one day :)! Come visit Germany in the near of Cologne. :)

    Love from Germany

  156. Maree

    wooow. Amazing pictures!!! thanks for sharing them. I've never been to Greece, but thanks to your blog post I feel like… I have the vibe now :)

  157. Aby

    oh…what a view! The Greek islands are always charming and more when you find good accommodation. The pictures are gorgeous, you two looked lovely and I'm sure you had a great short vacation. Thank you for sharing with us :)

  158. Glad you had such an amazing trip!!! You should listen to the song Mykonos by fleet foxes!

  159. this looks amazing, iam really jelous :)
    your pictures are great and i'm happy that you had so much fun ! *.*


  160. Tanya

    This looks gorgeous! Definitely considering going here on holiday, the suites with jacuzzis look amazing! So jealous.

    Little Black Russian


  161. zoe you are soo fit!!!

  162. Nina

    I love the long black dress, it looks stunning on you! Greece looks like a beautiful country, love the pictures :)

  163. Gosh! How beautiful! I went to an island called 'Kos' in Greece, I was so beautiful! Can't get enough looking at your photos! Looks like you had a great time, glad to hear that! <3

  164. This is absolutely beautiful; the place, your face & your photography. It looks like you had a fabulous time <3 xo

  165. These are some incredible pictures! Glad you had such a great time. As a native Greek, I would suggest trying to visit other islands too; yes the classics (Mykonos, Santorini etc) are really picturesque but there is other smaller islands that are quiet and so so beautiful! And! Try Greek food too! Apart from "mousaka" and "greek salad" there are so many delicacies there, like grilled octopus, incredible local cheeses and great meat dishes too. Ahhh you made me homesick…. :( x

  166. Sanni

    OMG I want to go there! right now.

  167. Nice to see a blogspot from you again! it's a long time ago

    I want to go on summervacation too, staying in the netherlands this summer =(

  168. ROKSI


  169. Wow amazing pictures, looks so beautiful!


  170. Alice

    So jealous- but it looks like had an amazing time in a really beautiful place! You are so pretty as well! :) x

  171. I think that you supposed to be a photographer! Such a beautifull photos that I want to have them as wallpaper on my computer. Love it!! <3

  172. iliana

    I'm really happy that you liked it here..Mykonos is amazing indeed but next time you should go to Santorini, nothing compares to Santorini really, it's unique..x
    Love from Greece

  173. farah

    Greece is one of my bucket list destinations! Recently, I've been hearing so much about Mykonos and looking at your pictures now, it looks absolutely gorgeous. I am more eager than ever to get there! (:

  174. Floor

    it looks soooo beautiful there! i love you so much Zoe

  175. Awww.. You two look soo beautiful!!♥ I always wanted to go to Greece, so if I ever get a chance to, I know exactly where I'm going ☺
    Love, Anna.♥

  176. Such awesome photography in this post! Especially loving that infinity pool and the sea water! The photo of your red toes and the pool is sooo perfect! Hella jealous. XO

  177. im somehow sure that you went there as two pairs ..;)

  178. Ginger

    Wow! Absolutely stunning photos! I've never been to Greece, but it has definitely always been on my list of places to go. After reading your post and seeing all the lovely pictures, I think I may just have to book myself a holiday sometime soon! :)


  179. Evelyn

    Your photos are absolutely gorgeous! I love the way you set them out! and all you outfits looks really beautiful! :) I hope you had a fab time away! looks so awesome there! love you xx

  180. I am so so so so so so so. so jealous :( Looks absolutely gorgeous. may have to persuade boyf we need to go to mykonos next summer ;) looks like you had an amazing time xx

  181. Looks like a lovely trip! you are so lucky to have gone to such a lovely country with such fantastic friends!
    Becky xoxo

  182. It looks so beautiful there, I really want to go to Greece! The pictures you took are amazing, they make it look like heaven. I'm in love with your Ted Baker dress, its so nice:) Glad you had a good time!

    Lucy x

  183. Golly gosh, I am completely jealous! I have never considered Greece as somewhere I would like to holiday, until NOW! Looks absolutely incredible. Glad you had a fabulous time!

    Bit of a Freak


  184. Hannah

    Oh my. it looks so amazing, I want to go so badly. All the photos are incredible and it looks so beautiful!!

  185. Wow it looks absolutely beautiful! Such a pretty place :D I'd love to go! Glad you had a lovely time x

  186. Leah

    Mykonos looks so beautiful i really want to go now,i'm so jealous and you look stunning in all your pictures

  187. afro

    I live in Greece and it is kind of a tradition to visit the islands or generally nice places by the sea! This summer i was planning on going abroad ,in Europe ,for holidays…but i just saw your lovely pictures and i am full of nostalgia… Screw it, i'll play my safe card…i'm choosing again Greek islands! It's summer afterall….

    Ps:You chose the right time to visit Mykonos, at the end of June -till the end of August the island is crowded and of course prices are up!

    Hugs form Greece, glad you had a nice time!

  188. Rachel

    It looks beautiful Zoe, I'm so jealous! Really want to go on holiday now, bring on August! :)

  189. Zoe you're so beautiful, where did you get your outfits from, they're gorgeous x

  190. Tweet

    This holiday looks absolutely perfect, like actual heaven! Glad you had such a lovely time :)

    Love Tweet xx

  191. looks just perfect!

  192. Rachel

    It looks beautiful Zoe, I'm so jealous! I'm going to Crete in August, and you've made me even more super excited to go on holiday now! :)

  193. definitely made me want to go away

  194. This looks so gorgeous! I wish I could go there for the summer!

  195. Ania

    OMG! That place is just PERFECT!
    I think i will never visit such a beautiful place :(
    Soooo jealous :<

  196. Wow looks totally beautiful. I love Virgin mojitos too :)

  197. The stray cats are a very Greek thing. I visited a few places in Greece in 2011 and I really loved it. I haven't yet been to the islands though!

  198. I think this is one of those posts I am going to save in my favourites until its time to go on holiday and then I'm going to make sure this is the place I go to. It all seems so peaceful and beautiful. I'm also really glad you enjoyed your stay, you work hard so its good you had a nice little holiday. I'm not going on holiday this year but god oh god do I wish I was going/or will one day go to this beautiful place.

  199. This seems like such a lovely location to holiday at! Defiantly adding it to my list "places to visit" xxx

  200. This place looks utterly breathtakingly, I want to go so badly now! I've seen it before but the photos you took look so lovely that i just need to go. Putting it on my bucket list haha

    Catching Stars

  201. You take the most beautiful pictures! And you look gorgeous in every freaking one.

    Love you so much,

    Avalon M.

  202. This look amazing!!! My friend and I are heading around Europe in just a couple of weeks and one the places we're stopping is Greece. We were originally going to head to Mykonos but we're heading to Ios now, but to see these pictures makes me sewww excited!!!

    Amy xx

  203. Wow, that looked like such an amazing holiday. Some truly beautiful pictures. I'm very jealous!xxx

  204. Oh wow, the hotel is so beautiful, I love grease its a beautiful country, so many breath taking sights! Xx

  205. You always take awesome pictures but these ones, just WOW!!
    I love your bright yellow dress, that's so you!!!!

  206. This looks amazing! Totally amazing. I really would like to go on holiday this year but money is hard to come by when you're a student! My friends and I would have trouble affording it but I MUST go to Mykonos – it looks GORGEOUS :) Just like you Zoe.

    Love your blog, always!

    Em x

    Emilia Grace / Beauty Blog

  207. Extraordinary ! :D i love u Zoe :) and beautiful photos…

  208. Ashley

    ah it looks so beautiful! would love to go one day..

  209. This looks great! You and Tanya are just simply stunning!
    I love you both :) xx


  210. Wow. All your outfits were beautiful but the black maxi dress takes the cake. It looks so incredible on you! I'm glad you had a good trip and the photos are amazing. Looks like a very gorgeous country.


  211. Oh my God! i have always wanted to go to Greece but after seeing these photos its definitely making me want to go even more now.

  212. That looks amazing ! so so so beautiful. And loved the pool at night, my favorite :)

  213. Paola

    Your pictures are by far amazing! I'm so happy you had the best time ever! take care :) And hello, From Texas, US

  214. Ahh the photos of Mykonos are gorgeous, you must've had an amazing time there! I really love your black maxi dress (: And that pool looks breathtaking, what I wouldn't give to be there.
    – Ashley
    Not Haute

  215. Payton

    Ah, I'm in envy. These pictures are gorgeous!

    Tiny darling

  216. ahh this looks amazing!!! This pictures are gorgeous.. so happy you had a nice time :)

    xo, Erica

  217. Taylor

    Greece looks beautiful! Looks like you had a wonderful time and your photos are stunning! xxx

  218. b-look

    Amazing photos!!

  219. Amazing TRIP DARLING!!
    Outfit perfect for these locations…., I love gREeCE…but i have saw that the Ice cream is Italian….We are the champiom ALWAYS!!

    I am waiting for you in this sunny day Rome!!


  220. Ilaria

    It looks familiar…it looks like my place in Apulia, in Italy!And also food is quite the same! :) Your pictures are amazing and I'm happy you enjoyed a wonderful place like Greece!


  221. Zoella it was perfect, Loved every picture <3 You're so pretty ^^
    From pakistan x

  222. This just got me super excited for the summer !! :D The pool:O like wow, beautiful, definitely going to try snap some pics like these this summer in Cyprus :) Inspired. Oh and i love every outfit you wore :O

  223. Joelle

    Looks like a lovely place. I'd love to go to Greece!

  224. What a beautiful place! Looks like you guys had an amazing time! :) xxx

  225. looks so amazing Zoe! You've definitely made me want to go there! I adore the first and last pictures – infinity pools are lush!x

  226. I've always wanted to go to Greece, and now more so than before as it looks so amazing. I love all your photo's it makes the place look really quaint and just, what more could you want from a holiday in the sun. Glad you had a good time :)

  227. Nicola

    Ahhhh amazing! Mykonos is definitely on my list of places to visit. The sea looks so blue and crystal clear! <3

    Nicola x

  228. Oh Zoe this holiday looks truly amazing and everything about it looks so perfect, I've wanted to go to Greece for so long as it always looks like such a beautiful place and now hearing about your adventure there I just want to go even more!

  229. Awh wow STUNNING, looks like so much fun and a beautiful place :)
    Great outfits too x

  230. I need to go there someday!!

  231. You were so close to Turkey :O It would be amazing if you'd come here to Turkey too :)
    I advise you to visit Bodrum,Marmaris or Datca. Datca is smaller and more quiet,or somewhere else in the Aegean Sea :) Love you!! xxx

  232. Mo Ray

    Oh wow! It looks like you had a fab time. Your outfits are so simple but chic at the same time. I love it. The place looks beautiful! Again, I am in awe of your photography skills. One day I shall travel to different places and be able to take pictures worthy to show people lol

    Mo x

  233. Ookaze

    Glad you had a great holiday with your friends. Greece is the nicest country to visit, I've been there myself a few times. I know no place with such beautiful beaches and lagoons. You just made me want to return!

  234. Sheen

    this is on my hoilday hit list now, it looks so pretty and will be going there in the future some time! woah, it looks like heaven! the pool was just wow! specially at night

  235. ever since returning from my own european holiday earlier in the year, i have had some mad post-holiday blues. now this post is making me crazy with jealousy! one place i would have loved to go but didn't make it to. inspired me to start saving and planning again, asap!
    glad you had a lovely time zoe.
    the photos are incredible. x

  236. these are beautiful photos you took. It looks like you had a great time there and I have add this to my list of places I want to go in the future.

  237. beautiful place <3 I was in Greece too, but I was in Crete ;D
    You are amazing <3

  238. Wow that is a beautiful place! Love the lights in the pool :)

    -B, xx
    (latest blog: My Favorite Youtubers!)

  239. Oh my this looks like such a beautiful holiday place! I really want to go to Greece one day with the beautiful white houses and cute blue shutters! X

  240. wow, zoe! :) these pictures are absolutely BREATHTAKING!
    i'm so jealous right now (with my final exams and all), but I'll get my week-off, too, in a month from now, so now after seeing those pictures I am even more eager to just get away from home and enjoy myself as you did

  241. Em

    WOW I am so jealous!!! Your photos are so fabulous too! I wish my bank account allowed for me to travel the world more often. #poorpeopleproblems haha.

  242. Hearts

    I think you chose the best place to go for summer vacation. As another Greek girl said it's not very aproaching to people who don't want to get drunk and party. So, I'm happy that you one person who saw the real magic of Mykonos, and not what everyone is showing off. Kisses xoxo

  243. Love the pictures!!!
    I live in Greece (I'm half Greek and half English) and f you ever want to visit another island in here I would recommend Kefalonia (that's where I live!!) It's really beautiful!

  244. Erin

    What a lovely post! You & Tanya look gorgeous.

    E R I N ☂

  245. Nope Tanyas fiancee Jim and their friend Alfie (pointlessblog on youtube) went too :)

  246. It looks so good there! Really making me look forward to my holiday now!!

  247. beautiful made me want to go there so much xx

  248. I'm from Portugal.
    Portugal is a special country, it's full of art and magic. I've never left Portugal and I want to know what is in the world but i can't because i dont have money to do that. So, enjoy the world and share with us your experience.
    You're awesome and inspiring!

  249. Oh my gosh, it looks soooo gorgeous! Greece has always been on my bucket list of places to go. Someday it will happen but the flights are so dang expensive from the US!

  250. I enjoyed this post so much! The photos are beautiful and Mykonos seems like a wonderful place. I can see why you had such an amazing time :)

  251. Beautiful pictures! :) Thank you for sharing your trip with us. :)

    <3 x Vanessa |

  252. This has got me in the holiday mood! I'm going to Spain in August and this has got me excited! Greece looks amazing!

  253. Wow, this place looks magical! I am so jealous its unbelievable. Your figure is actually prefect as well Zoe.

  254. Wow, it looks stunning! I went to Zanti with my family and it was amazing, sounds like you had a nice time xxxxxxxxxx

  255. Absolutely gorgeous! I want to go!

  256. the pictures are simply breathtaking – so stunning!
    making me really keen for summer :)

    check out our blog too:

  257. Amelia

    This place looks so amazing and relaxing! Very jealous x

  258. Ohhh my favorite youtubers in Greece!I love you guys!I am Greek and I really wish you would have arranged a meet and greet event in Athens!I would have loved to meet you in person :) Maybe next time..

  259. Looks beautiful!! You should go to Kos, it's sensational! And, Mykonos is now on my list of places to go, great choice!;)

  260. This looks amazing Zoe.. You are amazing haha!!! Me and my friend have just started a blog and you Zoe were our inspiration! it would mean the WORLD to us if any of you that have read this comment would go and check it out, and we would be more than happy to accept any requests or anything at all! thank you! <3 xxx

  261. It looks like you had an amazing time! I love seeing you guys so happy :) Thanks for sharing all those lovely pictures! <3

  262. This looks amazing! It looks so beautiful there:)
    Also, if anyone has a spare moment, would you please check out our blog? We put up a new post just yesterday and we're working really hard to put up new content regularly – it would mean the world to us if you did!<3

  263. Yasmin

    It looks so pretty! :)

  264. oh my! these photos are absolutely breathtaking!!! Looks like you had a wonderful vacation.

  265. This place looks amazing! So beautiful! I'm incredibly jealous and I want to save my pennies to go!

    Out of the topic but I'm really proud of you! After your anxiety post not too long ago, and the video, I'm so happy for you that you're going away with friends again! Well done :)

    I'm still jealous :p | Beauty, Lifestyle & UK Blog

  266. Iba

    Love the pictures! The place looks amazing, and you looked gorgeous Zoe!


  267. great pictures! Looks like you had a lovely time! x

  268. Looks like you had a lot of fun! All of those photos are really beautiful! You're an inspiration :)

  269. The photos look great!! I love Greece and Greek food is just to die for

  270. wow, it looks amazing there, its almost unreal.. I loved all the pictures and your outfits!! Thanks for sharing <3

  271. wow :)! the photos are amazing

  272. Beautiful place to visit! This has made me even more excited for my holiday!

  273. Dhara

    Thes photos are absolutely fantabulous! X) haha I hope to visit Greece someday…I hope to visit Europe someday lol
    Check out my blog?

  274. omg that place looks awesome I love that peach blazer and the food looked unbelievable the water is by far the best! xx. gigi. food and beauty blogger @

  275. zoe that yellow dress on you is absolute PERFECTION! :) xx

  276. I've always wanted to go to Greece!
    Looking at your beautiful pictures and reading this blog post made me really think of planning a trip to Greece soon!
    Thanks for sharing about your trip because it will help me plan mine!

  277. Hi Zoe!!
    This holiday looked amazing!! It looks so pretty and tranquil there… I did have to have a google as me and my friends need to think of somewhere to go!
    I'd love it if you did a blog about blogging as I've just started my own blog and I'm in desparte need of some tips!! I think I automatically upgraded to the new goggle +. I'm and if you could vlog or blog some tips on how to improve it and get more followers that'll be great!! Love watching an reading you Zoella! : ))) you brighten my day! xxx Hayley

  278. Beautiful pictures…Mykonos must be such a gorgeous place to visit.. Thank yo so much for sharing!
    Mira :)

  279. Aimee

    I love all your photos! They're absolutely gorgeous.
    Now I want to go to Greece =)

  280. I love all of your outfits and I was wondering if the black maxi dress you are wearing from river island does it have a split on the side of the dress?

  281. This is surely a place i'd visit if i could in the future, i loved the photographs.

  282. Serena

    That looks like heaven to me ! :O

  283. The photos are amazing.Looks like I figured out my dream holiday! Did you a vlog of this trip as well? -Mariam

  284. looks perfect, i'd love to go there so i'm going to show this blog post to my dad haha;)xxx

  285. hey , i saw your pics from Mukonos :) I am a fashion blogger from Greece and i used to go 2 times a year with my girlfriends in mukonos , making our craziest stuff ,swimming ,partying all the time to 10 am (here in greece people never sleep ..:P , kiddin, but yeap it is almost the truth , they wake up at 3 pm aand the night go to clubs , bouzoukia etc .. and sleep usually at 8or 10 am ..:P it's wild right ?)I lived in London for some time and people there could not understand this Greek life the island ..all greek islands ,not only mukonos ..if you want to check my blog you would see my travels around greek islands.nice photos by the way !

  286. Mona

    oh my gosh,those pictures are amazing. Hope you had a beautiful and relaxing tme there.
    I have never been to geece, but your pictures make me wanna go there pretty soon :)

  287. Gema

    So glad you had such an amazing trip.Got to see some sneak peeks of it in your Instagram. Also, loved the pics everything looks absolutely incredible and just a perfect holiday!

  288. Alice

    LOVE this blog post! The pictures are lovely, Mykonos looks so beautiful <3

  289. It's absolutely breathtaking! I would love to go on a trip like this! :)

  290. It looks amazing, and you look beautiful, I'm so jealous!


  291. I'm a massive fan of Greece having already been to Corfu and Rhodes. Mykonos is definitely on my list of places I wish to visit (especially after seeing all of your photos). Sounds like you had a fab time :D Xx

  292. Wow, loved this post and the photos are amazing!

  293. Looks Amazing!!

  294. Demy

    Aww, I'm glad you had such a nice time in our country! :)
    It's just that maybe you should choose a less crowded and safer place next time! Mykonos is…well…it's a hmmm weird island :P

  295. Why no pictures of Alfie?! Cos you don't want to confirm your relationship to the world? Thought so!:p

  296. The place is so beautiful and the views are just breathtaking. Truly amazing!!!!

  297. The place is so beautiful and the views are just breathtaking. Truly amazing!!!!

  298. Dagmar

    Wow! I went to Skopelos last year with my mum, and it was so lovely! The Mamma Mia movie was shot on this island, and the actors stayed at our hotel (we lived in Meryl Streep's apartment)! I really want to take my mum to Mykonos, we love Greece!

  299. It looks absolutely perfect!Both you and Tanya look stunning <3

  300. aaaah i've always wanted to go to greece! so jealous! and i love your style :)

  301. Oh so jealous!! It looks beautiful there! Now Mykonos is on the bucket list. :) Great post!


  302. Beautiful pictures and glad that you have a lovely holiday! :)

  303. great photos.Zoe i leave in Greece and i am a huge fan.I've been to mykonos only once. it is a great island but trust me it is overated and doesn't really give you a true image about Greece. that's why i'll sugest you visit the next time Santorini or Kefalonia .

    ps. happy holidays from the only i think greek fan

  304. Kaya x

    so cutteeee, such great pics!

  305. Ginny

    Beautiful pictures! I would really like to go to Greece at least once! I love that country.

  306. ive been in Rhodes to but i really want to go to Mykonos :) one question, why do the british people always go to Portugal? haha, im from there

  307. It all looks so magical. Love the pictures of the streets, I hope I can go there one day xx

  308. Such beautiful pictures! <3

  309. Hello Zoella. Beautiful pictures as always. Just wanted to say hello and I am really glad you liked my country since I am Greek and I live in Athens but I've visited Mykonos twice. Its really beautiful. I wish i could have known you were here cause maybe i would have the chance to meet you and say hello since you are a role model to me.

  310. mabs

    Beautiful place and great pictures, Greece looks very pretty. You should visit Portugal again and it would be nice if I could actually meet you! :]

    xx, Márcia.

  311. Loved reading this post. I'm happy that you enjoyed =) I wanted to go on a private holiday even for 2 or 3 nights, just to relax and switch my brain off all from stress etc. I will deffinately recommend this place to my friends as well.
    Thank you for sharing with us.


  312. Hello Zoe!! I´m from Porto, Portugal !! :D
    I love you and you're videos :)
    This posts made me want to go to Greece ^^

  313. The photographs were brilliant! Mykonos looks so amazing that it doesn't seem like a real place. Those photos where everything looks very magical and, etheral, almost. Great blog post & video by the way. :)

  314. That looks incredible, now thinking about booking a holiday there. You've convinced me!!
    Pictures are beautiful and it's lovely for you to share with everyone.

    Please check out my blog, my trip to New York is included at

  315. Katé

    Wonderful pictures!!
    I'm very happy that you enjoyed those days in my country!
    I've never been in Mykonos yet, but I know for a fact that there are much beautiful islands in Greece :) I wish in the future to visit as many as you can!

    Have fun always <3
    Kisses from Crete,
    Katerina :)

  316. Emma

    Looks so peaceful! How was the Grecian food?

  317. Mstock

    why did you completely write out Alfie like he didn't even go?

  318. I am now planning a holiday with my twin and we are going to stay here! It looks beautiful!

  319. M.Sher

    Trust me, everything from this blog reminds me of Tumblr, which is absolutely my ultimate obsession

  320. Wow, I love the pictures! What a holiday! <3

  321. :')..I'm really proud of you, because you have visited my country, Greece <3 <3 Come again ! :)

  322. Julia

    This looks really magical. Now I want to go as well!

  323. Greece looks amazing! After reading yours and Tanya's posts I am determined to go! The streets are so beautiful, the food looks delicious and the weather looks fan-tas-TIC. Hopefully I will be able to in the next few years.

  324. Lovely pictures!! Would have loved to see the guys in these photos, too!

  325. Omg Zoe I was so happy when I read that you have been here in Portugal, I live here *.* Did you like coming? What places have you visied? Love from Portugal <3

  326. Sarah

    Oh my gosh this looks absolutely amazing! Gorgeous photos! I have never seen such picturesque photos in my life. The town looks amazing! xx

  327. You beaut!!! (And you take lovely snaps aswell!!!) Love from Norway!

  328. I wish i was there. It looks beautiful :D

  329. WOW It looks incredible there! Pictures are beautiful. Glad you had a lovely time! Really could do with a holiday like that after all these exams.
    Jessie x :)

  330. what camera did you use ?? the photos look amazing !

  331. Mi

    great pictures! hey i got a question about those pretty sandals from primark! are they comfortable? or maybe it hurts when you are walking on them too long? please answer to me because i wanted buy them and i don't know what to do :)
    you are so beautiful Zoella <3

  332. Fenia

    Oh my god! This is a bit frustrating :P I live in Athens, Greece and I am currently studying for my final exams… I have already planned to visit Mykonos myself during the first week of August! I understand that you just wanted to have a good and quiet time during your trip, but I would have loved to meet you and Tanya! :( Anyway, I hope that you had a lot of fun in our country and that you will visit Greece again sometime :)

    Fenia <3

  333. Luana

    Hii Zoella! :) I have to ask you, when you came to Portugal what cities did you visited? Did you liked here? Love you :)

  334. i went to greek islands for a month last summer and i am going again this summer. they are gorgeous arn they

  335. Very jealous! Looks gorgeous and there are amazing photos:) Please check out me and my friend's blog – '' thanks!x

  336. Elisa

    Hello there Zoella. :)
    I'm a big fan of yours, you make super cute videos.
    I live in Greece and it's nice to know you enjoyed it so much here :)
    You should really visit some more places in Greece, maybe in my city (Thessaloniki) too someday? Haha, I wish..

  337. Karina

    Omg, this looks so so beautiful. I'm so jealous!

  338. Wow, this place looks amazing Zoe! I have been to Corfu and Zakynthos but never to Mykonos so I think that will be next on my places I want to go list! I'm so happy you had some great relaxation time after all the work you clearly put into your blog and channel. I've been following you, among others, for a few months and finally decided to start my own blog yesterday so I thank you for being such an inspiration to me! I look forward to your next post Zoe!

    L x
    ♥lucylovehart – ♥life♥beauty♥thoughts

  339. Wendy

    It looks absolutly wonderfulll!! xoxo

  340. Oh my goodness I want to go there. It looks beautiful!! And Zoe you always so you hate your legs but I don't see anything wrong with them!! You're beautiful! :)

  341. Omigod ZOE! U think you have awful legs … ur probably on the top ten hottest legs list! U shld show them off more ;) seriously u shld!

  342. Wow!I am from Greece.Hope you had a great time:). Love you and please come again

    P.S. Both you and Tanya look amazing in the photos

  343. I just had a 14 day trip to Athens, Mykonos and Santorini too. Was amazing and your pics take me back.. Missing it already.. #paradise

  344. Zoe, it looks like you and Tanya had a wonderful time! I wish I could travel like you! Also, I loooooove your pictures, your photography is to die for! Have fun the next time you vacation in Greece or anywhere else! BTW, I love your yellow Dress! :)

  345. Amazing!! Now I'm dying to go.

  346. I'm from Portugal and you went to Portugal when you were 16… this is so cool :D

  347. At least i can say that Zoella went to my country one day (Portugal) ahahah <3

  348. This looks amazing! :) I really want to go now and I love the outifits you wore I feel like I need to hunt some of the pieces down! What camera do you use?xx

  349. This place looks so beautiful!
    I really need a break and this place looks perfect for it.
    I hope I'll be able to get there someday.

  350. it looks so lovely! i want to go! no pictures with alfie:(((( that would have been cute x

  351. anthi

    I'm really happy that you liked Mykonos so much! I'm from Greece, so I'm glad that people enjoy their time in our country:)

  352. Emilie

    The way you've edited the photos is beautiful!!! Every shot is marvellous! Out of curiosity, what camera do you use?


  353. These pics look great!! Can I ask which camera did you use? Hope you'll reply xx

  354. Hello Zoe!
    After reading your blog post, I have fallen in love with this place! I am hoping to travel Europe next year and was thinking of going to Greece so I looked up 'The Bill and Coo' (because it looks absolutely gorgeous!) and I got the impression that its not a place for single people to travel? Reviews talked about couples a lot, and it would be different to travel with a group of friends appose to one person. Would you say that is a fair assumption? Or do you think that booking it for myself would be fine?


  355. Sooooo beautiful! Definitely on my bucket list!

  356. The Hotel looks amazing!
    xx Stephanie (

  357. WOW i really want to stay there REALLY badly <3 Oh Btw you are REALLY pretty :) <3 Lu u and ur videos

  358. Hi its a brillaint place to be,or thats what it looks like! Can you help me out plese how do you change the background on your blog to somthing you own or make your title your own and not just words like add your picture? Please help my blogs bits,

  359. Those pictures are amazing and I'm sooo jealous of the holiday! You look like you had a great time though :D

    If you have the time please check out my blog, where I last did an Essie nail varnish review as well as a blog post on How to: get the perfect eyebrows!

    Thank you!

  360. ooh you went to Mykonos!!! so nice.. greek fun here:)

  361. Can you send me a link to your face book

  362. Holly

    looks amazing! the hotel looks gorgeous!

  363. randy

    Awesome pool! great photos! Gadgets

  364. randy

    awesome pool! great pictures.


  365. Your photography is fantastic. I simply love it.

  366. Simran

    Wow those pictures are stunning! It was really nice reading about your holiday glad you enjoyed it.

    I just started a blog and would love it if fellow bloggers would check it out and offer some friendly advice.Thanks!


  367. Looks amazing! Hope you have an amazing time :-)

    And wow, Kinder Bueno ice-cream!! x

  368. I have finally started a blog! it is – so if you could check it out i would be so so so grateful and maybe share it/comment a request thank you so much in advance x

  369. That place looks so beautiful! Now I know where I want to go on holiday next

  370. Tiggy

    Amazing place and photos. Definitely on my list of places to go now. :D

    Beauty Challenged

  371. The place looks beyond beautiful

  372. I love your pictures, i really would like to go there. it looks like a great place and that you enjoyed it.

  373. Joana

    I was wondering the very same thing :c

  374. I've been reading your blog/watching you on youtube for agesss and never seem to get around to commenting?
    Anyways, just wanted to say your so lovely and you'd make an ace TV presenter.

  375. Wow Zoe stunning pictures, just like to say a massive thank-you to you for inspiring me to write my own blog and to say 'yes' to more things, I have become a more confident person because of you! So glad you enjoyed your holiday, I would love to go to Greece after seeing those photos! (:

  376. I am so jelly of you

  377. I've been trying to find someone beautiful to go for my year off for a while now and Mykonos looks perfect. I'm definitely going to look it up and "Bill & Coo" hotel. Thank you so much! Love your blog too – x

  378. Looks amazing! beautiful place, might have to venture there myself!

  379. Great post! Love all of the photos! x

  380. hey so happy you liked Mykonos i am from Greece and i wish i could meet you!!!
    If you come again u should do a meet up!!! :)

  381. Ellie

    Such a beautiful place!! Lovely pictures:) Thank you so much for just being you!!x

  382. What a beautiful place! You look lovely as always!

  383. Love love love travel posts! You should definitely do them more often…Mykonos looks great!

  384. I'm so happy!I'm from Greece!!I can't believe it!I love you Zoe!!<33

  385. KyLee

    These pictures are fantastic! I've always wanted to go to Greece, and this post has made me want to all the more now.

  386. Zoe, i seriously LOVE your blogs, you are the main reason why i started blogging :) it would mean the world if you checked out my blog. I recently went to the south of France and i'm planning to share my experience on my blog, so could you pls check it out? Love you
    Janie xoxo

  387. Wow, Zoe you are so lucky of the life that you have, Youtube and Blogging is definately my dream job (apart from webpage design). It must be so fun to make videos and review makeup for a living and you have such great friends like Louise and Alfie.

    I look up to you and so do everyone else here, I bet that we all want to do what you do.

    :-) M

  388. Great pictures Zoe!! Mykonos is amazing and it looks like you had an amazing time there!! I live in Greece and i'm so happy that you liked my country.Also you should visit other beautiful places like Sntorini, Skiathos, Skopelos..
    p.s you look stunning!!!!
    love you Marianna xxx

  389. Im only new to this whole blogging thing and thanks to you I finally had the confidence to make one:) Thank you Zoe I love you<3

  390. love all your pictures your body is amazing! that's not in a lesbian way hahah

  391. It looks like it was an absolutely incredible holiday, and I love all of your outfits so much! You and Tanya both look stunning, and i'm glad you had a wonderful time!
    Beauty/Fashion/Lifestyle Blog

  392. Love your blog Zoe! xx

    if anyone follows me let me know on my blog, and I will follow you back!

  393. Mykonos looks absolutely gorgeous! I get horrible anxiety about travelling and I really really wish I had a really goof friend to go on holiday with but I don't :( So I'm trying to psych myself up to go on my own but I don't know if I can :( Your photos are absolutely stunning though and it looks beautiful :)

  394. My name is Christine too :)

  395. Mykonos looks so amazing! *-* I was in Greece once, but I was only a toddler so I don't remember it :/ But I reeeeeeally want to go there again some time! Also because I'm like an eighth Greek :)

    Love, Chris ♡

  396. This looks so amazing and beautiful, I showed my parents and they think it is gorgeous. I have added this place to my places I want to go to on a o/e

    Rebecca :)

  397. Mim Me

    The Kardashians, now youtubers? Mykonos you are my next vacay.

  398. Which camera does you have? :)

  399. This place looks almost too amazing to be real! I've visited lots of mainland Greece, but I've always wanted to visit Mykonos, and your photos have made me desperate to go now! Here and Santorini are next on my list. Looks like you had a wonderful time in paradise! =)xx

  400. your pictures are incredible! what camera do you use?

  401. Lolo

    Those pictures look soo beautiful! I will be going to Greece this summer as well but we will be visiting Corfu, which is another Island :) I am so looking forward to it, esspecially now that I have seen your wonderful pictures!
    I'm glad that you had such a nice time and enjoyed yourself :)

    xx Lolo

  402. Hello everyone, please check out my blog and tell me what you think, I'd really appreciate it.

  403. amazing. i want to go on a holiday too.

  404. These photographs are absolutely stunning! I hope to enjoyed yourself. I'm travelling to Europe next year and now I'm hoping that I'll be able to make it out to Mykonos.

  405. Wow loved the pics ! When you see this post blog you wish to be there hehehe. Omg have you been in Portugal ?! I Am from Portugal ! Did you enjoyed it ? Hope so :) Where in Portugal have you been?

    -Vitória :)<3

  406. Wow loved the pics ! When you see this post blog you wish to be there hehehe. Omg have you been in Portugal ?! I Am from Portugal ! Did you enjoyed it ? Hope so :) Where in Portugal have you been?

    -Vitória :) <3

  407. Gorgeous pictures! Would love to go there, looks so beautiful

  408. marie

    Hahaha I'm soooo happy you came to Greece , because I leave there ;) I hope I knew it sooner so I could meet you and Tanya <3 amazing post :)

  409. Looks like you had a wonderful time, and it looked beautiful!!
    -Nixi at xx

  410. My two favorite beauty gurus! You guys seem so amazing. I look up to you guys so so much. Love you guys! Oh and these pictures are so beautiful btw. :)

  411. It looks so amazing there! I can't wait to be near there soon. Beautiful photographs, hopefully we get to see some vlogs too?
    Yasmine xx

  412. This looks amazing, I love your outfits, and the place just looks so lovely:)xx

  413. Absolutely love Greece! I'm going back to Corfu in two weeks and I cannot wait. Such pretty pictures :)! Love it.

  414. Your holiday looks amazing and your pictures are just beautiful!

  415. Looks beautiful! lucky you :)


  416. Hey,Zoella .. you are just the best..
    You are my idol you have inspired me here and there .. So i created a blog to ..
    so hey every one please check out my blog .. its not great as zoella's but is something like that pls chk it out and follow and like and comment pls doo.. ill really appreciate it..
    Bye Bye .. thank you and please check my blog out!! :)

  417. this is beautiful! what camera did u use for the pictures?! They are brilliant.

  418. Beautiful pictures :) seeing them makes me go out to the world and visit. Never been outside of the US but hopefully one day i will.

  419. Jess K

    This place looks AMAZING! Your travels always want to make me go and explore :)

    Jess xx

  420. Oh WOW, looks like you had the most amazing time! Such a beautiful place!
    So great that you were their with Tanya! Makes this post a double treat! LOVED all your holiday looks, wish i looked as good as this on holiday! I tend to look a bit like Monica when the humidity takes over her hair. Not the greatest look to photograph!
    Now i have the British blues now, i need some sun!


  421. This place literally looks beautiful!xxx

  422. Your photos are amazing! This makes me want to study abroad so much more!! love the post :)


  423. This looks absolutely incredible! I really need a holiday so thanks for sharing these, now I know exactly where I want to go! If you can I'd love you to check out my needs a whole lot of work but I'm really trying and I'd just like you to know that you've helped me in getting the confidence to actually start one so thank you!
    Cara x

  424. Tas

    Wow, the island looks stunning! Definitely seems like a place where you can escape and unwind! Thanks for sharing this :)

    – xo,

  425. Really hope I'll one day get thge chance to visit Greece. Love your post :)
    On my blog I wrote about my trip to Israel, I'd love it if you would check it out.

  426. This place is so gorgeous oh woah! I love it so much! ALSO does anyone know how to follow this blog? I'm new to this so I'm a little unsure. xx thanks

  427. hey everyone.
    please check out my blog ill be really happy is you do .. thank you .. pls like it and ill do the same .. bye bye thank you ! :D

  428. Amazing, I LOVE U ZOELLA

  429. the cat looks like my cat! great post

  430. Really beautiful pictures and that place looks sooo nice. I would really loved to go to Mykonos at one point. I hope you had a great holiday. I hope you had a great holiday.

    -Arleen :)

  431. anna

    OMG that's sooo beautiful

  432. Your pictures are so lovely and it looks like you had a great time! Hope to have an amazing trip like that one day too!
    -Melanie xox

  433. Greece is an amazing place!!! Im from greece and i know it because i have visited a lot of places around the world but greece is an exception.
    Im glad u really liked it !!!!!!! :)
    Next time u should also visit other islands like Santorini and Paros (paros has a island really close to it which is named Antiparos) Antiparos is a small island that u can go to relax and find good beaches and sea.

    Generally every island in greece is unique for its beauty in different ways.


  434. Everything looks so Zoe-ish… All the whitness, the candles, the light, the artsyness, you know (:

  435. OMG I so want to go to Mykonos ! Greece is so perfec <3

  436. Love the post! Wish my blog was as good as yours

  437. Portugal.. great place to hangout especially with friends.

  438. Well! Mykonos is the place to be… u r right about the Psarou beach and how packed may be.. Panormos is also great and lot's of greeks go there ( the locals know the the best places to go!)Great beach and nice waters! Next to the beach there is a pool venue with djs! We went after the beach and they have pool afternoon parties. We had some cocktails and amazing food. Guilty Beach is a new entry on the island!

  439. This looks like such a brilliant hotel, very lucky.

  440. Zoe, you are the most amazing, beautiful, funny and adorable person I have ever met! You are such an inspiration. I love your videos and you! I hope you continue doing youtube and never stop! I LOVE YOU ZOE!!! <3 :D

  441. You look amazing! Love your photos…Mykonos is a beautiful island. We were so happy to have you in Greece! You have to revisit… there're still many great places to see!! Greetings from Rhodes! <3

    check out our blog

  442. your hotel looks absolutely beautiful! as do you two lovely ladies of course :)
    can anybody suggest a good facial moisturiser with SPF?
    love jo xx

  443. I'd just like to say thank you for all your blog posts and videos you've put up. I absolutely love watching/reading them :) I appreciate your blogging video and tips on how to take photos blog, they were a great help. xx

  444. Lovely pictures you will always remember them moments I especially like your swimming pool and was wondering if u had time u could check my new blog out at: Thanks xx

  445. WOOOOW, this is absolutely gorgeous! I can't believe how gorgeous this place actually is!


  446. omg it looks so lush! Id love to go here, you and Tanya look so stunning. Can I ask what camera you used to take these amazing pictures? The quality of pictures is just so gorgeous x

  447. It looks so beautiful! I've always wanted to go to Greece, and this might be the place :D

  448. Your pictures are so beautiful, just like you!!
    I started this blog yesterday, as I was inspired by Zoe, and it would be great if you guys could check it out. Thank you all!
    -Coralie xx

  449. You look so beautiful and so does Greece! Love you Zoe xx

  450. Wow, this place looks literally perfect. I bet it was incredible! Is it weird that I'm commenting on this so late after you posted it? Oh well.

  451. You take great pictures and you are such a idol to so many people especially to young girls. I love your style as well. Your fantastic and your friend Louise is so nice as well. Ilove watching your videos on youtube your an inspiration. x

  452. Beautiful pictures Zoe! Greece looks like such a dream, hope I can visit myself one day! xx

  453. Did you stay at the Bill & Coo suite? The one with the infinity pool? :D

  454. RoiRoy

    your pictures are pretty! I know where I want to go next.

  455. I really want to go visit Greece now, the photos are excellent as usual and I think that yellow dress looks stunning.

  456. Hi, Zoe! Mykonos is one of our best islands….!You have to check also Crete….where I come from…!

  457. that looks beautiful! I plan to go to Greece next year. This makes me so excited. So glad you enjoyed your time!

  458. Wow! You look so beautiful Zoe and of course Tanya too! I all your outfits as well! Please tell me where you got them from!!! ;) <3

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  460. Ash

    I love this! it seemed like the most refreshing trip and you and Tanya look beautiful as always ;).

    – ASH

  461. Mykonos looks AH-mazing!

  462. Your holiday looked wonderful, looked like you enjoyed yourself! Great post :)

    blogger –
    Youtube –

    ~ abbey xx

  463. oh the pictures look so nice and beautiful!

  464. The media gives a terrible impression of Greece at the moment. People are forgetting what a beautiful place Greece is! Thanks for sharing and reminding everyone that there is beauty all over the world!

  465. Beautiful pictures, Greece is such an amazing place to visit! makes me want to visit with all of my friends!
    We're new to Blogging and would love it if you could check out our blog, thank you x

  466. The place looks so perfect

  467. Zoë O

    Wow! Somewhere I'd definitely like to go in the future!

  468. Inês

    OMG I love those pictures ! I can't believe you came to Portugal ! I am from Portugal and you are along with Tanya and Macbarbie07 my favourite youtuber/blogger in the entire world !! Keep on being awesome! You have inspired me so much to start my own blog (although it is in portuguese ahahaha). Love you and if you ever come back again please do a emet and greet or something like that!

    Kisses, Ines,

  469. Hello, i am totally in love with Zoe's blog :)aha i have created my own beauty blog :) if any of you could check it out it would be amazing, also you should reply with your blog name if you have one :D thanks

  470. Such beautiful photos, it looks so perfect!

  471. Sarah

    This place looks stunning! I'm very jealous :') xx

  472. We're now booking a holiday next year to Mykonos – and because of you not the Kardashians!

    R x

  473. This place looks soooooo pretty. Want to go there :)
    The pool by night is really cool. I have never seen that before with the little lights at the bottom.

    – Kaddi :)

  474. Those pictures are sooooooo amazing!!!

  475. AWWWW alfie was on that holiday and she couldn't put any pics of him cause ppl would figure it out and she couldn't put jim in cause then people would think it would be wierd

  476. Which hotel was that?!? The pool looks great

  477. This looks beyond beautiful, I think i've made it my dream to go there one day! The pictures are also amazing, you're really a great photographer :)

  478. the yellow dress looks AMAZING on you! i'd love to wear bright yellow clothes, but i think it doesn't match with blond hair :/

  479. Very beautiful.. I went to Malta this year which was amazing.. I've just now noticed that we actually have a very similar photo of you standing by that sunset :)

  480. so jealous! look beautiful and amazing, wish i could go too! i can believe how clean the streets look! ahh i love sun so much!!!

  481. I'm from Greeceeee:DD
    So happy that 2 of my favourites youtubers had been here:D

  482. I'm from Greece:D
    So happy that two of my favourites youtubers had been heree:DD!

  483. I'm from Greece:D
    So happy that two of my favourites youtubers had been heree:DD!

  484. I'm from Greeceeee:DD
    So happy that 2 of my favourites youtubers had been here:D

  485. I adore Greece and have been there many times over my childhood. My dad (my parents are divorced – I live mostly with my mum) has always wanted to live in Greece, and is house-hunting in Crete near Chania. So, my dad and his fiancee Amanda are renting over there in Spring to do some house hunting and my sister and I will fly over every holiday to visit! We're already used to only seeing him in the holidays as he still lives in our hometown of Penarth, near Cardiff and we live in St Albans, North of London :) Soooooo excited to see my new room in Spring!

  486. Ahhh, it looks soo perfect! Desperate to go! Lovely pictures :)

  487. I live in Greece and I've never been to Mykonos.
    I went to Paros when I was 10 and I had a good time :)

  488. great pics you have here…it must have been wonderful times…i also love Greece!

  489. …YEP i live in Greece i am from Greece and actually to Ionian Islads in Kefalonia and is wonderfull here and i am so proud to be Greek!Next time you can also come to Kefalonia!♥♥ Αντίο!…that means bye! :*

  490. Cha Cha

    What Camera do you use?

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  493. Interesting. I never heard about this place, but sounds interesting. I wish to visit this soon. The above posted detail is a complete package. This info is more than enough to get in touch to such a new place. I recently spent about a week in Spain, but Barcelona is actually one place we did not go. We did go to Madrid (and the castle!) and Sevilla, Granada and another small town in the Andalucia (sp??) region.Thanks a lot for the help.
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  494. Omg Zoe! I sooo want to go there! Thinking of going sometime next year! I went to Rhodes this year and I was 14!(now 15!haha) and it was really warm and lovely but Mykonos looks even more beautiful!<3 I LOVE YOU! X

  495. This post makes me want to hop on a plane right now!

  496. I am from Greece, so I really know what you are talking about ;) Μykonos is a great place to visit, absolutely stunning, among so many other beautiful greek islands!! Hope you come visit again soon! xoxo

  497. Next time you came tell me :D to gove you a tour :))through all the amezing places here :DD

  498. Hi ! I just want to start by saying I just love your blog, the pictures are always so beautiful ; ) especially these ones just made me want to go to greece. As a portuguese leaving in France (since i'm 3 years old) my vacations have always been a matter of going back to be with the family. But I've been making a list of places I want to go in the world and this post made me bump Greece up my list. But first England ! (as it is not that far from Paris ;) )
    Sonia xoxo

  499. WOW, Mykonos looks absolutely amazing! That photo with the boats in the water is so magical.You know you're a good photographer when you can make people feel like they're experiencing the moment with you.

    I've been wanting to go on vacation for so long– thanks for bringing the ocean to a land-locked college student!

    OhCindyrella~ Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  500. Great pictures!! You should visit more often Zoe! Greece has a lot of breathtaking islands :)

  501. Omg!! I can't believe you came in Greece with Tanya!! I'm from Greece!! And yeah, Mykonos is a very beautiful island!

  502. I'm Greek and I really appreciate that you chose Greece for your summer holidays! :)

    Love ya♥♥♥

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  510. Ellie

    Wish i could be there right now!!
    And yes my mouth did water when it came to the crepes & ice cream :0

  511. Alexia Psalti

    Hello Zoe! I live in Greece and I go to Mykonos every year. I actually went there one week after you left :(. I recognise a lot of the places you you went to. I’m really glad you enjoyed your trip and I hope you could come back to Greece again some time soon! Love you lots :) <3

  512. kyra frey (weirdwhirlwind)

    A week ago I was in Mykonos and I stayed in the same hotel! It’s sooo nice and omg I loved the sunsets you could see from there! xx

  513. Lucy CATastrophe

    I wish I could go to Mykonos, Maybe I will try to get my family to let us go… Wish me luck!!! :)

  514. Zuzanna Olechno

    Oh my! I want be there right now! In Poland we have totally autumn weather :( so rainy and so cold!

  515. Xmas.sugg

    Plz follow me on Instagram it’s
    Xx ilysm

  516. Cara Curtis


  517. Peggara S.

    Hi Zoe! I am from Greece and i am so happy you enjoyed your holiday in Mykonos. I actually live in Athens but i’ve been to the island and is really amazing and breath taking so as other islands in the country!! I hope you visit again this year!! I love you so much Zoe and lots of kisses from Greece ♥♥ :)

  518. Taylor Fernandes

    oh my god!! This place goes on my bucket list…HOPEFULLY I get to go here someday <3 :)

  519. Scarlett Flynn

    OMG I am there right now and I am over the moon that you went here!

  520. Lisha Lingesh

    I’ve always wanted to go to Mykonos and now I definitely need to…