Liz Earle Advent Calendar £100* (free delivery until 4th December)

 You Beauty Advent Calendar £59.95 + £2.95 P&P*

Every year, I will be given a chocolate advent calendar from my grandparents (yes, i’m 22 years old) and each year, I still find it just as exciting opening the little door and having a cheeky piece of chocolate for 24 days of the month (even though we all eat chocolate all year round, but it’s in the shape of Snowmen and holly…thus making it 100% DIFFERENT…okay?) . However, being a complete beauty junky, when these got delivered to my door, I suddenly lost all enthusiasm for my chocolate advent calendars. 

The first one is a Liz Earle advent calendar. As most of you know, I am a huge fan of Liz Earle. I’ve used their cleanse and polish for well over a year now, and although I dip my toe into the realm of other cleansers, nothing ever comes close. This is the perfect pre-christmas, skincare lovers treat. I appreciate that not everyone will have £100 to splash out on a lavish advent calendar, but look how amazing it is! The perfect early Christmas present for your best friend, Mrs or your Mum. It houses samples of all their best selling skincare, eye care, haircare and body care. I can’t express to you how excited to am to start opening this. The end of December can’t come quick enough..

The second beauty advent calendar has been created by Latest in Beauty to celebrate their 1 year partnership with You magazine. If you aren’t really much of a skincare enthusiast, then this would be much more “up your street”. The calendar is made up of 24 different branded beauty samples including Benefit, St Tropez, Espa, L’Occitane, Eve Lom and Dermalogica (a few of my favourites from the long list). There is much more of a variation of products in this one, from mascara and lip balm, to hair masks and hand cream. The calendar is worth over £210, so you are getting yourself an absolute bargain. It’s like one giant beauty box! :) You can click here to go the site and take a peek at the products included (or if you want it to be surprise i’d advise you don’t scroll down on the website and go straight to the “add to basket”). I, myself have looked at the products included (as I wanted to see if the advent calendar was worth the price tag), and I can confirm that it is! I’d probably use almost all of them. 

Have these interested you? Are you contemplating spoiling yourself or someone else during the exciting Christmas run up? I personally think these are a brilliant concept, I just wish they’d been around sooner. 

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  1. Chloe

    I would love to have both of those advent calenders! there perfect treats to get you pre-started for christmas & new year! :D
    I hope they bring these out next year too as i defo spend money on them net year if they get good reviews! :D


  2. I think these are an amazing idea :) just wish I had to money to splash out on one! xx

  3. Lauren

    these look amazing but you just cannot beat your average chocolate calendar xx

  4. Love it! Bet you can't wait to open them!!!xxx

  5. yazmine

    could you possibly show what was behind each door? I'm so intrigued and won't be able to get one so seeing pictures is as good as it'll get for me this year :') xx

  6. Kerry

    Oh my goodness! No more chockie advent calenders for me! These look AMAZING. The You/Latest In Beauty one is especially cool! Definitely popping over to their site RIGHT NOW. woo!

  7. They both sound amazing! I also saw them both on Louise's beauty Chanel! x

  8. My boyfriend bought me the you calendar this year and I am SO excited to start opening it!! I am going to try and do as many reviews and videos on all the products as I can!! I couldn't help but have a sneaky look at all the products that will be inside they really are worth the money!!

    Hope you have as much fun opening your treats!!


  9. Nikki.x

    Arghh Jealous! How exciting! Xxx

  10. Heather

    ahh i want both of these so bad! so expensive though :(

  11. I really want the you one!:(

  12. I think these are a great idea, I just wish I'd heard about them sooner and I might have been able to get one or ask for one as an early present. Definitely going to keep my eye out next year. Can you imagine if MAC, Bobbi Brown and Nars collaborated and made one? Might die of excitement! X

  13. Sarah M

    These would be a DREAM to have! As much as I love my chocolate I think I'm willing to make the sacrifice…But they're so expensive at the same time! Such a tease.

  14. swinnie

    You'd have to show us what's inside tomorrow for the 1st December!!

  15. luthy

    Aw these look amazing! I'm very sad that advent calendars aren't a thing in Brazil. :(


  16. Aimée

    These do look amazing! If I was mega rich I'd definitely buy one! Aswell as a chocolate one, cos its not Christmas without a chocolate advent calender ;)
    Aimée X

  17. My only issue with samples is that if I love something, I cant afford the real deal :( But I love these!

    xo Ashley

  18. Better for you when you are on a diet. Thats my excuse anyway lol


  20. Pa. emily cave u r a lucky gal! Enjoy!

  21. Ashley

    I didn't even know such a thing existed. How fantastical are these?! I think I need to buy myself {another} early Christmas gift =) xx

  22. I really want one of those…I never knew they existed!

  23. Lesley

    Such a fun idea!! x

  24. Fatzee

    Amazing….Liza Earle advent anytime….

  25. Fatzee

    Also did that pic of your's pop recently into the header??? Or was it just me missing it….

  26. kate

    oh gosh, i WANT these! they'd be amazing gifts!

    x kate

  27. Both of the advent calendars look amazing! I want to get them even though I don't celebrate christmas :P I think if I lived in the UK I would get them just for the prettiness and surprise products every day! :D Have fun opening them Zoe! :D x

  28. Amanda

    Ooooo this looks so exciting. Id love this noted for the future, my chocolate one will just have to do this year ha.

    Style Blogger-


  29. Daria

    Oh god, this is adroable! I would love to receive it! :) x

  30. Ginger

    I would love to have the You Beauty Advent Calendar! Creating more grown up advent calendars is such a good idea! Part of the magic of Christmas for me is opening each square of my advent calendar and counting down the days until Christmas :) A beauty calendar adds a little extra bit of excitement! Hopefully they do one next year.

    Ginger x

  31. these are such great ideas, I'd love to open either of them and they'd be the perfect gift but they're just too pricey for me to splash out on for myself- I need to buy everyone else's Christmas presents first haha xx

  32. Haylie

    These are such a cool idea! I loved having advent calendars full of chocolates as a little kid, so having one full of beauty treats sounds amazing. I'm totally going to see if they ship to the U.S. :)


  33. Pip ♥

    I think these are such a cool idea! Could you please do maybe weekly reviews of your favourite things you've got in the calendars?

    Pip x

  34. Wow I'd love to be able to get those as an advent calender, they're incredible! xxx

  35. I havent even bought my mother's christmas present yet – nevermind buying myself one! A bit too out of my price range but it does look lovely x

  36. Angela

    I really thought about getting something this year, too much of a chocolate lover and ended up getting one from Thorntons, ooops! It's yummy though

  37. These look great, I'd love to get the You one

  38. This is such a good idea! Why has nobody thought of this before? x

  39. these are soo cool i want one noww hehe xxx

  40. I want the liz earle one so so much!



  42. these advent calendars are the cutest! definitely a soft spot for the Liz Earle one

  43. Emmy

    These look amazing! Also, love your new header x

  44. Jackie

    awe look interesting :)

  45. Sophie

    My mum surprised me with the You Magazine one this morning! :) x

  46. Julia

    Amazing!I want one ;D

  47. Wow! these sound amazing! such a clever idea :D xx

  48. I've seen these on a few blogs and they look so gorgeous… But pricey!x

    # ❁ teen dreams…
    Musings of an indecisive cat lady.

  49. mel

    they are amazing, I really want one x

  50. Sindy

    I really would have loved a beauty calendar, but seeing the price, Im going to stick to the trusty chocolate variety! :D

  51. Melanie

    I would love to have one of these two calendars :) They are so awesome but, unfortunately, I could not afford one… Would you do a "What's in my advent calendar?" or not Zoe :)

    Melanie ~

  52. Olivia

    I wouldn't have the patience to wait each day to open it! They look amazing though :) x

  53. This looks wonderful. I am in love with my new Ciate Mini Mani Month calendar. Theyre so special!

    Please have a look at Zoe if you get a little minute,

    Thankyou lovely x

  54. i really wanted the Liz Earle one because i LOVE Liz Earle but it was too expensive but i did buy the you beauty advent calendar! the first thing i did when i got up this morning was open it! i love it and i'm finding it hard not to open it all now! xxx

  55. I'd have loved the Liz Earle advent calendar, I've really been enjoying using the Cleanse & Polish recently so I popped a few things on my Christmas list! I ended up buying the Ciate advent calendar, it was still pricey for an advent calendar but I am so excited to have a new nail polish every day! (:

    L x

  56. Love the Liz Earle one! just wish it wasn't so pricey although it is worth it :)

  57. Marian

    That looks really neat! I can relate, because even though I'm 20 my grandmother gives me a chocolate advent calendar every year too. :)

  58. I saw these on Louise's channel too, I'm getting the Liz Earle one in a couple of days :) I know it's a little late but at least then I can open a few on one day!x

  59. Ashley

    I love this concept! Opening the chocolate ones during the Christmas season was my favorite thing as a kid :)

  60. Lauren

    That's amazing! Unfortunately I already have am advent calendar, a wheat, gluten, egg and dairy free one!


    Have a great weekend

  61. I wanted a YOU advent calendar ever since I saw it in the magazine! Please enjoy it for me ;)

  62. I've seen loads about beauty advent calendars and they look amazing! Wish I could afford to get one for myself! xxx


  63. These kinds of things make me want to splash my cash. Unfortunately I have no money to spend, but these certainly do look incredible!

  64. I saw these on sprinkleofglitters channel, i really want the you one :( :p

  65. Hey Loves!! I adored this blog post!! please Visit my NEW website! Its loaded with beauty and fashion tips and tricks and is updated and posted new blogs daily!! xoxo <3 – Love Stephy xo

  66. Wish I had the money to buy the Latest In Beauty one, it looks fab! xx

  67. OH I wish I could try this! I'd probably be more interested in the Latest in Beauty one. I don't think anyone would think to give me beauty products for presents.

  68. So cool! Do you know if these are available in America, or if something close to it is? I would love to get one of these!

    Also, are you doing Vlogmas this year? It's when you do a quick video every day leading up to Christmas :) I would love if you did it! I love watching your videos on Youtube.

  69. Cool concept, ridiculous price. But that idea is amazing, maybe more affordable brands will do one next year :)

  70. They look amazing a bit pricey but I guess it is all worth it xx

  71. WOW these calendars are amazing! I would definately love these amazing beauty products… The problem with these kind of products is despite the fact you get alot for your money (£60 is really good if it is worth £210), I cannot fease the idea of spending £60 on something that is not a present, but a calendar. I would happily spend that kind of money on, for instance my sister's Christmas present, but the whole idea of spending that kind of money on something that is leading up to the big day (EEK, who isn't excited?)scares me a little.
    Before now, I would spend £1 on a cadbury's calendar and get very excited over the little bit of chocolate, (despite the fact the week before that, I would eat a whole bar and not think anything of it), now I have made my own little calendar, giving myself a little treat each day. Yesterday a new lipstick; today a new eyeshadow, another day may be a relaxing bath or a movie night in with popcorn!
    Give it a go! It's so fun!
    Merry Christmas Zoe!

  72. Don't we all? Maybe make your own, that is what I'm doing, each day give myself a little treat. EG a relaxing bath, lipstick, hot chocolate, or movie night in with the family. Have a merry christmas!

  73. I think this is a lovely idea and I'd really love to go ahead and try it, but the price tag is a bit of a problem for me!
    I think I'm just going to wait for my monthly beauty box and I'll try those products for now.
    I'm very interested, but I really can't afford it x

  74. I think these calenders are such a good idea but are deffiently way to much money, am sticking to my choclate one hahah wish i could afford them though.

    Would love it if some of you would check out my blog

  75. Oh I saw this @ Sprinkle of Glitter's youtube ^^. Such a lovely calendar but… a bit expensive :c


  76. Aw, that is so adorable! I would love something like that. Totally worth it as well. Only problem is that I would want to buy all thr full size bottles after this calendar knowing me! x

  77. Laura

    This looks great!!! xx

  78. Elissa

    I wish I could afford an advent calender like that. They are so cute.
    I'm so excited for Christmas :)

    Love Elissa ♥

  79. Elena

    Just found your blog. Beautiful blog and beautiful post <3

    Lots of kisses, Elena

  80. Wish I had monies!! Maybe I'll DIY my own one next year! For this year it's a good ol' chocolate one :)

  81. Can i ask what is textiles x x x x x x x x x x

  82. Shauni

    Am so jealous..
    I've seen you, fleur and louise talk about them & I really want one. Maybe next year, my chocolate one will have to do just now though.

    Shauni xxx

  83. They look incredible!

    anna xoxo

  84. I LOVE this – the beauty genius' really did good with this idea. Although it's now the 3rd – I may have to buy one of these beauties asap for the rest of Advent! They're so cute! Would love to see a post with all of the little products in come January! Happy christmas!

  85. Angel

    This is seriously the coolest thing evER!

  86. I love your blog and your videos. Such a fan! I must say, you and Alfie would make a superrr cute couple. Love you xx

  87. Zoe, I just wanted to take the time to thank you for sharing your life online. Your videos, photos, and blog posts really do entertain me and brighten my day (I know you said in your about me video that makes you feel good). You are such a beautiful, kind hearted girl and I really wish I lived over in Londonn to even have the slightest chance of being able to meet you because I think you you are just so wonderful.
    I hope you enjoy the holiday season and I can't wait for your latest uploads!
    Paige :)

  88. awesome calendars :)
    i dont have calendar this year

  89. Ashley

    Advent calendars were never a big thing around where I live, I feel like I'm missing out. I would get both to make up for all the years I missed. (AND a chocolate one too!)

  90. Dalia

    Advent calendars aren't really around where I live, wish they were. They look adorable and fun!

  91. nic calender realty it so amazing.

  92. Those sounds so cool. I am only getting a chocolate one this year.

  93. aly7

    This looks so cool! I wish I had the extra $$$

  94. Julia

    this is so cute!! :3

  95. sammycx

    oh my gosh i love this! I would love to open my advent calendar and have cosmetics/products behind each door :)

    I just found your blog through Sprinkle of Glitter :) I love your style & your photography really inspires me. I'm getting the same camera as you for Christmas (currently have canon 350d) & i'm so excited to get creative with my own blog. Your photography tips were very helpful. I love your youtube videos and your anxiety video was especially helpful.

    Keep up the good work :)

    Sammy x

  96. Ruby


  97. this sounds like a brilliant beauty advent calander! ive seen ones like it before but none with such great products inside:) love your blog zoe would mean alot if you could check out mine, im just getting started xo

  98. Hi Zoella (if you read this) I'd just like to say I love your blog so much and i really really want the Liz Earl advent calendar (i have seen a few before but not as good) but I don't have enough money along with family and friend christmas presents:( So i have the cadburys haha but I do love chocolate! NEVER EVER EVER stop blogging or vlogging or youtubing ever promise!?

    If you have a spare moment check out my blog at:

    sorry about the long link x

  99. Pippa

    That is a truly brilliant idea, maybe I will do it in January when all the December stress is over and I can plan it better :)

  100. Zoella! I just wanted to stop by and say firstly, I love your blogs and videos. And secondly, if it wasn't for your video with Louise about blogs, I never would have gotten the motivation to start my own!

    Those advent calendars are super cute, I'd love to have one! Not sure if they're available in Canada though, sadly. So many of the products you talk about in your videos aren't available here, but I hope they will be eventually!
    Because of your videos I've really become interested in the Liz Earle product line, hoping to try and get my hands on some through ordering online sometime after Christmas! Cheers! <3

  101. Annabel

    I really want one! Mine is from Lidl :D

  102. This is an absolutely genius idea! I wish I'd found them earlier, but I will definitely but getting BOTH next advent! This year, I've set up my advent calender with different flavours of tea without the labels, so its a fabulous surprise every morning!

    Merry Christmas!

  103. wwwwwwwwwwonderfull, you're just so wonderfull and amazing. I love your behavior, your character and your hair. It is amazing!

  104. Saraww

    when will you have some of your eye kit brushes in stock again? I want some for christmasss!!! :) xx

  105. I agree making your own is what I will do :)) Ixx

  106. This is actually the best advent calendar ever! I AM GETTING ONE ASAP this is amazing!:) thanks zoella

  107. Sarah V

    I just recently discovered your blog and I absolutely love it! I am just starting up my blog as well, I hope I enjoy doing it as much as you! Keep up the blogging, can't wait to see what's next!

  108. hello ^^
    I just love reading our blog and watching your youtube channel :)
    Your hilarious and pretty. I think that it's really cool that your friends with Alfie, Marcus, Sam Pepper, Tanya Burr etc…
    I just started on my fashion/lifestlye blog and I would love it if you have a look at it.
    Thanks a lot ^^

  109. Aw i wish i had this advent calender !:'-)

  110. Amy K

    that calender looks so nice! but so expensive waaah :(

  111. i wish i had this advent calender <3

  112. I randomly came across your youtube channel and think you are just HIlarious. And so perty too :) x

  113. Really pretty advent; I might get one like this next year instead of my rather childish Cadburys one ;)
    Your amazing at blogging; I made a blog because I really would like to be as successful at blogging as you are, Zoe!

    ~ Ruby/

  114. Vikkii

    I always get myself a chocolate advent calender, never too old! I wish I had the money for these! I saw them on sprinkleofglitter's video and the little nail polish in the first day is just too cute :(

  115. Sarah

    Realy a great idea, I'm going to join as well and make my own calendar!

  116. Sarah

    I wish I had an Advent calendar like that! :)

  117. I think these calendars are a great idea! I wish I had heard about the earlier than I did, I guess this year I will have to stick to my chocolate ones then next year I will almost certainly be getting a beauty one. I love your videos and your blog

  118. Georgie

    These look amazing! I really wanted to try out the ciate calender but selfridges had sold out!

  119. Sorry! Don't know why it posted my comment like that!

  120. Katie x

    I bought this for my step mum who's birthday was at the end of last month. It was perfect an she really enjoys the surprise each morning from the YOU beauty advent calendar – i love how the products are varied as well she's had everything from eyelash curlers to nail polish and skin care cleansers to hair oil treatments. A fantastic idea and would recommend to anyone :) wish I could afford the Liz Earle advent calendar – maybe next year! Xx

  121. Wow! I love this idea! I haven't seen anything like them in New Zealand which is a shame and I'd imagine ordering one from overseas would cost an absolute fortune! Would love to see something like this down under, I would totally buy some as gifts for my friends.- Emma May xx

    P.S. Just found your blog through your youtube channel, absolutely loving what I'm seeing and you're such a sweetheart!

  122. I don't want to bu pushy but I can't wait for the next post! :)

  123. cat198

    I love how you worked and got your blog up and running. I am also have a blog were I am working on. I love the idea of advent. I never had one, I am going this year to have one, I am just a couple weeks of. great post, keep up the good work :)

  124. Really good I would love one of those calendars!!!

  125. Hi zoella (and anyone reading this) I just wanted to say I love your videos and blog posts, and I just subscribed to your vlogging channel before I started reading this post I love those advent calendars I wish I had enough money to buy one myself or one for a friend :( Anywaypleaseplease never stop blogging because your amazing and we love you! If you have a spare minuet please please take a look at my blog :   You dont have to because i know so many people ask you to but please if you havea spare second?Thank you     Xxx

  126. I love the look of both of these calenders and have seen them around a lot. I like the idea you can pamper yourself on the lead up until Christmas. hehe x

  127. ammyyz

    These are amazing!!! I loved the concept and I'm definitely getting one! Thanks for sharing Zoe!

  128. These sound great, lots more interesting than the usual calenders I get, I might splash out on one next year!
    p.s I love your blog and you've inspired me to start my own! so thank you x

  129. I thought I was happy with my Cadbury advent calendar until I seen these. =]
    Does anybod else agree with me that the chocolates have got smaller? I feel like I am being robbed of Cadbury chocolatey goodness!!


  130. far too expensive for me to treat myself too but wishing I had a novemeber/december birthday so someone else could treat me. Such a lovely idea, what all did you get?

  131. dude i want this, this is awesome and very creative mind involved it. A lot of thanks for sharing with us..:)
    Benefits of Coffee

  132. Amazing advent calendars!
    Look to my blog. E.

  133. Wow, that's so awesome! They look great.

    Before you get pissed off, I just wanted to say that I am just trying to get my blog noticed. Anyway, on with the comment.. I'm Martyna & I'm 14 years old, I made a blog I think at the begining of this year, & it only has 10 followers. Along with two unique other writers on my blog, it's still not notices. Also, my blog only has 3600 or smt views. Please spend at least 5 minutes of your time to show you care, take a look at my blog & follow! Please, I guarantee I will follow back. Thanks so much, best wishes, Martyna x

  134. Zoe,
    You have been such an inspiration to me these last couple months. Your resilience and positivity have helped remind me that I am the only person I need. You've helped to assure me that regardless of what has happened to me, I can get back up. I have found it so admirable that when you were going through a hard time, you kept smiling. And you used it as an opportunity to grow. I'm trying my hardest to do the same, Zoe. A few months ago, I lost the one thing I was sure of in this world. It's really hard to remain strong and positive, but it's people like you that help me do it. I thank you for that.

  135. N.

    Hi Honey, Hope you don't mind I mentioned about your "SAY YES" post and video in my blog post. I would love to thank you for sharing these experiences, cuz they helped me so much, I can't even tell! From about a month I am dealing with depression and your words were a heaven to me. Thank you so much for this and I hope much more people dealing with these kind of problems are taking your advices and starting to feel a little better, just like me. Come and see my blog post, where I linked your blog post and youtube video.


    Hi Zoella, these look great, I have the same but in blue!

    Before you get pissed off, I just want to get my blog noticed. Anyway, on with the post.. Hi, I'm Martyna & I'm 14 years old. I started a blog I think at the start of the year, & it only has 11 followers. I also have 2 great and unique writers, and yet I still don'r have many followers. So please, take at least 2 minutes to take a look at my blog & follow! I guarantee I'll follow back, everybody who follows me, always gets followed back.

    Best wishes, Martyna

  137. I really want one of these next year! I also saw a ciate advent calender that looks really nice. Can't wait until next year :)

  138. Imi Loa

    The beauty advent calendar looks so exciting ! I wish I had the same ;) xx

  139. Jewels

    I'm 31 and still ADORE advent calendars. It brings back so many fond memories or childhood Christmas. I forgot to get one this year (shame on me).

    Julia of Canines & Couture

  140. WOW.. I was satisfied for my little Cadbury advent calender… I know what I will be asking for next year. (:

  141. I will follow you… if you follow me.. little bribe there ;)

  142. I thought having a calendar for of chocolate each year was a luxury, but this woooow! i want one :D xx

  143. Louisa

    I'd love to get one of these one year, it's just the price that puts me off! One day…

  144. Thats a great idea

  145. Zincy

    they are really interesting!!! i wish i own one too! happy holidays zoe!


  146. Hi Zoella!

    I watch your vlogs all the time, and I noticed you liked the rimmel matte lipstick, I reviewed it on my blog and mentioned you and linked your picture on it! please have a look if you have some time! :)


  147. Hey zoella I just wanted to comment and say that I LOVE ur blog and ur youtube channel and that and louise inspired me to make my own blog. Its called little lexi and u dont know how bad id fangirl if u subscribed to it!

  148. Theese look lovely i would love one of thoose foe myself! luvvv chocollate

  149. thank you to share with us, i really like it and i am appreciated your for such a great job, as you describe the article its informative and useful for me, i am glade to read your blog, keep it up

  150. Wow! That great! I LOVE the ideas :) Zoella, you have the best blog ever!

    – Kisses for

  151. wow!! Beats your average supermarket advent calendar! X

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  160. Zoe F

    This is amazing Zoe cant wait to see what else you come up with!!! You are very fashionable and i like your style. Hey and my name is Zoe ahahaha

  161. Lucy E

    Hey Zoe xx I know you are probably thinking this is weird [as it is??!!] but could you do a Christmas gift guide fir girls as even though I am a girl I have no idea of what to get my friends keep doing what you are doing love you always xxxxxxxxxxx