Yesterday, I ventured into London to meet Louise for a YouTube party/gathering on the roof of the offices. It was a hoot! Being a somewhat anxious person, as you know “venturing into London” isn’t the easiest of tasks for me, but I was as cool as a cucumber which as sad as it may be, was a really refreshing thing for me. At the party, we met Fleur (It was her Birthday), Patricia, Shirley, Sammi and Lex (who I didn’t get a photo of dammit) but be sure to click all the names to go to their youtube accounts and subscribe if you haven’t already. They are all such lovely girls, and it was so nice being able to spend time with them as living in different areas of the UK, that doesn’t happen all too often.  As you can see, Louise being ever so creative, came up with the game “How many beauty vloggers can you get on one deck chair”. We managed all of us for a VERY short time, before we all collapsed sideways! Before hopping over to the party, we decided to have a little look through Oxford Street Topshop, where we were greeted by two viewers! HELLO TO YOU BOTH! Thank you for coming to say hello :) and also a hello to the girls who we sat with on the train on the way home and shared many a fantastic quiz with. My favourite being the “How do you smell to Edward Cullen” quiz. Yes, that does exist.

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  1. Oh my gawd, I love you all! hahaha My fav UK youtubers together, what else?
    I hope you had a gorgeous time :)
    Have a nice day Zoe xx


  2. It's so great to see you're feeling better Zoe, it looks like you had an amazing time.
    I couldn't help but notice how HUGE Fleur's ring is! Stunning.

  3. Lydia

    great photos, it looks like you all had a really lovely time! and bloody hell you're all so beautiful haha :) hope you're feeling better Zoe xo

  4. Its really nice to see that your well again and you and louise are back as the funny couple, your both fansatic on your own but i do love it when you get together. Glad you both had what seems like a very rememborale (i think thats the right word haha) day :) xx

  5. Looks like you had a great time, good to see you're feeling better too :)

  6. Wow seems you had a great time!! Glad you are better now :) I am following your blog for a long time and missed your little posts these past days :)


    ps Would you like to join us, we unite bloggers and help bloggers get their blog out there, also share new bloggers on:

    Thanks if you take the time to look and join us!

  7. Ahaaa these photos are brilliant!x

  8. I'm so glad to see you feeling better! <3

  9. All beauties! Zoe, your lipstick is amazing. A big Hurrah for Fleur's face, so awkward, her eyes are white!!! lol!

  10. That first photo is hilarious! Looks like you girls had a wonderful time! You all look so beautiful :)

  11. Ellie

    I am glad you are feeling better I hope ❤
    It looks like such a laugh x
    Very jelly 😉

  12. Nice photos. Haha, sounds like you had a good time :D I miss London. I laughed at the "How do you smell to Edward Cullen" bit..seriously?!

  13. I saw Bertie and BriBri in the background :') And Fleur's face – SO FUNNY! xx

  14. You guys genuinely look like such kind and fun people! I really hope to be a part of the beaut blogging community one day and hopefully I'll get to meet you all :)

    Love, Alissia x

  15. Sophie

    yay! so glad to see you're feeling better. this is hilarious. loved it.

  16. I am really scared of busy places due to anxiety too. I didn't used to be like this though. the anxiety has stopped me doing what i want in life (move to london for work) :( I'm already getting very scared to go to the cosmo blog awards partyyyyy. I know i will get cold feet and back out, but i will be missing out so much so going to try and be brave!!!! xxxx

  17. Aww! I love this, you're ALL so pretty!!xxx

  18. Beautiful photos, you and your friends look amazing ! :)

  19. Love these pictures! It's so nice to see so many of you all meeting up! :) Hope you're feeling better Zoe, xxx

  20. jeney

    All of you are so beautiful!

  21. Tawny

    Looks like fun! xx

  22. Lol!! You guys are so funny!! I always watch Sammi's videos and when I saw her post a pic of you on her instagram I was actually surprised that you guys knew eachother!! So lucky you beauty vloggers can get to know eachother!!

  23. How fun! & good for you venturing into London! xx

    I smell like Freesia to Edward… he just can't resist me!

  24. Amy

    That first photo makes me laugh so so much! It looks like yous had a really lovely time. And from a fellow anxious being, I'm very glad you managed to venture into London – I know I would've struggled! You should be very proud of yourself :)


  25. Lauren

    You looked like you had a fab time!!! Love the fact it was a party in the roof!!


  26. Karola

    I love rooftops! seems like you've had pretty much fun ;)

  27. Pixie

    Hi Zoe,
    I have anxiety too, so I understand. Well done you. You seem such a sorted out top girl. Looks like a good laught too. xxx

  28. haha looks like great fun! Fab photos!
    Lianne x

  29. I used to be exactly the same Zoe, London was a no-go zone for me, the anxiety was just too much, London is just so overwhelming! But the more I forced myself the go, the easier it got. Now I commute to London every day for work :D Everytime you go to events like this you're fighting it and you're conquering it! Looks like you had a great time, I'm really proud of you!! Lots of love and courage xxxxxxxxxx

  30. Ah you all look so happy! Hope you're feeling better now xxx

  31. Looks like you girls had a hoot! Everyone looks stunning xx

  32. Kar*

    oh, how cute!
    really nice photos, I like them so much. :)
    I like your blog))

  33. Elien

    Aah Sammi is awesome! Nice to know that you guys know each other!
    You both have an amazing style!

  34. aaww so many familiar faces :) xoxo

  35. Holly

    Love these pictures! Looks like you guys had a ball

  36. Daria

    It's so lovely to see that all you bloggers have grown this friendship :) And hey thank you for the links to Patricia's and Lex's channels, now I have a couple of bloggers to add to my favourite list! ;) x

  37. did you meet sam pepper, marcus butler or Alfie Pointlessblog? they were all there too! :) yours, louise and their youtubes are my favourites! :)

  38. Great to see you back Zoe and the party looked like so much fun!!xx

  39. Love the one where Louise appears to be trying to lick Sammi! You look beautiful, glad to see you're better xxx

  40. Hayley

    Looks like a hoot! x

  41. WOW *__*
    I really love your hairstyle <3
    Whats the secret of it´s volume?!

    xx Danie

  42. Looks like you all had so much fun! xo

  43. WY

    I think the blogging world is seriously the smallest world ever, how can you all know each other? I'm super envious ha-ha! looks like you guys had a wonderful time (: x

    Raves 'nd Ramblings

  44. Noush

    Funny photos !!

  45. It looks like you had a ton of fun! I love you all! :D

  46. Maddi3

    Looks like you had a fabulous time. And maybe a bit too much fun on each others laps!

  47. Looks like you all were having a great time!! Love Fleur and you look beautiful.

  48. This look so fun, Glad to see that your feeling better Zoe! Cant wait to see new posts and videos :)x

  49. Faye

    Looks like you girls had a lot of fun. Patricia looks soo pretty xxx

  50. Lol you guys look like you're having ridiculous amounts of fun!

  51. Lol it looks like you guys are having ridiculous amounts of fun!

  52. Loving your disco pants Zoe!! so casual yet so amazing at the some time!! i'm heading down to London too on Sunday and I suffer from anxiety as well but bring it on!!! hope you are feeling better! always love your posts


  53. Mae

    HELLO Zoe!! It was so lovely to meet you in Topshop yesterday! :) X

  54. Ami

    My one true wish is for my hair to look as nice as yours does one day! Glad you're back on the blogging scene :)

    Ami xxxxxx

  55. Ami

    My one wish is that my hair will look as nice as yours does one day! Glad you're back on the blogging scene :)

    Ami xxxxxxx

  56. 010

    lol…this is an amazing activities.

  57. Helloooo, it's Sam from zee train :) it was rather groovy seeing you both, I'm still not over the fact that we didn't find out how Louise smelt to Edward though! It's no wonder you guys were so chipper even at that late hour on the train, it looks like you had a really great day, I'm glad! :) xxx

  58. Verity

    Haha! Great post, I can't wait to visit your beautiful country!!
    Verity x

  59. Oh these photos are wonderful. You girls seem like total goofballs. Beautiful goofballs. But goofballs all the same.

  60. Hahaha very cute photos but also funny too!
    Like your style!! All the girls are very cute!

    Lovley greets and have a nice day!

  61. these photos are so funny! Looks like you girls had a lot of fun (: xx

  62. Sarah

    Brilliant photos, looks as though you all had a great time! :)

    Glad to see you back blogging Zoe :) x

  63. An-An

    every pictures of Louise..I LOVE. she seems so much fun to hang out with! :)

  64. Cat

    Look like you had a brilliant time! Some of those photos are hilarious >__<

  65. issy

    ahh love you all so much! fleur's face in the first picture, dying! you all look absolutely lovely :) xxx

  66. Whoa, way too many beautiful girls in one place! Unbalances the Universe, or something! You're looking great, Zoe! I hope you're feeling better.

  67. Dorien

    Looks like so much fun! Great pictures!

  68. Shirley and Patriciaa! xo

  69. It seems like you had a lot of fun. Nice seeing you laughing after you were so poorly for such a long time. Besides I absolutely love your trousers. Where are they from?

    Linnéa x

  70. WWoow how fun it is!!! I love the video when you give to fleur her awesome and supe beautiful metal chain ! hahah i lovedyou guys are so funny! and Fleur face was like … yeey… but we all know she was thinking : what the heck??
    hihihi love your blog Zoe!

  71. Looks like you had a great time! :) xxx

  72. so cool to see you all together having fun :)

  73. Aw looks like you had a fabbity day! oo also, i saw the limecrime lipstick online in my beautiful orange and from the swatches ive seen its a kick ass bright orange hehe get it bought! xx

  74. Hi! So glad to see that you are back on here and YouTube and feeling better =] I'm a big fan!

  75. This looks like it was such a fun day! Everyone is so pretty :) Love all the photos :) x

  76. TJ

    That looks like such a fun get together!

    TJ ♥ Royal Quartz

  77. Haha soo cool all the youtube Gurus hanging out, looksl ike you had an awesome time, love your disco pants and Shirley's shoes! xox

  78. Awww looks like you really enjoyed yourself, glad your feeling better & yours and louises presents to fleur were hilarious! Btw i looove your leather type leggings, where are they ffom? Xxxxxxx

  79. Heilige Scheiße, hab ich mich beim 1. Bild erschreckt x'D

  80. Yours and Louise's blog entries make me want to get my shit together and enjoy life MORE. I have had a streak of ridiculous bad luck, horrible anxiety, and overall just down because of recent life events. Your blog has been so honest and that's what I have been lacking… I cant share my life solely on the surface and pretend life is always peachy keen… Your honesty is awesome. It makes you so very relatable. I dont feel alone because you approach any topic — whether it be anxiety, or being naturally thin your whole life, or just having a wonderful beauty discovery. Never change!

  81. Ahhh I love you guys!

  82. Wow Zoe! You look absolutely gorgeous! In the first photo you all look so funny! It made me laugh hehe :)

  83. Hey Zoe, have just found your and Louises youtube video's and came across to check out your blogs! You both seem so so lovely and just genuine down to earth normal girls, it's so refreshing to see that in the blogging and youtube community. I'm just after watching your blog tips video, which as a reasonably new blogger I found really helpful. Plus the bit at the end with the chocolate fingers, I was in actual tears laughing at the two of you! haha! Anyway, I'm looking forward on having a good search through your blog and youtube videos!
    p.s: why on earth were you all piling up on those chairs?! Extreme planking?! lol

  84. Simmy

    I'm glad you seem to be feeling better now and it looks like you had a blast! :)

  85. Haha this game looks fun, you all look great :)

    Jo. x

  86. Leo.:)

    lovely Blog!

  87. Amazing pictures! Love the video, too :)


  88. gixxna

    Fun pictures! Seems like you had a lot of fun! :) xx

  89. Rachel

    cute pictures…. feels funny seeing all my favorite youtubers/bloggers in the same photos! looks like you guys had loads of fun, do you guy regular have gatherings? i was just recently in london and was wondering if i'd run into you girls… would have totally came up to say a big HELLO if i did!

  90. looks like you had an amazing time! xox

  91. la-ha

    great pictures Zoe! you are all very beautiful ladies! lovely blog btw :) x

  92. I really chuckled when I saw these pictures, it looks like you all had lots of fun. I love your outfit too!

  93. ahaahahaha omg fleur in the first photo, ahahahahahaha!!! i spy beautycrush, sprinkleofglitter, zoella and fleur!!!! <3 i love you all <3


  94. Yoli

    Looks like you had a great time! Good for you! Btw, love, love your chic outfit. xx

  95. i love the video you did on this, i watched both yours and louses and they are both great! such a funny video and some lovely photos, you've now got me addicted to watching same videos! xxx

  96. you, fleur and louise are my three favourite blogger slash vloggers shlash youtubers. so it malkes me really happy you're hanging out together and having a good time!! i would also love it if the three of you did a video again! i found you through fleur and i am
    sosososo glad i did! you are so lovely and kind and inspiring and the first guru i found who has a similar style as me! :-) oh and i never realized beautycrush was german! because i am swiss so i did never hear her accent haha. fail on that.
    i also have a blog but i just started..if you could check it out that would mean a lot to me. i know you and louise have done a video on blogging and how to start but a little comment would mean so much!'
    i love you zoe! you are the cutest! xxxxxx from (at the moment) america. Anita

  97. Laura

    You are all soo pretty! :) I just discovered your YouTube channel a few days ago and now I found my way to your blog. And I have to say, you seem like such a sweet person and I just love your style and videos and everything… Haha, greetings from Finland! :)


  98. Kaii

    Its so cool how you start blogging and make a new friend. And now she's your best friend.

  99. learus

    genius! lol

  100. Hey Zoe, cute pictures!!! I was wondering where did you get your pants? Are they like a shiny spandex or like a fake leather, I really want to invest in a pair of disco pants. But I don't want them to look cheap, but yours are awesome!!

  101. Saw your vlog of this on your YouTube channel, hope you had a nice time with all the youtubers/bloggers! Just wanted to say I love love love your YouTube videos along side Louise's!! You're actually the reason why I've joined the blogging world today! Haven't got a lot on my blog at the moment but would really appreciate it if you checked out my blog and see if you could give me a few tips on how to make my blog a good and exciting blog to read!x

  102. Joy

    These pics are too cute! Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  103. Amaris

    I love the first and second picture; you all still manage to look cute while being funny!

  104. Gorgeous ladies on roof! Love the carefree attitudes in here. Got my eye on your blog now.

  105. Zoeeeeee! you all look lovely and look like you had a great time, your all my favourite youtubers so its nice to see that you all know each other:) i watch you youtube videos every day LITERALLY!! your so funny and kind:) Thank you for being so great!xox

  106. STEPH

    you look stunning! x

  107. coco

    :)))…supeerrr !!!

  108. Absolutely love seeing all the bloggers in one place! ALL looking incredibly beautiful of course too :)

  109. Sofie

    It's so lovely to come across such a lovely blog aimed at everyone and everything, (I just realised I said lovely twice..oopss!). Whenever I need cheering up, advice on a new product or just general funniness, you provide me with that! Your blog is just my cuppa tea! xxx

  110. Lovely pictures! So strange seeing you all together (by 'all' I mean my favourites in the world of YouTube!) Hope you're feeling better now Zoe!x

  111. Looks like you had lots of fun!!
    I discovered your blog today and think it's really good! – great work
    – anastasiajasmin

  112. Wheres your top from in this?

  113. I love the pictures of you, Fleur and Louise! You all look so gorgeous (well maybe not in the first one aha) :)

  114. Shelly

    HIHI Zoe!! I was just wondering where your striped top is from? If you could please pleasee let me know that would be wundderrrfoee!! Thank you so muchh.

  115. Levande

    I follow you, follow you back?

  116. June

    I love your shirt, Zoella! Where's it from? :)

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  118. The photography in this blogpost is so gorgeous and i love your makeup in the photos as well xxxx

  119. Where are all the photos? :-O :(

  120. i cant see the photos it say (look who's popular) Warrr whats happening

  121. Marika

    Where have all your lovely photos gone?!

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  123. I can't see them either. It appears the photobucket image :(

  124. Mia

    goooorgeous girls!!! Wish I'd been there, I love roof parties :) x

  125. I have been really impressed by going through this awesome blog. Funny pics

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  129. Alice Wensington

    That looks like so much fun. :)

  130. Mila S

    Awh they all changed so much now! And all of them are boss ladies today💪🏼💪🏼✨

    x M

  131. David Taylor

    Great pics