
I like to think of myself as quite a creative person, always looking for new ways to store things and pretty things to add to my bedroom. I’m a firm believer of the fact that a girls bedroom is very much a personal space, to dress up as she chooses, with whichever soft furnishings and bits and bobs take her fancy. Everyone has different tastes, but I think it’s refreshing to see a variety of ideas and solutions. As most of you will know, I’m a huge fan of searching out unique and vintage items for my bedroom from charity shops, bootsales and home clearance shops, so it may not come as much of a surprise to you that I don’t store my jewellery or makeup in a modern glass jar. The selection of things I have pictured here were all under £5. Unlike buying a plastic box for my makeup from a shop on the high street, I get such satisfaction out of finding pretty little trinkets that I know will make my room slightly more interesting. They really aren’t that difficult to find either, you just need to open your eyes a bit more. Charity shops are always stocked with cute little plates and saucers & bootsales are absolutely FILLED with vintage, one off items.

Each of the plates you see above, cost me 20p. The tins are a more recent find. I got them from a house clearance shop, which if you ask me, is an amazing idea. It’s like a permanent bootsale stand & everything is so reasonably priced. Each tin cost me £2.95. I used the Alice in Wonderland tin to store all my tiny studs and small stacking rings and the Typhoo Tea tin has all my cotton wool pads and cotton buds in it. The Jacobs Cream Cracker tin, as you can see, is used to store all my lipsticks, so simple & so effective. The Mrs Tiggywinkle tin, I have used to store more earrings & the tin beneath that, has my necklaces in it. The mirror on the wall cost me £3 from a bootsale & the cup & saucer candle was also from a bootsale for £2. The retro “Annual for Girls” book was bought on a day out with Louise in Market Harbourough Oxfam for £1.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to store your jewellery or makeup or to add a touch of personality to your bedroom, you just need a creative eye & the ability to make nothing into something.

How do you store things in your bedroom? Have you found any vintage gems?

  1. Eileen

    oooh my dear love it all , i'm a big fan of alice in wonderland looks lovely!xxx

  2. AMAZING, I LOVE storage posts, the jacobs tin idea is so cool!! xx

  3. Tori.

    I love the alice in wonderland tin, its so cute! and i am so jealous of all the rings you have :) x

  4. I love the way you used the jacobs tin for lipstick its so cute :) Really want to start re organising my make up and stuff now and try something similar to this :D
    Lovely post !!!!

  5. DH-H

    I LOVE the Typhoo Tin! It looks in such good condition though, is it a replica? Either way it's beyond cute. :)

    Emily x

  6. I love this post. This is just the sort of thing i've been looking to add to my room. I am really lacking storage right now. My wardrobe is bursting and my makeup table is sooo busy. I forget half of the things I actually have as they're hidden away or get tucked to one side everytime i get something new. Love your ideas :) xx

  7. I love your storage, it's such a quirky idea, so creative! I think I'm going to start hunting for vintage tins and little trinket boxes to store my make-up and jewellery in :) lovely post!

    Frances x (Giveaway now on!)
    Twitter: @Francesss__

  8. Jen

    So cute! x

  9. Ah, such gorgeous photos! You really do have some lovely things – I really adore the vintage tins, they're so adorable.

    x Michelle |

  10. love the style of your storage! cute :)

  11. All my makeup is just in a box.. I feel so bad now. All your storage is adorable. I love the Alice in wonderland tin. The cracker box is such a good idea too! x

  12. rachel

    I'm moving into a larger bedroom in my house and this has given me so many ideas for how I wanted it decorated. Cant wait to start searching through charity shops and carboot sales now :) Xx

  13. Thats a great way to store make-up and jewellery, its really cute and pretty!

  14. Such a nice idea! I have all sorts of things that my jewellery is stuffed into, ranging from mini wooden chests of drawers that were hand made for me, to vintage boxes from grandparents, and high street things. I love the way it looks but to be honest, I would use more things (or remember I owned things) if I had one of those hideous sectioned drawers from ikea (eeuuuuch!) xxBelle du Brightonxx

  15. I LOVE how you've decorated your room! It's so vintage a cute!

  16. Meg

    *swooon* it all looks so lovely! x

  17. oh i love this!!
    i wanted to decorate the flat i used to have 2 years ago in that style…but my roomie wouldn't have been too happy about that -.-.

  18. I love all the things your organise your jewellery into! Its so lovely and retro :) x

  19. I really like your ring collection and the idea of turning it into decoration!

  20. Very cute idea! I really like it for storing my jewellery :).

  21. C.A.R.

    oh i do like that "annual for girls" book! it really looks quite nice! and that mirror is ever so good looking too!

  22. Amy ♥

    I love this! Everything is so vintage and pretty, oooh I desperately need to get myself to the charity shops. Thankyou for inspiring me! :)x

  23. is that jacob's tin FILLED with mac lipsticks? if so, consider me royally jealous.

  24. Oooo I love this sooo much! I've got a Mrs Tiggywinkle mug that I've had since I was little. I love the idea of vintage pieces for storage, so dainty and cute! x

  25. your room looks lovely im the same i could never put my bits in a modern glass jar

  26. When I see a new post from you, I get so excited to read it!! I really like some of these storage ideas, especially the plates for the rings. So simple! thanks for the great ideas.


  27. aww Mrs Tiggywinkle was my all time fave!!!! great blog as always x

  28. Wow, such lovely items and great ideas for storage! I can imagine how lovely and vintage your whole room looks from these snippets! I wish I went to more bootsales but they are normally on a Sunday which I have to work :(


  29. Looks so vintage! I love those pictures. They're so harmonic and colorful :)) ♥

  30. I love the idea of using a cracker tin for your lipsticks, such a perfect size! I'm currently storing make-up brushes in a spare Starbucks Christmas cup (a clean one haha!) and all manner of Glossyboxes for everything else. Oh to be in Uni/student housing(!) xx

  31. sarahxo

    i absolutely love your mirror, its amazing! and can't believe it was only £3! such a good bargain! love all the beatrix potter stuff too, i adored those books when i was younger! :)

  32. love the way you store your makeup its very unique :) will you be doing a youtube video on this as well? :)

  33. Love this! I store all my necklaces and bracelets on a big cross-like jewellery hanger and my rings and earrings in a small box.

  34. I love charity shops and really don't understand when people knock them, you collection is lovely xx

  35. I love storage posts and this is such a creative idea. I'm currently looking for storage for my makeup so I may take your tip and have a nosey around local charity shops and bootsales xx

  36. Super cute, I keep my jewellery in little saucer things too. :)

  37. Alice

    Oh gosh! This is my dream collection, I am such a lover of Beatrix Potter and I am so smitten with that Tiggywinkle tin! And is that Tom Kitten dangling from your frame?

    I love how everything is mis-matched and vintage, it's all so beautiful. Love this so much xxx

  38. Zoe

    these are super cute. I'm really looking for something to store my make up and bits and bobs in so this has really inspired me :) thank you sooo much :) xxx

  39. i love all of it, you have a very creative mind :) xx

  40. Gorgeous storage ideas, I find it quite inspiring. I'm getting my room done soon and I will have to reconsider my storage ideas, if it means shopping around then I am up for it! xx

  41. Love the cream crackers one. Ace ideas, I would never think of using items like that for jewellery or make up storage. When I have my own house I'd love a bunch of shelves or a huge dresser with quirky things like that all over with my bits and bobs stored neatly inside. x

  42. Dorien

    You're quite lucky to live in a place when they do booth sales quite often! I would love to visit a few but that actually doesn't exist at all in my neighbourhood but still, I like this post A LOT ;) !

  43. Ah this is so cute!

    You've got such original ideas, will definitely have to be on the look out for little vintage bits for my room :) xx

  44. Totally agree with you when you say that a girls bedroom is their own little space. Mine defo is! I love vintage and I'm very lucky in the fact that everything in my local charity shops are so lovely! I love vintage cup and saucers for my jewellery:)

    Great post! Idea alert hehe!

  45. Joelle

    I like the idea of using crockery and stuff. I usually use vintage tins but you've inspired me to try cute plates and bowls! Thanks :)

  46. This is such a lovely post! You have some amazing storage tins, love the jacobs cracker one! :) xxx

  47. Mia

    I basically love your storage ideas. I use my costume jewellery as a kind of decoration, as I hang my chains and bracelets on coat hooks, it looks really pretty if you mix them and put 10 chains on one hook. My make-up collection has a sad life in a bedside locker…

  48. Vivian

    I love your storage so much, its so cute, vintagey and creative. I guess I see myself as a creative person as well, for me, the way I organise and decorate my room is an expression of myself. Personally I love vintage things but I also like to mix it up with some modern items. I also agree that you dont have to spend a whole lot of money for storage things, what matters the most is that there of use and you like them =) xx

  49. Such a refreshing change from the typical mesh or acrylic storage containers seen in every make-up lover's space these days! It is equally important for the storage to bring as much pleasure and delight as the items it contains :)x

  50. Aww, I love this :) x

  51. Love it :D x x

  52. Nicole

    This is such a cute idea. I have wanted to find a cute way to store my jewelry. As of now, I use a train case from Sephora which is cute, especially for traveling, but I kind of want something more permanent. I want to be able to have everything on my dresser, but not have it take away from the overall look of my room. Your vintage idea is great and I think it would definitely make any girls room looks super cute and authentic/unique. Thanks so much for this idea (and all of the other wonderful posts you do!) :)

  53. Stella

    Oh wow, I love this! Lovely storage ideas- looks so vintage haha! :)

  54. This is such a good idea, I store my jewellery on little wooden cut outs saying 'necklaces' and 'bracelets' with little coat pegs on :) xx

  55. es-jay

    I always love your posts Zoe! and I especially love the jacobs tin coz those are my favourites! This has inspired me to sort through my makeup collection and get some good storage in place!

    Guys please check out my blog, comment and follow if you like what you read, It has a bit of everything, hauls, reviews, beauty and healthcare tips.


  56. This has got to be the cutest storage I've ever seen!

  57. i love the first picture, such a cute way to store rings and brushes. xo

  58. Yay finally an idea on how to store my lipsticks!! Also have you looked on they have what i believe to be a million organization ideas!!

  59. sooo cute! i love everything

  60. awww this post inspires me so much! when i have my own bedroom hopefully i can decorate it with a lot of vintage finds as well xxx

  61. Livy

    Ohh I love those vintage tins!

  62. Lol that is actually such a good idea! I squeezed all my makeup onto my bedside table but i constantly end up knocking stuff over -__-
    Thanks for the tip!

  63. Annie

    It's so cute! x
    It looks very vintage, girly & cosy!

  64. Zoe

    these are amazing. they look so unique and vintage :) i need to find storage bits and bobs are mine is just everywhere. oops. really inspired me. thank you :)


  65. Roanna

    I love boxes…of all types. I can't every seem to have enough boxed to use for different things. I've made and painted some very simple wooden ones and repainted old ones in the house, but i don't really have any vintage tins, except for a couple my mother-in-law had. You've made me want to search for a market stall today!!

  66. Becky.x

    I wish I could find more car boot sales to go to but I haven't been to one since I was little. Love all the creative ideas. x

  67. Rachel

    I love the cream crackers tin for your lipsticks!

  68. Line

    I have a cake stand on my makeup table where I put my most used jewellery, so they don't get lost, it looks really cute (I did a blog post on it!). And I use little dessert bowels for putting all sorts of things in. In general things that are made for sweets, tend to be more cutesy and romantic, and personally I like that :) x

  69. I love your blog, I've just found it in Bloglovin and it's so inspiring!!!
    Love all the cute things you are using as a storage, such a great idea!!!!
    I'm following you ;)

  70. Ugh so jealous! I can never find any pretty tins in OP shops. I live in Australia so St Vinnies and charity shoes mainly sell clothes or books :/

    Great blog!

    I'm just starting out, please follow:

  71. Lovely post!! =) I love it!!! I like the Cream Crackers box ^^

  72. I love this idea for my nail polishes. I have an OPI carry case for when I go out and see clients, but I'm a serious polish addict so it's impossible to take them all with me. I'm off to eBay now to hunt some down. Love your blog BTW. X

  73. Farzana

    I store all of my makeup in the muji acrylic cases and I store all of my jewellery in little white boxes. I'm all for the minimnal, crip look. My bedroom is pretty much all white: white furniture, white textiles etc. I think it's important to have a certain atmosphere for your bedroom, a place where you can come home from a long day and just relax. :) Lovely post.

  74. I want the Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle tin! So cute. There are no decent charity shops in my town – TK Maxx always sells amazing tins though. I have an obsession with them! x

  75. I really like your style!
    the tins are sooo cute.^^

    Love Katrien

  76. Harrie

    I love your blog! Especially the cream crackers one xx

  77. Love your idea of using vintage tins as makeup storage! xxx

  78. Vicky

    i love the vintage feel to all these tins, so cute! i'm going to have to check out ebay so some similiar now :)

  79. katia

    i love all this thigs!!!
    so cool:))

  80. Chrissy

    Awww it's all so cute and pretty! What an amazing idea to use vintage tins for make-up and jewellery storage!

  81. Romy

    LOVE the mirror
    can't wait to go to car boot sales

  82. Jodie

    I love finding new ideas for storing make up, I've got in the habit of keeping my nail polishes in sweet jars, which looks kind of cute. Thanks for a new spark of inspiration!

  83. Suzanne

    Awww, so pretty, I love finding things like this for my bedroom. I'm currently after some kind of vase to keep my makeup brushes in x

  84. Amy

    I store my jewelry in vintage tea cups I've purchased in charity shops. But i really love your idea of vintage tins! The Cracker tin is frankly, awesome! Great post Zoe :)
    Amy x

  85. Me

    Pretty x

  86. Ada

    Super duper love the vintage feel! Mrs Tiggywinkle is love ~ awww!!

  87. Mimi

    I adore your blog. You have such a unique, retro-y vintage style ;)
    I love the idea of using any old tins and plates to create new, chic storage space, plus It's so affordable!

    You've got a definate follower ;)

    I've just started my own blog, it would mean so much if you were to check it out:

  88. These are the best ideas! One of my favorite posts!

  89. Lischen

    Love love love it so much!! <3


  90. Hannah

    I loved this post, all of your storage looks so pretty (especially the Typhoo tin)! I need to get myself back into charity shopping, I think! x

  91. ellie B

    I love these ideas! I do something quite similar, with floral mugs that I've been collecting over the years.

    e x

  92. I love the lipstick storage idea..might have to copy that.

    Also..all your decor.. I want it.

  93. I have been trawling the internet for decent jewellery and make up storage but you've inspired me to look in my local charity and vintage store for better ideas! xxx

  94. Brilliant post! Absolutely love all your finds, I'm a sucker for the biscuit tins in M&S that come out at Christmas, the kind that are trying to look vintage. Should probably drag the boyf to more car boots to get actual vintage! Particularly loving the Jacobs cream crackers tin, it's the perfect size for lipstick!! xx

  95. Pretty

    I Love these storage ideas! They're AbsolutC

    Could you please do a perfume storage? so as to preserve them? I've heard that the sun can alter/ weaken the chemical/sent! Thank You! :) xo

  96. This is such a cute idea. I have wanted to find a great way to store my jewelry. In your article I found very different things. You have given a very good and a nice information here.

    dbi sala protecta

  97. thats all so cute :) i just keep my makeup in my bathroom drawers.. im so boring

    Charlotte Couture

  98. Anna

    Lovely! You see, if I was more of an appreciative teenager back in England 7 years ago which my mum would always take me there every weekend, I would have made full use of bootsales. Not everything here is cheap in charity shops in Malaysia, sad to say. xxx

  99. What a nice idea. I have to say that I was never really looking for vintage things. But I think you are right, it is much more reasonable in price. I also like the idea of having something that fits your personality. This sounds weird to most people but I never let new friends come in my room as long as I don't know them so well. Because I think your own room is something very personal. It shows who you really are.

    I was looking for a beautiful jewelry box for more than 3 months now but couldn't find one because they were a. not beautiful enough or b. too expensive! So I'm following your idea and I will look for some nice vintage storages. I already know where too look and I'm sure I will find something nice. Maybe I can to a blog about it then.

    Best wishes x

  100. My dream room. You have definetley inspired me, I alwasys look through home magazines and admire the really vintage, retro and chic rooms they show, I need to find car boots near to me :)

  101. Ooh I love this. It really makes me want to go and find some nicer jewellery storage, or even make some that match my makeup boxes… Hmm, might do and do a makeup storage post now. Thanks Zoe!x

  102. Jess

    such a cute idea! love that it can double as room decor and as makeup storage! love that it can keep the vanity area from looking cluttered.. will def need to start looking for cute storage ideas myself now :)

  103. I absolutely love it! This is such a good idea, & so achievable, I really like your retro-vintage style.

  104. love these ideas – espsh the crackers one for lipstick – I need this in my life! x

  105. These are such beautiful ways of storing your jewelry. The containers are just as interesting as the content they hold. LOVE IT!

    Thumbprints That ♥ To Look Cute

  106. cute ideas!! love the vintage tins!

  107. amazing collection of rings!
    beautiful x kat

  108. Shanice

    Oh wow this is an amazing idea to store your makeup!


  109. I need your ring collection! Any good tips on where I can get some cool rings from?


    Valentina de Pertis

  110. I love this so much. It looks absoloutley gorgeous! When I was younger I hated going in charity shops (We used to go in them when I stayed in bournemouth every year) and now I wish I did. You get amazing bargains! Theres nothing around London though, so overpriced and all. I love your blog and have sitten there for hours just scrolling through hahah. You should do more posts I love reading them :) xxx

  111. omg. this is so awesome! thanks for inspiring me to reorganize my beauty section in my room and i'll be sure to take some ideas from ur awesome storage ideas for example like the crackers tin as a lipstick holder! Its vintage looking and its good to the environment by recycling used tins. i just want to say that u're just awesome inside and out ( even though i haven't met u in person ). (: i just look forward to ur upcoming posts here! (:

    keep it up zoe! go zoe go!

  112. ilona

    OMG!! ile ty tego masz ;)) love it!!

  113. Love it…absolutely love this idea…I'm also a fan
    of boxes and mostly of vintage boxes, like old boxes
    from cookies..they are amazing for jewellery…

  114. wauw cute ideas !

  115. Wow I love this idea. Such a novel way of storing things I wish I had the space to have this kind of thing in my room I also love the little tea cup idea.
    I just found out about your blog via youtube one of you videos came up on my recommend bar. Thanks for writing such a great blog :)

  116. becky.

    absolutely love it, best makeup/jewellery storage system i've ever seen xxx

  117. This is such a cute idea! Mrs Tiggy-Winkle looks very snug and comfortable! Am definitely going to have to steal this idea! xx

  118. Zobo

    This is such a cute idea!

  119. Maow

    I love your blog! :)

    A great way to hold your rings is to use a old ferraro roche chocolate box!

    – Taby

  120. I absolutely love those tins! I love Beatrix Potter and called my first rabbit Peter!
    I have a Tintin tin (lolz!) that I keep all my important documents in because I'm a total scat!
    I've got a huge urge to go charity shopping now…x

  121. Lauren

    Lovely blog Zoe, ever since you posted this I've been out hunting the local charity shops for random dishes and bowls!

  122. I'm so happy to see the Jacob's tin did not make it to your boyfriend's kitchen after all, it looks lovely with your lippies in it.

  123. i love that the jacob's tin didn't make it to your boyfriend's kitchen after all. It looks lovely with all your lippies in it.

  124. Laura

    love vintage! such a cute thing to brighten up a room :)

  125. Maja

    you are so creative! i love this idea, definitely will be trying something similiar! :) thank you :)

  126. I love it!! I'm love with vintage stuff also:) definitely going to get some of your ideas!

  127. Shan

    Aw :') the Alice in Wonderland tin is adorable! I wish Yorkshire had some cute little shops to get stuff like that, we just have endless amounts of Greggs, woo.

  128. Meli

    These are all great ideas! I love the books under the tea cup in the last picture! (I hope those are books…I'm the dimwit who called your vase a fish bowl in one of your videos! Talk about needing glasses…haha…)I love your style! You are very inspiring!

  129. Tali

    LOVE the lipstick storage!! Best one ive seen! xxx

  130. Just discover your blog and i love it !
    xx from France <3

  131. Wonderful ideas sweetie, u're indeed really creative! Loving all cute pieces here!!
    p.s. I have just started to follow u on bloglovin as well to keep up with you new posts!:)


  132. anne.

    I got so inspired by this blogpost! I also like little bits and bobs for my room, and don't quite like the idea of a plastic drawer set to store all my makeup. So I redid my makeup setup a bit, and am more than pleased! Thank you Zoe, for blogging, for making youtube videos, and for being such an inspiring person! I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog! Keep doing it, you are amazing!


  133. anne.

    Oh dear, just wrote a comment and suddenly it's been deleted. Well, here I go again (only for me again of course, course no one else has read it:))
    I got so inspired by this blogpost! I also love bits and bobs for my room, I love burning candles and having chains of lights attached to my bed. I simply don't like the idea of putting my lovely makeup in a simple plastic drawer set. So, inspired by you post I redid my makeup setup a bit, and am more than pleased!
    Thank you Zoe, for blogging, making youtube videos, and being such an inspiration (to me, and to a whole lot of other people)!
    Keep going!


  134. Thanks for this! I actually had a plastic set for storing makeup because that's all I saw everyone else have, but I went out and got a nice chest to hold my makeup and it just adds so much character to my room!

  135. this is so adorable! & so inspiring. you've got my creative ideas flowing for how i might store my beauty products. so thank you : ) with love, C x

  136. Ooh, this is really pretty. Great idea!

  137. I absolutely love the Mrs Tiggywinkle & Alice in Wonderland tins!! Also the mirror and the plates are just adorable. What a shame we do not have that many bootsales or charity shops in Germany. Seems like it is time for me to visit England again or search my way through ebay haha..Yoru blog entry was quite inspiring!!! love it! x

  138. Ess

    amusing! just illuminating…

  139. It looks gorgeous Zoe, I wish I had the patience to look through car boots and charity shops!

  140. All the little tins are such a good idea also i would love to see a make up collection because you seem to have quite a but :D

  141. i loveeeee your organizational ideas zoe! so clever and cute :) xx

  142. Unknown

    The makeup jewelry storage is shown on the post here. Good post
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  143. Your jewellery it's so beautiful, I like it vey much, I also bought one at long hoop earrings
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  144. Ah, I love your tins and saucers! After i watched your holiday room tour, I was inspired to do mine as well :) I also found some nice things at the charity shops lately!

  145. I really like your ring collection .i love all of it, you have a very creative mind. I appreciate it. This can help lots in fashion like jewellery earrings, rings and many more.

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  148. love love love

    inspires me to find new ways to organize my room!

  149. I was inspired by all this on your room tour video! I now keep my bracelets in a teacup and my nail polishes on a cake stand :)

    Love the tin of lipsticks, looks like I need to go to some more car boot sales it seems.


  150. Bam car

    Such good ideas! Thank you so much! I love your blog, so lovely!

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