♥ Happy mid week Wednesday. I am currently sat, tapping away on my laptop in a darkened room, lit by my lamp..at 2.45pm. I honestly cannot wait for summer to come back. Lighter mornings, lighter evenings, picnics & summer dresses. Yes please.
♥ Absolutely loving having my appetite back, and i’m most certainly making up for it. I am also delighted that Mini Eggs are back on the shelves. I don’t know if any of you are aware, but I am absolutely addicted to the little blighters, so when Christmas has gone, I know it’s about time they come back into my life. I could literally eat a whole bag in one sitting. Maybe i should do a blogpost dedicated to my love of mini eggs? no? bit sad? haha.
♥ My brother is going travelling for 3 months on the 19th. He’s going to Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Figi & LA. I’m definitely starting to feel jealous, especially with all this crappy weather. If any of you have any advice or want to chat to him about travelling, i’m sure he’d appreciate it. He has twitter so feel free to follow him @Joe_Sugg.I’ve told him he needs to start up a blog so he can log all his photos and travelling antics. Speaking of which, another of my friends is currently travelling with his girlfriend, and some of his photos are seriously amazing, so if you’re into photography, culture & general travelling-ness do have a read HERE. Tell him Zoe sent you ;) I’m sure he’d be chuffed.
♥ It’s my 21st birthday in March (eeeek) so I’ve been pondering on what to get for it. There’s always the option of jewellery, or a designer handbag, something sort of predictable, but I’m definitely leaning towards a DSLR. I’ve always been a huge photography geek.(I once had a wall in my bedroom absolutely covered in black and white photos & studied it) so I think it would be something I could really make the most of & keep and treasure just as much as i would a necklace etc.. It will also be super beneficial for my blog, I know that my digital camera has served me well, but actually not having a manual setting makes taking photos such a mission on dark, gloomy days like today. I’m definitely too much of a perfectionist when it comes to my photos, but I hope you’re all grateful for that? haha. It would definitely mean more frequent posts anyway. So, this is where you come in. DSLR reccommendations? I’m sort of leaning more towards a Nikon rather than a Canon, but i know they are both great brands. Tips, tricks and general know-how about DSLR’s would be very helpful if any of you can spare a few minutes in the comments? :)
♥ Currently reading From Gem With Love & Oh Emma
oooh jealous of your brother! Those mini eggs look delicious, they are making me hungry! I would recommend the Nikon D90 , oh, and a macro lens! Amazing amazing camera.
My dad just gave me his Sony DSLR, I'm in love! As I'm currently in the process of moving out with my boyfriend, we could never ever justify the cost. It's a Sony A 350 which is about £350 if I'm correct :)! I love love love it. It's not too big for a DSLR and pretty light too.
eep nice change in layout! i vote for the camera, you always have amazing photos.
hope you feel better soon.
I need mini eggs now. Thanks. And I think you should definitely go for the camera x
So happy youve gotten back into blogging recently, wayy missed seeing your blog come up in my dashboard! I'm also a complete mini egg fiend. They help cheer me up when the chocolate coins from xmas go into hibernation ;)x
Mini eggs are deadly, so yummy. I can totally see amazing things coming from you and a new camera =)xx
They had creme eggs in our local news agents before Christmas, it's crazy! You've got my craving mini-eggs now though, not helping my post Christmas health kick!
Penny x
nomnomnom i love mini egss :) x
love your posts (: hope your brother has a safe trip!
I would choose a DSLR as well for my bday.. I absolutely love looking back at old photos. x
i love love love mini eggs, but cant stop eating them :(
im having a alexander wang esque studded bag giveaway on my blog if you want to have a look hon
nice redesign!
out of interest, how'd you make your blog wider than 1000 pixels? having trouble doing it on mine :/
I'm not 100% on Canon DSLR's but I've got a really really good digital Canon and I think they're the best camera make out there, and they're so well known for it. Do some research though :) you might find a better one. :) <3
Also, Nikons and Canons are pretty much the same (althought Nikons are usually *slightly* more expensive).
How much are you thinking of spending on one?
I'd go with a D90, probably – it's sort of a mid-range camera, but you're looking at just over £500 for the body :(
I'm fancying mini eggs so bad after this :-D Completely agree about summer, cannot come around fast enough! :-) x
Hooray on getting your appetite back girl! And yay for Mini Eggs! Hmmm well I have a Canon EOS 20D and I absolutely love it, my father's a photographer so he teaches me lots of stuff but yeah it's a great one. I got a HUGE new lens which is awesome as well. I love Nikons too but honestly Canon are more professional and overall it's a better brand, but then again that's your call! Can't wait to see what you pick.
I just got a Canon EOS 1000D for my birthday and I love it! I've always been a canon girl – the image quality is superb and everything is so easy to learn.
Mini eggs are sounding good :) although I seem to have a horde of chocolate left over from christmas!
I would definately go for the camera :) xx
I love cadbury mini eggs!!! I usually buy at Morrinsons in Gibraltar. The weather here in the south of spain is much better right now it's like spring lol
xoxo Luna
wow,your pictures were already so professional looking i thought you had one !:)id take your old camera off your hands if its just left in a drawer ;)haha,how do you get your blog so spacious i have a big empty space on the left side of mine ?D:
Mini eggs! Sigh. I have so much lovely choc here but am feeling so rough I can hardly eat anything. What date in March is ur bday? Mine's 26th!! A good camera sounds like a brill pressie. I don't know much about them to help you tho!! xx
I have a Nikon D5000 and absolutely love it! Definitely recommend it :) xxx
mmm minieggs…
ive got a nikon d90, and i personally think it is amazing! such good quality!
i love your blog :)
Personally I bought a nikon and sent it back the next day. I honestly think buying something of that much money you should love it straight away… and I didn't. I then bought a sony DSLR and it was love at first sight. Best thing I've ever bought myself.
I have a Nikon D40 which is really good and served me well when I was doing my A-Level photography. However my Dad has the D80, which I started using towards the end of the course. I found this one much better, more settings etc. and its just seemed to sit nice in my hands haha.
But a few of my friends have the D60 and have said it almost as good as the D80 but less money :)
i die for mini eggs! oh and creme eggs :P bought 3 yesterday in the sheer excitement of seeing them on sale!xx
so jel of your brother!
giving me a mini egg craving right now…
Mini eggs are awesome hehe! xx
i have a dslr because i do photography in college, ive got a nikon d5000, it has video on it too, so youtube appearances could come back? (a) hahaha, but yeah nikon is really good, but if you buy it from somewhere like jessops, you should get a package that comes with an extra lense, a bag and things, it saves a whole lot of money, but i guess you could shop around and find the best deal! xxx
Im glad your feeling better….nothing like a MiniEgg to help cheer a girl up! :D x
the mini egg pic looks pretty cool…..what setting did you use on your camera? im trying to learn a bit about photography but struggling to know what settings to use for what! i have a samsung es73
I saw a cadburys cream egg advert just as I started reading your post missus! :) Hurrah! Your brothers travels sound amazing, I spent the summer backpacking around europe – would defo love to head the route your bro is going.
I think a dslr is such a great investment, its defo helped me when it comes to the blog (and plus, I'm good friends with the lovely Gem you mentioned above, and shes a keen photographer and has been able to help me out along the way with advice/suggestions in terms of lenses etc) I have a canon 350D. Bet your 21st will come in no time at all :) such an exciting birthday! x
It depends what sort of price range you have babe for the camera, a Nikon D3100 is fab and has HD video But if you have a fair amount of money you should get a D7000, but that is top, top range for Nikon, and has an amazing max iso speed 0f 25,000, which means you could take pictures in bloomin caves and they'd still come out grand. Thank You so much for the link. Xxxxx
your picture quality is really good idk what camera u use but it looks pretty high quality!
I have a Canon 1000D and it's great for an SLR thats at a lower price range :)
Also my god you're not giving us much room to breathe with all these blogposts (jk jk i'm LOVING it :'] ) xx
good to hear you r feeling better again!
my friend is going travelling as well, starting off in thailand in february.being stuck in college and exams I am super jealous!
ohh I have such a weakness for the creme eggs, unfortunately they're nowhere to be found here in germany.
anway if you're looking for a DSLR, you might want to have a look at Sony's.with sony you'll get decent quality without having to splurge all your money.
I have a confession.. I don't like mini eggs! Shock horror! Don't hate me haha
I don't wear any of my birthday jewellery so I vote camera too. Your bro is so lucky! :) xx
I would love to have those destinations added to my passport, definitely think he should create a blog, even if it's just for friends and family, it would be a great online scrap book for him.
gotta love the mini eggs!
i just got a Canon DSLR and love it!!xx
I have a Nikon D40, which they don't make anymore, although apparently the d3000 is the same? anyway its fantastic and i'd recommend! i have a fisheye lens for it too and it's incredible! Defs. get a DSLR!
gotta love easter egg season, mini eggs&cream eggs-lush! xoxo avs
Mini Eggs are pure bliss! Thankfully they're available year round now :)
I've been thinking about a DSLR camera for some time now too, a Canon Rebel XTi with the Canon 50mm f1.8 fixed lens. One of my favorite bloggers (http://www.edibleperspective.com) uses the exact same one. Photography is so interesting and expressive, I hope you chose the right camera.
Have a lovely week (:
an award waiting for you at http://aliceandbeauty.blogspot.com/ xo
Love Mini eggs <3
Love that photos, very cheeky! I'm extremely jealous of your brother going travelling!
Such a cute mini egg picture! And people with March birthdays are fantastic!
Love mini eggs…. looking forward to easter and spring :) ooh what are you birthday plans? 21 is a big'un x
Just saw this offer at Best Buy: http://www.bestbuy.co.uk/product/1000133018/sony-cybershot-nex-5-compact-system-camera-18-55mm.aspx
£350 for a Sony NEX-5 with a 18-55mm lens (plus a possible £35 off if you use Quidco). It's not quite a DSLR – it's a compact system camera (like a micro 4/3rds camera, really. These things go for like £450 on eBay, so it's deff and amazing deal.
love your blog! I will follow you!
I'm glad you're feeling better! I hate gloomy days, but who really likes them that much anyway. It was really gloomy where I am a couple of days ago.
xo, Jay
Hey Zoe, hope you're all good. Thanks for the link! :-) I wondered why my hits had dramatically increased in the last 24 hours. I have a Nikon D200… but wish I had a Canon. Generally speaking the colours are better and less noisy. x
get the nikon d90, i love it!
I got my first DSLR for Christmas. Its like Sony Alpha290. It's pretty much designed for beginners to SLR camera. I love it! Its not massively big and its real user friendly :) x
hey zoe hope you're well. im a freelance photographer so may be able to help you with your dslr musing…shopping for cameras when you're unsure is really hard. ive been shooting on canon since i was 17 and have traded in several upgrades. im currently on a 50d but i shoot live band photography and the low light/shutter speed was really what i was after…what kinda things are you looking to shoot, how much do you wanna spend etc? feel free to tweet (@londonlipgloss) or email me at zoelouisehellewell@hotmail.co.uk if i can be of any help! :) xx
I live in New Zealand :) I'm sure he will love it . Love the mini eggs and the blog x
Judi Bola