Me & the Muvster were going to get out of bed nice and early New Years day & head for our monthly Primarni session but instead, we opted for the day after. Which may have been a mistake on our part, as I did happen to over hear one member of Primark staff say they lost out on money big time New Years Day as it wasn’t busy at all. She also mentioned that the Bristol branch alone, made £90K every Saturday…can you believe that!? That certainly was an eye opener, thanks for that, stupid Primark member of staff talking loudly about wages, staff & earnings. Discreet much?

Anyway, Primark opens at 11am Sunday, so we sat and had a coffee in a Starbucks nearby as we arrived slightly too early, then headed off, in the hope of finding some amazing bargains. And that I did. I wasn’t majorly overwhelmed by the stock they have in at the moment. It’s that really awkward, tricky inbetween stage. There’s chunky-knit cardigans & boots that have been in a while, and summer dresses and flipflops that have just arrived in stock. I don’t know about you, but i’m not shopping for summer clothing JUST yet. The flipflops just made me wince at the thought of wearing so little in such cold weather. Frost bite anyone? They still had maxi dresses in & a lot of it was very samey. They did have some really cute playsuits however, which i figured could be worn with tights, cardigans and boots in the colder months, then bare-legged with flipflops when the sun decides to come back. Here’s what i picked up anyway…

all clothing
stripey jumper
Stripy Sailor Oversized Jumper – £10

sailor cardy
Navy Sailor Cardigan – £10
spotty playsuit
Polka Dot playsuit – £13

playsuit 2
Long Sleeved Floral/Birds Playsuit – £15

Pink floral headband – £2 Daisy Headband – £1

headbands 2
Knitted Headbands (Good alternative to hats/ear muffs in the cold) – £1.50 each
Khaki green chuncky knit over the knee socks – £2

Miss Selfridge Rings – Both 50% off – Bow ring – £1.75 Cameo ring – £3.25

  1. I love all your purchases!!! :)
    I really want those knitted headbands :(

  2. Vicky

    This reminds me of the days I used to have with my mum before I went off to uni. You got some lovely things. That sailor cardigan and polka dot playsuit are so cute x

  3. Aoife

    Very cute! That floral headband is so pretty.
    It just screams soft romantic Spring days :)

    Hope you had a nice xmas :) x

  4. I've been umming and ahhing over that sailor cardigan, i want it but i don't think i'd ever wear it but it's so bloody cute!
    Love your buys!!

  5. LOIS

    Primark really needs to move to Berlin!! -.-
    Great finds by the way. Good that you are feeling better. Wish you an amazing new year and all the best. Love Lois

  6. i picked up that same oversized sailor jumper, it's really cute! I can't wait until the spring collection comes in, they like they're have some cute stuff in x

  7. I Love the cameo ring, very vintage! x

  8. i love the cameo ring, very vintage :) x

  9. Martina

    You got such lovely things!! I'm so jealous of you people in the UK because you've got Primark, I wish we had it here in Italy too!

  10. SOPHFE

    That sailor cardigan is soo cute! I need to visit primark asap! xx

  11. love the two headbands, very cute!
    tempting me to take a trip to primark myself.

  12. Wow clearly I need to take a trip to Primark!

  13. So lucky to have Primark in the UK. That stripped tee is awesome.

  14. I love the oversized stripey sailor jumper!! x

  15. Love love the cameo ring! x

  16. Beccy

    I havent been in Primark in ages, but woooow the quality looks amazing :)

  17. Gem

    love all your buys, shame my primark isn't that good, they never have anything new in boohoo :( xx

  18. Argh you got the playsuit I wanted! It's completely sold out in the two Primarks near me, I'm desperate to get it! xxx

  19. Holly

    the playsuits are really nice (:, i really like the pink floral headbad too but my primark don't have it yet :/!xx

  20. Beth-xo

    thoose headbands are lovely! xox

  21. Rachel

    That all looked incredible! I can't wait to head over to Primark next week! x

  22. Those rings are amazing! <3

  23. I love the stripey jumper and the daisy headband how cute are they i will have to keep my eye out for them x

  24. hannah

    gorgeous picks!! especially the over the knee socks!! love them!


  25. The playsuits are really sweet :)


  26. Nicole

    I love that sailor cardigan! So cute! xo

  27. i wish we had a primark here too.
    tho i'd be there every day and i'd be broke in no time.

    gorgeous stuff you got there!


  28. wah my arms went up in the aair :Dpplease tell me what you would wear them socks with they are gorgeous !:O

  29. Lichy

    awesome findings, especially that sailor-inspired jacket!

  30. You picked up some gorgeous pieces in this haul!

    I'm constantly amazed at the quality of Primark clothes. I'm not necessarily talking about the quality of the fabric and how long they last, but compared to a couple of years ago when all you could pick up were plain vests and t-shirts everything is so much more fashionable!

    I'll definitely be buying that daisy headband for summer, I've been looking for one since summer last year and didn't find any!

  31. Terri

    You always seem to find such lovely things! The best my Primarni has to offer is some tangled neclaces and a pair of shocking lime green shorts. I need to visit Bristol; Eastbourne just isn't cutting it.
    Anywho, great post!

  32. I love the headbands!! I'll like see you wearing that!!!
    It's so difficult to me writte a english comm!! Is it good?? jajajaj!!!!

  33. Sherrie

    They are all fab! I'm lucky to have a Primarni right on my doorstep! I have learnt to visit it only certain times of the days, else it's a jumble sale amongst crowds! My worst nightmare!

    I like all your buys especially the little playsuits and the knee socks :) x

  34. Great buys hun :) was lovely seeing you (all be it briefly)
    Love the buys, you got some lovely bits! I always feel a bit over whelmed with the Bristol Primark, as there always is SO MUCH- crap or not, it;s just stock everywhere.
    I'm still very much feeling the winter clothing, and cold times- so I'm not into looking at summer clothes just yet, it will make me want to jet off on holiday.
    I got about 5 pairs of tights- can't get enough of tights & socks at the moment, and also a similar playusit to the polka dot one, just slightly different pattern :)

  35. Fiona

    Ooh, gorgeous purchases! Loving the nautical bits, and especially loving the floral headband, I'm hoping it's still in stock by the time I get chance to pop in :)

    Fiona x

  36. I adore the Bristol Primark, I only went on your recommendation! It's so high street ish I love it. You got some lovely things. :).



    look like you picked up some right bargins! i love everything you've bought. i didn't bother with any christmas sales. actually i did buy a coat from the one shop i went into. i haven't got the patience (or money).
    i have that primark pokadot playsuit actually! love it.

  38. Eee lovely purchases as ever Zoe! Love that sailor cardigan and the khaki green over-knee socks (: xxx

  39. Vida

    Love your purchases =) Those knit headbands sound like a good idea!

  40. MsShamz

    these items are so lovely!! My favorite is the striped nautical inspired sweater!

  41. Diana

    oh you got some pretty cute stuff!!!

  42. They have such nice stuff in your primark mines rubbish! xxx

  43. Ohh everything is so pretty! I really like the sailor-esque cardigan and the daisy headband :) xo

  44. Liz

    really love ur purchases! :D

  45. I love the polka dot playsuit…my Primark didn't have that in my size so all I ended up getting today was some tights! x

  46. I've seen some nice playsuits in Primani, bought one and it was too big and they haven't had anymore in since, my Primark is rubbish :( Want it sooo much more now!
    Lovely purchases by you :)

  47. El :)

    Sailor jumper please??

    Ireland's Primark (penneys) never seems to have the same stuff :( Maybe the store where I live just isn't big enough.

    Nice haul!


  48. neesh

    I need those I headbands in my life!

  49. that oversized jumper is what i have been looking for ages! i must check it out ><

  50. I NEED that sailor cardi! Been looking for a similar vintage top since summer! I went to primark nearly as soon as i saw this blog and it wasn't there :( the daisy headband is very cool too! I want! Nice picks!xx

  51. went on my 1st spree today….think im gonna do a post like this too. Gonna link you ofcourse as my inspiration lol

    CANNOT believe those rings were 50p!! My gob's still wide open in shock…wow

  52. Ag

    That sailor cardigan is from Primark?!?! Never saw it, will go hunting this weekend! lol!!

  53. Cheers to XS ring size! Always makes me excited when they have them in stock…

    xoxo, Natalya