One thing i have most certainly decided I will do this year (still not a new years resolution – I know that if i say it’s a NYR, i probably won’t do it & will set myself out to fail. So, i am not going to jinx myself & instead just say this is a choice I shall make) is to read more books. I used to be such a bookworm. I’d get books for Birthdays and Christmasses & it was the most exciting thing ever, and would always be so eager for the celebrating to end so i could fold back the front cover, stick my nose in & read every last word until it was finished. I lost my love for reading through sixth form when a huge amount of my time was taken up doing practical coursework across 3 of my 4 subjects with two separate projects running alongside each other in each subject. It was too much work, and took up too much of my time. I then left school & went into full time work, which then meant when i came home i just never felt like reading. I bought books, in the hope that if i left them lying around i might pick one up and read it…but this never provoked such actions. A few weeks ago, my boyfriend bought me the new Russell Brand book, and it made me want to start reading again. So, that is what i shall do. I will set aside time, whether it’s just whilst I’m in the bath, on the train or before bed & i WILL read more books.

This is the stash I have accumulated & will hopefully get through. I bought most of these from a charity shop, none were over £2.50 & it’s going to a good cause. I’ve always wanted to read a Jane Austen book, and Pride & Prejudice was only £1.99 in my local Oxfam so i snapped that up, I also want to read about the antics of the ever so charming Mr Darcy. ;)

This is what I shall tell myself to seem less geeky ;) – Courtesy of

Below is a list of blogs of which have some great book reviews if you wanted to find something you think you might like:

Chic Lit Reviews
Bookalicious Ramblings
Lollipop Loves
Being Brazen Books
Judging Covers

Are you hoping to read more this year? Are there any books or authors you can reccommend?

  1. totally recommend reading Belle De Jours Guide to Men. Or any of the Secret DIary of London Call Girl books…:) xxx

  2. kate

    I keep on meaning to read and then i never get around to it! The virgin suicides is a really good read, as is Catcher in the rye if you've not read it, both definitely worth the read! x

  3. I love reading, like you i lost my reading motivation last year but i'm getting back into it this year :) I really like Jodi Picoult! She writes great stories with romance and life dilemmas!
    Hope you enjoy your reading list :) xx

  4. Vicky

    I'm definitely hoping to read a bit more this year. I've always loved reading and English Lit for A Level was always my favourite. Then I went to uni and ended up *having* to read the most tedious history texts known to man and it really put me off!

    Since leaving though I've rekindled my love for reading and I've got my own little book pile that I'm determined to get through soon — including Pride and Prejudice (great minds and all that ;)) and The Picture of Dorian Gray.

    In terms of book recommendations — not entirely sure what your reading tastes are but the two books I would always suggest are Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks (it was my A Level book and quite possibly the best book I've ever read and the only book to make me cry!) and the classic To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Simply sensational.

    Speaking of books — what are your thoughts on those Kindle things? Not sure how I feel about electronic books; I don't think you can beat actually holding a book and turning it's pages but that might just be me!!


  5. I read I Heart NY last summer, loved it at first but at the end I thought the author was a little bit too desperate (don't want to ruin your story though – it's still a good book!) x

  6. hannah

    your mug is adorable (:
    and reading is definitely one of my favorite things to do! lovely post!


  7. Just gonna put it out there – the title made me think of Colin Firth who is SO HOT and I want his Mr. Darcy in my bed. Bridget Jones version will do just as well, I don't care. I completely agree with what you said though, I think everyone should read more! I don't read half as much as I used to :( xx

  8. Pride & Prejudice is one of my favourite books ever, I could gush on about it forever! Really hope you enjoy it xx

  9. Helen

    I Heart New York is AMAZING… you'll have to get I Heart LA and I Heart Paris as well, I couldn't put them down.

    LA Candy is great too, really easy to read, which is nice sometimes… the sequel to that is out as well, I really need to get that….


  10. Zoella.

    @Vicky – Aah, i too am undecided on the kindle. Part of me really wants one so that you DONT have the effort of holding the book plus pages open and flicking..but part of me likes doing that and i dont know if it will be as satisfying when you actually finish it! haha

    @milkteef – Hahaha. I wouldnt say no to a bit of Colin Firth as Mr Darcy!

  11. Jordan

    i see you have "i heart new york" by lindsey kelk and "remmeber me" by sophie kinsella – they are my 2 favourite authors ever you will love them (well i hope :p)
    if you do, i'd stronly recommend readying lindsey's follow ups i heart hollywood and i heart paris and then all sophie kinsella's books i.e the shopaholic series, they're all amazing!
    hope you enjoy :)

    jordan x

  12. Rach x

    defo sophie kinsella, such good and enjoyable reads. and any autobios! xx

  13. Rachel

    Such an incredible book to photograph first!

  14. Gah I love Pride & Prejudice — I named my kitten Mr. Darcy last year. He's a tuxedo cat, so it just fit!

    Amy :)

  15. Claire

    I think I have practically read every single one of Sophie Kinsella and Marian Keyes. I'm also liking Adele Parks at the minute too.

    I love reading but really lost interest over the last year, but I'm hoping to get back in to it now I've got Lauren Conrad and Russell Brand books to read.

  16. I really enjoyed reading "The Time Travellers Wife" the film was such a disappointment, as most films never give true justice of what the book was like. xx

  17. Onna

    OMG I love Pride and Prejudice….have that exact copy, was it free in some random newspaper?? xx

  18. Maria

    pride and prejudice you will love (although everyone should, shh). it's so witty and sharp :)
    I also second The Lovely Bones, I think from your collection pictured you'd really like it! Also Bridget Jones- the films are just as good as the books and everyone falls in love with Bridget.

    Some of my recent faves are The Time Traveller's Wife. Really well written plus there's a recent film (not seen it yet though). :)
    Also for books with recent films, Atonement (with Keira Knightly in it), written by Ian McEwan.
    If you do read any of these let me know what you think! :)

  19. I would highly reccomend 'remember me by sophie kinsella' it's so entertaining :)
    Also, I am a whopping great Jane Austen fan! My mother is addicted and so I just grew up loveing her stories, have fun :) xxx

  20. I can spot quite a few chick lit books in your photo so I don't know if you'll like these as they're not lighthearted but the books I always recommend to people as they're my favourites are The Kite Runner, Captain Corelli's Mandolin, The Girls, We Need To Talk About Kevin, Birdsong, To Kill A Mockingbird, Great Expectations, The Women's Room and anything by Margaret Atwood. x

  21. I'm personally not a reading fan, but I adore Pride and Prejudice, and did it for my A Level English Literature :). I also hear L.A Candy is a really good book.


  22. Laura

    I have read the I heart New York and the others in the series, they are a good read :)

    Laura x

  23. kirstyb

    my NYR was actually to read one book a week. I love reading and sometimes life just gets in the way! xxx

  24. The Alchemist is AMAZING! Veronika Decides to Die by the same author is brilliant too, you should check it out. The only other book I've read from your hawl is L.A. Candy, which while fairly poor will keep you entertained.

  25. I fell in love with Lauren Conrad books, i'm waiting for the 3rd one to arrive, pretty little liars are cool too!

  26. Sarah

    Please please PLEASE read 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky, it's completely outstanding. A lot of quotes from it are floating around the Internet but you can't help but love that book. :)

    Sarah x

  27. Pride and Prejudice is fantastic, as is 'I Heart New York'.
    Two totally different sides of the reading spectrum but what the hey.
    If you're after chicklits Louise Bagshawe's a great author for them.

  28. The Hunger Games Trilogy is amazing. Enough said. :)

  29. Lichy

    ohh, a really cool resolution, you´re so inspiring! I´m gonna do the same :)

  30. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite also, but I think I recall that you are near Bath right? You might also enjoy Persuasion and Northanger Abbey by Austen since they take place in your neck of the woods. Persuasion is actually a close second to P&P for me. Happy reading! Crystal

  31. Steph

    Everything J.D. Salinger ever published is amazing.

  32. Bex

    Glad to see you are getting back in to it!! I LOVE to read and am always stuck in a book :)

    I would recommend anything by Jodi Picoult, Tracey Chevalier, Joanne Harris or for something a bit different, Jeffrey Archer!

  33. absolutely Nancy Mitford's "Love in a Cold Climate" and "Pursuit of Love"…they're usually sold in one book together. It's from the 40s but absolutely hilarious and so well written and witty that you won't be able to put it down. It's loosely based on the author's life in English countryside during and right before wwii and there's a lot of paris in it as well. it's SO good and there's a great bbc movie with rosamund pike too that you can watch on youtube. seriously, best book ever!!!

  34. If you enjoy "Remember Me" you should check out "Twenties Girl" too and "Pride and Prejudice" is always a great read. You might enjoy Georgette Heyers books, they are mostly Regency rom coms but very well written and laugh out loud funny in places. xx

    Kittenish Behaviour Blog

  35. I see you found Being Brazen's book blog :)

  36. Barbie

    Probably not going to make any effort to read MORE this year.

    But I just read a fabulous book!

    Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

    I will try to read more by her! :)

    Drop Dead, Gorgeous Stila/MAC giveaway!

  37. Vicky

    I've always wanted to read Pride and Prejudice as well. Must hop to it x

  38. Lucy

    I used to be exactly like you, I'd always have a book in my hand. I LOVE reading so, so much but I go through phases, I have so many unread books on my shelf that I will get round to reading one day. I too pick up books in charity stores, I refuse to buy them new now, I sometimes buy off Play or Amazon from other sellers and they're always dirt cheap.
    Sophie Kinsella's Remember Me is such a good read – I guarentee you'll love it. I recommend The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and One Day by David Nicholls, it'll have you laughing and crying right from the off.

    Sorry for the essay, I just love when I discover people with a passion for books! I've just stumbled across your blog and I can't believe I hadn't seen it before, it's lovely :) xx

  39. Giulia

    Lovely selection! I am Jane Austen's #1 crazed fangirl hehe. Buuut, do you read in Italian? La Campana di Vetro :)

  40. [Anna]

    I used to read a lot, but the same happened to me and was too bogged down with college work. Atm, i have more spare time now, so i'm trying to start reading more. I just recently read My best friend's girl by Dorothy Koomson and loved it. I love chick lit, thanks for sharing the review sites!

  41. Winny.

    can't beat a good book.

  42. I'm doing this too and love it already. Reading is definitely cool! :) x

  43. 'Remember Me' and 'I Heart New York' are such good reads, along with 'Pride and Prejudice' of course, it's a classic for a reason. Hope you enjoy them all!


    ooh, i lovee reading,
    pride and prejudice is a classic!
    one of my favourite books is The Perks Of Being a Wallflower, suchh a good book. i really recommend it :) xxx

  45. Martina

    "The alchemist" is a wonderful book, I totally recommend it. Also I think Carlos Ruiz Zafòn's books are awesome!

  46. Ooh, I want Russell's new book. I love him so.
    I really need to get reading again, too. I'm in my 3rd year at uni so everything I've been reading has been to do with that. SNOOZE.
    Thanks for reminding me to get back into reading! Bring on graduation in May so I can finally read stuff I want to read about!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend xx

  47. Ayden

    I commute to work every day, but reading on the bus or train makes me feel sick :( uugh, so annoying! I struggle with reading at times so it helps for me to be in a relaxed setting where I can 100% focus on it. I really must make more of an effort this year xx

  48. bee.

    It's one of my goals to read more books and to more importantly read the books I already have. I have a tendency to go to charity shops and just sift through books for hours. These books then take pride of place in my book pile but I never seem to get round to reading them! Good luck with your goal (:

  49. All of Louise bagshawe and sophie kinsella books are really good, esp the shopaholic novels :) X

  50. Shabna

    Pride & Prejudice is lovely but I found it hard to get into. I love watching the films though, and Mr Darcy IS dreamy. Aaaah.

    You should read Glamour by Louise Bagshawe it's a great girly read and very empowering.
    Happy reading! xx

  51. Hannah

    Ah I love reading! I used to read constantly, and I still do – but I'm doing an English degree so the books I read aren't always what I'd usually go for!

    I'm actually reading 'I Heart New York' at the minute as I'm determined to read more books, not just the ones I read for uni. It is absolutely AMAZING so far, I seriously didn't think it would be this good.

    Other books I love and recommend are: Playing With the Grownups, A Picture of Dorian Gray, The Shadow of the Wind (absolutely amazing book), Chocolat, Jane Eyre :) xx

  52. Hi,OMG I was going to buy that reading is sexy t-shirt a few years ago but they didn't ship to UK ;( Its so cute!
    The lovely bones book is good..also I know people may laugh but I love Danielle Steel books! :) x

  53. You sound the same as me in terms of losing your interesting in reading around sixth form due to high demand subjects. I bought a lot of books for christmas in the hope I would start reading again. I got through 'The Stepford Wives' in a couple of hours (very short book) and it is so completely different from the film! Really recommend it for a short read. My favourite book of all time has to be 'Breakfast at Tiffanys' by Truman Capote, so read that if you can!
    Happy Reading :) x

  54. I used to be a crazy reader too, I would often read a book every 3 days or so but lately I have been slacking on this, I recently got a kindle and it has been awesome, so many free books, especially since my favorite books are usually classic literature, all the older books are always free so I love it. Happy Reading!

  55. how you findinf the loreal hd foundation Zoe? Has it made you breakout or anything? My skin is freaking out at ANY foundations except minerals!!

  56. Hayley

    The shopaholic book series are fab!! I have just finished reading 'the wedding girl' which was a good read.

    This is my news resolution – to read more books, when i was younger i would read non stop.


  57. Aysh

    Heya hun Happy New Year to ya! First time commenting :) Am such a major bookworm, there's nothing I love more than a good book, big mug of coffee & preferably something sweet! :) Am so into Jane Austen books right now too. Have recently discovered another author who wrote books of that era as well? Georgette Heyer? If you like Austen then you'll deffo love her books too! :)

    Aysh xoxo

  58. Hi and thank you so much for linking my blog, I really appreciate it! My stat counter nearly exploded with all the sudden traffic and most of it seems to come from this post so thanks again, that was very kind of you! :)

    I love your blog too and you seem to have acquired some fantastic books! Out of this bunch, Remember Me is definitely my favourite as I simly adore Ms Kinsella!

    As for recommendations, you can find plenty on my blog, but one I think you might enjoy is Air Kisses by Zoe Foster, which is a hilarious chick lit book written from the perspective of a beauty editor – I loved it!

    ps: Wow, you take absolutely amazing pictures!

  59. Oh wow, thanks for the linkage Zoe! My favourite book of 2010 was The Ice Cream Girls by Dorothy Koomson. I loved it! Really gritty and totally different to my usual, fluffy chicklit, but I couldn't put it down xxx

  60. I love to read, Pride & Prejudice is one of my, if not my very favourite book of all time. Great selection you picked up. The 'I Heart…' series is awesome xxx

  61. I love reading but like you said it can be hard to find the time to read when you're working full time. I used to be fortunate enough or unfortunate to have to travel 40 mins every day on the train. This used to be my reading time. But as soon as I moved to the city centre and within walking distance of work I lost the time when I used to read.

    Now I have to make time to sit down and read. The Russell Brand book is meant to be really good. I've been recommended 'Tribes' by Seth Godin by one of my friends so that will have to be my next book purchase.

    The mug is cool, it's all about having a cool mug collection to drink your tea from.


  62. Haribo

    Jane Austen all the way, Pride and Prejudice is one of my favourite books, I must have read it 100 times! I also love Sense and Sensibility but its very very melancholy.

    I love reading so if you find anything worth a read, be sure to let us know !!x

  63. YEY for books, I heart NY is brilliant, I read the second one in one night, now I'm reading the third, brill series. Can't beat a bit of Darcy, was going to call my son that if I had one :) xx

  64. I don't even know how to begin with a recommendation list…I read as much as I can (usually audio books in the car these days) and have so many faves! But here are some really good ones off the top of my head:

    Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides (I see someone recommends another of his, The Virgin Suicides, above, which reminds me I need to read it!)

    The Girl w/ the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson (currently reading)

    South of Broad by Pat Conroy

    Anything by Agatha Christie is guaranteed for me.

    Any of Joshilyn Jackson's 4 books – Between, Georgia; Gods in Alabama; The Girl Who Stopped Swimming; and Backseat Saints. (All of these are about strong female characters living in the South in the U.S.) (

    Sons and Lovers by DH Lawrence

    Jane Greene books (

    Oh, and of course, Harry Potter!!!

    I also have The Alchemist on my to-read list.

  65. Lovely post, i love reading is makes me feel smart, xx

  66. I love any book by Sarah Dessen. Someone Like You is my favorite. I also love the books The Secret and The Power. They are like self help books, but they are so inspirational.

    xo, Jay

  67. Jan

    David Sedaris – Dress your family in corduroy and denim. If you're just getting back in to reading and you need to ease yourself into Sedaris is perfect. He writes essays about his slightly kooky family growing up – they are impossibly well-written and HILARIOUS to boot!

  68. ahhhh 'i heart new york' is an amazzzzzing book i couldnt but it down :) i have the lauren conrad books but i havnt read them yet!! happy reading <3 xxx

  69. MJ.FTW.


    !! same NYR as you!!!

    yayy :)

  70. LA Candy by Lauren Conrad is such a fun read!! <3
    and my fav book of all time is If You Could See Me Know by Celia Ahern, its amazing and you've also got to read the Chocolate Lovers Club and Diet by Carole Matthews.

    Do more book reviews :D x
    -Damini x

  71. great resolution, your post is really inspiring ! :)

  72. I am a big Philippa Gregory fan, even with historical inaccuracies but they are a good read. I prefer The Other Boleyn Girl, The Boleyn Inheritance & The White Queen above the others, for the most part they show more of the romantic Queens of England but TOBG is hardly an accurate portrayal of Anne Boleyn but hey, it does make for a good read. I also recommend ‘A Song of Ice & Fire’ Series by George R.R Martin, it is medieval-fantasy and is being made into a television show called Game Of Thrones for HBO.

    Good luck with the reading!

  73. Coco

    this is EXACTLY what i need right now!
    book reviews & inspiration to read more!
    thank you so much! :)

    – Coco

  74. Sophhh

    hahah that mug is amazing! i want it :) i never can get into a book. i read a sentence and get distracted! oops. hahaa
    please follow! xx

  75. Joy

    I really liked I Heart NY, it was light & fluffy – apart from her heartbreak, I wished it could happen to me, going to NY and getting a fab makeover!

    WAG's diary was a surprise for me a few years back so I recommend it to you. It was a magazine freebie and I detest Jordan so I was fully expecting to dump this book after 2 chapters but it was really funny!

    If you're going to read a Jodi Piccolt book, it's gotta be My Sister's Keeper. Definitely the best that I've read of hers and, I want to stress this, SOOOOO much better than the film! Just wipe the un-maternal Cameron Diaz from your mind!

    One of my New Year resolutions is to take time out to read more – and not just blogs!


  76. Kelly

    I totally feel you on this! Reading used to be such a passion of mine and then I went so MIA. Chick lit is a great way to ease back into reading!

    Anyways great blog — just subbed! :) Please check out mine if you get a chance!

    <3 Kelly

  77. i loved remember me? If you like Sophie Kinsella, you should check out Twenties Girl, it's pretty much her best yet.

  78. Fiona

    I thoroughly enjoyed Lazy Ways To Make A Living by Abigail Bosanko, and anything by Chris Manby or Mike Gayle I usually enjoy. I've got tons of books I've accumulated from local charity shops but they're just sitting there unread at the moment. I really need to read more.

    Fiona x

  79. A lot of people are hoping to read more this year. Both my lovely mother and I are hoping to read a book a month this year. Wish us luck! I too have a pile of books by my bed and also a list of books I want to get a page long! I'm really interested in reading Lauren Conrad's books but I'm afraid to buy one in case I don't like it! Would you be able to mention if you like it or not once you've it read? Cheers :]

  80. Joy

    btw, my previous comment sounds like I think Jordan wrote Wag's Diary – I know she didn't but I'm usually not a fan of that kinda glamour/WAG girlies. But the book was funny!!!

    Shallow on a shoe-string – I LOOOOOOVE Lauren and I love chick-lit but I really didn't like "her" book… :-( Was mega disappointed.

  81. Hi Zoe,

    Such a great post :)
    I'm a librarian, and I love it when people talk about the books they love to read, especially when they're the type of books that I read too!

    Im a huge fan of Sophie Kinsella, Marian Keyes, Maggie Alderson and i've just started getting into Jill Mansell's books. I highly recommend those authors and would love to know what other authors and/or titles other people enjoy :)

    Laura x

  82. Joy – Really? Hmmmm. I really want to read it now and see for myself. I just don't have the money right now to buy it and end up not liking it! >.<

  83. Joanie

    Oh i loved "The Memory Keepers Daughter"! I even saw a commercial about a daytime movie they made from the book but never got to see it. I also have a NYR of reading more! good luck :)

  84. love that mug, reading is sexy everyone else needs to get with the program :) haha

  85. Pride and prejudice is one of my favorite books:)
    I am totally book addicted:)

  86. i think i have to read the book " pride and prejudice" i heard a lot of good things about it
    i've started this morning " wuthering heights" very famous so i think i'll enjoy it a lot, its the kind of stories i love !

  87. I can't belive you also like pride and prejudice. is one of my favourite books Ever. and even if it's a little bit "aged", I always laugh a lot when i read it. and if you liked the book, you Have to watch the movie as well! Keira is So beautiful. and if you liked that film, you could like "becoming jane" as well :)

  88. I LOVE the "I heart" collection by Lindsey Kelk, I got my copy in Glamour magazine and as soon as I'd finished it, I was straight on Amazon buying the rest of the collection. A new one is scheduled for release at the end of this year.

    I really want to read Lauren Conrad's collection of books too!

    I love reading!

  89. hi, i'm a new follower. just stumbled across your blog while google-ing "granny chic" hehehe anywho, i have been using a site called "" and you can search, rate, and find lists that people have compiled of different genres. you can even put it on your blog like i have. btw – loving your style and your hair!

    ttfn, jenn

  90. Miha

    I came across this post, and it gave me the boost I needed to go searching in a charity shop. And I'm so glad I did! Got great bargains on such good books, and they were all in good condition
    Thanks Zoella!

  91. Anything Nicholas Sparks is best for a holiday, so good to just sink into.

  92. mollie copeland

    Even though it is a Children book writer I recommend David Walliums as they can be funny

  93. Natalie D

    Sarah Dessen for sure. <3