I got borded & snipped my fringe, I don’t like when it becomes too long and unruly, and it becomes increasingly hard for me to style or actually like how i’d styled it. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes i like having a long fringe, and parting my hair in the middle, but i got fed up with it and it was weighing it down, thus making my hair look more flat. So, here is my shorter fringe styled to the side (how i used to wear my hair everyday without fail) Have no fret those of you who think i suit a middle parting more, i can still part it, and actually, it looks better. More Mollie King-esq (Google if unsure) After taking these photos, i also realised i have natural highlights through my fringe. I did have highlights put in (about 7) around a year and a half ago, so they have pretty much gone, but yeh, why have i never noticed those before? I curled the ends of my hair on a low heat using my Cloud Nine straighteners (LOVE – Buy some. Now)
Also, for those who may be interested I am wearing Mac’s Studio Fix Fluid on my face, with Bare Escentuals on top & Nars Orgasm blush. Nothing on my lips & Mac’s Woodwinked & Bronze on my eyes with Maybelline False Lash effect mascara (very unsure of this mascara, sometimes it works like a dream, other times its too wet and clumpy and the brush is a beast – Thoughts?
you look gorgeous!i'm totally with you on the fringe,my fringe is starting to bug me too:/
motivated me to go for the snip!:)
You look lovely in these pics :) I like the shorter fringe. Your hair just seems to 'sit' nicely, if that makes sense! I also snip my hair when I get bored with it btw! xxx
Gorgeous. I'm currently in the fringe dilemma myself and am debating some Abbey Clancy style bangs? I am however,very jealous of your blue blue eyes
T x
I know what you mean about long fringes, so annoying. I got mine chopped back yesterday :) x
You hair looks lovely! I always snip mine when I'm bored but it doesn't ever end up half as decent as yours has! x
It looks great! Did you snip it yourself? I always cut it by myself, cause that way I have a guarantee that it's gonna be how I want it to be. Your haircolor is lovely!
Your fringe looks gorgeous. I'm currently bored of my hair and very tempted to snip myself a fringe. x
this looks stunning! I want such a side swept fringe too now :)
Please stop being so gorgeous, please? ;). You of course look amazing! Very Mollie King esque, but better!
Your smile is always very cute! I also cannot stand it when my hair feels too weighed down.
wow. your hair is amazing.
I would LOOOOOOOVE To see how you cut it, cause I really want to learn how to cut my own :(x
love the hair! you're too pretty!
you look lovely!!! and loving the fringe and makeup!!!
Well, the snipping looks lovely on you! :)
Liesl :)
I Love your hair, and I have the same mascara which works every time for me, i love it.
Perfecto! x
love your hair!
Gorgeous bangs, they really suit you. Your hair looks darker, too! Looks great with your blue eyes.
did something happen to your font or is it just me?!
your hair looks soo beautiful!
gorgeous hair. (:
so jealous of the bangs!
Why are you so gorgeous!? Lol, lovely pictures! Your hair looks beautiful and quite frankly you are convincing me to get bangs, which I have never had before(!)…I really like that mascara on you, gives your lashes a lot of volume!
I am pretty much the same way, when I am bored, I get alil too scissor happy also.
i love your hair! :) you look gorgeous! xx
u look gorgeous!!!
It looks great!
lovley <3
so so stunning :) I love it, and you look gorgeous as always. The natural high lights are lovey
it looks bootiful! x
I would love if you would do a post on the color of your hair!!!
I've been wanting to dye my hair darker but i don't want it all one color!
I looove how yours is colored!!!
your hair looks amazing, you'd look stunning bald though!<3
can you show us how to do you hair i would love to know how to do it x <3
Your hair looks gorgeous!
oh zoe zoe zoe, how did you get so unbelievably gorgeous?! pfft xx
Hair envy!!
Actually, face envy too!
Damn you! :P hehe. x
u look stunning – hate u lol =) ur hair is gorgeous love the curls
love your hair :) the color is great too!
Good snipping! looks healthy and volumous!!! <3
Gorgeous hair, that sweeping fring is lovely! Love your make-up too! Really like your blog, especially your outfit posts!
Too cute! Great blog!
Oooh, I'm loving it Zoe my dear <3
Looking beautiful (as always) ;)
Your hair looks gorgeous – mine is long but is so fine and lifeless, I don't know what to do with it lol.. ;)
i like your hair, the curls look great :)
snip snip snip Edward Scissorhands….this is HOTT!!
you hair looks so perfect! I was thinking of getting rid of my side fringe but I now feel inspired to just make it bigger and more fabulous like yours <3
wow! your eyes are gorgeous!
Please feel free to check out my blog :)
Wow your hair looks amazing! I'm currently in the middle of growing my fringe out into a middle parting but this makes me want to cut my fringe back in! Beautiful.
Zoe, i LOVE your hair. and when i was younger i flipped my parting over, opposite yours, and got a finge cut. Ive had a fringe ever since and i really regret it. I think right side partings (their right) look so much better, but i have layers and a side fringe.. is there an easy way to go back to a left side parting that you could let me know of?? xxxx
Omg, Zoe you look beautiful no matter what! Make up or no make up you still look gorgeous; parting or side fringe, still look gorgeous! Whatever you look like you will always look beautiful Zoe. Love you zoella.
Love Katie
PS it's my birthday April 13th and I'm going to be 12 years old :D xxxxxxx
how did you cut your fringe ?
you look beautiful in this picture
im so jealous of her bangs too