Throughout the past few months, i have been using the same handful of blushers over & over.
I have quite a nice collection of blush too, but i just keep going back to these beauties.
At some point, I am going to have to give my other blushers some well deserved attention but for now, i will share with you the 5 that are very close to my heart. ha.
P.S I’m sorry about my lack of eye makeup and generally lacking full stop on the makeup front today..but it’s all about the blush..right?

Illamasqua Powder Blush in “Tweak“

This blush was kindly sent to me by Alex over at Illamasqua as she had seen it in my wishlist. I absolutely adore the colour of this blush. It’s a shade i don’t often see. I’d say it was a red based hot pink. I know it looks scary, but honestly, you just need the smallest amount and it brightens up your whole complexion. I honestly think that warmer tones suit my skin alot more than cool tones. I have been wearing this alot during the winter because i think it gives your cheeks a naturally “cold-kissed” glow (been out in the cold) I am one of those people that doesn’t go pink when cold, or after exercising, so this is perfect. I’d also like to add that it’s the most pigmented blush i own.
Mac’s Mineralize Blush in “Daft Pink“

This blush came out with a collection earlier on in the year, and i instantly knew i’d love it. I get so many compliments on my skin when i wear this. It does give you a healthy glow. However, if you don’t like small particles of glitter or a sheen..this isn’t for you. As my skin is mostly dry/combination, i love a bit of a sheen to give my face more dimension. I’m going to have to slow down with this one, as it was limited edition. If you are after something similar, The Body Shop came out with a mineralize blusher not long ago, it didn’t look similar, but had almost the exactly same effect on the skin. They had a few in the winter sale, so you might still be able to find one of those somewhere.
Benefit Powder Blush in “Coralista”

Since I recieved this at Christmas, i have worn it to death. I don’t care if coral is typically a summer shade for the face, it brightens up my complexion and softens it. Sometimes pink can get a bit boring & when that’s the case, coral is perfect. I think because my skin is a “warm” shade, coral is easier for me to wear. I can’t wait until the sun starts coming out so i can really whack it on with my bronzer. haha.
Illamasqua Cream Blush in “Sob”

I love this one when i am going for a “doll faced” look. What i mean by that is just simple pale matte skin, long full lashes, and simple lip & eye colours. This cream blush gives the ultimate dewy effect, it has a gorgeous shine to it, and when paired with flawless matte skin, it looks so pretty. It’s got a much blue-er undertone than anything else i own, and for this reason i don’t wear it as much as the others. I wore it alot more towards the start of winter when I still had a bit of face colour from the summer, otherwise it CAN make you look slightly cold. I still wear it at the moment though. It looks pretty with brown neutral eyes and a neutral lip colour.
Mac’s Powder Blush in “Well Dressed”

A favourite of many, the trusty Well Dressed. A gorgeous milky pink with slight shimmer. It goes on smoothly, blends well & looks good with ANY makeup look. Pale or sunkissed, this blush will suit my skin whichever. The only thing i WILL say about this, is that Illamasqua puts Mac to shame when it comes to pigmentation. In order to get the achieved amount on my face i do have to go back a few times, whereas Illamasqua’s blushers are very highly pigmented..and i believe they are around the same price.
What are you’re current “go-to” blushers?
i cooonstantly use 'well dressed'. because of college and work, i have to wake up ridiculously early in the morning, and it's definitely in my little stash of every day make-up. i love how it seems to brighten and lift my face, stopping me from look toooo ghastly at 6am!
i also looove dandelion powder, and often (mostly on nights out) use mac's belightful iridescent powder to highlight.
this post has reeeally made me want to try an illamasqua blush, but there's not a counter near me and i'm too dubious to try something i've only seen on the internet :(
Oh you made me want to buy me some blush the Illamasqua Blush Cream i so appealing me =) Thank you so much <3
Hey hun!
Coralista I have said to you before I cannot live without and Sugarbomb from Benefit this month is AMAZING!!!
I really like the look of the MAC ones and want to give them a go too! I know that's from an older collection, but do they do any nice, current ones you recommend?
Well Dressed Looks beautiful and natural :) xo
Sob looks gorgeous! Absolutely loving Illamasqua at the moment, especially the cream blushers.
I also use well dressed and coralista a lot – love them.
Great post xx
I looooove my maybelline blush in "rose" :) it wasnt that expensive either! I always wear that kinda as a contour sort of thing and then have benefits "throb" as a highlight :) <3
I have to get myself a bit of Well Dressed….gorgeous!!! So is tweak, iv never tried Illamasqua, will have to soon!!!
My ultimate fave blush is Chanel 'Turbulent' but i try not use it too often as it was LE & already has a massive dip in it :(
Mac Sunbasque is my lazy day face perker- upper (!?) I would defo purchase it again & again!!! xXx
Love this post!
My sissy got coralista the other day and ive been nabbing it every day and i deff want to try it, Iam so loving blushes right now instead of bronzers.
I'm new, please followw
I love:
* MAC Dainty
* MAC Moonriver
* MAC Daft pink too!
* MAC Pink Swoon
Little MAC theme going on but they're the only blushes I truly love :)
I love the first one :)
all great blushes though. u still look gorgeous if u say u havent got much makeup on
Steph x
I love my mac mineralized blush in "superdupernatural." It came with the holiday stuff last month. However, I need to get coralista! I love benefit, and coralista looks so wearable and pretty. I cant wait til I am tan again ;)
Coralista is the best thing since sliced bread :) When I bought it, I was uhmming and ahhing for ages 'cause I didn't think I could justify spending £22.50 on one blush… but I'm so glad I did, use it probably 9 times out of 10 since I got it in August last year. Yay!
I've only got one Illamasqua blush, Mischief, it's a totally weird colour for me and I just got it 'cause it was cheap BNIB in a blog sale! Do plan to try more though :) wish I could wear cream blushes but I have oily skin. Bah. :(
i absolutely adore Coralista too which I incidentally got at Xmas too :) It's just such a good shade of blush :)
Wonderful post! I recently bought that Powderazzi after lemming for it for so long!
They all look gorgeous but the I am swooning after the MSF.
My current "to go" blushes are MAC Sunbasque, MAC Earth to Earth & Light over Dark, So Ceylon MSF & Dainty.
The Coralista looks gorgeous on you :)
I really like the Sob blush on you! I would also have thought you were cool toned, I thought warm toned meant olive undertones? I get confused because MAC's warm/cool is the reverse of the usual definition of warm/cool…
Beautiful blushes! They all look so pretty on you :D My number 1 go-to blush is Moon River, but right now I'm obsessing over the So Sweet, So Easy Cremeblend blush <3
Gorgeous, my fave is the Daft Pink, looks positively beautiful! :) x
The only blusher I have ever really worn is MAC's Dollymix. I think this year I am going to try to branch out and try a few more. Loving both those Illamasqua blushes! x
I really want Well Dressed-it looks beautiful! I have MAC Pinch O Peach which is really pretty :)
Ahh I love the look of Coralista!! I want!! Like the look of the Illamasqua one too, I really want to try a creme blush as its not something I've ever used before. xxx
Sob looks gorgeous, I really want to try some Illamasqua blushes :) xx
i really want to try Benefit, and Coralista is top of my list:) xxxx
I love Well Dressed – its one of my favourites too! And Tweak looks gorgeous, I still need to try some Illamasqua blushes! xx
The Illimasqua and MAC blushes especially complement your complexion, but they all look lovely.
You're right about coral though – it shouldn't just be resigned to summer use. I wear a coral coloured blush pretty much every day. I like to go for that whole doll-like look – and I think that's wearable anytime, especially if you're pale like me.
Good post, nice to have a peek inside other people's make-up collections xx
I think the coralista and well dressed suite you best :)
Comment back to my blog/ tweet me please.
Lots of love,
That Tweak blush looks like MAC's Fleur Power which is super pigmented
Look Sob on you, gorgeous xx
You've got me lemming Coralista….so nice! :) x
The Illamasqua blush is my favorite on you of the 5. It is gorgeous on your skintone and really brightens up your face.
i luv them …fav coralista,tweak is gorg too,daft pink ,,heck i love them all (lol)
Sob looks really nice~
gorgeous! love it.
I absolutely love MAC's mineralized blush in Daft pink…I got it over the summer and used the hell out of it. It truly complimented the warm undertones in my pale skin. Illamasqua powder blusher in Unrequited is a go to for me as well. Right now my obsession is MAC's cream blush in Florida…its like hot pink and takes only the tiniest amount to give me that perfect glow!
i cant tell which one looks best on you! altohugh i am a huge fan of well dresses.
after seeing this post illamasquas cream blushes are something i may want to try !
which brush do you use to apply your blush? thank you <3 love your blog!
Nars Amour
I really like "Well Dressed", it look so pretty. I sadly get that flush from that cold to an extreme so I usually just put a bit of bronzer on. I may have to go purchase the Well Dressed blush though. They're all gorg pinks but I think that's my fave.
These blushers look gorgeous on you! Especially Coralista! I'm disappointed we don't have Illamasqua "Sob" in the US. Great post hun! xx
Very informative post! I feel like I MUST have coralista and MSF daft pink even though it was limited edition. Ebay here I come! :)
Hey zoe, me and you have very similar taste in blushers:) what blush brush do you use? xx
i love tweak on you! ive been drooling over illamasqua blushers. i have that powderazzi box too and i really like it
I love the Illamasqua Cream Blush, especially the name! x
FANTASTIC POST! Thanks so much for showing us what these look like on skin!!!
i love this post! these are great!
im currently all about Dollymix and Deep Throat :]
That Illamasqua blush looks gorgeous! Ill have to check it out!.x
Excellent picks!!!
Love Coralista and Well Dressed too!
Now you 're making me want "Daft Pink"'s gorgeous on you!!!
Brilliant post. On the wishlist Illamasqua Tweak goes. I'm currently loving MAC Mocha, beautiful warm deep rose colour. Perfect for winter :) x
ooooooo! I love the look of well dressed! but unfortunately bit pricey :'( xxxx
Well Dressed looks stunning on your skin! Might have to make a cheeky purchase :) :) xxx
Well dressed looks so good on you! It really suits your skin tone and just looks beautiful!
Just another typical night reading Zoella posts from 5 years ago… its normal right??
I do it all the time haha