As i mentioned previously, i went into the City on boxing day & had a gander around the sales.
Here are a few of my slightly “blingy-er” finds…
I’m not normally an overly blingy person, in fact sometimes i’d rather make more of a statement with what i’m wearing than jewellery.
However, i think a tiny part inside of all of us, screams out for some big tacky bling every once in a while..especially when it’s half price or less.
The first thing i picked up was this rather tacky gold watch in River Island, reduced from £34.99 to £15
Equipt with diamontes & leopard print. On the tacky scale i’d say it was pretty high, but i don’t care, because i likes it :)
Second was a Karen Millen ring in House Of Fraser. Was £42.50, but i paid £10! A bloody bargain i’m sure you’d agree.

It sits on the hand at a slight angle, which obviously according to which way up you put it on, can either face down or up. It also has swarovski crystals in it, so it catches the light & looks beautiful. It’s quite large on my teeny little hand, but i love me a massive blingy ring. ;)
So as you can see, my blingtastic alter ego took over whilst hunting through the sales, but i’m glad she did, as i love both purchases.
Do you have a tacky/blingy alter ego like me?
haha, it's so hard to resist a bit of bling now and again (;, i'm always so tempted by those watches i might have to buy one next time! X
I'm an absolute sucker for a bit of sparkle and that ring is beyoootiful – I loves it!
Love the ring. I have a massive blue heart one I picked up from a charity fashion show – not quite Karen Millen – it was only £3 but I feel all giddy when I wear it as it's really silly and girly xx
Woah that ring is beautiful! And such a great price. I'm like you – sometimes a bit of bling is required :). xo
love the watch! its gorj i love bling stuff nw and then makes u feel that tad bit rich lol
That ring is great :)
I'm loving cocktail rings atm :)
I love the watch! I would be happy to wear it but I'm not sure if it goes with my style of clothes, but does it have to?! I'm not sure! I am obsessed with big sparkly rings at the moment and that ring is gorge!!
Oh whats your nail polish btw? Is really pretty! x
love that BIG leopard watch so cute
Gorgeous ring Zoe! I love it, & such a bargain, always the best buys! :)
We all need a bit of bling in our lives every so often, love the watch x
Ahh love both items you got, i need a bit of bling every now and then lol, it's the glitter and sparkle that trigger my bling side haha xo
Both items are gorge! :) & don't think any girl can see they don't like a bit of bling – it's built inside of us to love it! Haha :)
I especially love the cocktail ring, and a tenner!? Niceee! Haha :)
Love, Lucy @ xx
I was going to buy that watch the other day! I can't remember why I didn't cause I really want a big tacky exciting watch, I love it & I prefer simple jewelry normally, aha x
Wow loving the bling!
I do love a great big blingy ring!! Great buy!
love the ring, its gorgeous- and even though it is obv bling- I personally don't think it looks tacky. & the watch looks like a bit of fun :)
good bargins you get there x
My current favourite ring was an absolute steal from Primark at the whopping price of £1.50.. and it's the biggest, tackiest thing you have ever seen.. Statement piece, anyone?! x
Fab bargains! I'm ashamed to say I actually wanted that watch, nevvr brought it though :(
I actually quite like that watch lol :) Bargain too! xx
i love that watch!!!!!!!!!!
Hot Damn! Those are some "bloody" gorgeous bargains indeed!!
I love that ring! And I like your blog too! :)
Yes, I totally have it!I went to London last week and my tacky alter-ego was relieved!a lot of tacky, blingy shopping!
I LOVE the ring, it's so unique and quirky :)
See I think over the top jewelery is totally acceptable as long as you aren't wearing something over the top. A flashy necklace, ring, or pair of earrings goes well with a plain kind of outfit. Makes it pop more.
I am a big fan of crazy dangle-y earrings with lots of colors or flash. But of course, when I'm sporting those there is no necklace to accompany.
the ring is fun for sure!
Very cute watch! :)
I love Karen Millen! Your ring is fab
the ring is gorgeous zoe, and such a good bargain :)
Im all for a bit of tacky haha! Love the ring!!! :)
that's a lot of bling bling! my eyes can't take so much fabulous-ness at once! :D love it
i nominated you for an award :), check it out on my blog x
A little big o bling is good sometimes! Ahaha
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oooo gorgouss :)
I love my blingy watches
I love the watch! Leopard and bling are a-okay in my books :)
Love both! I'm obsessed with my big blingy baubles :) They add so much fun to a simple outfit.
Btw just found your blog and am LOVING IT!!! I lived in London for a semester in grad school and miss it so much. All your references hit so close to home! Also, I wish I had known about Barry M and Gosh when I was there!! Anytime you want more Lucky Charms or Smashbox, please let me know :)
LOVE the ring!
What nail varnish are you wearing here?
i like the watch so much,i don't care if it's too blingy!:)lol great blog!!xoxoxoxo
Kissing Games|
What kind of watch is that? I'd love to get it for my wife
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OMG leopard print!!!!!! My favourite thing!!!! Arrrrrrr I’m getting really excited