One thing about writing a book, that is possibly the most exciting thing besides the actual story or the characters you’ve created, is the front cover. I found this extremely difficult to try and picture in my mind but seeing this image makes me so happy. It’s everything I wanted it to be.
I LOVE IT and it makes me so so sooooo excited for the day I can hold it in my hand
The bottom right hand photo of the balloons will of course be replaced with the winner of the instagram competition for both the UK and a separate one for the US.
NOT LONG NOW! *excited clenched fists*
YouTube | Twitter | Facebook | Bloglovin’ | Pinterest | Tumblr | Instagram
This looks amazing!! Excited!
AHHH! I'm so excited!!!
Love, Katrina
Wooooow! It look so so amaznig!! I hope it will be avaible in Poland! xxx
Congratulations Zoe! Saw your book for pre order this morning on iBooks, can't wait!
So excited for this! Cover looks amazing!
Ohh I love the cover! So exciting!!
Elesaurus | elesaurusrawr.blogspot.com
YouTube – Eleanor Rose
This is so exciting Zoe, it looks so good! Super proud of you!
How exciting! Love the cover!
Gabriella x
Ahhh such a cute cover, so excited for you Zoe! xx
Messing With A Dreamer
Such a cute cover! Can't wait to read it!! xxx
Oh my gosh!! This is so exciting!!
I'm so intrigued to read this book!
Congrats Zoe!
from Marlee and You
Can't wait to get my hands on your book! Pretty cover!:) xo
Molly Louise Blogs xo
It looks amazing! I so want to get your book!
Ohh I love it! I honestly cannot wait for this book to come out. So happy for you Zoe, such an amazing thing to achieve :)
Holly x
holly la beau
How cute!
The cover really looks amazing. It has a great design and I am sure that the book itself will also be really good.
I'm looking forward to it.
BEAUTIFUL! This looks fantastic!
So excited for this to be released! Well done Zoe :)
You've got the cover spot on, it looks amazing! It's definitely an attractive cover so lots of people will want to read the book, including people who may not even watch you on Youtube. I can't wait for the book, it's so exciting that it will be out soon. :) x
Have you messaged the winners yet?x
Can't wait to read!!! Love that cover.
Oh my gosh this has made things even more exciting Zoe!
Can't wait to read it!
Ly Zoe, and I'm so proud of you!
Well done on your book xoxo
Cover looks great Zoe, super excited of you!
Such an exciting time for you! Congratulations!
So excited for you Zoe! xx
How exciting! As a writer, seeing your hard work finally pay off is so rewarding! Congrats!!
This cover looks amazing! You've done an amazing job!!
~ Hannelore
Looks amazing! I'm so excited for you Zoe! :) x
it looks so tumblr and pretty aha! excited for it xx
Just watching your vlog, the cover looks great! I love the colours and the fairy lights are so lovely! Congrats, I am so happy for you, can't wait to read your book :)
Love Life Every Day
everydaybeauty instagram
already pre-order it can't wait !! currentlyreadiing.blogspot.com
I'm so exited and proud!!! Congrats Zoe!!!! <3 <3
I love the cover its amazing. Can't wait to have a read. So proud of you :). Pretty much followed your blog and your youtube channel since the beginning :)
Would mean the world if you could take the time to check out my blog, I know you must get asked this by everyone and I know how busy you are at the moment, but please please please check it out even if it takes a year! It's a lifestyle blog that I started last month http://lavieest-belle-blog.blogspot.com/
I'm so excited. It looks amazing! I really can't wait to hold the book in my hand and finally be able to read it x
I am so happy for you! It's probably the best feeling in the world to see your own book, written by your own hands, with your own story put together to a whole! You are truly living a dream…
can't wait to read it, looks great!
Looks so good! Really reflects you as well I think! Can't believe it's actually coming to life! Abi :)
so exited and happy for you this is the most exciting year ever with Alfie's book, your book, Tanya's makeup and Troye's album, eeeeeeeeeee so happy for all of you and cant wait to be able to hold this in my hand and be able to read your marvelous work
love from
This looks amazing! So happy for you Zoe x
yay! x
Oh my gosh I'm so excited for it, it looks so cute
Yay! I love it!
Such a cute cover! x
looks so pretty!
Lauren| thatgirlcalledlauren.blogspot.co.uk
Such a beautiful cover! I'm so excited for the book!
Really nice cover ! I'm excited too :) xx
Oh my, so coool! Can't wait!
Gorgeous cover! Excited to read it xxx
The cover looks AMAZING! Can't wait to read the book! :) xx
Love the colour, im so excited for the book!!
congratulations Zoe I cannot believe you're at this stage! I remember reading your blog when I was about sixteen, you've come so far and I feel so proud – I can't imagine how YOU must be feeling!
sara x
Studs On Saturday
Soooo exciting! The cover is absolutely perfect, totally you :)
Verally, my personal fashion blog
I love the cover, but will there be a paperback version too? The books with hardcovers are so hard to carry around.
Aw the cover looks amazing Zoe!!
Looks amazing!!
omg I'm sooooo excited *-* can't wait! :3
SO exciting! :)
Style Sunrise☀
Love the cover, so excited to get your book!!
what is the instagram thing ?
Well done
Soo cute! Ps. To anyone that may be reading this if you want to be blogger buddies then be sure to check out my blog with my best friend (www.justtwocrazyteenagegirls.blogspot.com) ;)
Lovely cover! Can´t wait to read it :) You are very talented Zoe <3
Wow… this is really pretty! I love the cover, totally you! I'm so exicted to read your book!
Congratulations! :)
Wonderful !
Love the cover Zoe, can't wait to read it! :D
Well done Zoe! I really love it!!
I love it, this is definitely going on my Christmas list. I can't wait to get it and read it!
Hope to buy it someday :-) Does amazon ship to Poland? I guess it does :-) So excited for you!!! Crossin' ma fingerzzz ;-)
It looks great Zoe, congratulations!! xx
Ooooh its so gorgeous!! I'm zoo excited!!
Congratulations Zoe!
congrats, girl! xo
How will you contact the winner ?? xx It look amazing btw :)
Just cant wait until your book comes out Zoe, been watching your videos and reading your blog for many years. Just so proud of your book and #zoellabeauty to be released! Such a successful year x
Ahh! The cover looks beautiful! I can't wait to read it when it's released! Stay amazing, Zoe.
This is just beautiful Zoe, I love the blue x
Fabulous! Colorful and lovely.
Kisses from http://www.withorwithoutshoes.com
Lovely, Zoe! The cover looks great! The very best of luck with the launch! xxx
Looks so good Zoe, I'm so excited for it!
Megan xo
Thumbelina Lillie | UK Beauty Blog
Yay!! I am so effing excited for you! Obviously your book will do well, so don't you worry about that! ;) I can't wait to see it here in Texas!
So, until then…
This literally looks amazing! So happy for you :)
Chloe Andrews
cant wait to read this book looks so good:-) i will defiantly be buying it!
The cover is GORGEOUS! I am so so so excited for the book to come out now!
Lucy :3
I am so excited to read it zoe! Cant wait, so proud of you and everything you have accomplished so far! You really inspired me among many others :)
Looks amazing Zoe, congratulations!
Bf Gf Does Blogging
I'm so thankful that I'd be in the UK for the launch of the book so I can get it!
Congratulations Zoe, the cover looks amazing!
It looks so pretty Zoe! I pre ordered it yesterday and I am so excited to read it! x
Pretty cover design ^^
恵美より ♥
Congrats Zoe!!! You've come so far and we're all so proud of you!
If you have a moment, I wrote a fall fashion post on my blog, check it out??? It would make me so happy!
looks so good!!!
alice x
YES POLAND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
Hello Zoe!
I'm nurra from Singapore! One of your subscriber! :D
I'm so excited for your book zoe! The cover looks amazing :)
– F – http://www.elevatorbrain.blogspot.co.uk
Awww Zoe!! You must so proud! This is such a beautiful cover! I absolutely can't wait to hold the actual book in my hands! I really do love the cover!! Beautiful and fun!
Well done :) x
I love the cover Zoe! It looks beautiful! I can't wait to read it. :)
So excited for you!! x
Looks great, I'm so excited for you! xx
This looks amazing, how exciting! :)
What a great idea to publish a book. I can not wait to read it. :)
such a gorgeous cover Zoe!
Emma from Masquerade Belle
I absolutely can't wait for the book anymore. Judging by the cover (which I'm not supposed to do, but still) it looks great!
Evelin Kivi blog
I really love the cover looks amazing! xoxo Vanessa
It is a pity that there is no delivery to Russia. I really want this book!
Looks amazing Zoe! Congratulations and I can not wait to read it! :)
Cannot wait for this to be in store, well done Zoe!
so proud of you Zoe :)
http://photographyalice.blogspot.co.uk/ x
So proud of you Zoe! Great job, can't wait to get the book!
Well done Zoella, getting your first book published is a HUGE massive achievement, you truly are an inspiration xx
Thank. you very much ..
I can't wait to read it! http://Www.cup-of-rosielee.blogspot.com xx
this is SO CUTE omg! so proud and excited to GET it ♥
x Rita
Ahhhhh I absolutely LOVE it! Especially the little fairylights (: XO
Omg Zoe how amazing, I love the cover can't wait to read your book! x
Love this cover, it's definitely 'you'! :)
Frankie x
Such a good cover, it really appeals to the audience and I'm sure will be a fab read!
Lauren x
Britton Loves | Fashion Lifestyle + Photography – http://www.brittonloves.blogspot.co.uk
This is so so exciting :)
Just to let you know I made my first youtube video today because you really inspired me!
Awwww Zoe! I am in love with the cover!! :)
Congratulations! Will definitely have to buy a copy!
Such a lovely cover, what an exciting thing for you.
Jess x
Very nice! Looking forward to reading it :)
Cant wait for this to be released, the covers so cute! x
Cute cover, such a big step for, this is amazing, congratulations xx
Wow, so exciting Zoe!!
I loved it so much!!! <3
• I also have a youtube channel, so check it if u r interested: http://youtube.com/ninaevanshen
Omg Zoe how awesome, I really like the protect can't delay to study your book! x copy of popular movie jackets
It looks lovely!
is the book going to be sold in stores like coles and chapters ?
I am so excited I am going to buying this the second I can! You're such an inspiration to me and I don't doubt that this will only inspire me more!
Much Love, AnnCates xx
I can't agree more the cover really catches your eye so it will attract so many people not just people that already know you through blogging and youtube!
Much Love, AnnCates xx
It looks so goood ! I'm so excited for you :)
Congratulations Zoe! This is such a huge accomplishment you should be very proud <3
She Will Be
Congrats on the book!!! The cover looks awesome and I can't wait to see it in print. I am sure it going to be on the best sellers list in no time. Is it coming out in Australia? I hope it is, I really want to read it!
This is so exciting Zoe, I am so happy for you!! I cannot wait to read it, I'm sure everyone is going to love it since this is your dream! :) The cover is also so beautiful – I love how the pictures are very polaroid-esque and also hanging from the little string!
Kendra | It's a Bug's Life
The book cover is so cute. I can't wait to see that on the shelves in book stores! I'm excited!
It looks amazing and I'm so excited!
I love it!! So cute. It is very you :)
Abby xx
I LOVE it, its perfect :) :) xxxoooxox
Can wait for your book to come, the cover is so cute! :)
I really like the colours you've used and how you've chose the polaroids and the fairy lights, I think that is a really cute touch! Really looking forward to getting this when it comes out :D
Zoe, I am so proud of you! You started YouTube and now you're so successful! You've inspired many people and I'd love to read you novel :) YOU ROCK!
I pre-ordered your book the moment you said it was out :D So excited to get it delivered to my house :*
It looks amazing, Zoe! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.
Such a lovely cover! :)
Stephanie | from greenteawithstephanie
The cover is so creative! I am so happy for you Zoe and can't wait to read the book!
I'm so excited to get my hands on one of these! Great job, Zoe. You make all of the Zoe's proud! LOL. xx
You did such a good job with th book cover! This has Zoella written all over it. I'm so excited for you :)
Xo Janina
Looks amazing, congrats Zoe!
THIS IS SO EXCITING!!! Congrats, Zoe!! :D
Lipstick and Mocha
Congrats on the book cover, Zoe! That's such an achievement in life. We're all so proud of you!
Diane || http://www.modernisticphoenix.blogspot.com
I love the colors so much, and the fairy lights too! -Audrey | Brunch at Audrey's
Congrats, Zoe! So excited for you!
This is so exciting! I love the book cover. congrats!
Sugar Sweet Style
I love the cover! Im having a proud moment here ♥ Cant wait for the book! :D
The cover is amazing Zoe! Absolutely adorable <3
You are so awesome zoella! I can't wait to read your book!
Uuuu, it looks really good! Didn't know what to expect from the cover but I really like it. Excited to see the Instagram winner photo!
I absolutely adore your cover. It reminds me of your study that you've shown in your vlogs. Super excited to read your book when it is released!
Looks cute and light. This would have been perfect for summer readings!
ZOOOOEEEEE! This is the most exciting thing I have seen for ages! I can't wait for it to come out! Congrats!
The cover is so beautiful! Ah, I'm so excited for it to be released! Congratulations on all of your success!
Its so fantastic! Cant wait to get one :))
Loving the cover! So exciting!! :)
Emily x // EmGrace
I love the cover!! I can't wait ti having the book on my hands and read it :)
Looks incredible!
Georgina from foxonthehunt.com
I can't wait to see the photo winner. I wonder how many people will try to purchase the US and UK copy to get both covers haha xx
Can't wait for that!!!! Kisses from Poland xx
Your book cover is gorgeous!! You must be so excited! Such an amazing achievement. Congrats!! :)
Wow! Congratulations it's such a fun cover I cannot contain my excitement to give your book a read I just want November to hurry up;)
How exciting! It looks amazing.
So cute! :)
OMG that looks amazing can't wait till I get my copy!!
It looks amazing!
Can't wait to get it :)
xx from Copenhagen
Congratulations, Zoe!!! x
So exciting!!! Congratulations :)
the book cover is really pretty! congrats on everything!
I really want to read this book. I think it's the kind of book to which we can all relate at some point. Congrats for achieving this Zoe :)
Aaaaaaah, I'm so excited! The cover looks great, like Zoella in book version, haha x
I really love it Zoe!¡
So pretty!
<a href="http://thevintagecc.blogspot.co.uk/>The Vintage Clothing Collection Blog</a>
Can't wait to be able to hold it in my hand x
I'm so happy for you! You totally deserve this!
Ahh I love it! Can't wait to read it!
I love your blog! This is a great post :)
What makes you beautiful
congrats lovely! looks absolutely gorgeous, well done xxx
So proud of you Zoe! The cover looks amazing. The invitations for your beauty launch are adorable too! Such a cool idea :)
Katie x
The cover looks great! I can't wait to read this! Such a great achievement, you should be really proud of yourself! x
Holly | Impatience is a Virtue | Bloglovin
The cover is so pretty that words just can't describe it. Can't wait to see the book in any of my local bookstores so I can buy it. Congrats Zoe! So proud of you
Seeing the cover makes it so much more real! It's so adorable(: Congratulations again! xo
Congratulations Zoe! I can't wait for the book to come out.
Don't forget to check out my blog:
salhaabuhayar.blogspot.com :)
I am so excited for your book!!
Love Sofie
So happy for you Zoe and cannot wait to read it!! xx
I love it! :)
My fashion/beauty blog: teamay.blogspot.com
Amazing cover!!
Ellie xx
I love it!
Summer Blogger Freebie!
It comes out the day before my Birthday :D
Congrats Zoe! I'm so excited to read this book!!
So excited! This cover is so cute, and is definetly you!
-Emily x
This looks amazing!
I'm so pleased for you, you work so hard you deserve all the success :-) can't wait to read the book :-)
Love the cover of your book. Can't wait to read it. Congratulations.
I'm beyond proud and happy for you :) I just can't wait to read your book :D
And please, checkout my blog:
Congratulations! I can't wait for the book to come out now :) x
I just wrote an article about it: http://weeklyus.blogspot.ca/2014/09/zoella-new-book.html
Im so happy for you! The book is going to be great! You are such and inspiration to me, keep up the good work!
This looks so pretty! I can't wait to read it :D
Such a creative cover! Congrats, Zoe. I am super happy for you and incredibly excited to read your book as I have a feeling it will be a great one.
With love,
Prescilla from http://heyprezza.blogspot.com :) x
fantastic! so proud of you!
Congratulations ! The cover is lovely, I cant wait to read the book :)
I love it!
Can't wait!
It looks amazing!! Can't wait to read it! Congrats x
This looks so incredible, I can not wait to read it!!! Does anyone know if I will be able to get it in New Zealand???
Isla x
Looks absolutely amazing! So exciting!
Baby Rebel
Congrats Zoe! So happy for you, the cover looks so lovely! :) Can't wait to read it!
Wow, the Cover is really beautiful! Is the book in Germany aviable too? :)
Kathie :)
I feel like there's a bit too much weight at the bottom of the page, and that the text should maybe be a bit higher or maybe take the "a novel written by zoella" and put it on the top.
It looks lovely anyways, just my opinion as graphic designer ;)
I can´t wait to buy it!!
This book cover literally screams ZOE!! So excited for you :))
Berry The Blue
Cover looks so beautiful I can not wait to read it since I just started a blog and I would like to hear a story from one of the best blogers and youtubers!
Check out my blog ;)
The cover looks really great. wow! Good luck with your book. :)
Love the cover Congratulations
I love it, so excited to read it. I'm trying to convince my mum of an early christmas present….
I am so so excited for you Zoe! Already pre-ordered the Girl Online! <3
Yes it looks awesome Zoe have a great day!!:)
The cover is so cute- I love it! Can't wait to see who wins the instragram competition! X
If you like beauty and fashion you should check out our new blog: beauty-poetry.blogspot.com
Thanks to everybody who gives it a try :)
Gabby was right: It's you on a page! <3 Congrats Zoe x
Congratulations Zoella ! So happy for you !
Please check out my blog girls : http://laswekit.blogspot.com/
Be sure to leave me a comment, like and share the articles ! xo
Congratulations ZOE <3 <3 The cover is so cute and amazing! Can't wait to buy it!! So proud of you love :*
I can't wait! It is all just so exciting! Congrats Zoe! :)
Ahhh! So, so proud of you, Zoe! I cannot wait for it to come out xx
Same!!! Going to pre-order this ASAP! Eek! I can't believe your book has come out so soon! :)
Emma Louise xx
OMG!!!!!!! It looks soooooo great. Can't wait to read it
I really want to hear about your writing process! I write my own stories too and I'd love to see how you deal with writer's block, creating the plot, different character personalities etc. I wrote about story writing on my blog, you should write one too :)
ZOE AHHH!!! A massive congratulations to you! This is so exciting (as I'm sure you know, hah). I'm so amped for this book's release, you've got no idea (or you might…I dunno!). Congrats again Zoe!
xx Francesca
Omg I'm so proud of you and it looks amazing, it would mean a lot if any of you would like to check out my blog http://zoesherlock.blogspot.co.uk
If you like to, please check out my blog. I posted a new post about autumn outifts :))
If you like to, please check out my blog. I posted a new post about autumn outifts :))
I can't wait to read it!!!! :o
I am from India… How can I get hold of a copy of your book? The cover is blue and I love blue and I love you so I WANT TO READ THIS BOOK FIRST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE. :(
Wow, this is so exciting and the cover looks really good!
It's really good! I can't wait for it to come out! Congrats Zoe :)
Love the cover! Congratulations Zoe!! So proud of you & cannot wait for it to come out!
Love it ♥
It's so great to see how far Zoe has come,
Love it! Can't wait to read it. So proud of you :)
This is so exciting!!! Love the cover!
My beauty and lifestyle blog
Congratulations! This is such an accomplishment and so inspiring and I too hope to write a book one day! I just pre-orded the book!
<3 Amanda, La Petite Artist
Love your blog! Here is mine http://lapetiteartist.blogspot.com/
I love this cover so much! Excited to see the instagram winner reveal!
Love, Amanda- La Petite Artist
I am so excited for this oh my goodness! Congratulations Zoe! xx :)
The cover looks perfect! I'm so excited to read it :) xx
Ahh I am dying to pre-order your book but I'm in South Africa so I have to wait Impatiently :)
Love your cover, the fairy lights are so you and a real trademark. Very sweet that you include them on the cover and what a cool chance for one of your fans to have their instagram photo be on the cover!! Amazing and good luck – as soon as your books available to order for your other fans around the globe, I'll be the first to order! :D
I published my first novel a few months back and honestly, you cannot ever get over the feeling of holding your own book in your hands. Knowing every page and word is from you. It's a stunning feeling and I wish you all the very best of luck from it pretty Zoe!!! You deserve it xxx
This is so exciting for you!! I'm sure it's gonna be a great read, can't wait :)
Congratulations Zoe! I am so excited for both the book and also the contest.
so excited for this book <3
The cover looks amazing! Can't wait to read your book!
AshleighAilsa | http://www.ashleighailsa.blogspot.com
Looks amazing! Hopefully it will be soon available in the Netherlands too.
'First book by Zoella' Does that mean there will be a second?;)
congrats zoe! so proud and happy for you! can't wait to get a copy in november and to spend a day in bed with your book and some tea and sweets, reading all day! xx
i keep on coming back to check that it is definitely real
Yay! I really want the book! You don't even know how I love your blog! Well done!
Good luck x
So happy for you Zoe!
Anon Style Blog // Style and Beauty
Congrats Zoe! Can't wait to read xxx
I'm so happy for you Zoe!
Anon Style Blog // Style and Beauty
So happy for you Zoe!
Anon Style Blog // Style and Beauty
It looks amazing!! Very cute x
Ahh I love it, I can't wait for the book! <3
Just preordered it n I love the cover too!:)
Amazing cover!! Perfect!
Looking forward to read the book from your hand:-) Exciting!!
So excited for this to come out :) love reading your blog zoe and can't wait to read the book! :)
I literally can't wait to read this book!!!
I´m so exited, Zoe! Literally can not wait! And congratulations, I´m so proud of you! You were just a sad girl in her room and with her camera and now you are the happy young woman with her book! :)))
Zoe I am sooo proud of you! And it's very sweet that you're letting one of your fans be on the cover of your book. It looks fantastic and I can't wait to check it out. You've accomplished alot and I identify/relate to you so much. I also can't wait for your beauty stuff! All the best xx
So well deserved! inspiring others to follow their dreams
LOVE THE COVER OMG this is so exciting, congratulations!
Congratulations! I have supported you through your youtube journey and you are an inspiration to me!!!
Congrats Zoe
Such a lovely cover! Congrats! :)
OMG! How incredible, I aspire to one day have a book of my own. Keep on keeping on Zoe!
<3 Andee D
aww zoe im so proud of everything you've accomplished! hugs from canada <3
~ itsanothercourtney.blogspot.com
The cover is amazing Zoe. Congrats again on your book and I'll definitely will order it (so excited to read it)
Bisous, Marye
http://www.niniiinjune. com
Aww :) Well done Zoe! It looks great!
Natalie xo
Petal Poppet Blogs ♥
I think it's such a cool idea. Blogging/vlogging is still something that hasn't been around for too long, and to see how people react to it, and what things might come out of it is really exciting to me!
If you're interested I've just started blogging myself:
Oh wow this cover looks amazing, so girly! It is making me wanna buy the book even more! Can't wait to have it in my hands, really :-)
Congrats, Zoe !! <3
Cinthya | cinthyarose85.blogspot.com :-)
I can't wait!
The cover is so pretty! Can't wait to have it in my bookshelf :)
♡ ana-hearts.blogspot.pt ♡
Love the cover Zoe! Can't wait to read it :) x
Love the cover Zoe, can't wait to read it! :) x
I'm new to the Zoella family but I'm very happy for you ! Congrats ! It must be very stressful but so exciting to see one of your dream coming true…
Keep up the good work ;)
If you want to grow natural and healthy
hair please visit my blog, i'm just beginning but it would mean a lot! Thank you!!!
Kisses from Barcelona! http://www.hairtohips.blogspot.com.es/
This looks amazing!
Btw, I NEED help! …
Thankyou :) xxx
How exciting!! I can't wit to see the cover in real life :)
I can't wait for it to come out, I'm so exited! :D
Congratulations Zoe!! It looks awesome, you have come a long way and deserve everything that comes your way and more. I'd also like to thank you for giving me the courage and inspiration to start my own blog, I've just started it and got it up and running after purchasing my new laptop and camera. If I get just 5 followers I'll be happy, Thank you! Congratulations again :)
If you'd like to check it out then the link is:
I can't wait !!!
This is so cool, love it zoe.
Congratulations on your book. I'm definitely gonna read it. I also want to say that I love your Blog & Youtube Videos & you are a big inspiration:)
WOW! This is amazing! Congratulations!!!
This such a lovely eyecatching cover :)
So excited! Will be on my Christmas list if i cant get a hold of it sooner! So proud of you Zoe watched you from so early on and its great to see you've grown into such a lovely person, you really are an inspiration to me! xxx
Congrats Zoe would anyone reading this mind checking out my blog! <3
-Hailey <3 http://haileysayshai.blogspot.com
im so excited for this! the premise of the story seems quite fresh as well! I wonder who designed this!
Omg!!! I love the cover. Congrats Zoella! I'm so excited to get a copy of your book. :)
x, shekinahjoy.com
Congratulations Zoe!
Can't wait to go out and purchase this book :)
WOW cannot wait to read!
Lauren x
Zoe:) i wrote an article about you on my blog :) it's short but ok…
SO EXCITING!! I can imagine how difficult it must be to try and design the perfect cover to fit your story. I love the fairy lights and the little Polaroid pictures – I can't wait to read it!
The cover looks great! Can´t wait to get the book. :)
So exciting! The cover looks great and it's so nice you're including photos submitted by your readers :) x
So excited about the book! Can't wait to read it!
Yours forever and ever,
Ellie xxx
the amount of times i come on your blog a day is ridiculous i probably spend more time stalking your blog than i spend doing my homework, in others words keep up the good work my lovely we are all so so so proud of you
http://abirdhouseblog.blogspot.co.uk/ xxxxxxx
I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this! As a long time viewer, I'm so incredibly proud of how far you've gotten and how much you have succeeded in the past few years :) your work ethic and the ability to still stay grounded is absolutely admirable.
Cheers from Canada
Milly xx
Congratulations on your book! Getting it for my birthday! Can't wait xx
congrats on the book zoe, i hope the content is as enticing as the cover<3
the cover is amazing!!
GIVEAWAY | The little things in life
Soo pretty!! xx
Congrats Zoe!
Zoe, I had this whole big wonderful message typed up to you….. then the darn computer crashed on me.
I will try this again!
Zoe, I am incredibly happy that you followed your dreams and wrote a book.
I know you had said that it has been sort of a life goal for you to do and you did!! Congrats!
I am much like you in the aspect that I am fascinated(obsessed) with beauty, fashion, and hair. I would never consider myself a pro in any regards, I mean seriously sometimes our face just hates you that day and you have to say screw tit and give up.
I am glad you didn't have one of those moments with this book, I am very always very excited to see what comes out of your quirky self! Keep up staying true to yourself cause like you said, that is how you got where you are today!
I love you and remember I am always here as a friend first and a fan second!
The cover is gorgeous, looks really fresh and pretty :) congratulations in the book, I bet you're super excited! xx Sophie
So excited! I can't wait for all these amazing things coming out from so many different youtubers!!
Zoella beauty is probably the most exciting thing coming soon (;
Congrats! Cant wait to see you in Seventeen!
I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to read the book! :)
so happy for you zoe !
check out my blog one day :)
It's perfect Zoe !! Congratulations x
Congrats Zoe so proud , goes to show that hard work really does pay off xxxxxx
Congratulations Zoe! I'm so happy for you! can't wait to read it apparentlyrealistic.blogspot.co.uk :)
I love the book cover Zoe it's amazing. I can't wait to read it, congratulations :).
I love your blog! I don't want to invade the space, but if any one could take a peep at my blog, I would be so happy, I only started today, so any tips or advice from anyone would be great. Thanks!:)<3
Can't wait to read it! The description of it describes me, or like, I'm having this blog where I'm writing about my life, and my thoughts about thing. The thing is that as Penny in your book I'm not telling much about me, I just feel like I want to write everything of. Please check out my blog! And I just wanted to say as well, that I think you are really inspiring and such a romodel for me.
This cover just makes me think of you Zoe. It is perfect :)
Check out my blog http://paisleygraced.blogspot.com/
<3 <3 <3
Freaking excited to go and get this book asdfghjkl Coverart looks top notch! Much love xx http://sunshineandsparklythings.wordpress.com/
Amazing!!! Hope it'd be available here in the Philippines!!!
Zoe, you are such a motivator! Your Youtube channels are my favorite. I get so excited when you upload. You have an amazing personality that I'd love to meet. On the other hand, you're blog is just as amazing. You are so inspiring to me. For many months, I have been thinking about making a blog and/or a YouTube channel. I have decided to start off with a blog. Thank you for being such an inspiring person! You are AMAZING! <3
So exciting!! So proud of how far you have come!!
CassandraMyee | NZ Beauty Blog
I love it, Zoeee!!! Can't wait to read it. :D
can you do a autumn look book but include some summery-autumn looks and some winter-autumn looks and also some cheaper options too
http://abirdhouseblog.blogspot.co.uk/ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Great Cover! X
Zoe i absolutely love your blog & youtube channel <3
can't wait for the book to come out.
i am so excited for you:)
http://sjbeauty1999.blogspot.co.uk/ : Visit our new beauty/fashion etc..blog, we will be uploading more soon!!!! xoxo
Amazing photos, wish I could take pics like that! Can't wait for the book to come out, so proud of you Zoe!!!
Ellie x
Makeup , fashion , bath body , skincare , cosmetics , beauty accessories , bath and body products , fragrances
Can't wait!! :) I bet it's going to be amazing!
Congratulations to the Winners!
Anyone want to be Blogger friends?
Our blog contains contains Fashion And Beauty
Come Say Hi <3
Oh my goodness. Zoella has come so so far. I remember watching her in 2011 and she was so shy and quiet and look at her now, she wrote a book. I can't wait for it to come out, although I am not too sure if it will be sold in Australia. I guess i'll find out soon.
Visit me at http://quirkyunicorn.blogspot.com.au/
I can't wait for the book to come out!
Lxdia ~< http://lxdia.blogspot.co.uk
Congratulations Awesome job! from http://www.alicetemperley.co.uk
Alice Temperley Store
Congratulations Zoe! The cover looks so amazing, I can't wait to read it!
Can't wait to see the winner's image!!!
xoxo One Stiletto At a Time
congrats amy and daisy! both pictures were amazing. It makes me excited to zoe, i can't wait to hold it in my hand! :)
Same! I cannot wait!!! x
I agree, totally represents Zoe completely! Cant wait to buy girl online!
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You've inspired me so much, i've start my blog because of you.
cant wait until your book is out i will definitely be buying it.
Wishing you luck on everything that is to come <3
can't wait Zoe xxx
You know “how to eassy writing”If you interested in site .plase click here pay someone to write my paper
Looks amazing! Can't wait to read it
The cover is gorgeous zoe!! I'm so excited and happy for you! :)
Congrats Zoe! I am so excited to read that. Love from Barcelona :)
Dear Zoë,
I thought, since you are taking a break from the internet, you wouldn't really check your twitter or anything and I'm not really the twittertype anyway, so I decided this would be the best way to tell you what I'm about to. First of all, you are such a big inspiration and I think you have no idea of the great influence you have on girls all over the world. I honestly feel like you are one of my friends and it makes me so happy to see you happy, you have no idea. I'm not the crazy fangirl, believe me, but I think this is something a lot of girls feel. I have bought your book and I love the story. I know there has been a lot of noise on whether you had help of a ghostwriter. I understand how that must make you feel. Now please, think of the fact that your book is the best sold (debut) book since records started. I think the great majority of the buyers are probably viewers of yours. They bought the book because they love you! They love how down to earth you are, how sweet you are and they feel they can connect with you. Even if you don't know them, you are like a friend to them. I've bought the book because I'm proud of you like a friend. I think everyone bought that book for a reason, whether it is the great story or the person who wrote it. Be very proud of yourself because of all you have achieved in life and think of every person who loves you.
I hope this message cheered you up a bit. I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes I may have made, English is not my first language.
I love you and I'll always support you. <3
I just finished reading Girl Online! WOW! It was so good! I love love loved it <3 Definitely one of my favorites. From the moment I started reading it, I couldn't put it down :) It's amazing, you're amazing, congratulations!!!
Just finished girl online yesterday I can can reveal its the best book I have read in a while please release girl online on tour. I can’t wait until October 20th. Neve.
I loved this book, it was such a fantastic read!
I really want to read this book , but Im from Mexico :( Is going to be one day here ? P.S.Lots of love zoe
I am from Poland and today I finished reading your book. It’s amazing! I love it! You should write more books. I’m sure, that I will read them :)
Zoe did you ever get homesick as i do and can find it hard to tell others and I make it worse by bottling it up and leaving them wonder why I’m always unable to sleepover? I just started secordary so friendships are just beginning to blossom so I’m not at sleepover stage yet. I have started my journey of recovery after 2 years of never staying a night away I want to my grandas, its was bad but when my cousin who lives with him saw me crying she made me feel a lot better and I had a sleepover at a little big older friends house but she’s like a sister and I was fine🎉but I did have my sister with me all the time as was slept in the same room and eat and had fun all together never apart,😶😐😁😰 I still find the thought hard though and hoped for some supporting works thanks Zoe💗 Love Ya😹🍰
I love this book and have read it over and over. The extract from Girl Online: On Tour is amazing and I cannot wait. It’s perfect, so thank you. 💋
BTW: your book (girl online) made me cry (in a good way) so many times for so many reasons and even my favourite author has never made me cry like that. Your book is now my fave book! Hopefully i’ll love the next book (girl online on tour) just as much.
Thanks for writing them, you are my fave author now! xxx
omg this book is so good .I read this at two days!i love it
Hi, Zoella! I’m read your book today. I’m read book in university, in bus and when was returning home. History, characters, photo – all perfect! It is waiting for the translation of the book “Girl Online on tour” and print it in Russia.
Success, cute Zoella.
<3 <3 <3 you are so cute
And your book ise the best thing I've read
I was reading ,,Girl Online'' everywhere, in the subway, on the road, on the bus, at school or anywhere where it could take
I love Girl Online, Hoah and Eliot. They are very cute <3 ^_^
PS I like your videos
Your fan from Georgia
I just got “Girl online” and after reading the first 3 pages I was hooked! I relate so much to everything and it made me laugh on the bus so people looked at me weirdly… Zella, you put a smile on my face when the day’s been horrible and you made me realise I wasn’t crazy the time I had similar panic attacks. You’re amazing!! <3
Jonna :)
I love girl online xxx it is the best book i have ever read…. i really want to meet you but my parents and i can’t aford to travel to brighton or anywhere for your book signings and your meet ups , i am so upset but hopefully i will meet you some day . i have girl online , girl online on tour and your ‘just say yes ‘ bag .
I don’t know wether i actually have panic attacks or wether it is not one and i am just getting really scared…. i have searched on the internet what happens when you get a panic attack but i still can not figure out what i am getting but oh well…
You’re an absolute inspiration love you xxx
Thank you for everything xxxx
im rereading this book thats how much i love it!!!!! <3 and ily ZOE
This book is the best book ever Great Writing Zoella. Its so relatable. When does Girl On Tour come to aus
where i can find this in Indonesia ?
I got this book and already read it all in one week. It is spectacular is a very beautiful story, I’m looking forward to buy the “Girl Online on tour.” Congratulations for the book you’re a great inspiration for me and I hope that you have much success. I cried, smiled with this book made me remember things that have already passed. Congratulations for this achievement :) Xoxo Jessica
i really love this book <3 and i love girl online.
p.s this book is the best book ever.
thank you becouse you writing onlinegirl zoella <3 :-*
Is this book available here in the Philippines?
love your book, the best book ever!
It is my christmas gift.
i got the book today and started reading it i love it your such a amazing and telnted person i love you your youtube your blog your book and YOU xxx
Just bought the book, can’t wait to read it.. I’m so exited!!!!!
I read Girl Online a while back, and was lucky enough to get the second one for christmas. I read it in two days and am now reading the first one again because I loved it so much! You’re so talented Zoe :)
Will you be making a 3rd book??
I just now finish read first book.. And I love it.. I can’t stop crying now.. (In good way) It was so amazing.. Your book is now my fave book :* And I’m so exited to read second.. But now I can’t get second book, because it’s not in Lithuania yet :) I love you so much xxxxx
Such a good book x
Zoe plzzzz make a third book i really want to know more about Penny,Noah,Blake,Leah,Dean and Alexiot i really also want to see if penny will choose being a photographer as her career. I love both of your books keep up the hard work.
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! This has GOT to be the BEST BOOK EVA!!!! (Second only to girl online:on tour!) ;) Adele xxx👍🏻❤️💙💛💜
Just Bought This Bought And I’m Glues Into It :) One Of My Favourite Books To Date :) Can’t Wait To Buy The Next One :) xx
You are such a great writer. I love it. Well Done!!!!!!!!:)
Hi! I really loved both Girl Online books! They were so sweet and lovely but at the same time they really made me think of what I wanna do and should I care about what the others want me to do..(I shouldn’t). they were super inspirational and spred very imporant message! You are so good writer and lovely person, kind of my role model! :3
Honestly one of the best books I have ever read!!!Looking forward to buying the next one!! <3
OMG!!!!!! This is officially my favorite book in the whole entire world. Zoe you are very inspiring! This b0ok has taught me many lessons in life. For example: NEVER LOSE YOUR BEST FRIEND! If you face your fears then you might find that they weren’t actually really that bad. LOVE YOURSELF!!!!!!! Believe in yourself!!!! Even if everything goes wrong just keep calm, relax, and never stop moving forward!!!!
I love you Zoella!
with love,
Your #1 fan
Zoe, I would really like you to read this comment because I have something really cool to tell you! At my school we are having a world book day and we can dress up as our favorite book characters, and I have chosen to dress up as the main character in your books, Penny!!! :)
On the bottom right of my copy of the book instead of balloons I have some sort of note pad that says “Noah+Penny” I was curious to know if the cover had changed or is it because I’m not in the UK, everything else appears to be the same though
I got girl online and girl online on tour for Christmas and since having a break from A level revision I honestly have been completely obsessed with this book I’ve read girl online within a few days and it’s that good I read a chapter to my boyfriend and he wants to borrow the book and have a read for him self now !! I’m currently reading girl online on tour and I can’t get enough of Noah and penny they are so cute ❤️
Zugg best Zoe , I have to challenge you first book and I have heaps of fun doing it , I lived with that, I immediately today also reserved the second book ! I hope there are still going to be a third book because I can not wait I admire you greatly , lovingly Coco
I just got the book and just started reading it but I absolutely love it so far..No lie I carry it where ever I go if I know I’ll have time to stop and read it..
Dear Zoe, you are very beautiful girl and creative person!
This book my favorite, because when I read her I felt that in my stomach butterflies fly and I wanted most to fall in love!!! So, I am infinitely glad that you are and that you wrote this magic book! Progress to you in everything!!! ❤️
P.S “I’m sorry, for my English:) I hope you will understand:)))❤️
I really like the advice in it in like the blogs the can you outgrow your best friend one is really helpful rigjt
Awwwwww! I’m so exacting :))))))
i loveeee your book zoella!!!
Hello Zoella!
Not long ago, I read your wonderful book Girl onlan. it is infinitely sincere, thank you so much for this book. Not only girls in England, but also in Russia go crazy for your creations! And maybe you will not notice my comment, I still want to thank you for such an idea, a book, thought … I’m sorry if you notice a lot of mistakes, I do not know English very well, so far only teach, but I really want to express your opinion! Thank you very much!
P.S. Vika girl from Russia.
Just finished reading it for the 3Rd time and every time it makes me cry, laugh, wonder and wish! What a wonderful book, don’t worry about the negativity about it, what you need to know is its an amazing book and everyone needs a hand with something. CuteSalad x
I usual don’t like reading books but after looking at lots of different reviews of girl online i sort of fell in love with it. I bought it off of amazon and read the first chapter on Thursday and it is now the folowing Monday and i’m already on chapter 21. You might not think that is much of an achievment but for me that is amazing. Considering i never volunteer to read books my mum and her friends are amazed at the sight of me reading. My mum is also extremely happy as i’m not the beast at English in school and she is hoping that it will help me. She also said if i can get to chapter 30 by Wednesday she will get me the girl online on tour witch i’m so excited about, she is amazed that i’m always asking her to turn the volume down on the TV as i’m to interested in the book. You have seriously boasted my confidence for September thank you so much. You’ve obviously heard this thousands of times but ignore all of the negative things being said around the world but you know what i think about the haters there just jealous. You are such a inspiration and i look forward to reading the rest of your books. Flicbow xxx
Haha I’ve just realized I have the same mint-color shirt with black polka dots on it! (like the one on the upper right picture) :)
i love you zoe!!!and recently, i pre ordered a signed copy of your third!!!!! book
Hi Zoe!
I honestly flippin’ loved reading this extra-ordinary piece of writing. I heard from many people that it’s based on a cliche theme but i had an unwavering resolution to read it. I admit I was totally engulfed by the magnificent gripping story-line and finished the first book in one sitting. I fell in love with the way you fabricated such a cute relationship between Penny and Noah. I’m also done with the second book and felt like you did absolute justice with it! Desperate to read the third one soon!
Thank you for planting all the smiles on Zoella fans!
xoxo, MJ
I just finnished the third book and I was really wondering if it is the last book in the girl online series. I really really hope not ! I love it so much. The Girl online books have actually got me into reading. They are my favourite books of all time. And I just need more! The relationship between Penny and Noah has to continue. I must know what their life is like now that he is living in Brighton and what penny’s life is like with her photography and her blog. I really hope there will be a fourth book! ❤️💞😍😭
I have followed you maybe for two and a bit years i’ve read and fell in love with the girl online and it totally inspired me to get back into blogging however this is something i thought was sweet my cousin who’s 14 i think she’s in her preteens anyway i found out a few weeks ago before Christmas that she also LOVED you and was wanting the first book i happen to have it and i mentioned that i’d been dying to read number two and of course to my suprise as she got one for christmas i got that very book for my birthday two days after christmas hard cover. Signed and all i thought this was just the sweetest thing she’s done something like this having something in common, i’m absloutley ready to get my head into number two can’t wait to tell you what i think!
Hi Zoe! I am a HUGE fan of yours and I love all three books that you have done (I can’t stop reading them!) Thanks for the inspiration to start reading more books and fingers crossed for a fourth book!!!
Love Rose256
Hi Zoella. I am a swiss girl and I like your books. I have the three books of Girl Online. My English is very bad ;)
Hİ ZOE!!!!!!!
I am your first timers.
I am from Turkey.I came to London last year.
I loved London very much.
But what I want is to be able to meet you.
I hope we will go again this summer.
Greetings from ALPHIE and NALA
Hey, how are you ?
Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I’m french… OMG !!! I finished the third Girl Online today and i’m so impressed by your writing. I didn’t know that the youtubers can write books like that. You’ve got so many talents and just WAOUH !!!!
hi Zoella, I read 2 of your books and it is WONDERFUL AND SUPER GREAT!!!
It is nice to read your books, can you write a next book, part 4? please???? I’m from the Netherlands so I read Girl online in dutch, but that’s also fantastic. :-)
I hope that you write more books, xoxo Isis
ZOELLA!!! I JUST finished girl online: going solo! And it was AN AWESOME ending to the book! I loved that Penny and Noah got together again!!! Can u PLEASE write book 4? Sorry, just IN LOVE WITH THE SERIES!!!!
Hey Zoella, my name is Ola and I’m from Poland. I read your three books. They are awesome !!! These books helped me a lot, especially “How to get rid of the bamboo”. My life has changed since I read your books. I started to look at life differently. As I said your books VERY liked me, and I am very picky in choosing books. I have gained a lot of confidence in your book. I know it’s very possible that you will not read this post but you inspired me very much.
Regards Ola xoxo.
Reply as you have time xx
Oh My Gosh! I’ve read every single one of your books! I love them sooooooo much! Would it be possible to bring out a movie for them?
Hi,Zoella! I’m Danny and I’m from Bugaria ! I love your book.This is book is the BEST ! I can’t stop read her ! I always think for Penny and her history and life!BUT I NAVE A PROBLEMMMM!!!! In Bulgaria have two of your book.AND IT’S PROBLEM FOR ME AND OTHER PEOPLE WHO READ YOUR BOOK.I realy like what are you doing and your book.PLEASE DOING NOTHING FOR THIS.PLEASE….I love you!!! PLEASE WHITE TO ME NO EMAIL FOR THIS PROBLEM,I GOING TO BE VERY HAPPY!
Zoella I love Girl Online. I have read all three of them and they have made me realise that not all girls have a normal life.
OMG ZOEY LOVE YOUR BOOKS, YOU’VE GOT ME HOOKED! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write a 4th book! You have actually inspired me to write a blog. I love your books so much and after school i spend the whole day reading your books. They are amazing. You are so talented and it really helps me because i suffer panic attacks and it’s not fun. Trust me. This book has helped me figure out that there is a lot more to life than panic attacks holding you back. Thank you so much for showing me that. I really do hope you read this.
lots of love,
Janice xxx
Hello Zoella, I do not speak English, I will try to do my Mieu. I started reading your books a week ago when a friend made me discover. I loved it!!! I dream one day of being a writer and writing books, but I thought I would never get there! Thanks to Girl Oline, you gave me confidence! Thank you!! or Merci!!
Zoe, your books are amazing. Reading them again for a second time and still when i read them that excitement build up inside of me!
this book is amazing !like authorQim from georgia and im readding this now!i made read Athon and end book 1th yhis is just aamazing im obsessed with it!zoe i want to see you at georgia and <3 your signature at my boook love you wonderfull girl …
I just read all of your girl online books and I hope you write more books. I loved the storyline and the love story between Penny and Noah. Your books have helped me realize that my anxiety shouldn’t define my life and that I should follow my dreams.