Many weeks ago now, I was made aware of an Ebay shop called JanChristie by Heather who writes EffiesMakeupBox. Jan Christie sells adorable little nail transfers in various different designs at an extremely great price. Each sheet contains 24 stickers in varying sizes for different nails. I bought two sheets of Pugs (as they were my favourite), Foxes and Black Cats. She also threw in a free sheet of flowers as I’d purchased 4 (I’m not sure if she still offers this deal). Each sheet is only £2.30 with free postage, which I think is a great price, especially if used sparingly like I have. It appears that she doesn’t have any of the wildlife/zoo animals or flowers at the moment, although I do hope she restocks, as she had some great options. Currently there are plenty of different Cats and Dogs to choose from though.
RE-EDIT: Jan has just got in touch with me, and mentioned that she now has her own website! HOORAH. It’s absolutely brimming with all kinds of different designs & are only £1.80 per sheet. I’m thrilled. I thought she was disappearing! So if you did want to grab yourselves something which wasn’t available on her Ebay shop, head on over to:
I decided when having my nails done, that I would opt for pastels as I prefer to wear pastel colours on my nails at the moment. I used Essie’s “Mint Candy Apple” (a firm favourite for years now, although not a massive fan of the formula) on 4 of my nails, and then on the accent nail I used O.P.I’s “Mod About You” which is also a firm favourite. Both were ordered from Ebay.
Then came applying the little pug. I left the nail to dry (really important), and then peeled back the sticker to cut round the pugs. I did attempt to cut the pug out before peeling it off, but this was impossible and I couldn’t do it, so peel and cut in that order seemed to work best. You then place the sticker on the nail, and press down. It sticks down very easily. Pop on the top coat and you are good to go! She advises topping up with top coat for a few days in order to make the sticker last a bit longer.
It took seconds and so far it’s lasting well! Just added a little bit of fun to my manicure, and it makes me smile every time I catch a glimpse of the cheeky little pug on my nail! At just under 10p a sticker, you really can’t go wrong. :)
Love these! Haha, the pugs are so cute. I've seen these on Gem Fatale's blog too x
these are so lovely them stickers are far to cool
oh my gosh, these are wayyyyy to cute! :')
ohh the pug is so cute and i love both the colours as well xx
Love nail stickers! These pug ones are so adorable!
This is such a cute idea! Wish my nails were long enough to do this :(
Awww pugs are my favourite dogs! I'm definitey buying some of these, the price is amazing:D
Awww! I hate animals but this is so cute lol x
I love this! Pugs have to be one of my favourite animals. Do you think that a pug printed onto paper then transferred using surgical spirit would work? I know that that is how you transfer news paper print to nails. But these stickers look fantastic!
Ellie X
love these nail art! Y love to do newpaper nails to, but then with advertorials and logo's haha.
that's cute! xx abeliascorner.blogspot.co.uk
these are so cute! I want some, love the colours
Omg the pug is so cute I love pugs I so want these! xo
Omg the pug is soo cute i love pugs :) It looks good teamed with Mint candy apple :) x
That's genious! So adorable! It goes really well with the pastel colours! x
This is so cute I love it :) xx
What a great find! I love the foxes, I'll be keeping an eye out to see if she restocks them, thanks for sharing!
sooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh love the foxy ones!!x
Samantha's Secret
omg i love them! going to have to make a cheeky purchase
I LOVE these haha my pug neville would love them and would be trying to lick your nail <3 x
Aww this is so cute :) and its such a great idea too. Thanks for sharing~x
oooh so cute! and love the mint pastel colour too!
What a Beauty
Going to get essie mint candy apple today!
These are so cute!
Love the Mint Candy Apple colour, these are so cute :)
awhhh! i love the pug so much! such a cute quirky idea :)
kate xox
How cute <3 I love it :D
So cute :)
OMG I love that pugg sticker!! I need this lol.
I wore the exact same Essie nail polish last week btw…
these are cuteee love this idea might give it a try.
Aaw! They are so old fashioned, I love them x
I love these, i read them on heathers blog too, they are such good designs. I love the Essie polish colour, its gorgeous!
oh my god that's hilarious
I love these going to order some now :)
omg the pug nail stickers are the cutest things ever
oh wow! I'm not really a doggie person but I do love this! ha!
Love the look of these, I'm going to have a look on eBay now!
These are amazing! Will have to buy some as we are MASSIVE nail fans :)
Kirstie and Floss
this is so cute! xx
Ah this is the sweetest mani I've seen in a good while! The foxes would be so pretty in the autumn
wow, that's such a cute idea :) love it! makes the nails look even more special and
thanks for sharing, zoe!
xoxo FlirtingwithFashion
So cute. I have to have them!!
Oh the fox ones are so cute! Def going to check them out, I hope she has wolves!
Gaaah, these are so gorgeous! I want the pugs & cats! XO.
OMG I loooooooooove pugs so much!
xoxo * C'est la vie, chérie *
so cute! definitely need these! xo
Awww how cute?! Definatey gonna get those!:D xo
They look so lovely I really want to try this now! xx
aww these are so lovely!x
Awh, cutest nails ever! Love the cat stickers! xx
they are so cute i think im gunna get some im addicted to nail art at the minute.
Holly x
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Espero que gostes, beijinho*
these are so cute! i will definitely be check them out!
sooo cute! i'm super bad at applying nailvarnish-.-
This is so cute!
Jess x
These are so cute! x
:O :O :O so. freakin. cute.
This is soooo cute!!
omg that is sooo cute! i never would have thought of that idea!
this is the cutest damn accent nail I have ever seen!! Perfection!! I kinda want a panda on mine… Thanks for making me aware of the ebay store!
Such a cute idea ! xx
yay!cute cute cute :)
so cute, I really do need to get Mint candy apple! x
oooh gonna buy some of these! xxx
These are adorable! Looks great with pastels and as an accent nail. Need these in my life.. xx
These are so cute! I love the fox ones :) x
ah i love it, so cute xx
That is so cute! You can do this with pretty much any temporary tattoos, it's quite a clever idea :)
Sophie :)
That is so cute!
Love the flower ones! So fun x
omg, I love the nails! I'm slightly obsessed with pugs, I'm definitely purchasing 'em, thanks Zoe for the awesome post! x
aw so cute!
canon and something new♥mfashionfreak
Love this! I'll deffo be buying some :)
In love with these nail transfers, unbearably cute, will be trying this look out for sure! Thanks so much for sharing this with us x
These are adorable, I need to purchase them!
Wow they are too cute!
looks great- love the cute little pug!:)xo
The pug nails are adorable!
I also just bought Mint Candy Apple – LOVE. :) I love the formula too and the brush. I have some old Essie's and it's a different brush on this new one from Boots and it goes on so much more better… I'm wondering if they've changed them or if it's the brush that makes it nicer? Hmm. (:
I'm gonna order the cat one I think. I've never seen those before!
That's adorable! A little unexpected twist ;)
thats awesome!
Went to go buy these cute little pugs! And they don't have them in stock anymore :(
I keep seeing these atm. So cute :)
thats such a clever idea :) i love it
The Fashion Cycle
These are the cutest nail transfers that I have seen in a very long time, they are perfect for animal lovers and in general just look adorable. I am also a big fan of the colours that you have painted your nails, I am in love with having a feature nail right now.
Very good!
misspeony :)
join my blog
Hey Zoe, i emailed the eBay seller asking if they were going to restock the foxes etc. and they said that they've reduced the stock on eBay because its now all on their website! The website is http://www.janchristie.com! Hope this helps
HAHA they are so cute! :) xx
That's very hugable! Too nice, very cool blog with ideas you have here! Have a Nice day!
Oh my glob, pugs are my favorite!!! (especially the pug in Men in Black, hehe!)
My friend loves pug, time for a treat for her!
adorable! there's no other word!
i just started up a new blog, so check it out if you'd like :)
thanyou! x
the nails are soo cute, i love pugs (; xx
How exciting! I'm ordering mine now! Thanks Zoe:)
Ah, these are such a cool idea!!
Also, I like how you have just done it on one nail, and contrasted it with your others. A way to make them be used sparingly AND look marvellous!
Thank you for linking us to her shop too!
Soo cute :)
Loved the colour :x
Looks amazing! So cute! :)
Adorbs! xo
So cute. It would mean a lot if anyone looked at my blog and told me what you think. I just started. http://thelittlethingsinlifemeanthemost.blogspot.com/
This cute. I checked their website. I wished they had penguin ones!
This is actually amazing! love pugs and love nail art! so cute!!! xx
Great post :) I was suppose to leave you a message on your latest post so you will defoz see it but I am not sure i'v done that correctly. Just wanted to say I love your videos (too much). Found sprinkle of glitter through you too and never stop making videos. Tc xxx
awwwww they look sooooo cute :)
Very pretty nail polish shades. I have the Essie shade too, but I haven't used it in at least a year. I'm going to paint them "Mint Candy Apple" tonight!
Those pugs are adorable. Cutest puppies ever.
haha these are so cute, i love pugs!
The nails are so cute. This is such a great idea and I'll definitely look into purchasing something similar from Jan's store in the future. Always enjoy your lovely posts and videos. <3
Eeeee I must have the cats & foxes! :) xx
These are amazing! xx
OMG OMG OMG I need that PUUUUG! I absolutely NEEEED it!
These are amazing! Absolutely love pugs xx
That is so adorable!!!
now this is cute. I may find my self making a sneaky sunday night purchase. xxx
That mint green is stunning!
nice colorsss!
cute! pugs are so adorably ugly.
What a lovely idea, thanks for sharing :)
That is adorable. I adore Mint Candy Apple
Adorable! I love mint candy apple.
This is so cute & such a good idea! :) xxx
Love that mint!
these are so so cute!
wow i definitely think i need these in my life!!!
What a great idea! I love it and I'll defiantly check out the shop.
What a cute and quirky manicure, haha, I love it! I'm gonna check out her site. :)
Just Another Day:
Beauty & Fashion
These are very cute!!!
so cute! I have many nail designs on my blog, too!! :)
These look so gorgeous! Will definitely be buying some once I've been paid
…..-:- Love this very nice, am obsessed with pastelnails at the moment haha! -:- …..
That is so cute!!! :) xxx
aw such a cute things!!!
I absolutely love these! I think I'm definitely going to order some as they look so sweet and quirky and I love the pigs with the pastel nail polish. Really really great idea!
hi zoe this is such a lovely idea and thank you for posting this fab blog post.
i want to do this xx
Oh my god, these are AMAZING! I am purchasing the fox ones immediately :) xx
That is so cute ;))
oh zoe these just made me 'AWWW' out loud! the colours you chose go perfectly :D lovethem!
HollieHcbeauty xx
The colours are amazing, i'm going to have to steal your nail design, so cute!
I'm obsessed with mint candy applevatm! http://Www.beccxbeauty.blogspot.com
Got the cat ones in the post today as a birthday present for my friend. Hopefully she likes them cos I am dying to give them a try and will be very bitter if they go unused!
aww.. *_* how sweet these little dog stickers are! I just had to smile when I saw them (:
Maybe you can visit my blog – only if you want – you can translate it.. then won't be everything right, but perhaps it will work! (:
These are adorable! Mint candy apple is my alltime favourite polish! :) xx
Thanks for this post zoe, the nails are gorgeous! I love nail art and these look so simple to do but still looking pretty! X
I love this. This is ridiculously cute, I would love to find some and try it. It would be great if you could follow me :) I'm new to this and would love for you to check out my blog thoughtsof93.blogspot.com
Awh so cute! x
This is lovely! I think I will invest in some of these! :)
Oh, these are so adorable! What's not to love about a pug on your nails?
I've never seen anything like this before. I really like them and might invest in some
Excellent find. Have done mine now with foxes and credited you with inspiration, leaving link here so you can see
Lovely blog Zoe
oh my goodness, this is absolutely adorable! it reminds me of a crop hoodie i have that has a pug on the front! haha~
Wow, I need those Pug stickers! What a great idea.x
wow I love your nails! they are so cute!! *o*
thanks for sharing the website
these are the most adorable things I ever saw!! xxx
I LOVE THIS, I have some kind of similar but mine have Ed Sheeran on them, I'm really excited to put them on, I shall soon blog about them x
I'm so glad that I have just come across this blog post, they are so cute! I'm definitely going to be buying some soon! :D x
OK so this is the cutest idea ever!!!!
I love it! :)
You are one of my favorite youtubers :) Love your instagram. You're my number 1 : http://lunatheia.blogspot.com/2014/04/top-6-favorite-youtubers.html
omg i LOVE pugs <3
I love your book! <3
So beautiful🎉
That is seriously the cutest thing haha :)