Maxi Skirt: New Look – Jumper: Charity Shop – Hair Band: New Look – Belt: Primark

I don’t often do fashion how to posts, as, well, I don’t really consider myself hugely fashionable or highly knowledgeable when it comes to all things catwalk or “on trend”. I wear what I like, and something I feel happy & confident in. I gather all my inspiration from people around me and those who I claim DO have a fair amount of clothing know-how. However, when I recently filmed a haul video on YouTube, I showed a couple of maxi skirts and asked if anyone *may* be interested to see how I wore them. I had an overwhelming amount of “yes pleases”. So, with the help of Louise as camera lady, I set out and created the video especially for those of you who asked.

Maxi skirts are my summertime essential. As someone who suffers with “I despise my legs” syndrome, they are my perfect go-to on a warm day where tights and leggings would be an awful & sweltering idea. They cover my legs, provide a cool breeze, suit my shape & frame, yet still look quite glamorous & effortless.

A few tips & hints:

  • If you are short, wear a maxi skirt at your waist, rather than your hips, it elongates the legs making you appear much taller, as well as shortening the length slightly.
  • If a maxi skirt is too long, but you absolutely love the style & colour, then take it up! Don’t be lazy, it takes minutes to stitch up a hem, or even use the iron on webbing if you aren’t very good with a needle and thread.
  • If you are on the shorter side, and anything “maxi” is just too long or you can’t be bothered with adjusting the length yourself, then count yourself lucky that you can wear some killer wedges with it. You appear taller, feel more elegant, and nobody will ever know ;)
  • If you are taller and find maxi skirts impossible to fit you length-wise , try going for a maxi skirt which is designed to be sat at the waist, and wear it on your hips. This way you are shortening the length and the appearance of your legs.
  • You don’t ONLY have to wear maxi skirts in the summer or when it’s hot, put on a pair of leggings or tights underneath for a bit of added warmth on those days where the sun is shining but there’s still a slight chill. Nobody will ever know!
  • You can also layer up with different t shirts, jumpers & scarves in the colder months. I find that jersey like fabrics sit better for colder days, and floaty fabrics look a lot more summery for the hotter days.
  • As maxi skirts are so long, you can get away with wearing many different top variations and tucking them in. You could even wear a pretty dress or swimming costume underneath & all would be concealed.
  • I find that cropped jackets & blazers look best with my maxi skirts, as it helps to balance everything out. I tend to opt for a cropped denim jacket for a more casual look, and if i’m going somewhere nice, I’ll go for a cropped blazer.

There really are no set rules around styling maxi skirts, tuck tops in, let tops hang out, wear flip flops, wear boots, wear leggings, wear at the waist, wear at the hips, wear in winter, wear in summer…you make the rules. I know that not everybody will feel the same love I do for a floor-length skirt but it’s such an easy thing to dress up, or dress down, and if you aren’t blessed with gorgeous pins as I unfortunately haven’t been, they are a summer life-saver, plus, you feel so elegant & feminine!

  1. beautiful! very bohemian . love this style on you

  2. Gorgeous :)

  3. I love the colour of the skirt and your whole outfit!! :) xx

  4. Thank youuu for this! :)
    I am getting some courage to buy my first maxi this summer! xo

  5. Elysa

    i love this post i wore a maxi dress to my sisters 21st birthday but i had to wair heals and my mum also had to take it up abit ( im usless at sowing so she said she would do it) as im quite short but ohh well. i love the idea of wairing a jumper as well and the outfit you have on is supper cute. love all your blog posts zoe please keep righting them, you and louise always put a smile on my face with your videos and blog.

  6. Laura

    Lovely post!! Amazing pictures :)

    Would love it if you could stop by my blog :)

    Laura xo
    Cosmetics wonderland.

  7. Assuming the setting of where you took the photos is near your hometown, the grassy meadows look gorgeous! Only bit of grass you'd see where I live is the local park. Great, I know. Living in central london bites monkeys. You look lovely as per normal Zoe. :)

  8. Oooh u look lovely zoella!love the new blog revamp x

  9. nicola

    ohmylife loving this! I've been trying to find the maxi skirt pictured here in new look ever since you mentioned it in a haul video (I hope I've got that right?!) but cannot find it anywhere! Very gutted, still searching! Great tips, thankyou! You look gorgeous as always! nicola xxx

  10. Laura

    Fantastic tips!! And that outfit just looks amazing on you. Gorgeous!

  11. you look lovely

  12. I love maxi skirts for the summer too, i cant wait for the better weather. You look lovely too!:)x

  13. And that's why I just love you Zoe and added you in my newest blog post who influenced me to start a blog. :-)
    xxx Janna xxx

  14. Your so lovely, Your posts are amazing and your so gorgeous. Definitely will be purchasing a maxi soon. Thankyou!x

  15. Gagan

    These pictures are really cute, you look so pretty! Also love all the different outfits you made around the maxi skirts in the video, you styled them really well. Can't wait to get some maxi skirts for the summertime and use some of your style tips!

  16. Noush

    You're so cute ! I love maxi skirt

  17. I adore your style! and your new layout is absolutely lovely :) Oh and your stunning :)

  18. nicole

    i love this post, its really helpful and i love the outfits

  19. C.A.R.

    cute idea :)

  20. Awww maxi's suite you so much. I don't know if I would be able to pull it off :$. But I feel like you tips have given me a little more confidence. Might go buy my self a maxi :D xxxx great post

  21. aah, why are you so gorgeous? not fair!
    anyway, great post! x

  22. Char!

    so pretty x

  23. Very pretty, Love that you were original and filmed it in an open space:) xxx

  24. Nicola

    I love this look. I love them and have been thinking about getting some for a while, especially with spring/summer coming. I just hope i suit them. Thank you so much for giving me some inspiration!

  25. Love this post, thank you zoe :) I love how you have given tips on the different way to style the maxi skirts. I always have to shorten mine as i'm teeny tiny!

  26. wow, I am so so so in love with this style really I wasn't a sure about maxi skirts for some while now but after this post I know I definitely need one!

    thanks for sharing this great pictures and especially your tips and hints!

    lots of love


  27. Tor

    I love maxi's too Zoe, I much prefer to have my legs covered that have them out for day to day wear. Is this maxi current NL stock? I really like it… might have to make a cheeky purchase!
    Love the new blog design too – sooooo pretty xxx

    Tor @ That's Peachy fashion blog xx

  28. Sadie

    I love maxi skirts but struggle to find ones that aren't too long because I'm such a little shorty! You look gorgeous in these pictures, I think you have styled them perfectly for spring :) xx

  29. Lucy

    I'm so in love with the pink maxi skirt! Great video helped a lot and the pictures are beautiful!

    Lucy xx

  30. amazing pictures :) i love maxi skirts. i think they're so easy to combine
    and they make us small people looking so tall :'D haha
    really great post, zoe! you should do those more often :)

    xoxo FlirtingwithFashion

  31. BECKY

    I love wearing maxi skirts to cover my legs in spring/summer time! It's sometimes hard to find tops which go well with them but this was really helpful:)

  32. wow i absolutely love it! you wouldnt believe, the last maxi skirt your wearing (the pink one) i bought today! and i got a little cream shirt thin thing… to go over it. But now im not sure if it looks right! ahhh!

  33. Vivian

    I'm actually so excited to see this post and video, I just love your fashion style. Thanks for the tips as well, Im a shortie haha and even though I put skirts to my waist its still too long, I guess I just have to wear them with heels :) xx

  34. Hannah

    I loved the setting, I really need to go out and get a maxi skirt asap, but now i won't have to spend months deciding what i could wear with it! Very pretty and lovely outfits xx

    Hannah xoxox

  35. absolutely georgeous:) You look lovely!

  36. Saar

    Woa. Thanks for this video I was really looking forward to this one! I'm a huge fan of maxi skirts but like so many others I wasn't quite sure on how to wear them since I'm really short but both your video and blog post are really helpful and inspiring. I also really like the photos! And your top knot, how do you do that? Anyways, I really enjoy reading your blog! Thank you!

  37. I may have to swallow my fear and buy one, thanks for the tips though :) Mega jealous of your peachy/pastel orange-y skirt !


  38. Sarah

    I love the idea behind maxi skirts, especially as i have a disability with my leg so I don't like them being on show, will be trying them this summer :)

  39. Awww! A gorgeous little pixie!
    I wouldn't suit this look.
    Too much junk in the trunk…
    Also a little too blessed in the chest.
    I'm a lyrical genius!

  40. the new blog design is gorgeous! :D as are you!
    i wish i felt comfortable wearing maxis!!

  41. Rachel

    Gorgeous photographs,and the outfit is very pretty.

  42. Always been a bit scared of the maxi skirt to be honest, but you make it look so feminine and effortless. They really do look amazing on you! xx

  43. I'm loving your tips, now I'm going to watch the video. You look lovely. x

  44. Beth

    you look beautiful. I really want a sheer maxi skirt, I think they're lush. Great post xxx

  45. Oooh I love the new layout so cuut!

  46. Sorry! I didnt meant to write that world meant to write cute haha

  47. I want all your clothes in that video, no lie. Beautiful.

    B xxx

  48. Beth

    I love the new look of your blog. It's so gorgeous and summery!

  49. Lovely new layout :D
    You look really pretty, you should do fashion posts more often!

  50. You look so nice!!! I wish i could wear maxi skirts but they just don't suit me! :/x

  51. Thanks for sharing your tips! I love the way you use belts to accessorize. Next time I'm out shopping, I'm going to hunt down a maxi skirt. :)

  52. How beautiful? I seriously don't know how you don't think your stylish/fashionable or whatever you want to call it! Whenever I read your posts/watch your youtube vids I always love what your wearing! You always look effortlessly stylish and seem to find amazing bargains in Primark! Super Jealous and loved this post, you should definitely do some more fashion vids!! Xx.

  53. Woww—– this is amazing! I love your video! The quality is great and I am glad that you are doing fashion videos because I really love your style!

  54. Loved the outfits with the grey/pale blue maxi :)

  55. Great tips, I really like them on and I have a black one but never seem to wear it as much as I'm usually stumped on what to wear it with!

  56. Zoe, may I ask why do you despise your legs? From what I have seen from your OOTD and previous blog posts, they look quite nice and proportional (say compared to mine). I hope you don't get offended by that. You've also said that you stand around 5'4, I think you look a bit taller than that, which is obviously good. Anyway, GREAT video and blog post. I hope you do more of fashion inspired videos and I hope you do a look book sorta thing too. XOO

  57. Sasha

    Can I just say I LOVE your new layout? It actually made me smile. Btw, that maxi skirt looks great on you. x

  58. Tam

    Great video, very inspiring!

  59. Your maxi skirt looks gorgeous. Great tips, too – I'm quite short so often find that maxi length skirts and dresses would just trip me up if I didn't wear them on the waist or belt a maxi dress to make it shorter. x

  60. I really admire your style and i loveeeeeee your blog! :)

  61. You always look so beautiful<3 Everything looks stunning on you<3 Love the new design on a blog<3 Have a lovely day:*

    xMarusa from

  62. Audrey

    You look like a little mouse!you make me wanna hug you ahah:P
    very beautiful skirt though, I'd like to find one like that but I'm small and tiny and it's sooo difficult to find one of my size -.-
    have a nice day
    (hope my english is understandable!)


  63. Tori.

    i love your outfit in the pictures! :) x

  64. Lou

    I love maxi skirts and they are such a great go to item. You look very pretty in yours and style is what you make of it, not what others tell you. So you are stylish.


  65. Loren.

    Gorgeous photos! Loved the video too, gave me loads of inspiraton! :)

  66. You look gorgeous in these photos- so floaty and feminine. I'm 5ft, so I usually stay away from maxi skirts, but maybe I should seek out maxis in a petite section as I really love the look xx

  67. You look gorgeous! The video is perfect!


  68. wonderful :)

    Sandy von modewunder

    Ps: Ich verlose gerade einen 20€ Gutschein von Zoeva auf meinem Blog :)
    -> Gewinnspiel geht nur noch bis morgen :)

  69. I think you should do more fashion-related posts! This one is so informative and the video is so beautiful and detailed. I think maxi skirts are the bee's knees! Yes the bee's knees. I am bring that expression back.


  70. Phoebe

    Your video made me want maxi skirts! I've never owned one before but I love maxi dresses in the summer.

  71. Sara

    I love that you're venturing into a new type of post. Excellently executed, gorgeous outfits! xxx

  72. Steph

    Thanks for this post! I'm short and have shyed away from maxi dresses for that reason. I'll be giving your tips a try :) Love your blog!!

  73. eleni

    what a beautiful skirt! xx

  74. Hannah

    Really like this post! I find it really helpful to see how other people style their maxi skirts, particularly as I'm rather short and I don't want to look drowned out if I wear one. I also love your hair ties and you've made me fall in love with Topshop's Infrared lipstick!!

  75. you are so adorable!!! reminds me of a fairy. love it!
    and that skirt = amazing!

  76. I really like this outfit!!! It's awesome! ALso the photos look really good!

    Lots of LOVE

  77. Missy

    I think I'm gonna try some Maxiskirts this season^^

  78. You always manage to look so feminine and most importantly – so happy! lucky lucky girl :)
    Thanks so much for sharing this!


  79. you look so so pretty! and you style maxi skirts like no-one else:)
    I also love your new blog design, very pretty!

  80. Love the colour of that Maxi, and the fabic look nice and light. You have the ideal body shape for this type of outfit.

    Courtney <3

  81. Love this! I've recently bought my first ever maxi skirt, but so far I have been too scared to wear it. Hopefully now I can bite the bullet and give it a go :) xx

  82. Me encanta la música de tu video. Puedes decirme el titulo de la canción?. Muchas gracias y precioso blog.

  83. Ida

    I just noticed you changed your blog layout! It looks amazing!! <3 Love it! I also enjoyed the video – a bunch of great ideas, and just in time because I'm getting into maxi and midi skirts lately. I especially like the maxi paired with the black slouchy top – simple and cute.

    <3 Ida

  84. You are my style icon! Everything you wear i love and want!!
    Thanks for the tips, it gave me a a lot of ideas :)! love yah, doll :* xoxo

  85. absolutely adored this video!! Hope to try out this very soon thanks xoxo

  86. Zoella this post is great and I would just like to say that all of your fashion tips come in handy and you are amazingly stunning xxxxx

  87. Iny

    Really great post Zoe! You should do more of these fashion tips posts, you really know how to style :) also love the music in the video! Ixx

  88. Lottie

    Thank you so much for this post Zoe!!
    I'm so short and always thought Maxi's where a no no, but you have shown me it is possible :)
    Thank you!!
    Also I love the skirt in the photos! You look so summery and lovely.

    LottieBot xx

  89. Lizzy

    what a great post! I've always been nervous about maxis since I'm quite short but love the outfits that you put together. the new blog design looks fab btw

    Lizzy x

  90. Klara

    This was very helpful. Thankyou! I have a maxi sitting in my wardrobe I am going to make sure gets a workout this winter.

  91. Tash

    This blogpost and your video has really helped me, i have always been so scared to wear maxi skirts as never had no clue what i could team it up with but you have given me so may tips and idea's that all i wanna do is buy maxi skirts. I love the pink new look one and black primark one. Your amazing Zoe thanks so much :) amazing blog keep it up xxx

  92. Omg Love you. You are so preety and look good in everything. <3 helpfull post <3

  93. Clay

    Loving the peachy maxi skirt, such a nice colour ! xx

  94. Denise

    Zoe you are so gorgeous!
    You continue to do more fashion vids,
    they're very inspiring :)

    xx à la mode

  95. I am very short and your blog post has opened my mind to the purchasing of a maxi skirt. I have recently purchased a pleated midi skirt, it was a complete impulse buy, and when i tried it on I discovered that it made my lower legs look massive… Is this normal for a midi skirt, in your opinion? and do you have any tips on what to wear with it to take attention away from my ankles?… Help would be much appreciated with this midi skirt dilemma.

  96. Grrr why can't I work the maxi skirts…I love the way they look and the way you styled them I just cant make them work for me no matter what…I guess I'm just a lost cause!

  97. Lulu

    I love maxi skirts, but I never know how to style them.. thanks so much for sharing how you do it! – all looks were beautiful.
    + Congratulations!- I saw that your name and review was on the Topshop Website!!xxxx

  98. Julia

    wow zoe, your so beautiful im jelaous,these tips deffinetly helped me alot as i am really short and i love the look of maxi skirts / dresses. Im deffinetly telling all my friends about your blog, its amazing! xxx

  99. Sophie

    I love how you've styled the maxi-skirt! you look so wonderful in this- you look like Arden Rose- Arose186 on youtube which is definately (excuse my shoddy spelling)a compliment! I really enjoy reading your blog so thanks for posting! xx

  100. WOW Zoe, you are truly beautiful!
    Thanks a lot for these tips, they have really helped me!
    I was planning on getting some maxi skirts but I wasn't sure how to wear them and what to wear them with!
    Thanks again Zoe!

  101. Hannah

    Great post – I think a maxi skirt looks nice and elegant which can sometimes be hard in summer when everyone's all hot and sweaty! I love the website makeover by the way, and I saw the feature you were in on the Topshop website – congrats! I literally always think of you when I think about Topshop lipstick. That sounds kind of creepy actually, I'm not, promise! x

  102. I have been so undecided about maxi skirts but you've just made me fall in love with them you wee beauty! xo

  103. I couldn’t of found your blog/you tube at a better time, I have just got the Grey new look skirt last week for my Birthday but wasn’t sure how to wear it as I don’t normally wear Maxi’s so thanks for this.

    Found your site through Fleur’s Video, I’ve got a lot of catching up to do on your channel :-)


  104. I absolutely love your style:) Do you have a lookbook account? If not, you totally should register. You're amazing! <3

  105. You look amazing, not sure I have the confidence to try a maxi though x

  106. The pink one is beautiful and I love how you wear it in the pictures. Oh and your new layout's really nice! :)x

  107. This video was really helpful :) have always looked at buying maxi skirts but then have shyed away from them because i didnt know how to style them. Thank you so much! Defo gonna get one now :)

  108. Sophie

    Thanks for the tips and hint about wearing and styling maxi skirts,this video/blog post really helped me with styling and wearing them!You'r blog is amazing!xxx

  109. i have so many maxi skirts, but never knew what to do with them!thank you so much for teaching me how to style them, im really gonna enjoy rocking my maxi skirts in the spring/summer! loved the youtube video on it aswell! and btw, you look absolutely beautiful, zoe, your hair is amazing<3

    Nora ( )

  110. Wow! I love maxi skirts you can dress than up and down!
    they look amazing on you!
    I was wondering if you could do a something like this but on maxi dresses!
    love your blog. watching your videos or reading your blogs always make me smile! x
    <3 love queenzain! x

  111. You look stunning! I always thought a maxi skirt would make me look shorter, but you've proved me wrong! Thanks for the great tips :) xx

  112. HsK

    Thanks for the advice! You definitely need to do more fashion posts :)
    I tend to veer away from maxi skirts because it seems like you can only wear sandals with them and I'm sort of not a toe weird as that sounds!
    Would you recommend any other type of shoes to wear with them or would anything else seem to clumpy and out of balance?

  113. I love maxi skirts but i always think im too small to wear them im 5ft
    Just started my blog it would mean alot if you would check it out i am rather enjoying it wish i had started sooner! :) x

  114. Kirsty

    Really love this style on you. It has been really helpful as I have quite a few maxi skirts but didn't really know how to style them. Thank you :)

  115. I am now on the hunt for maxi skirts! :D
    i'm so jealous of all your clothes, and you're gorgeous!!

  116. Thanks for this Zoe some helpful tips here!xxx

  117. You're absolutely stunning! And I love the colour of this maxi skirt. It would probably be the colour I would pick if I got one… Always thought short people (like me) couldn't wear it, but maybe I can! :D

  118. You look pretty as always, Zoe! I LOVE your new blog layout, love it! xxx

  119. Aimee

    Great article. Thank you so much! I definitely want to buy a maxi skirt this spring / summer.

  120. gina

    you are so pretty (:

    greetings from germany,

  121. You look really cute with this hair band!

  122. Im very slim like you so I shy away from maxi skirts as I think it will look like its drowning me but u have given me some great ideas on how to make it work on a slim frame. Love the outfits!

    Shana x

  123. Mia♥

    I love maxi skirts but often I don´t know how to style them.
    So thanks for the tips ♥
    By the way you look so pretty!

  124. You look amazing in a maxi skirt! I really don't think I could pull one off ! :(

  125. Lena

    I really like maxi skirts and dresses
    and you look so pretty in them !
    thanks for this post i really enjoy reading your Blog

  126. Thanks for the tips and u look GORGEOUS hunny! Love the hairband, the maxiskirt and aeverything is just mwah! LOVELY blog my dear x

  127. Cathy

    Beautiful dress, and I love the headband! (:


  128. Katie

    Beautiful outfit. I have a sort of midi/maxi that I'm hoping to bust out when it's warmer!

  129. love this! so many new ideas now thankyou :D
    x x x

  130. I recently discovered your youtube channel and was so delighted that I made my way to your blog as well.
    It's beautiful! Thank you for the lovely post.


  131. thank the lord for this post! i'm a 4'11 short arse and love the maxi trend but had no idea how to wear them but now i may attempt it :) xx

  132. Your so inspirational ! Your blog look perfect and so do you :)
    Love those looks, you're stunning.

    Do you know the makeup brand KIKO ? You can find it in Westfield shopp center. Highly recommend you to check it out !


  133. Erin

    so pretty!

  134. Laura

    Hey sweetie! You have a very beautiful blog with a lot of inspiring posts! I'd like to invite you to be my friend and follow each other:)

  135. great advice, great blog, i always shy away from anything "maxi" because of my size but i will definitely be taking ur advice to New Look to see what it looks like…Loving the blog design too so cute!

  136. Hey Zoe I absolutely love this! I'm not sure whether I can pull off the maxi skirt look really, as I'm quite tall ( 6 ft) so I think it might look weird. Because of your lovely styling tips I might have to try it out though! ;-)
    I have been a reader of your blog for awhile and even if you don't post something new I'll come and just read some of your old posts. Love you Zoe!

    xoxo Melina

  137. You combine these maxi skirts so lovely, you're the first that makes me want to buy one! I think I'm falling for pleated maxi skirts.. They just look so flowy, light and comfortable! xoxo

  138. Ginger

    I picked up a gorgeous floral maxi skirt from New Look about a month ago and it is the most comfortable thing ever! I'm saving mine for my holiday, as I needed something that was multi-wearable, and that could be squished into my case – the one I got doesn't crease – BONUS! I love the way you've styled the maxi skirt in this post, and I'm definitely going to try it with a cropped jacket! Would never have thought of that!

    Ginger x

  139. Cant believe ive only just found your blog! Its beautiful! Now a new follower ( and on instagram @kwigg :) x

  140. Laura

    I am so glad you did a post on the maxi skirts cause i have one but never really been sure what to do with it so this was really useful and i think your blog is amazing and i love watching the youtube videos especially the ones of you and louise…you guys are so funny sometimes it puts a smile on my face x :)

  141. Sissy

    What is the youngest age do you think you could pull off a maxi skirt? xx

  142. Kelli

    I love maxi skirts. People do find them hard to wear so this was a really good idea and really helpful. :)

  143. Thanks, this post is such a huge help! I've got 2 maxi skirts and I've them each once and then never been able to match them up with the right items! Can't wait to try them out again! Especially love those square gold earrings from Topshop as well.
    Thanks for the advice.

    Elle xxx

  144. this post was so inspiring! thank you!

  145. Im so glad you did a post on maxi skirts im currently obsessed with them.. its always great to see new ways to style them.. they're a key feature in the wardrobe.. just love them! Xx

  146. Absolutely adore your blog! I've spent my whole day watching yours as well as SprinkleofGlitter's vlogs. :)

    Anyway, I've been really interested in expanding my wardrobe to include maxi skirts and dresses (which I'd previously dismissed because I stand at a measly 5'1 and I figured they would make me look like a bit of an elf), so I found your video and blog post extremely helpful! However, I live in Miami, FL and unfortunately we don't have a New Look or TopShop or H&M here (yet). I tried to buy a maxi skirt from F21 a while back, but it looks a bit awkward and bunchy by the hips. Are there any other major stores/affordable online stores where you'd recommend buying maxi skirts?

    Alrighty, well, I've bothered you enough! Bye! xx

  147. you look like a goddess in these pictures! absolutely stunning!!! xx

  148. Gorgeous outfit!! I love maxi skirts! <3


  149. Zoe i just want to say your amazing :) I think your beautiful and are a lovely lovely person.. This is no joke I must watch your videos everyday and I love your blogs :) You and Louise are the funniest girls I have ever seen I have litrally sat there in actual tears laughing at your videos haha. Especially the one with the chocolate fingers and the one when you heard a noise in Louises house and thought the boiler exploded haha.. I notice your having slight trouble just because you wear a cross for fashion in your video for fashion.. I think there is nothing wrong with it, its up to you what you wear and at the end of the day your doing that video to help other people and it is highly unfair for people to be unfair to you.. Anyway would just like to say keep doing what you do its amazing :) and thank you for all the help in your videos it is much appreciated :)
    Lots of love
    rachel <3 xxxx

  150. This is fab, thanks Zoe! I am very short but after seeing this became fixated on getting a maxi skirt! So i got a £10 jersey one from Primark, inevitably way too long! But today I set about with my scissors and iron, lopped a few inches off and wonder-webbed it. Don't think it's perfectly even but nothing chronically noticable. I intend to wear it with wedges and loose vests/shell tops tucked in. :-) Thanks!
    Lou x

  151. I absolutely love it.
    Who cares about being on trend? If you are comfortable with what you wear that is all that matters. I think you have great style.
    Bisous de Floride :)

  152. Want to new Styles!
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  153. This is one of my favorite looks! Very chic & pretty!

  154. Orla

    I don't really know what category I fit into! Think I might just avoid them altogether but I'll refer back to this if I EVER decide to take that massive plunge of the dreaded maxi skirt! ;) Thanks Zoe

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