With the Autumn months upon us, and my schedule being twice as full as it was a couple of months ago, I’ve been a bit naughty and have neglected my little blog. I absolutely love sitting down and spewing my thoughts here for all to read, and although I haven’t stopped working since 8am this morning, I am desperate to fill these pages with something new! So here I am, under my cosy blanket on the sofa with a peppermint tea and my snoring pug beside me. Today was one of the first chilly, fresh, grey days this year and although I am VERY excited for the leaves to turn different shades of orange and red, it was a reminder that I have my holiday snaps to share with you.
Mykonos is one of those places for me, that feels like a home away from home. This year was my fourth time visiting and Alfie and I went with his family. We stayed at Bill & Coo Suites & Lounges for 5 days, then drove 5 minutes up the road to stay in their new resort Bill & Coo Coast Suites for the remaining 5 days. Bill & Coo is not the cheapest accommodation, but we love it so much, and always find ourselves going back every year. The staff, the food & the atmosphere make for the perfect, ultimate holiday.

I can’t quite put my finger on why I love Mykonos so much. It could be the people, the food, the tiny little winding stone floors amongst bright white buildings and coloured doors (definitely didn’t mean for that to rhyme). I also love that it’s a quick trip into town for dinner and you’re never far from the sea or the airport. Everything is very convenient and easy, and personally, that’s what I want from a relaxing holiday. We were able to explore, eat ALL THE FOOD and catch a bit of sun, read my books and it was just perfect. It was very hot when we visited this year, but Mykonos is known for its slight breeze which again…I LOVE. Don’t get me wrong, I like the sun and I like to feel warm, but sometimes when it’s VERY hot, it becomes a little unbearable, so a little bit of breeze was an absolute godsend on those scorching days.

Travelling for me is something I’m working on in terms of confidence and anxiety, but to be able to go away to a place I know and love is very important for me. It makes it easier to switch off and unwind. Although completely switching off from the internet is near enough impossible for me, I do an alright job of it in Mykonos with the odd tweet, snapchat and instagram. It was nice not having to wear makeup every day, and the days felt longer with less to do. I also found that 10 days was absolutely perfect because by the time it came to flying home, I was SO ready to take on my workload and create! It’s very important to take time out to recharge your batteries and if you can do it somewhere you love, with sand, sea and sun, then it’s that little bit more beautiful.