
I think it’s only right, that in every female’s life, there comes a time when we need that tiny little top up of high end nice-ness. Something I like to call a “Chanel Injection”. We don’t need it daily, or even weekly in order to keep us going…just every now and then, to keep the smiles on our faces & to boost our retail therapy excitedness.

This is what I will continue to tell myself when I start to think “I possibly shouldn’t have spent so much at the Chanel counter this month”. But fear not, I don’t do it often and injections are always beneficial right?

So, My first trip was purely to get a sample of the Vitalumiere Aqua Foundation, of which I ended up walking away with the Soleil De Tan Bronzer and another little sample of some Mascara. The lady was so nice though, and I had wanted it for ages. I’m enjoying using it, although, I do find it leaves me a little patchy at the end of the day as it’s not your typical powder bronzer. Does anyone know how I can combat this? The colour is nice also and it looks pretty sat on my dressing table (please remember ladies, this is NOT a reason you should buy any product, but it is slightly more satisfactory than a boring revlon bronzer). I’ve not yet used the mascara sample, but it is a plastic brush, which aren’t my favourite kind. In fact, I normally avoid all plastic applicators as I find bristles give a better effect in general, but this could change my mind.

Onto the foundation, and the reason for my second Chanel purchase. I used the sample (which was quite generous, you could get at least 3 applications from it) and I instantly fell in love with it and ran out and purchased it. I have however, since using it on a number of different occasions, come to the conclusion, that although it’s a fantastic foundation and has everything I love about a foundation in it (natural coverage, great colour, sinks in fast, looks flawless yet natural, not too dewy, not too matte), I think it may be a bit on the drying side. At first it didn’t seem at all drying, but as the days go on, it seems to cling to any dry patches on my face (just like pro lumiere did), I’m starting to think there is something in Chanel foundations that do this to my face. Is it just me? I find that I need to exfoliate more, and moisturise more, even though at the moment my skin isn’t really all that dry. I still really love this foundation, albeit it a bit more on the pricey side, and slightly drying and i’ll keep using it. Not too sure i’ll repurchase though.

Do you ever have these naughty little splurges? Please reassure me. haha.

  1. I've wanted to get a sample of that foundation for a while but me being a little on the shy side, I never dare ask the people at the counters :P haha!

    I could never afford to splurge without trying it though :\

  2. Uh,jealous!

  3. Aaah little Chanel splurges :)
    the VA foundation contains a bit of alcohol so it's better for normal to combination skin, I absolutely adore it!
    I find the bronzer to get patchy through the day, too, but haven't found any solution :(

  4. i just bought the soleil tan de chanel and mat lumiere foundation the other day. Yes, Chanel is pricey :D


  5. Awwh I know the feeling! I recently got a Bobbi Brown sample foundation, thought nothing of it and then bought the big thing! Felt so naughty buying something so out of budget but it's so moisturising and lovely that I fell in love! xxx

  6. Hehe just had my Chanel injection the other day. It was my 21st Birthday so I bought the limited edition eyelash curlers :) for 30 euro… crazy but it was my 21st xx

  7. ahh soo jealous of the bronzer! and vitalumiere aqua is my favourite foundation ever!!xx

  8. Lydia

    I don't find the Vitalumiere Aqua drying at all but I do have normal-oily skin. I don't set it with powder like I do other foundations though so maybe that's why!
    Also love Bronze Universal but have yet to find the perfect brush to go with it :(

  9. I have the foundation hun, I don't find it drying, but I mostly mix mien with Skin Glow by Topshop. Looks lush :) I haven't looked back since buying this! xxx

  10. Joelle

    Pretty jealous right now hehe. Hope you enjoy your goodies!

  11. Ooh fab! I've been wanting to try that bronzer forever! What brush would you recommend with that? x

  12. lucy

    what lipstick are you wearing in the illamasqua post? xx

  13. Claire

    I have the Soleil De Tan bronzer and I adore it, I've had it for about a year and have not made a dent in it. its amazing I love using it to contour :-)

  14. Try buffing the Bronzer underneath your foundation lightly, then apply foundation and finish off with another light layer of bronzer. I find it works better as it is technically a bronzing base. That's how I apply even though it sounds like a lot and stays put all day!

  15. I know what you mean when you say that sometimes you need a little lift. My mum and I both like a little Chanel injection now and then, hers all sit beautifully presented on her dressing table and she tells me it makes her feel special getting ready to go places to have that little bit of luxury! :)


  16. Bec

    I just bought a Isabel Marant dress. Even though it was in the Final Sale and more than 75% off I still practically got sick buying it when I handed over my card but I love it so much whatever the label was. Adopting the "Chanel Injection" to my life :)

  17. Looks fab, I think there is something magical for us ladies inside every Chanel bag, just the bag itself sees us skipping down the street like a 5 year old ;) x

  18. ooooh i love them!great post zoella.i love reading them : D xxx

  19. i need a chanel injection in my life! xx

  20. Hmmmm…. Gimme! ;) It looks really good, maybe you could use the foundation on special occasions :) xx

  21. I'm torn between the Chanel Bronzer and a Nars one, really can't decide! And yes we all need a Chanel Injection! xxx

  22. I have never bought anything from Chanel, however, I am only sixteen and I dont think my bank account would be to impressed on me having a Chanel Injection! aha. I shall wait to Christmas, no harm in that!
    I love to see that you're posting more! I always get so excited about your blog posts, dont ask why! and also, thankyou for replying to my email about what you use to edit your videos, very helpful!

  23. I get the exact same thing with Chanel foundations! Patchy 'scaly' (ew) areas on my face! nat guud. I just stay away from them :) I'd recommend an Elizabeth Arden one, I find they are just perfect :)

  24. This is hands down my favourite foundation! I purchased some back in April and re-purchased again this month :)

    I also love their natural finish loose powder – works perfectly with the foundation!

    My other naughty Chanel splurge was the rouge coco shine lipstick in Boy. I think we all need a bit of a naughty splurge every now and again xx

  25. I always wanted to get sthn like that but I was never brave enough to do so haha I rather get a lot of shoes or jewelry for the money but oh well.. maybe soon. I wanted to get that bronzer maybe.

  26. Ahhh you bought the foundation, I was sure you're going to buy it after watch your haul :D
    I love the foundation so much, but I have oily skin so I can't tell about dry areas :)

  27. Fariha

    one day, one day I shall buy me some chanel :)
    for now I'll just have to wait!

  28. The Soleil Tan de Chanel was my first ever high end purchase, it has a special place to my heart! I still can't figure out how to wear it properly, I found that it performs better as a base under a powder bronzer- but definitely not as a contour shade, too orange for my taste!

  29. can't resist a good splurge now and then! chanel is always worth it though so i don't feel as bad as when i'm trying something new that might not be what i'm expecting. vitalumiere aqua & bronze universal are such brill products, great choices xx

  30. Zoe, take a Look at the ingredients, the Vitalumiere Aqua contains a lot of alcohols….alway use this with something moisturizing, like Stila tinted moisturizer or so. then you can also use a Bit of the Bare Essentuals on Top. Try it, perhaps it will work for you, too. By the way, Love those little escapades at CHANEL Counters or Sephora etc ;-)

  31. Sana

    I love Chanel makeup. I just recently purchased Mat Lumiere, Double Perfection, and their compacte universelle (i have pictures on my blog if youd like to see!) …. I love these photos you've taken btw:)

  32. Oo I have these too. Chanel can do no wrong with me at the moment. I bought 5 of the ombre shadows (and I am giving away a further two on my blog). I do find vitalumier lights, but it makes a change from mat lumiere :)

  33. Kar-N

    I absolutely Love Bare Minerals :)

  34. Kar-N

    I agree, sometimes treating yourself to expensive products,clothes or in my case shoes, is soo necessary! :)

  35. I've heard so many good things about that bronzer. I'm really tempted to try it.. Hmm, might need a "Chanel Injection" ;)

  36. Oh my god i love channel to and i really want the bronzer you have but i have not found a reason to buy it yet so i will be patience and wait for that one special moment xx

    Lauren x

  37. I'm put off trying this now I know it's a little drying as I'm also prone to dry skin, although it's been quite good recently! x

  38. Ha, I love the concept of a Chanel injection:) I've been wanting to try Chanel Vitaluminere but now I'm not so sure. I really don't want anything drying my skin. Fab post!

  39. Sarah

    I have to say my little splurge has been the little blue box … Tiffany & Co necklace. Ahhhh sweet heart love <3 Good luck in the Cosmo awards! You definatly deserve it! xoxox

  40. Monica

    I've never owned a makeup item from Chanel, but the brand seems like the most classy of them all, and I'd love to own a cosmetic from the brand, even just once.
    The nice ladies at the counter always suck you in, haha.
    Great review :)


  41. i adore chanel makeup – it might be expensive but i find that the products last for ages! i have that foundation, i didn't like it that much at first either, but since i've changed moisturiser it's suddenly soo much better! it makes me sad that i never get given the chanel bags, for some reason the shop assistants always give me the boring yellow selfridges/other department store bags. im totally a packaging whore, so tempted to get the bronzer just for the gold c's on the lid.

  42. I'm pretty sure this has inspired a lot of readers to have a 'Chanel Injection' :) xx.

  43. Vivian

    haha, nothing better than a chanel splurge, I really want that bronzer and yea to be honest the main reason I would get it is cos it looks pretty…:P with the bronzer, if you find it leaves dry patches at the end of the day remember what places they are in the face. And the night before exfoliate concentrating on that area and then use a moisterising mask. If not put some really heavy moisteriser there before you sleep. this normally helps me when I get dry patches with my makeup :) xx

  44. I must admit..I splurged as well not too long ago on that same foundation (after hearing SO many raves you YouTube.) Like you, I had the same results which were not horrible but not nearly as ahhhmazing as Bare Minerals, which you taught me :) I honestly don't know why I ever try anything else. It's the best best best.

    Also, congrats on the blog/vlog award nominations!! Exciting stuff!! :) Have a great day!

  45. Sandra

    lord help me I just had one today…. an illusion d'ombre eyeshadow and the new perfection lumiere foundation *blushes*

  46. Ina

    I have dry skin and I have found that Vitalumiere Aqua does indeed cling to any dry areas. I have also found that Nars Sheer Glow does the same, albeit not to the same extent. Besides thoroughly moisturizing, there is really not that much you can do about it :( It's sad, because I really like both of these foundations, dryness issue aside.

  47. kiki

    Haha Oh lord! I work with YSL, Lancome and Benefit counters around me all day, I always impulse buy lipsticks or blushers off them, you are not the only one!

  48. Stacey

    Love Chanel injections! I've been after a moisturiser for ages now. I bought Chanel Vitalumiere foundation and really love that xx

  49. Lou

    I have wanted to try both of these products but have also heard that they leave you patchy. Love the style of the photos.


  50. I used that Chanel foundation for about six months and I really wanted to love it…but I didn't. Considering the price and the brand I was sort of disappointed. I had the same experience of it drying my skin out and I was using a moisturiser with that too. I think Chanel is great for blush and bronzer though just not so much foundation. Maybe just use a thicker more emollient like moisturiser on the dry parts of your face to combat the drying foundation.

  51. I had a bit of a 'Dress Injection' yesterday, I couldn't really afford it, but it was something I just had to buy.. to make me feel better? :) x

  52. I lurrrrrrve Chanel's Inimitable Intense mascara so if that is the sample you have (I can't read the label) it is fantastic, best mascara I have ever tried and so worth the money! Not tried that foundation myself but I enjoyed using the regular Vitalumiere and have recently finished it. I've started using Bourois Healthy Mix and like it even more so far, £20 saved :)

  53. I really need to sample some of the aqua foundation, it looks gorgeous and I've heard so many reviews about it. Aww… need money haha! <3

  54. Chanel injection- that's brilliant! My naughty splurges are with MAC- i'll go in for a top up of my foundation, and come out with two new lipsticks and a blusher alongside it! As bad as it is, theres nothing nicer than a bit of retail therapy:) x

  55. if patchiness/dryness is happening for both products, then maybe you need a richer moisturiser or just do it more regularly?:)
    my skin doesn't feel dry and things come out patchy, even though I have oily skin.. weird
    but yeah:)
    love your blog and I think I defo need a splurge of chanel.. especially with a job now woowoooo xx

  56. i love Chanel

  57. Rachel

    I had the same experience with the foundation. I got a sample as well and used it a couple times. On the second day I noticed it accentuated the dry areas. I do agree with you that otherwise it is a very nice product and the finish is lovely.

  58. For the patchiness, do you use a smoothing primer base before ur makeup? It helps very much to smooth out the texture of your skin. A good one that i love for normal to dry skin is Elizabeth Arden Good Morning Serum:) A good night cream helps as well, and you don't want to exfoliate to much, i recommend Origins Modern Friction once a week then promptly followed by their Clear Improvement mask. Side note: Im at the Chanel counter so much, i could work there

  59. I haven't tried this, but my current foundation is Matte Lumiere and I love it!! The colour and consistency is great for my skin.

  60. Pidge

    Going to skrimp and save so I can buy myself a Chanel foundation!!

  61. i love a naughty splurge too! only in my case it's more likely to be MAC as chanel is slightly out of my price range. and your right injections are almost always beneficial, unless they're heroin of course.


  62. Lass

    Good girl yourself. There's nothing wrong with an occasional splurge on something lovely – especially since you obviously recognise that it's a special treat!
    Chanel have just released a lipgloss that's very similar to a (LE) gloss I bought in Paris last year from the original Chanel store. My God, I was so scared going in…I had gone all the way to the other side of the world though so I couldn't chicken out! And you know you're buying from a good company when you're in your crappy tourist outfit, clearly petrified and can say about three words in French and they STILL treat you like you're the Queen of the World! Love Chanel even more now as a result :)

  63. Love this post! Retail therapy is never a bad thing. The Soleil de Chanel bronzer is amazing. I use Pro-Lumiere foundation from them and I don't know if I'll ever leave it. Their products are amazing and the packaging is beautiful!.

  64. Katie x

    Ahh i'm so jealous that everyone has been able to get hold of the soleil tan de chanel.
    Everytime I go to buy it at my boots store, it's always out of stock.
    I don't want to purchase it's just not as satisfying as buying it in store!

  65. haha i totally understood in your youtube video when you said "i was waiting for the day when i would just splurge and buy it" haha im waiting for my day!!! hopefully its soon because im in love with chanels new cream shadows for fall!! lovee

    i have a giveaway featured on my blog right now!! including $100 worth of MAC giftcards, all you need to do is subscribe!!


  66. Love Chanel make-up! however, the chanel tan de soleil bronzer is not for me, barely showed up on my skin tone, I regret buying it and I've used better ones… I have to say, if the mascara sample is the inimitable intense one then it's the best mascara I've ever used, even better then ysl and mufe smoky lash, its absolutely amazing, the plastic wand is what makes my lashes so long! x

  67. I too have used alot of chanel foundations and they have all made my skin dry. i have however just bought a brilliant foundation -DIOR FOREVER is amazing, also YSL Perfect Touch is brilliant for fry skin! xx

  68. hey :) i really am a massive fan of chanel! i love most of the lip glosses & bronzers & shadows & there lipsticks are amazing, they just glide on & never smudge or come off buuut i do not like there foundations & tinted moisturisers because like you have said i think they really dry your skin out. i was really looking forward to trying the soleil bronzer but now i think ill give it a miss. thank you so much for doing this post! im happy now i know what it will be like & i no its on different skin types but most of there liquid products dry my skin out. :) thanks!! xx

  69. Tis my birthday today and you have ahem.. persuaded me that I am in desperate need of a little "Chanel Injection"! That bronzer shall be mine muaha xxx

  70. Hey Zoe :)

    Is the Soleil tan de Chanel amazing? Because I have been wanting buy this forEVER and haven't justified buying it yet haha pleeeaasssee persuade me to buy me! x

  71. anna

    I have the foundation but i find it a tad too drying sometimes. I love chanel makeup , really good quality plus ice packaging. i love your blog ! please write more posts .

  72. Chloe

    haha i always say i'm going to have big splurges, whether it's on clothes or make-up, but when i do i always feel guilty hehe.
    I don't like to part with my money lol.

    Love your blog :)


  73. unfortunately, i haven't had the chance to purchase the chanel tan de soleil bronzer :( My mother actually has it, and she recommend's it to anyone! it make's her skin have a lovely, warm glow! but i haven't ruffled up the nerve to buy it yet.. Your Opinion??? (:

  74. María

    I love your blog

  75. Hi Zoe :) I totally agree with the expensive splurges! I'm a student in my 4th year of uni and I'm finding it harder and harder to do this, but I can't wait to get a job so I can go back to it! I felt on top of the world when I bought my Louis Vuitton purse when I was 16, I had saved up all the money I got for doing well in my GCSE's and all my birthday money, and we took a trip down to London to Harrods to buy it, and I'm still using it now, I'm 22! So it has lasted me 6 years… Which I don't think many people could say their purse lasted 6 years, is still in fab condition and they still use! I agree with the plastic mascara brush too, I much prefer bristle ones, although I like doing a mix at the moment.
    Anyway, loving your blog and your youtube channel, really has cheered me up in a time when I've been a bit down. Thanks xox

  76. We are so jealous you have been able to get your hands on this, they dont sell it anywhere near us! Maybe one day…
    Love Georgia&Ashlie x

  77. Give the mascara sample a chance you won't regret it. I felt the same about the plastic brushes. I hated them so much they made me angry if I ever had to use one(bit extreme but I hated them that much) but the Chanel Inimitable mascara totally changed my mind. Best mascara ever!!!! I just recently had my first ever Chanel Injection and I did feel guilty but the way I justify it is that you are not just buying products you are buying an experience :)
    Love love love Chanel!!!

  78. I've just come across your blog, and have just litterally sat here reading every single post!
    Also found out we have the same birthday! Haha.
    This is probably one of my favourite posts, i've always wanted to buy the Soleil De Tan Bronzer. But always put it off, cos i think it would make me look a bit mucky because i have majorly pale skin!

    Anyway, love your blog Zoe!

  79. Brilliant. The only Chanel I own is the No. 5 fragrance. You have a good thing going, I need to start injecting CC into my daily life.

    Don't mind if I hold you completely responsible, Z.

    Chelsea Blush

  80. i absolutly love you blog and videos zoe…you are gorgeous <3 please check out my blog ….

    much appreciated <3<3

  81. monica

    Yes! I bought that Vitalumiere Aqua foundation two weeks ago and so far, I am pretty happy with it. I got a mascara sample too, which I may go back to but the actual mascara. I like VA because it of how it goes on. It's sheer so I don't feel like I am slathering thick product on my face. I did experience slight patchiness but I think it's a matter of exfoliating more. That bronzer looks interesting…

  82. Ahhhh I need some Chanel Injection in my life! Have you ever tried Chanel No 5 perfume? My mum recently gave me hers and I'm totally in love with it!

    I'm liking the Chanel! Great post…


  83. E.Poke

    I absolutely love your blog! Anyways, can you give me a little advice? I'd like some makeup samples but I'm just too shy :( and I was wondering: how do yo actually ASK for a sample? I feel like the ladies in the counter are gonna look down at me or something :( so pleeease please if you could tell me how to do it I'll thank you forever :)

  84. Chloe

    LOVE Chanel's packaging, it's so..sleek and sophisticated. I would love to have anything chanel in my purse.

    Lucky you! xx

  85. Everyone needs a Chanel fix! I absolutely love Vitalumiere aqua and haven't notice any drying on my skin having worn it. Great post zoe, as per Xx

  86. Yes! i sometimes do that! I spend too much money on clothing from hollister, this is my 'Hollister injection'

  87. Great post. Keep writing such kind of information on your page.
    I'm really impressed by your blog.
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