♥ Using my spin dryer is definitely going to become a much regular styling method from now on. I get asked a lot to do a “demo” on how to use it. Besides a video of me with my head upside down looking a fool & you not really being able to see what i’m doing, i’m not overly sure how I can demo how to use it. I just blowdry my roots with a normal hairdryer, then tipping my head upside down, I take my hair into three sections and use the spin dryer. Thats it. Oh, also use a mousse. Vital.
♥ Vintage scarves are also going to be appearing on my head & just generally on my person a lot more. They are so easy to tie up in your hair, and I think they make outfits that little bit more interesting. When carboots start up again, I am definitely going to be buying some more.
♥ I need ideas on what to do for my 21st Birthday in 2 months time. I literally have no idea. Do I go away? Have a party? Have a sophisticated do? Go out for a meal? I kind of want to do something a bit…different. Ideas would be lovely thankyou please :)
♥ I’ve become addicted to mini milks. Could literally eat a whole box in one sitting i’m sure of it.
♥ Loving Adele’s new album as well as her. She is hilarious. So down to earth and normal. Probably one of my favourite singers for sure. If you dont have her new album yet, i’d definitely urge you to get it. You won’t be dissapointed.
♥ Currently reading I Want You To Know & Daisybutter
Your hair looks lovely :). Another mini milk fan, love them!!
Sadie x
I love your hair in theses pictures
For my 21st last December i wanted to have a kids tea party, with jelly sweets cupacakes pass the parcel etc, but my boy took me away to London for the weekend =) xx
love the scarf on your head :)
I must get myself to all these car boot sales!
I have the same problem as you,
I have no idea what to do for my 21st,
I think I want to go somewhere special,
maybe New York :O
wow your hair looks amazing, I bought the spindryer ages ago on your recommendation and was a bit disappointed with the results, but reading how you use yours I can see where I've been going wrong :) do you wash your hair everyday? xx
Your hair looks so lovely like that! Maybe a spa day with your friends for your 21st? Then a party in the evening? x
You look gorgeous as always Zoe <3
you just keep getting prettier zoe!:)
i think you should go away and have a party wherever you go,id love to go to new york with friends or las vegas ;) x
I love your hair like that – I'm a bit gutted I chopped mine off otherwise I'd definitely have tried out a spin drier!
How about going away for a girlie weekend to Liverpool / London etc (depends where you live I suppose!) then your birthday lasts more than just one night! xx
Your hair is just too cool! Love scarves too.
That scarf and your hair look lovely! Am off to look into what a spin dryer is! Haha x
loving the head scarf very cute!!
i've got a square foulard from fendi (a christmas gift) that i don't know how to wear, because it's not big, maybe i'll try to put it in my hair like you do.. not sure about it, though
Love your hair, please do a tutorial!!
Spin dryer??!! Now maybe I'm missing out on some cool gadget but that makes me think of a tumble dryer?? Hmmm surely you don't stick your head in a tumble dryer lmao?!! I heard an interview with Adele tonight for 1st time and she sounded lovely – completely different to what I thought she'd be like. I love her music as well :)
Your hair so gorgeous and long(=
One day, just one day, I'll perfect wearing scarves in my hair! Your hair always looks amazing Zoe, I've been wearing waves/curls in my hair this weekend, makes it more manageable? Mini milks are my fave snack ever <3 And thank you SO much for the mention lovely, itmeans a lot! I love your blog, was probably one of the first blogs I started reading religiously! xxx
Beautiful photos, the headscarf looks so lovely! I have no idea what I want to do for my 21st either – but it's almost a year away so I guess I don't have to worry about it much, haha.
ahhh minimilks you ledgend I need some haha. 21 eek, how exciting! I had a big posh dinner with family and a seperate friends dinner/club night. Uniriginal but lovely! Love the vintage scarf look it's lovely on you xx
Which spin dryer do you use? I also adore the Adele album, she is amazing! xx
I love the scarf. For my 21st I had a house party which isn;t the most original thing to do. I think there's alot of pressure to have the best celebration ever and then it becomes really hard to pick something that will live up to expectations. I'm sure what ever you do will turn out to e fabulous though!
I have the spin dryer and my hair don't turn out like this. I think you should do a tutorial. I never go car boots, do you know where they sell ones similar if they do?
Loving the scarf :)
I had a meal with family, went on a night out to town with friends on a Friday and the Saturday went to Manchester with friends dressed as pirates! Was a few years ago now tho!
I'm sure you will have a great time whatever you decide to do!
gah zoe your spincurls look lovely mine always look crappy. i might actually try it now ive seen your photo! i think i actually bought one because you posted about it ages ago!
Your hair is absolutely gorgeous! For my 21st I just spent the day with my close friends and boyfriend, nothing special but it was amazing! Do what you enjoying doing most, but the best thing is to have your most important people in your life with you! :) x
Great post, your hair looks great!
i love your hair and your headband..beautiful look
I love these posts :) you are so gorgeous and I'm so so so jealous of your hair haha. I think I might go away for my 21st, with the girls, I think it be nice :) xx
i got adele's new album on saturday; i adore someone like you. Your right she is a very normal person which is refreshing! Your hair look bootiful' in these pics by the way :D xo
Your hair looks gorgeous! I am currently reading and loving daisybutter's blog as well. :)
you look stunning as per usual! its my 21st in november i really want to go away with the girls but we're all constantly poor and terrible at saving so that's that idea down the drain! Perhaps a road trip? x
your hair is AMAZING and you are gorgeous!!
The affect of the spin dryer on your hair is stunning! Really like the vintage scarf too, can't wait to see what lovely things I'm sure you'll find at car boot sales x
I went to excape in Castleford for my 21st. They have an indoor snow slope, so I had snowboarding lessons. I wanted to do something a bit different. The day ended up being amazing and I loved it! Hope you end up finding somewhere fun.
I'd love to go car booting but I have no idea where we have any near us. Shame really as people seem to pick up some really good buys. x
adoring the scarf and your hair look beyond amazing! love it
Scrapbook de la Emma
love the hair =D you should go have a "kodak moment" birthday where you do all things picturesque. ie. picnic, ride bicycles? <3
I'm casting my vote for a getaway! Go someplace new, different, and exciting. But maybe that's just because I'm feeling the bite of the travel bug lately. Still, I say, use the "excuse" of a big and important b'day to roam around and see what there is to see! If not, a super girly tea party with vintage china would be loads of fun and something I've been meaning to do forever.
I love your hair! Perhaps try a dinner party overlooking a nice view or an iconic location
(see for example: http://jordanferney.blogspot.com/2010/09/dinner-party-beneath-golden-gate-bridge.html
and http://jordanferney.blogspot.com/2010/10/fergi-turns-dirty-thirty.html)
so you guys get to dress up, have dinner, and celebrate your 21st in a spectacular location but cheaper than if you went out to a fancy (boring…?) restaurant!
I also really love your scarf-as-a-headband look! I've always tried to do that but failed terribly because I can never get the ends to stay tied/ pinned! Any tips?
Love the hair and you're too right about the vintage scarf addiction. Had to go cold turkey but may return to it for spring :)
Just planned a surprise 21st so coming from someone who's planned one 3x now…do whatever YOU want, don't listen to others xx
For my 21st myself and my best friends just had a night out in the local town, stayed at my mates and the next day just got up and drove to Brighton for the day! Kind of unplanned, which I think often makes for the best times out! Then on my actual birthday myself and my best friend went for a meal at TGI's, and my family held a little party gathering – Like the ones they used to do when i was 5! Aaahahaha!
Your hair looks gorgeous. I've often wondered about those spin dry things, will defo try one when my hair eventually grows – Never then :(
S xx http://fridayisforever.blogspot.com/
I think going away always makes a change, especially if it's for your birthday :) Love vintage scarf!
Carla xxx
The headscarf looks absolutely fantastic on you!
your hair looks gorgeous and the scarf makes it even better!xxx
Your hair looks lovely! =)
I went on holiday to Paphos in Cyprus for my 21st and also did a night out with friends…
Hope that helps! xx
your hair looks great, i love the scarf!:)
i think you should go away for your 21st:) maybe do something with the family or whoever the night before, then go away on a girls mini holiday to somewhere nice? x
Love the hair :)
That scarf really suits you.
mmm i looove vintage looking scarfs, i think the look lovely with my long hair (and yours ha)
what is your youtube account again? i have searched for ages for it, and i cant seem to find it anywhere.
Aw Zoe you look lovely here. Absolutely love your hair here (looks so good with the scarf… have never really thought about twisting it like that!), I wish I could do mine like that but it's full of choppy layers so I'm not sure it would really look that good!
Maybe you could do a group day thing for your birthday… like laser tagging or a spa day maybe?
Super cute–I love your hair! This makes me want to grow mine out…
Melanie@Unravelled Threads
Follow @UnraveldThreads on twitter!
Your hair looks lovely. You've really mastered that long haired, tousled look I'm coveting right now.
I've no idea what a spin dryer is, so I'm off to find out! ha
You look beautiful as usual. I love your hair and I'm also a big fan of vintage headscarves. I own far too many :/ I spose for your 21st you could have both a formal meal and a sort of wild crazy night haha. I'm just greedy (: I also loooooove Adele.
just found your blog the other day – love it :)
lovee the scarf! and, i might just be being dumb..but what do you mean by a spin-dryer? whatever it is – youre hair looks lovely!
21st suggestion – some family friends had a joint thing for their 21st and just invited all their friends and family for a big buffet thing, with loads of pictures and memories and stuff – if that makes sense? that could be an idea for if you wanted a more family-friendly party?
you're SO. PRETTY. !! maybe a themed party for your bday? costumes required!
Zoe you are painfully pretty! Your hair is stunning <3
And omg I love mini milks. I've banned them for a while but now you've mentioned them I'm gonna probs have one and then become addicted again! HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY XX
I love your lamp!! Hair looks wicked x
Gorgeous girl :)
It's my 22nd in March and the girls and I are off to do Go Ape (www.goape.co.uk)so that we finally get to spend some quality (sober!) time together. I think it'll be a right giggle!!
im so clueless im away to google a spin dryer cos ive no idea what it is! lol love the vintage scarves! :) xo
You're hair looks so fantastic! And I love the vintage scarf. You are such a beauty.
Running on Happiness
Adore your blog – I'm following!
Would love you to enter my giveaway:
Lots of love for headscarves! Agree with the Adele album greatness, although I can't stop listening to the first 2 tracks at the moment, my favs. x
I'm turning 21 in August and have no idea what to do either. :(
love the headscarf, I need to get me one of those! ha x
i purchased the spin dryer because a friend saw you use it- it is now my go to hair do- i am completely addicted… thanks for the tip!!
Good hair!
Your so lucky to have natuarally amazing hair! I have to use a ton of extentions to get that kind of volume! Love the vintage scarf by the way. Crown and Glory had some nice ones if you are looking for any. xo
Love the scarf x
heyy hunni,
i'm 21 in april me and my girls are going to essex :D ha it should be funny!!!
hope you think of something good to do your only 21 once!!!
lots of love
woah, you look stunning! <3
I just got Adele's new album and I'm so amped to listen to it. I love that "Rolling In The Deep" is her single for this album, I like it so much better than "Chasing Pavements". I'm glad you're diggin the album!
I'm obsessed with your hair! It looks so good, this would be my dream hair! It's lovely!
Absolutely love the scarf! x
Absolutely love the scarf! x
I've just seen your blog after Michelle linked to it and I'm so glad she did it's awesome! I love your style and vintage scarves are brilliant, everyone needs at least one in their life ha. Adele is amazing – and what a voice, and what a singing voice too – I love how they couldn't be more different lol! My 21st was last summer and I was at a festival for it during the heatwave and being surrounded by all my friends with the sun setting and an amazing festival line-up was just magic. I think it's always nice to do something different for your 21st! Hope you're having a good weekend x
i've spent more time than i'd like to admit looking through your posts. you are adorable! i lalaLOVE the outfit and hair posts. you're my fashion inspiration : )
How do you get your hair to grow so long and still be in amazing condition! x
i want to actually steal your hair. its gorgeous!
nice scarf too, my hair's mid length (ish) so scarves generally look ridiculous on me at the moment.
Love the blog! x
I lalalalalooove your hair! :)
You're really pretty.
Nice pictures, nice blog, nice zoe.:)
ur hair is so gorgeous girl!!
Ellen Ross
You look amazing!
Hi there, I just came across your blog from Sofia's and I can't believe I've not seen it before. Love it!! I also love vintage scarves as headbands, I saw a great tutorial on a beautiful mess for all the different ways you can wear them. I'm going to spend more time now looking through your other posts :) xx
I love the hair scarf that you're wearing! I've always wanted to try it, but I feel like people would just stare at me like I'm crazy! You are very pretty, by the way :) And for Photoshop CS5, did you buy it? Just curious because I'm thinking about getting it!
love your hairstyle!
eeugh i am obsessed with your hair!!! Do you have any tips on how to get volume with hair that is really fine? I have read your previous posts on how to do your hair but mine is thin and never looks quite the same!
I love your hair what brand of dryer do you use?
Rolf, i know this blog is like in January but i thought id say you are really beautiful and on this pic you look like one of the Olsen twins! Sooo pretty :)xx
Your blog is so pretty ! :D
xo Stacey
fabulous hair!!
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