Unless you’ve been living under a rock throughout summer (which seems to have swiftly departed) then you will know that “Ombre” hair has been a very “in” style. In very basic terms, it’s a look of which it appears your hair has been sunkissed (depending on the strength of the colour) at the ends of your hair. Or that you’re hair has grown out, leaving you with darker roots and lighter tips. It appears that the popular choice of colouring is brown to blonde/caramel, although i have seen people doing ombre with many different colours.
All images taken from Google. How hot does Drew Barrymore look right now?
A few months ago, i became very bored of my current hairstyle. I know a lot of you are always bigging up my long, brunette locks, but when you’ve had the same style for years, it does become a little mundane. I wanted something different, but i didnt know what. For a while i though of chopping it all off Frankie Sandford style, then i decided i would almost definitely miss my long hair. Then i thought of going all over caramel but i wasnt sure if i would suit it. It was then that i discovered “Ombre”. I had saved various different images of celebrities sporting the ombre hairdo, in the hope that maybe, if i was feeling brave enough, i could take along a few photos to the hairdresser (who i was assuming would charge a stupid amount of moolah to essentially put some bleach and tin foil at the ends of my hair) After stumbling upon Lily’s Blog LLYMLRS (which is amazing so go follow her) and finding her post on “How to DIY Ombre”, i thought “This actually doesn’t look all that difficult”.
I pondered on the idea for a few weeks, went out and bought the dye & kept it until i felt brave enough. Saturday night, i thought “eck, why not”, so i mixed the dye and tried out a strand test to see what the colour would be like after 25 minutes. If it was too blonde, it wouldnt have mattered as it was only one piece of hair. After 25 minutes, the colour wasnt really all that different. So, i knew it had to be on for longer.
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I applied the dye all over the ends of my hair, making sure i really covered it all. I also put some on the ends of the hair that was closer to my face, as i wanted it to blend and feather a little more. I left that, for approximately 30 minutes. As there was a lot more dye, i think it worked a little quicker than the strand test. After this time, I washed and dried my hair, only to decide it wasn’t quite as blonde as i’d hoped. It was more a dull gingery strawberry blonde, and i wanted a little more depth. So i then applied a bit more bleach but this time only to the very ends of my hair, i then put tin foil around it. I did this as i was getting ready to go out, and i didnt want bleach flicking everywhere, although i really think it helped the bleaching process along. I left this for another 20 minutes.

And this is the result. I do like it, considering i did it myself, it could have been a lot worse. I’m not planning on keeping it forever, it definitely fullfilled my longing to change my hair & i think it actually looks really nice. I have noticed it has dried out the ends of my hair pretty badly, which were already very dry anyway, unless it’s just making it stand out more haha. Over all though, thumbs up for a bit of Ombre hair.
Pretty sure my friend won’t be too impressed i used this picture, sorry darling! :)♥
ah i love it :) i want to do this so bad! xx
Oh it looks lovely, i wanna do it but im scared it will come out wrong because I dyed my hair red and for about 9 months i have to keep going over the red with brown and it still wont go away :(
REALLY suits you though :)
This looks gorgeous! Really suits you, you carry it off beautifully! xxx
This is so cool! If I ever decide to dye my hair I'll definitely try this method!!! Only problem I have dark brown hair, so I don't know if it will look pretty on me…
Great, great post! Very informative ;)
it looks gorgeous! I really want to do that to my hair but I've just dyed it light brown and with it being dyed and not natural colour it will most probably come out orange me thinks:( xxx
props to you for attempting it!!!!
but just wondering, why did you buy the "highlight" kit?
very pretty and you picked a good shade! im too scared to do this as im trying to grow my hair and don't want to dry out my ends too much :( im sure that deep conditioning will keep them looking great though!
It looks gorgeous, Zoe! :) I wanna ombre now lol xx
pretty! XOXO
Your hair looks so pretty =) I don't dare do this to my hair, i'm such a wuss.
Lilys blog is amazing – such cute style.
This is absolutely gorgeous on you! I'm desperate to do something new with my hair, but trying to grow it so have given up on everything; straighteners, hair dryer, dye, the lot!
Heather-Lou x
omg i love it!
Very cute! I have unintentional ombre hair. I've been letting it grow out over the past year because I missed my natural color. I thought looked bad at first, but I'm glad it's trendy so I can get away with it haha
It looks lovely! I really want to ombre my hair but I've still got a bit of colour underneath from when I dyed it purple a year ago, not sure how it would work!
Great post :) xxx
So pretty, i love it on you x
You look lovely, I really like it, it's very "back from vacation at the beach"!
very nice, I like the way your hair turned out. I'm a dark brunette but the concept of lighter ends is something I may try, not too light, but about two shades lighter.
That looks gorgeous. You are so brave dying your own hair, I am too terrified to try that :p It worked out amazingly though!
Great look! xoxo
Ps; thanks for sharing that blog too, love it so will def follow her now!
Really suits you, gone a lovely colour.
Pop some olive oil on the ends to help the dryness. :)
It looks gorgeous, would definitely have cost a bomb at the salon considering how long your hair is, even for just the ends. And you've pulled it off ;) well done :) x
That looks fantastic on you! I looks like it was done purposely and not just grown out roots so i actually think it looks much better then, say, Drew Barrymore.
looks gorgeous! love it x
Your hair looks lovely as always! Think you did a fantastic job and I am always a big fan of DIY.
OMG! Total love! You did a great, hair looks amazing!
It suits you so well! Especially with the curls in as well (: xx
You did a great job! :) x
It looks beautiful hun and really suits you!!! :) xx
Top middle pic looks amazingggg!
& yours looks good too :)
You did an amazing job and you really suit it! If I dye my hair one more time tho it might just break off! xxx
awh i think its amazing on you!nice job,i would love to do ombre hair but to be honest i cant think of any colour that would be good with my black hairr:(
Looks gorgeous!
I accidentally have ombre hair, and it's kind of working for me!
I love how long your hair is. You did a great job achieving this look!
Wow, it looks amazing. I really want to do this to my hair, but i'm too scared! I've never coloured my hair before.
I lovee your blog by the way :) Been following for a while now :)
what do you use to curl your hair?
I want your super long hair! The color looks good and doesn't seem too complicated.
loooooooooooks amazing
wow it looks stunning on you!<3 i want to try it however i might wait until my hair is a bit longer (:,xx
It looks sooo good! :)
Hair looks great! I think it looks great on Rachel Bilson and Annie from 90210 as well :)
It looks great, a really easy way to get a bit of a change into your hair.
I'm currently growing out my mousy roots against my blonde lengths, going for the same look.
It looks awesome! It's funny i did this to my hair on sunday (well got my cousin to as i was too scared) although i didn't go for quite as bold a look as i wasn't sure how it would turn out. I think i'm going to do it again and put the dye further up my hair this time though.
Your expressions are always cute
Looks soooo amazing on you!! i am absolutely in love with drew barrymore atm!!
I love this! It looks great. I'm going to admit though that I had no idea what Ombre hair was :s
Argh I love this on you! Loving the curls too, you have such fantastic hair!! xo
Looks amazing on you!
very cute!
gorgeousss hair! envious (very much so)! x
I think it looks beautiful… this makes me want to try it out…
wow your hair looks beautiful :)
I just wish my hair was long enough to try this!
Laura x
i really don't like that hairstylr but somehow it looks great on you!
LOVE IT! You look amazing!!! And your locks are to-die-for!
Gorgeous! My hair is kind of doing this on its own- it is blond in so many shades, and the summer lightening is growing out. I really like the look on you.
Also, you look so pretty when you smile. You always do that pucker-face, it's hard to tell what you really look like!
Hi, im a new follower of your blog. just wanted to say that i absolutely love your blog. N i love ombre hair as well!! I just dont know if i have the guts to do it. I've never dyed my hair before..ever. Oh and you are gorgeous btw!
Hi , dear your hair looks great.
Your hair looks amazing. The ombre effect itself looks really natural and it suits you perfectly. I've been reading your blog for a while now and I think you are wonderful at doing your hair!!
Looks beautiful… I want slight ombre hair now! ;)
looks bloody stunnin'!
tempted to have a go myselff.
Love ombre hair and yours looks absolutely gorgeous!
SO pretty! I'm getting really bored with my hair as you were..super tempted to try it out myself! Great post :) xx
Your hair looks amazing!!
Confessions of a Beautyholic
It looks cute. I did mine on my own after my salon-colored highlights had already grown out. I'm considering doing it again as my hair has grown quite a bit already.
This is so beautiful on you, love it! x
Oh it looks great! I think my hair might break if I tried to do it lol…
Wow your hair looks amazing!! I can't believe this was a DIY project! Im jealous :)
Hey! I love your blog and I've given you a Blog Award, check out my blog for details!
holy jesus thats amazing! Wish I wasnt so blonde so i could try it – I just love Drew! :P x
It looks amazing on you:) you just seem to look gorgeous no matter what you do- very jealous!
It's amazing that you did it yourself too. No doubt if i tried something like this, it would just end in a disaster haha.
I <3 your blog Zoe xx
I'm in love with your blog! my new favourite thing to read! :) you insire me to blog more! :))
btw i love the diy project! i wanted to try this look but i'm such a scardy cat when it comes to my hair. lol probably i will do it soon, since i'm getting bored with my new hair already. lol
It looks great! I just need my roots to grow out loads then I will have ombre hair!
Wau, that turned out really GREAT! ;-)
I´m also about to colouring my own hair – yet again! An actually just did my own hairccut! ;0)
I´d like to follow you on your blog, and please feel free to visit mine anytime! ;-D
Hugs from
A Shopaholic is loose
Love your new hair! You did an amazing job!
Thanks for your comment on my blog! Im glad i've kept you entertained :)
I love you hair! So pretty! xo
Loving the curls x
I want exactly the same look!!
you look gorgeous!!!!
I´ll try it!! thanks!
I adore your hair!
I did this last night! It didn't quite work out as gorgeous as yours did, but I like it! Did it fade over time? I'm hoping mine does.
You look very sweet! I like it!
i love the colors you used. it looks great :)
it looks amazing on you! i'm having so much trouble deciding if i should do my hair like this! please, anybody reading this! i need help ahaa, i want hair like zoe's because it looks beautiful on her…can you tell me if you think it will suit my hair, i have pictures on my blog post, http://zoeebailey.blogspot.com/2011/05/messy-mop-of-hair.html thank you!
this post inspired me to go ahead and take the step to diy my own ombre hair. I did not have to wait quite as long with the bleach, but anyway it came out great!! I might be touching it up again, but it looks great on your long hair :)
I just did this but used ThePersianBabe's video tutorial on youtube for help. I could'nt find the exact product you used and I tried quite a few instead like Loreal Feria, none seemed to make any effect on my hair. I then used Schwarzkopf Live Colour XXL which definately did the trick! I wanted mine a lot more dramatic – it's now a mohogany brown at the top and almost platinum blonde at the tips! I've been getting alot of compliments on it have have been teaching my friends with how to do it. Thanks for inspiring me to do this! (Even though my parents were pretty shocked! Haa :) )
Ah i love it ! When my hair is a bit longer, and back to it's natural hair color, i will try this too :) !!
oh my gosh, I followed your tips and i now have lovely ombre hair :) thank you ahaha. :)
gorgeous! i love it. you have inspired me to try it :)
I'd love to do this to my hair as it's quite long now, but i've got blonde hair so i don't know how i could?! It doesn't work to dye the ends darker… Haha oh well :(
i lovee ur hair!! it really looks good on you..=)
Zoe, your hair is lush! i really want to ombre mine now :) ♥
Thanks for this post, I hope that I can visit your blog every day but unfortunately I can't do that. By the way, can you have a review about google +1 effect? I just want to know it better. Thanks again! :)
so jealous! wish i could do this on my hair but i have extensions booo :( ♡ xxxxx
Love this! Thanks a bunch, I did this to my hair! :)
Loveeeeeeee it!
sooo pretty!! i want to do this to my hair.
I wanna try it too!!! but I am afraid it will damage my ends a lot:(
I want to do this with my hair so badly, i've went through the faze of dying it blonde from it being dark brown, but i wanted to do it like this before hand and never went through with it.
does it take it long, and does it ruin your hair?
and if your dying your hair back to brown from the top down should you die it first and then bleach those bottom bits, or do you think that you would be able to just dye the parts you want brown, brown?
BTW! your so damn pretty! xxx
i love love love your hair. i was wondering if you had any tips for blondes going ombre. i recently had my hair dyed in a salon. it's dark blonde with light blonde highlights throughout. since my hair grows back in fast i'm debating on what i should do. since there are few helpful videos on how to achieve the look going from blonde hair, i'm concerned it won't come out how i'd like. the look i'd like is what you have in the first picture, when you got strawberry blonde ends, any tips? they would be so so so much appreciated! thanks~
I love the idea of ombre'ing my hair, although my hair is naturally very very dark brown and I would love blonde ends but I want the colour to be gradual, could you suggest a length i should have my hair to ombre it and have the blended colour ?, I found this very helpful as I was thinking of going to a salon but have found a much cheaper way and also how long does this stay in for ?
Love it! So pretty and really suits you! Thanks for the heads up!
Where can u buy the prodcut?!?! can u buy it at a drug store?? plz respond
I really want to do this but Im afraid if it doesnt look good on me, if I decide to do it I post you a pic of what it looks like ok ;) I love so much your blog & beauty videos, Louise & you always make me smile when I need it :) xo ♥
ah! help, totally tried ombre last night and now have yellow to orange to my dark brown hair. do i re-do the bleach again or should i get this product brass banisher and use that first then re bleach? i know i have to re bleach bc my hair is almost as long as yours in this post but i didnt do nearly enough of it _ so the ombreish part is only six inches which is like six inches from my chin.. please help and thank you for your wonderful advice and tutorial
Love this so much but I would be so scared to try it myself but hey might as well give it a go.
i just did this to my hair 2 days ago and i am about to post about it , im so jel of your blogs succes i posted a cople of days ago ( i did use spell check cant spell haha But noboday has given me any feedback . I watched yours and loo's video and trying to keep that to mind . its so hard waiting though haha … + please another video soon zoe i have watched them all !! love you <3
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I want this too but I'm trying to grow my hair, so I'm afraid it'll dry out the ends and I'll have to cut it off
Doesn't sounds that difficult though, so maybe áfter I went to the hairdresser and my ends are soft again, I can try it
Very pretty and gorgeous! I have wanted to have a hair like that.
Hi Zoe
Thank you for posting how you did your ombré hair yourself, because of your post I decided to try it out as well and it actually came out the way I wanted to! So thank you for encouraging me! =)
Very cute! I have unintentional ombre hair. I've been letting it grow out over the past year because I missed my natural color.
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Aahh Love it ! :)
I have been wanting to ombre my hair and then I saw yours and now I am going to go buy the dye tonight. I'm really glad you made this post because now I know exactly how to do it, so, thank you!
definatley going to ombre now i know what to do with honest opinions! http://claudirella.blogspot.co.uk/
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Your hair is beautiful! I have red hair and have wanted to do some ombre-ing with a different red color. Wonder if it will ever happen!?
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I can't believe you posted this 4 YEARS AGO!!! I guess you went a bit more blonde and I think it suits you so much! :) you are a big inspiration to me and I love your YouTube channel! :) xxx
I just love it too..you look so beautiful..but still you are a brave girl..you tried a new thing that get success eventually..most of the time we just choose wrong hair style..wrong hair color..and need to do colour correction that is soo embarrassing.
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I am Mr Richy Walters who lives in the UNITED STATE OF AMERICA, i want to use this medium to thank Mr Jack Wood who help me with an already hacked ATM machine card and i was as poor without funds so i was browsing one day and i saw somebody testifying how Mr Jack Albert help him from being poor to a rich guy through this already hacked ATM card and today am also testifying on how he helped me. i never believe in it until they send me the card which am using today if you want to confirm from me how help me this is my email address richy.walters@yahoo.com. i want you to work hand in hand with him and you will leave the life of being poor this is his email address magicalatmmachinehackers@gmail.com. contact him now he is ready to supply you any amount of the card you need.
I think it looks great, have you used manic panic before?
It looks great!!
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