One of the items i was given to try out at the Body Shop event was this Vitamin C Facial Radiance Powder (quite the mouthful isn’t it?)
I was excited to try this, as it promises a more even, brighter complexion in just 10 days.
It’s very straight forward to use, simply push down the button on the bottle to release the powder into the mixture, screw on the provided top and use morning and night underneath your moisturiser.
It’s a 10 day serum as after this time period, the mixture is no longer useable, i did notice mine going slightly orange as the days went on.
The first thing I dissliked about this product was the smell. This is purely a personal preference but very artificial orangey-citrus smells make me feel sick, so applying this twice a day for 10 days really was a struggle. Especially if i wasn’t feeling too peachy. *gag*

Did it work?
Hmm…i’d love to be able to tell you i noticed a massive difference in my skin but the reality is i noticed nothing and it broke me out in tiny under the skin spots which made me look all bumpy and hideous. I asked some of the other girls who have also tried out this product to see if it was just a reaction to my skin. Some said the same thing happened to them, and others said they absolutely loved it and it worked a dream. I wasnt aware that my skin was ultra sensitive but maybe it doesn’t like higher dosage’s of vitamin c.
I stopped using this after the reccommended 10 days and instantly the bumps went away.
Weirdly, my skin looked amazing about a week after i’d stopped using it, whether this was because it had a delayed response to the vitamin c, or because i had stopped using it. haha
Either way, one thing i did love about this product was that my previous blemishes and spot scarring reduced at a much faster rate than they normally would.
My boyfriend also used this (i forced him to be my guinea pig) as there was so much product (more like 20 days worth). He liked the smell, he liked that it made him feel more awake in the mornings as it’s quite refreshing but it did nothing to his skin. Although he had no under the skin bumps which goes to show it reacts differently to different people.
Overall, i was pretty dissapointed it did nothing but make me all bumpy, this is obviously just my reaction to it though, as others have had fab results. Im jealous.
Have you tried a powder mix before?
Hmm, usually these types of product suck me in because they sound so promising…too bad this doesn't work as well as you thought it would! I might try it because my skin is not so sensitive. Thanks for the review! :)
-Chic Geek
Ooh it looks interesting, I might give it a go :) xx
argh i hate having ultra sensitive skin too – i break out to pretty much anything.. darling your skin is gorgeous anyway xxx
body shop face products are really sketchy for me. I have their makeup removover and my face broke up right after I used it. I never bought body shop face products after that, but I do love their body products :) Great review hun
never tried this, kinda wish the results were better, sounds like it could be a great product! I always break out so I'm too scared to try this
vitamin c products have ascorbic acid in them. you have to use them straight away or the acid may oxidize leaving a yellowish tinge behind. This is because, rather than being beneficial, using oxidized serum may actually cause more harm than benefit.
maybe thats why i didnt work so well on you because i have read a couple of reviews on this new products and they're all positive
No, i dont think that was it, It only started oxidising after about the 11th day, by which time i wasnt even using it anymore.
I did like the vitamin c scrub though, that is fine on my skin
oh..then i guess it varies with skin type…
I normally Love the Body Shop Items but i have ultra sensitive skin… i may hold back on trying this product myself
Hmmm… products like this, to me, seem quite gimicky and never really work… Radiant skin is attainable but I think it comes from eating well and getting enough exercise :-)
I love reading your blog :), I bought the vitamin c skin reviver quite a long time ago (old packaging) and began trying it the other week. Initially it made my skin feel very smooth for make up application but then i noticed small under the skin bumps on my face! My skin never usually reacts too badly to products. I never clicked that it could be the vitamin c in this product, thanks for posting about it.
i love most of the body shop products and wanted to get this, thank god i read this so i never wasted my money!
Oh! god thanks for this review. My skin is very sensitive. One of my friend suggest me to use it and I decided to purchase it. Thanks for your suggestion. I will never use it.
Reading this review some of my friends who are wants to do facials in Ruislip will change their decision.
Wow!! I glad to know about this product,I think this product is very helpful for my Sensitive skin.Thanks for this review.