
I’m so sorry i haven’t blogged much lately. I have been a little uninspired recently & have also been helping my dad out most days at his job :)

So, as most of you will have probably already seen, there was a beauty blogger event in London yesterday for The Body Shop.
I was lucky enough to be invited along with around 30 more gorgeous girlies.
The day started off with me meeting Holly (Hollymae20) & Sophie (Beautymarked19) & we then headed over to Selfridges for a bit of retail therapy before the event started.
I will blog about what i bought in a seperate post. :)
In selfridges we met with more gorgeous girlies and we wandered around for a bit.
The event was in a bar/restaurant called “Sketch
It was amazing inside. I was like a child at the zoo. haha
The toilets..as you will see…were absolutely amaaaazing. Never before have i been so excited to use the toilets in a public place.
If you haven’t ever been to Sketch, i highly reccommend you do. I’d love to go back with some friends and have some drinky poo’s there.

When we went inside we were greeted with champagne, cute scones, cakes, cucumber sandwiches and fruit.
The set up was sooo cute, and alot of the girlies were oggling at the waiters.
Ryan Phillipe (lookalike) in particular ;)
At the beginning of the event, we were talked through the new products, including the hand cream which is in aid of EPCAT, who are actively working to stop child trafficking & sexual exploitation of children & young people around the UK.
We were also shown (and demonstrated by Chase Ashton on the adorable Laura) the new makeup range for Autumn.
After that we were divided into two groups.
Both groups in turn got to take a trip to The Body Shop shop, and get a sample of anything you wanted and have a look around. After that, we went back and had a talk through the new perfume (which i’d recieved a sample of through the post & absolutely loved) and so we found out all about how they made it, what was in it, the ideas behind the name & we saw an advert that was put together, which was so cute :)

After the event, A majority of the girls went for something to eat, although a few of us (Holly, Sophie & Gemma) weren’t hungry so we went to do a bit more shopping
(stopping off at the apple store before – if you haven’t seen the video of us on youtube yet…please do. haha It’s on Gemma’s channel)
before heading to a bar/club for some cocktails & a plate of tasty nachos just before heading home at 8pm.
I SO nearly missed my train. The man shut the door behind me, and blew his whistle.
I had to stand almost the whole way home…the train was absolutely packed.

The event was so well thought out and the venue was utterly amazing, but it definitely wouldnt have been any of that if all the girlies weren’t there. Everyone is SO lovely & you truely just get along like you’ve known eachother for years. I really wish these events were over a few days as you just dont get the chance to speak properly with everyone, and i always feel so guilty afterwards thinking of people i didnt speak to properly.
The time just goes far too quickly, think it’s because we’re having so much fun :)
I seriously laughed so much.
Thankyou all for a fab day.

Here are some photo’s of the day…
[Dont forget to enlarge for close up]

[This photo is courtesy of the lovely Natalie Kitcher – one of the organiser’s of the event. She did a fab job of organising everyone & making the day a success. To see more of the photo’s she took of the event, click HERE]

Yes guys…There are decorations in Selfridges already!

Gemma’s cupcake got squished :(

The Goody Bag Contents

Prior to the event, we all filled in a questionnaire to determine what skin type we were. I have combination skin at the moment, so my results came up with the seaweed range. Everyone had their skintype products in their goodybag. :)
I used some of these today and i am really loving the results so far.

These are GORGEOUS. So pigmented. I skipped on “Natural Flare” mineralized shadow from the colour craft collection in Mac and the shadow in bottom right really reminded me of it, It’s so pretty :)

11 Lipsticks! And i love and would wear every single colour. The formulation is quite sheer, but easily buildable.

These eyepencils are so creamy and pigmented. I cannot wait to use these, my favourites so far are the purple & silvery blue.

Eeeee, I’m so excited to try it all out. So far i can say im loving everything i’ve tried.
Especially the perfume, it’s gorgeous.
I shall be doing full reviews on everything you see here after i have tested them further :)
and i shall be doing some FOTD’s too.

If you’re wanting to try/test out anything from the Body Shop, there’s a promotion on the website from now until the 28th September, where if you pop anything from the new Autumn collection into your online basket, you will recieve 10% off your whole order.
Type in: FACEOFF10 at the checkout

What a long post, haha, sorry if you got bored. I hope you didnt.
It was really so much fun, and i can’t wait until the next few events ;)

  1. Laura

    Yay for TBS :) Love this post Zo, you're amazing :) I wish I'd seen the egg toilets! xxx

  2. Aww Zo I wish I got to spend more time with you missy!

  3. Awww looks like you had an amazing time! DAMN SWINE FLU I can't believe I missed it! Your all so gorgeous! xxx

  4. eee i'm so jealous of your goodybag! the seaweed mattifying lotion is amazing! :) i'm in love with it, i use it everyday! xx

  5. you girls are so cute! Sketch and the event looked amazing (especially the bathroom haha) :)

  6. O: Look at all those goodies, im green with jealousy. You looked GAWJUSS as always (:

  7. Anonymous

    hey there :)
    sorry Im under anonymous but I dont have a acount yet and didn't know what to put myself under :S so sorry but I just want to say I love your blog and you are very pretty and really good at makeup :) what camera did you use here? Im looking for a new one and this one looks really good :) xxxxxxxx

  8. Catanya

    wow!!! The pics are amazing!! I would have loved to meet you all!!

  9. Caz

    haha looks like you had a great time!
    cant believe there are already christmas things out!

  10. Cyndi

    thanks for sharing with us. =) what nail polish are you wearing on your nails? where did you get your gorgeous handbag? you look gorgeous as always!

  11. Izzy

    I saw that video & was like .. whos that girll ^o) ?! and then i was like omgg it's zoee! haha. looks like a great event :) xxx

  12. Lana

    Your top is gorgeous! I absolutely have to have it.. even if that means flying to London lol

  13. k.

    Looks like a ton of fun – especially Sketch!
    AND the MAC store, mmmmm…!

    xox, K

  14. katEE~

    omgosh, you looked so beautiful! What eyemakeup were you wearing?

  15. Looks like you had lots of fun!

    Also, you look amazing; what lipstick and blush are you wearing?

  16. Faye

    the TOILETS!!!?


    Looks like you had a lot of fun :)
    And your top is lovely where is it from kiddo?

  17. Briony

    Looks like you had a fab time! *jealous*


  18. Daisy

    Yay for the event! It was so much fun. Wish I'd got to speak to you more but it was all a bit mad! I loved the egg toilets- having them speak to me and saying 'yakshemash' was so random and I loved it! x

  19. Dila

    What a great post I enjoyed every minute that I read.. :) xx

  20. Looks like so much fun! Love the toilets :)

    Can't wait to hear what you think of all the body shop products xx

  21. Alice

    Looks an amazing day :)

  22. wow those toilets were impressive!

  23. Zoella.

    @Anonymous – It's the Panasonice Lumix TZ7 :)Thankyouu xxx

    @Cyndi – I'm wearing "Mod about you" by OPI & the handbag is a "Ferragamo" and i dont remember where it came from im affraid :( xxx

    @Kate – Im wearing Style Snob by Mac on my eyes with smut in the crease xxx

    @Daisy – I know was lovely speaking to you briefly! :) Haha i did love that softly spoken german lady. just what you need when having a tinkle! xxx

    @Faye – My mummy bought it for me ages ago, and it doesnt have a label, thats a big load of help lol sorry xxx

    @michelleclarissa – Which photo are you referring to? Because i cant remember which lipstick i had on, i was switching between two :)

  24. You and all the girls looked so beautiful! So jealous of the goodies y'all recieved! :) xx

  25. Chrissy

    Wow, this looks like you had lots of fun at the event. You girls look gorgeous. And you are right – the toilets are amazing *lol*. Also the goodie bag is to die for. TBS seems to be very generous. You are one lucky girl!

  26. lola

    you guys all look so pretty…looks like you had a really good time…xoxo

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  31. Minahil Zahid

    Love all the makeup

  32. David Taylor

    I love the body shop