(source Google)

Hello everyone! So sorry I’ve not been around very much recently. I’ve been really unwell for the past week, although i’m now on antibiotics so will hopefully be right as rain in no time. As I’ve hardly left the house (except to visit the doctors), I fear I may start to go a little crazy. I thought I would list some things that have really cheered me up this week, so that if you are feeling down, or unwell, you may also find comfort in some of them, or maybe one or two might put a smile on your face!

The above images! How adorable is that little pug, I just want to squish him. You may also know how much I adore guinea pigs, so the picture above was a nice reflection of what I have been doing for 7 days! (minus the hay)

I made a naughty Mac online purchase. The new collection is so beautiful I just couldn’t resist. It was a little treat to myself. I’ll be sure to show you once Postman Pat delivers it (my postman is not actually called Pat, just for the reference).

THIS video by JoeyGraceffa and the beautiful Tanya Burr also put a smile on my face. It makes me want to get up, sandwich myself in between them and bop along! 
Reaching over 151,000 subscribers on YouTube. That is MADNESS and most certainly put a smile on my face!

Pinterest has also been a nice distraction. You can add me if you like, I mostly just repin cute animals, quotes and delicious looking food. 

“Oh Mr Penguin, you are TOO funny”

My dads homemade pie. Last night my dad made me the most delicious pie i’ve ever eaten! Just what I needed to make me feel more human. 

 Supportive chums. My friends have been super lovely and made sure i’ve been feeling okay this week. You know who you are! :) 

Now, as LAME as this may sound, I have been thoroughly enjoying my “Videos with Louise” playlist on YouTube. As you may, or may not know, you can create playlists on your youtube channels, and so EVERY single video that Louise and I have ever filmed together (that’s my channel and hers), I have compiled into one long playlist. This was obviously not for my benefit, but mostly just subscribers who like to watch our joint videos, but I have been re-watching them and they have really cheered me up. If you would like to watch 7 hours, 26 minutes and 55 seconds (!) of pure “Louella” then hop on over haha

Baths. I have been having more baths than normal, as my temperature has been a bit all over the place, so it’s nice to just relax in a nice deep bubble bath!

No makeup skin. I’ve not worn ANY makeup for a week now, and so my skin is really thanking me for it and it looks clearer than it’s looked in a long while. I also think my new skincare addition may have something to do with this. ;) (all will be revealed). 

Keeping up with the Kardashians. I do love me a bit of cheesy TV, and i’ve been watching all the episodes (old and new) of this disgustingly gorgeous family. They make me chuckle, and it’s easy (and addictive) to watch. 


I’ll leave you with this quote, which has pretty much summed up my week. I’ve been wearing nothing but Pj’s and comfy clothes, and I don’t care! It will be a slight shock to the system when I have to wake up and choose ACTUAL clothing to wear. I’ve forgotten how to look nice to be honest. haha. Hope you’re all having a better week than me and if not, I hope this has cheered you up somewhat! 

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  1. Bethan

    Hope you feel better soon! That puppy is so cute, haha :)
    I love watching Joey Graceffa's videos he always puts a smile on my face! xx

  2. Hope you feel better soon Zoe! :D xxx

  3. ahhh, i'm feeling a bit under the weather at the moment too; i may just have to sit and watch a couple of hours of louella to cheer myself up ;)xo

  4. hope you get well soon. their is nothing worser than being ill :/
    but it's good to hear that little things in life cheered you up!

    xoxo FlirtingwithFashion

  5. Aww, I hope you feel better soon! I am craving a duvet day, hoping to do a lot of lazing this weekend as the weather is so rubbish. x

  6. I hope you're feeling better soon, your list of things you do to make yourself feel better is so cute! :) x

  7. Marta

    You are so wonderful and I like these little bit more personal posts. I think you should do something similar every month or so, like an update. Hope you'll get better soon :) xx

  8. ugne.k

    get well soon! xx

  9. I see you've been loving Joey's videos a lot this week haha I love him too :)
    Get well soon lovely! :)

  10. Aw noes :( Feel better soon, Zoe! I've woken up a bit sick so I feel you. I'm gonna watch some Louella videos now! Drink lots of tea and have your boyfriend pamper you! <3

  11. Emma

    Aww I hope you feel better soon! I absolutely love that video of Joey and Tanya too! Ahh you're making me feel like having a (Lush) bath.. in need of one! xx


  12. Hev

    Hope you feel better soon! I've been really poorly lately so I've been taking the time spent lounging about to catch up with YouTube subscriptions and TV series. Can't wait to feel a bit more human, though! xx

  13. Noush

    I hope you feel better soon !!!

  14. Sadie

    Aw I hope you feel better soon :) I've been ill all week too and have done lots of similar things to cheer me up. I love Joey Graceffa, he never fails to make me laugh :) xx

  15. I hope you feel well soon Zoe!! I urge anyone who needs a pick me up to watch yourself and Louise on YouTube! You make the perfect duo!! Xx.

  16. Feel better soon! Louella vids are definitely great for cheering up :D

  17. Cate

    Awh get better soon! I've been sorta the same, still in my PJs now.. Its the best way to be!

  18. Jen

    Aww lovely post. Hope you feel better soon :) xx


  19. *M*

    Feel better! Good for you for taking time to recover and relaxing:) Take care!

  20. Tori

    Hope you feel better soon! Xxx

  21. aww I hope you feel better soon! and who doesnt love to indulge in a bit of the kardashians, my fave show by far:D


  22. Becky

    aww I hope you feel better soon! I love to watch keeping up with the kardashians too :) x

  23. Those are some great things to cheer you up! Let us know how you like the new MAC collection. . . I was thinking of getting some things from it myself.
    Get well soon!!! :D

  24. Hope you feel better soon Zoe! Love this bloqpost, the pictures are so cute :)

    youtube; alexveaney
    tumblr; alexveaney.tumblr.com


  25. Awh Zoe, hope you feel better soon! This blogpost made me smile, the pictures are too cute!

    youtube; alexveaney
    tumblr; alexveaney.tumblr.com


  26. Hope you feel better soon! The new M.A.C. collection really is lovely and a great pick me up :)


  27. Ina

    LOVE the pictures and the last quote is so funny!! It is so totally me haha :)
    I wouldn't normally post my blog links here, but maybe you can read my post from yesterday: http://chimewithstyle.blogspot.nl/2012/07/my-must-take-afternoon-vitamin-c-boost.html.

    I am a bit of a health nut, and I studied health psychology and learned a few things about healthy vitamins and diets and all. I could go on and on about it. Hope you also eat some yoghurt with probiotics since antibiotics kill the good bacteria in your gut and can make you get new symptoms. Just my advice, do not want to push it on you or whatever :) Hope you get well soon!!

  28. Kerry

    Was it a sore throat? But like one of those sore throats that are explainabley bad? I had that last month and I've never been that ill in my life. I blogged about it too, lol. :P

    I hope you feel better soon. This blog post cheered me up btw. :]


  29. Joy

    Feel better! Thanks for sharing your pics and I love the quote!


  30. adorable photos!

    wow you must be so proud of your subscribers!!

    hope you feel better soon :)

  31. Hope you're feeling better soon! <3

  32. Oooh, get better soon Zoe :) It's horrible being ill and not even being able to get out. Chin up x

  33. Zoe

    ohhh get better soon :) saw the cutest range of guinea pig cards in paper chase today. hope you get better soon :) xx

  34. I'm sick as well! My mom always says to drink lots of fluids. Hope you feel better :)

  35. Hope you are feeling better. I have been under the weather as of late too. In fact my cold started to emerge half way through my holiday in Italy! My boyfriend has caught it too, so he's coming down this weekend and we are going to look after each other :P
    Get well soon!
    – Keyta x

  36. Aw, this is such a lovely post! Hope you feel better soon!! Xx

  37. Hope you feel better soon lovely post :)

  38. Beth

    Sorry to hear you're ill. Get better soon!


  39. get well soon zoe!! :) x

  40. emma

    Get well soon! x

  41. Ahh hope you get well soon and feel better. I also go through your playlist of the videos of you and Louise together, they cheer me up! I hope the weather cheers up soon xx Love you :)

  42. Haha that last picture, story of my life! aww get well soon, at least youre not missing out on any nice weather (i think, its been raining all day in Manchester!) Xx

  43. Hope you feel better soon!

  44. I hope your feeling better soon, that pug really is adorable !
    I've been watching Keeping up with the Kardashians a lot too lately, it is rather addictive all their personalities are infectious.

  45. Get well soon Zoe.

    B xxx

  46. feel better soon!! being cooped up in bed in this muggy heat and rainy weather must be no fun!!! Its good you are looking at the positives and EXCITED for your new skin care regime!!

  47. Julie

    I hope you feel better soon, Zoe :) I looooove your blog :)

  48. Such a cute post, loved it! I would love if you took a peek at mine :)

  49. Lovely post!! Get well soon :)



  50. hope u get better lovely x

  51. Kar*

    I hope you feel better now :)

  52. Hope you get better!!!

  53. An-An

    The photos are absolutely adorable! hope you get better Zoe :)


  54. Hey Zoe, I hope you're feeling better! I've been under the weather for a few weeks myself, it's tough! But family aka my sister has made being ill a little easier.


  55. My postman's name is Pat! He's lovely and always brings my packages to the door (unlike others who dump them) and leaves them hidden away if I'm not in.


  56. Awww hope you get better soon zoe!! Ive been missing your youtube videos and blog posts haha, and the pug is sooooo cute!!! And ive been laughing so hard at all your videos with louise! Get better soon were all missing youuu xxxx

  57. Hope you're feeling much better asap! Lovely photos and I just love the last quote :} X

  58. Hi Zoe,
    Sorry to here your under the weather, I've not been too well either :( so these wee pictures cheered me up (very cute) put a smile on my face when i feel abit rank ha! Love you and Sprinkleofglitter! Always make me smile!
    Get better soon!
    <3 Judith – judithallthingsbeauty.blogspot.com

  59. i watched your video on blogging tips and it has really helped me start my blog! your youtube videos with sprinkle of glitter make my day!!!! love you….not in a creepy way at all! : )

  60. i enjoy reading though your blog post's and watching your "louella" video's so much hope you dont feel to crappy for too long, get well soon pretty!


  61. hahah love the pictures! so good :)

  62. Such a cute pug!! I want one! Hope you feel better soon. Love that quote!
    Lianne :-)


  63. I hope you feel better soon. looks like you have lots of things to cheer you up :)and that pug is the cutest thing ever! hope your ok :) x

  64. Congrats on that mahoosive number of subscribers! feel better soon and i look forward to your new videos! Also those pictures really made my day :) x

  65. Amz

    I love the pictures on this post they are so cute. x
    Relax and get well soon x I love your blog and will look forward to reading a new post when you are well again. I love your blog x

  66. I'm glad you feel better now! Yesterday i was in blog TV watching you! I'm from Barcelona!
    Thanks for cheering up my day!

  67. Hope your getting better<3 I might be a bit late by now but I have just come along to your blog from Louise's!!:) those photos are ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! never seen anything cuter! Accept me Cat:D
    Please could you check my blog out if you'd like to??! :


    It will make my day:)
    Thank you!<3

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  69. I want to to thank you for this good read!! I certainly enjoyed every little bit of it. I have got you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post. find Pattaya Business Listings

  70. Zoe! You said you had 151,000 subscribers on youtube, this is less than a year ago now and you're on over a million! Ca-razay! x

  71. Mia

    Your subscribers will continue to grow, Zoe!
    We love you!!! xx


  72. Big thanks to you for sharing such great information. life & style

  73. Niomi

    Three years have gone by, but this blog post always manages to cheer me up and make me laugh at my PJ-filed week. Thanks Zoe, you have grown so much and I love everything you’ve done :)

  74. David Taylor

    Reading this blog post in 2018!!!