As some of you will know, it was my birthday on saturday (yay)

This was my birthday box from my boyf…sweeties, creme eggs, mini eggs (i’m obsessed with these, he got me 4 bags) & lots of LUSH goodies buried in there.

Inside the goody box..

Top left to right:

  • Pop In The Bath bubble bar (one of my fave scents)
  • Ultrabland cleanser
  • Imperialis moisturiser
  • Breath of Fresh Air toner
  • Heavanilli massage bar & tin
  • Each Peach & twos a pear massage bar & tin
  • The Soft Touch body butter & tin

Bottom from left to right:

  • Fluffy Egg Bath Balistic
  • Chox away soap
  • Bohemian soap
  • Hunny Bun Bath Balistic
  • Choccy Egg Bath Balistic
  • Magic Egg Bath Balistic
  • Free MMM Bath Melt

I also went into Space NK & House of Fraser to spend some birthday money…

Left to Right:
  • Ondine E/S
  • Amarcord Cream E/S
  • Laguna Bronzer

Chanel Pro Lumiere. I’d heard good things about this foundation and it has been on my wishlist for a while, so i thought since i had a bit of birthday money i would treat myself.
My lovely boyfriend also surprised me with these flowers and whilst i was at work he came back to my house and tidied up my room…was a nice surprise when i got in :)

My Mummy has booked me in for a MAC makeover aswell, with some money to spend in Mac. I’m exCITEDD.

I had a loverlllyy birthday. :)

Let me know if you want any reviews peoples.

  1. Happy bday for saturday! I love those mini eggs as well. the package looks divine!!! Sweets and bath goodies – just what a girl needs :)

  2. aww happy bday girly! how old did you turn?

  3. Happy birthday!! Love the goody box, very thoughtful of your bf!

  4. Meya

    happy late b’day =]]

  5. Olivia

    Aww your boyfriend is so sweet :).
    OO can we have a review on the Heavanilli massage bar & tin please. oo how old are you now?

  6. Im 19 now! one year left of being a teen! :O

  7. MAi .

    happy belated birthday! that was sucha sweet package!:D

  8. Happy (belated) Birthday girlie!! Omg you hit the jackpot! So many goodies!! Your boyfriend is such a sweetie! =] Take pics after your makeover for us! =]

  9. happy belated b-day! You got alot of good stuff in there! lucky you!!

  10. denise

    happy birthday gurly….ur bf is so sweet!

  11. Laura

    Happy Belated Birthday, what lovely goodies, and how sweet of your boyf!

    Can’t wait to see pics from the MAC makeover, I would love to have one done :)

    x x x

  12. Happy B-day!! you have such a wonderful bf!! hope you had a nice one sounds like you did! ;3

  13. Happy Birthday! Nice gifts, lucky girl. Hope you like the Pro lumiere foundation, I couldn’t live without mine. Those sweets are making me crave chocolate….hmmm

  14. Laura

    awwe, how sweet !
    happy belated birthday :D

  15. Awww, Happy belated bithday!
    What a lovely boyfriend you got there, you deff. spoilt you to bits :)

    Oh and if possible, could you do a review on the foundation? x

  16. omg what a great birthday! You have to do a review on that foundation…I've been wanting it as well…OOoooo and all those NARS goodies ♥ ! :D Happy Birthday!!!

  17. please review the NARS eyeshadow in Ondine please it looks gorgeous! :)

  18. happy birthday. it looks absolutely splendid. all that new make up too!

  19. The chanel foundation looks great, I’ve wanted the mat lumiere for awhile, The pro one looks good aswell! hope you had a good birthday btw!:)

  20. happy belated bday :) amazing pressies :D

  21. how thoughtful :)

  22. chau

    happy belated birthday! you got a really sweet bf! and an awsome mommy! :)

  23. emily

    aww!! i know everyone has probably told you this a million times already, but happy birthday!!

  24. Happy belated birthday :)

  25. Sweet gifts! Happy Belated Birthday!

  26. That was such a sweet and creative gift from your man!
    Happy bday babe :)

  27. Hi,

    I was just reading this. Out of curiosity did you get the Nars stuff from a shop or oreder it online?

    Ive been badly needing to get a few things, but the P&P is outrageous. So if you got it from a shop can you please tell me which one.


  28. katya

    yes,pro lumiere is bad but I love love Vita Lumiere for my dry worked great in the's very soft and flexible (doesnt cake),yet buildable and covers,plus leaves a nice glow :)

  29. Wow, you're soooo lucky to have a boyf that buys you the perfect gifts such as those hehe xoxo

  30. Hezzy

    Hey, we have the same b-days! =) I love your blog and i go on it everyday to see new posts, keep up the good work! Only 36 more days to go! (i think :P)

  31. your boyfriend sounds like the nicest guy!!!! my boyfriend wouldnt drop me flowers round and tidy my room. or get me a fish tank! i need to start laying down some hints haha! x

  32. what is your bf's name????

  33. My friend mentioned to me your blog, so I thought I’d read it for myself. Very interesting insights, will be back for more! gifts for him